Py »- PL U>Pt4UJ HiW 4111.1 !LP>fcSP41. rtMUR\ », M Life today 'Items off interest' VOCALIST FCATUKED Al one o'clock Wednesday to 3 afternoon. Feb. 27, the all members and to He ftwmiwfn oy fOfiHM Robin Enrin. Hoto's Pram lliS Surprised on birthday Aho Gamks of Mdhny was pleasaal)y recent!̂ when It of her i and eartptaps* trends armed * her borne to congratulate her of bee BOLD ITALIAN FEST Tile Pbrisfa Omrii of tbe Kimt Catbobc Cknct the ffcuwfc baH with meat balls. homemad lOTMDIMMEXIMMX a A«nbbton fc:W> Al Ibm tftui--ilia a w«r <rf wm I jer pnsn mitt tat dtanr.. AS} mndwi Invite all area seniors to join McHenry group Tie > «i|iim>m was bora FAS,m«iBHti(tta9e SBMted to Sfcttw; from Bar- tdmdL. ML. to Brt&aad bad wurbed <m a torn aJft of her He. Jtirs. Gaunrefts bas four Mrm. Mrs. Ed (Jalia) AmamiaMfiltitoba«dl Wtoas«e> of NfeStarcy, Waflwr of Wnmkt Hate. tote Otartw CTfclm) QHUnitx <*f WiMxfefcAdt Stor ij$ a mniiibH of the etaurofc; <>£ St. Mac? of tbe Assumjjtomr. Mrfflfetwy,, ani tbe QridflMb Mfrttbws Sittoilg. ANNA GARRELT8 P.L.A.V. enrolls three The first fupan far tbe in At this meeting, be invited to JENNIFER BONK AND SCOTT SANDERSON Engaged V r *4 aid Phyllis Mattbesans, 32M N . annoiKf tbe n^ramt «f tbcir daa F. Sanderson, soa «f Dr. and Mrs. Jobn Tbe coapte gradnated from Mfddiig -is Lynn, to Scott DL A May IS 19/5 win be a trip to Ireland by way of color slides. Tbe precaution wEB be made by ViDim Grogg. Jr., on the big screen, at 7.30 pjn. Monday, Feb. S, to East Campns high school. B was to 19S3 that Grogg spent iffjlim tim» tmiring IffpianH and taking many color slides that he wiD talk about. This to is a make the meetings for all. Also welcome to cake for a special Mend who is baring a birthday or niversary. Community calendar FEBRUARY 21 U.M W Gen Mtg. 7:30 p.m.-First United Churcb- Kveoing Circle Hostesses. Rules of the Road Review Course--9a.m. to Noon-McH. City HaD- Info Call Jim Jansen 385-7475. FEBRUARY 23 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart R(L-Practice Shoot 1 p.m- F*uMic Welcome. German Carnival Night-German Band k Food-6:30 pjn.- Laherty HaD P L A V -1304 Park St, McH.-Ptd>lic Invited. FEBRUARY 24 McH. Sportsmen's CUib-Weingart Rd.-Meat Shoot it Games 10 a ro -Public Welcome. Potash Leg. of Amer. Vets-Liberty Post 188 k Chap. 188-Mtg. 2 pro -Post Home-1304 Park St, McH. piugum is 30 minutes in length and has been weD accepted by njtifr senior fiHwrnt rhihs and groins. AH McHenry area citnens 50 years old and older are urged to come and enjoy the friendship of the dob. This is a fun group, comprised of many fine, out standing citizens. AanMfctogofi IHl PLAY was Ml recently at Liberty Hal and ttferee new were enrolled They Karma Baanraynsfc. Kant̂ i Brymarsfta and Aon Obara. R was reported Hbat a group of members visited the North Chicago Veterans' Hospital in Wankegan, HL Games were a _ - * . * . * » AA - -*• played witn won js veterans, cash prizes were awarded, and refreshments were served. Those attending were Ursula Stetz, vice- Sally Bujak, Helen Stnebel and post member Jerry Szwebel. The next visit to the hospital will be Tuesday, April 9; and members were asked to sign for that trip. The next meeting wQl be held Feb. 24. at 2 p.m., at the post home. 1304 Park St., McHenry. Births r h t BRL VRY 25 ' Sr Crtz Club-Mtg 7 p.m.-East Campus Hi School, s Ctub-Bd £ McH. Woman's Mtg. 10 am-McH. Public library. \ EBRUARY 24 McH. Garden Chib-Mtg. 1 p.m.-McH. Public library-Luncheon Optional. FEBRUARY 27 Whispering Oaks Woman's Chib-Mtg. 1 p.m. W O.T.M Reg. Mtg. 8 p.m.-At New ~ Mary Martha Circle-Mtg. 1 p.m.-Faith Church. F EBRUARY 28 Kules of the Road Review Course-^ a.m. to Noon-McH. City Han- Info Call Jim Jansen 385-7475/ MARCH 1-3 Trade Fair 85-Parkland School-Fri 5-9 p.m.-Sat. 10 a.m.-9 ; in -Sun. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. >1 ARCH 2 .McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m - Public Welcome. MARCH 4 McH. Gr Lutheran C .-Shepherd Elephant ! of the Hills Sale Item. MARCH 7 McH Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Mtg. 8 p.m. MARCH 9 McH Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd-Practice Shoot 1 p.m- Public Welcome. Wedding Policy nw MeMmwf Ptamde^er HeraU «w» print weddings in their entirety up to one month alter the ceremony. However we know many couples do not receive their madding photos wtfii one month after the ceremony. The bride may bring in a completed wedding write-up. without the photo. It wiH be dated and held una a photo becomes available. In this way, the newiyw'eds do not have to depend on a photographer to determine the length of their wedding write-up that is pubtshed in the newspaper From one to two months after the occasion, aH gown descriptions and recep tions assistants' names wHI be omitted. After two months, weddings will be shortened to names, date, site attendants and officiating person at the ceremony, parents' names, couple's education and where they will reside. This information vriM be printed without photo. • Once submitted within these deadlines, we take responsibility for publication. The most efficient means of handling the information is to pick up a wedding form at the McHenry Plaindeaier Herald office. Flowers and gown descriptions can then be inserted as preparations are completed. Forms should be typed or printed legibly. Couples may also write their own ac coypta-vsttg the information we seek, jubject to edMpgfQt $tylf. The UcMenry Ptalndealer Herald will only accept responsibility for black and white photos. However we will accept color photos which are-sharply focused a n d w h e r e t h e c o u p l e s t a n d o u t f r o m t h e b a c k g r o u n d . . I , • • ' We encourage couples to pick up their photos as soon as they are published in the newspaper, or provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope for their return. Salon 483 to hear speaker dinner at the Timbers Restaurant in Woodstock, Sunday, Feb. 24. Ethel Pierce of Alden is Le Petit Chapeau of the salon. The Eight and Forty is a subsidiary organization of the American Legion Auxiliary with service concerned with the prevention and control of tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis, lung and other respiratory diseases in children. To be eligible for membership in the Eight and Forty, a partner must have been a very active member of tbe American Legion Auxiliary. Le Chapeau Norma's special NORMA WILLIAMS Mrs. Norma Williams of Mattoon, m, Le Chapeau of the Departmental dUlinois, Flight and Forty, will be the guest of McHenry County Salon 483, at a proiect this year will be a bed dedication at the National Jewish Hospital-National Asth matic Center, Denver, Co., in honor of Laura Houser, Le Chapeau Departmental STILLER Christopher and LuAnn Stiller, 4113 W. Lillian St, McHenry, became parents of their second daughter Jan. 9. Stephanie Lynne was born in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington, weighing 6 lbs. 5% OK. She was greeted at home by her four-year-old sister Jacqueline. Joan Dreyer of McHenry is the maternal grandmother. Paternal grand parents are Roger and Mary Stiller of New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Amy and Louis Gertenrich of Chicago are the girls' great- grandparents. STALEY ) A baby boy was born Jan. 24 to \ Joyce and David Staley of I McHenry. Matthew Edwin was | born in Good Shepherd Hospital, : Barrington, and weighed 7 lbs. 9 | oz. Maternal grandparents are I Mr. and Mrs. Louis Aisenbrey of Dakota, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Staley of Zelienople, Pa. are the paternal grandparents. Great-grandmothers are Mrs. Mn»A» Kampmeier of 111. and Mrs. Louisa of Menno, S.D. ROSSMAN Steve and Joy Rossman of McHenry announce the birth of their first child on Jan. 24. Steven Lee n was born in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock weighing 8 lbs. 2 oz. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ted Spengel of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Rossman of Crystal Lake are the paternal grandparents. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rossman, all of Crystal Lake. SHEA A baby girl was born Jan. 25 to John and Terri Shea, 3608 Middle Street, McHenry, and they named her Erin Elizabeth. The 6 lbs. 10 oz. infant eolered the world in Northern nHwnk Medical Center, McHenry. She has two brothers, Brian, age six and Kevin, 22 months. Maternal grandparents are Richard and Am Radtke of McHenry. Vn- cent and Violet Shea of Wauconda, HI. are the paternal grandparents. Great- grandparents are Mrs. Ruth E. Radtke of Granville, QL, for merly of McHenry; and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eggenrecht of Chicago. PENDER Sarah Dawn is the name chosen by Brian and Nancy Pender, 3703~James, McHenry, for their first child. Hie 6 lbs. 14% oz. baby girl entered the world Jan. 28, in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eppel of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pender, also of McHenry, are the paternal grandparents. Great- grandparents are Ray Zabel of Mountain Home, Ark. and Mrs. Ruth Pender of Albuquerque, N.M. HAKA Philip and Charlotte H«h> 2702 S. Riverside Dr., McHenry, became parents of their first child Jan. 29 and named tam Steven Spencer. The 9 lbs. 11 oz. baby boy entered the world in Northern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry. Maternal are Ray and Irja of Chicago. Vernon and Florence Hanson of Des Plaines, 01. are the paternal grand parents. Mrs. Clara Swisegood of Escondino, Calif, is the baby's great-grandmother. ONLY CUP AND SAVE FOtNUCKWfTRAOVTlONAtM CWTMUUSCWIOOMfi CALL IfVfS NDCBAftf SHOP (019) 3f5-0044 Thursday, Friday, Saturday February 21,22, 23 9 a.m.-S p.m. Me^ 20% on Spring & Summer Merchandise SAVINGS of up to 75% on Winter Merchandise iA » NGS»SA VINGS»SAVINGS»SAVtN One night only... Woodstock's Friday, February 22 5-8 p.m. h PRICE NITE '03 Van Bvren, On ni« Square. Woodstock Mor Sat. 9 to S; Frl.'«•# N Rivcrttd* Orivo. McHonry, Won f *o 5 JNGS-SAVINGS-SAVINGS-SAVINGS-SAVINGS-SAVINGS-SAVINGS SAVE on NEW Spring & Summer Clothing 'BUYONE ITEM AT FULL PRICE, GET A SECOND ITEM OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE FOR 1/2 PRICE Socks, underwear and accessories not included in either sale. IMFANTSTHRU SIZE 14 FOR BOYS AND GIRLS FREE COFFEE TO AU OUR CUSTOMERS EVERYDAY IN FEBRUARY , HOME-BAKED SPECIALS . I, --• I BAKERS DOZEN EVERY SUNDAY TUESDAY FEB. 19THRU SUNDAY FEB. 24 ALMOND ONLY $4% ap COFFEE CAKE 'Z.Z5 REG. $2.95 1 TUESDAY FEB. 26THRU SUNDAY AAAR. 3