SECTION 2 - PAGK 8 - Pl.AINDhAl.KH HKKALD V* KDNKSIVU . FF.BKl \m 27. 198S Medicine introduced Arkansas woman breaks more than bridgework for feline leukemia By Flo Klemm Some good news-there is a new medicine for feline leukemia. Administered to kittens, with a booster shot each year, it will probably assure you that your cat will not develop this contagious, fatal disease. Unfortunately, it will not help adult cats. i The medicine is so new, the animal hospitals may not yet have it available. Check with your veterinarian for more detailed information. •^Helping PAWS A danger to dogs-chocolate! Depending on the size of the dog ana quantity eaten, your pet could Decome extremely ill and could actually die from an over dose of chocolate. Remember, too, that when Spring comes it is check-up time for your dogs' heartworm condition; ana there is the itiedication for fleas, pill or liquid, for cats and dogs. ; All pet adoptions must be validated by the signing of a contract, along with the adop tion fee of $35 for all dogs or $20 for all cats, which includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of HP's choice. However, $15 for dogs or flO for cats is deducted from the cost of the surgery if done by a Vet of your choice. When adopting a pet through Helping Paws, keep name, address and phone number of the person from whom you adopted the pet. Make tfie check for the adoption fee payable to Helping Paws. DOGS FOR ADOPTION: Labrador mix 5-month black female, shots, housebroken, 385- 2018 Golden Retriever-German Shepherd 6-week black female, 728-0244 • Mini-Collie mix 6-month short hair male, 312-639-8415 Doberman 2-year black male, shots, housebroken, neutered, gentle, 312-639-6690 Schnauzer 6-year salt-pepper male, shots, housebroken, neutered, older childien, 455- 1078 Basset Hound mix 7-month male, shots, housebroken, 455- 2444 German Shorthair mix 8- weeks old, 385-8953 Collie mix 3-weeks old, eight puppies available at 6 weeks, 653-4551 Dalmatian mix 7-month female, shots, housebroken, 459- 0738 Labrador mix male, housebroken, 728-1510 Labrador mix 1-year male, housebroken, 337-0138 Schnauzer-Labrador 3-year black male, shots, housebroken, 459-7851, 6 p.m. Samoyed-Labrador 2-year male, shots, 385-5924 Beagle-Golden Retriever 3- year female, shots, 459-7322 Lhasa Apso 3 M*-year male, shots, housebroken, no other dogs, 455-4774 Lhasa Apso 2-year male,1 shots, housebroken, neutered, older children, 455-2931 German Shorthair-Brittany Spaniel 1-year female, shots, 459-9299 CATS FOR ADOPTION: Persian mix 1 vfe -year grey male, neutered, shots, 312-658- 3683 evenings Brown Tabby, white paws, young adult short hair male, 455- 4586 Black-white short hair female, shots, spayed, 312-639-4765 Orange-white 9-month female, spayed, 344-6032 TWo adult: black long hair 2- year female; tiger 2-year male short hair, 312-497-3794 Siamese 6-year chocolate female, spayed, declawed, no other pets, older children, 675- 2321, extension 225. Grey-white 4-month short hair male, 337-0664 Grey tiger stripe 9-month short hair female, 385-4497 Five adult: grey tiger; black- white; calico-grey-white; two 5- month females, grey; grey- white, 569-2249 Tan tabby 3-year short hair male, shots, neutered, 312-639- 2194 ) Tortoise 1 ih -year semi long hair female, 312-639-6853 Siamese 1 "6-year seal point female, shots, no other cats, 459- 6459 Three 4-month females, grey- white, 943-4054 LOST DOGS: Cocker Spaniel mix 5-year brown semi long hair male, rope collar, Raffle Road, Woodstock, 338-8526, 6 p.m. Cocker Spaniel beige 10-month female, cnoke chain, leather collar, Wonder Lake, 653-9276 Carin Terrier 5-month brindle male, 385-1732 Two adult: curly Spaniel type black, red collar; Chihuahua- Terrier tri-color, brown collar, males, Squaw Creek, 455-6165 Golden Retriever 2-year female, chain collar, ID, Coventry, 455-4)499 Labrador mix 7-month male, red-white collar, McHenry, 344- 2449 FOUND DOGS: Terrier-Beagle young medium size tan-white male, Route 120 and Kent Road, East of McHenry, 385-2736 Retriever type large adult red male long hair, red nylon and flee collar, Crystal Lake depot, 455-0391 LOST CAT: Grey long hair 3-year female, spayed, Valley View Road, missing since August, 344-4867 Please call Animal Control when you find or lose a pet. They also have pets for adop tion, 338-7040. For information on Helping Paws lost, found and adoptions, call 459-2641. JCPenney OHARGf n OPEN SUNDAYS THE STYLING SALON DEAR ABBY: I'm writing in reference to "On Fire in Arkansas," the woman who punched her neighbor (41) in the mouth after learning that she had seduced her 15-year-old son. Then the tramp said, "He's no boy, he's a man; and with a little practice he'll be as good as his father." That's when the boy's mother hauled off, hit the tramp in the mouth and broke her bridgework. The tramp threatened to sue the woman for assaulting her. Meanwhile, the assaulter went to her priest, who advised her to apologize to the tramp and offer to pay for repairing her bridgework. And you agreed with that idiot pnest! You both totally ignored the fact that this trollop was guilty of statutory rape when she seduced a minor. The boy's father was at least a legal catch. I hope you get a hundred letters calling you on this. DISGUSTED IN DOYLESTOWN, PA. DEAR DISGUSTED: I wish it were only 100; a thousand would be closer to it. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. The priest will have to make his own apologies. Read on: DEAR ABBY: I would like to put in my 2 cents about the 41- year-old woman who took a 15-year-old neighbor boy to bed. What's all the commotion about? All right, so a 15-year-old boy is a minor in the eyes of the law, but there are a lot of boys that age who are man enough to seek a sexual relationship. In my day, it wasn't unusual for a boy's father to pay a high- class prostitute to educate his son. It may not be the ideal solution, but it's preferable to having the kid talk some inex perienced 14-year-old girl into taking care of his normal sex urges. MICHIGAN GRANDPA, AGE 65 DEAR GRANDPA: As a father, would you feel the same way about having your 15-year-old daughter "educated" by an older man? Grandpa, children should be taught early that they can't have everything they want as soon as they feel the urge for it. I believe minors should be taught everything they want to know about sex before they become sexually active in order to protect themselves and others. We don't need any more venereal disease, abortidns or babies born out of wedlock to teen-age oris. But whatever happened to self-control? That should also De a part of sex education. DEAR ABBY: I think "On Fire in Arkansas" had every right to hit her neighbor for taking her 15-year-old son to bed. That woman ought to be ashamed of herself. I'm a 14-year-old girl, and if an older man ever took me to bed, my mother would not only hit him, she would sue him. Where in Arkansas did this happen? I really feel sorry for that 15-year-old boy who's in the middle of all this. If he lives near Stuttgart and wants a nice understanding girl to talk to, I would like to meet him. AN UNDERSTANDING GIRL DEAR ABBY: As a social worker who deals with similar situations, I can tell you that "On Fire" could be charged with child neglect herself if she has knowledge of sexual abuse in volving a minor and fails to report it to the proper authorities. As a mother, I would have punched the lady, then reported her actions-and my own-to the authorities. MRS. V.H.L., BRADENTON, FLA. SOFT WATER RENTAL 9",.,™. •NO installation charga •NEW fully automatic softeners •TWO year option to buy with •FULL rental fee deducted •ONE phone call can answer rent any questions 312-259-3393 $Oft\ • ARLINGTON SOFT WATKR CO. fiebmary 6MD0 3-2-8^ VMS REDUC£t> IOOSZ.WM sr.iemM.iu. ««)ME-43xo -TftupS., FRt. Sr <Z»T. lO-tj Service Line: A LISTING OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS COMPILED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE TO McHENRY McHKNm CH AMBKK OF COMMKltCK „ .t8.Vi.HM) SKKMCK& MKNTAl.HF.Al.THCKM KK 4302 G West Crystal Lake Rd McHenry II 60050 81.) I I KMX, POINT-OOMKSTIC \ IOI.KNCK STKF.SS LINK McHenry County 24 huurs a day. 1 days a week Parents Anonymous meetings on Tuesday (all 8ir>-:t:i8'8080 FKDKK Al. (iOVKRNMKNT <;knkk \i.sKin h:ks adviinistk ation 202-8<»6o Hours 7 30 a m to 5 30 p.m week days (Ever had a problem involving the federal government and not known where to call? And then been given the runaround or leterrals by persons who meant ell but didn t know how to help' len specialists available at this center) NATIONAI.KLN-AVt\\ SW ITCHKOAKI) Illinois I'hoiw: 84MMI72-6JHU (For confidential conversations on problems dealing with run away children) MOVING HOTt.INK I'hont- 800-424-9213 (Complaints about interstate moving by companies buses or trains Sponsored by Interstate Commerce Commission ) ST \TK < 111 A MIIK K GOV FK N M FNT KFGl I.ATIONS HOTI.INF 2I7-.V22-5514 HIKTIIK H.HT Pregnant' Need Help' Counseling Service :18.>-2«W9 24 hour Answering Service MrllFNin Ull'NTt SFNIOK CITIZFNSCOl'NUI. 800-892-3272 Monday through Friday 8 30 a m to 4 30 p m ILLINOIS DFPARTMFNT OF CHILDRFN AND FAMILY SERVICES.. 24-Wours Child Abuse Hotline „ TOLL FRFF: 800-2S2-2878 COINS! MER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSKWP 800-638-2666 (Operates five national lines Answeis inquiries about or reporting on the safety of products from kitchen appliances to children's toys.) NATIONAL SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING INFORMATION CENTER 800-523-2929 P 0 Box 1607 Rockville Md 20850 (Dispenses information on solar systems for heating and cooling to anyohe from architects to home owners looking for a sun powered hot water system ) Y OL'TH SERVICE BUREAU FOR McHENRYCOUNTY 4719 W Elm St., McHenry Phone: 344-3240 24 hours Crisis Intervention and Confidential Counseling for youtti and families NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTR ATION Phone 800-424-9393 (Answers questions about automobile safety defects or whether a particular model has ever been recalled. Valuable for those interested in buying a used car) ' MENTAL HEALTH 1-800-892-8900 Crisis Center Line for McHenry Co. 24 hour Emergency number and professional staff will answer your call Sponsoring agency McHenry County Comprehensive Mental Health Service System i NATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH ASSOCIATION Post Office Box 17400 Washington DC 20041 Phone (7031471-0404 CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION km 312-793,3580 " «' ' Chicago, II ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER HOTLINE - Phone: 217-522-5514 Answer to questions on government regulations McHFNR Y COUNTY JTPA OUTREACH CENTER 666 Russel Ct. Woodstock. II 60098 Phone (815)338-7100 Job Training Offered McHENRY COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE RETARDED Robert G. lambpurn, Executive Director" Phone: 344-1230 ALCOHOLICS ANONY MOUS 18151455-3311 McHENRY TOWNSHIP DIAL-A-R1DE 385-5671 Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m Fares are S1 for adults: 50' for senior citizens, handicapped and students: children under 7 riding with a paying adult are free PR AIR IE STATE LEGAL SERVICES, INC. 800-942-3940 Free legal representation in civil cases to low income persons Landlord tenant disputes, domestic violence or improper denial of benefits such as Social Security. Public Aid, Food Stamps. General Assistance & Unemployment Insurance. SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN WHO BATTER Meets every Thursday 6 7 p.m. For information call 338-8080 COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS McHenry County Chapter (For bereaved parents) Call 385-5732 R , v v . , . ». •» "hurst » " N >»thh*ooh Court ; Spring Hill Mali fo*V,i1lr t< i- M4I* North Riv•»rsI(1P Woprtf-.eld .if v JnliPt M.iH Orl.inrl Square* York town yy CHECK POINT HEALTH 77 FREE HEALTH SCREENINGS, COUNSELING & INFORMATION CO-SPONSORED BY ^Gy/tol Lake Ambutal AND QCrvstol PoW dial MARCH 2nd & 3rd ^ AT THE CRYSTAL POINT MALL s.t. lo-wo.sun. u-s PROGRAMS / Blood Pressure ^ Blood Typing / Fitness Evaluation / Nutrition Counseling V Anemia Screening" / Lung Function '-"'(Sunday) / Stress Assessments y Chi ld ren s Hea l th Ac t i v i t y T r a i n i n g / Hand Strength (Sat i 1 to 5) / Hand Coordination (Sat 11 to 5) V Diabetes Screening / Vision Screening (Sunday) y Aerobics Demonstration (1 pm & 2 30 pm) / Substance Abuse Quiz. / Hemoccult Kits / Weight Management Counseling (2 to 3 pm) J Domestic Abuse Information y Sexually Transmitted disease Information y Video Presentations On: y First Aid / Quit Smoking y Nutrition y Alcohol Abuse Information - PARTICIPATING AGENCIES y Crystal Lake Ambutal y Memorial Hospital of McHenry County y Northern Illinois Medical Center y Crystal Lake Lions Club y American Red Cross y American Cancer Society y Crystal Lake Fire/Rescue y American Heart Association >/ Alcoholics Anonymous y Turning Point y Crystal Lake Park District y Lake Region Y.M C A y McHenry County Hospice y Open Door Clinic y Easter Seal Society for McHenry County y Dr. Robert Gibula, S C. BLOOD DRIVE Amerlcjn Red Cross Saturday 10 to 4 EYE GLASS DRIVE Donate used glasses to the Uoifs Club era TRAINING Call 455-0099 to rtflfItr * Parental permission required * * 12 years and older * * * Must have Fasted Route 14 and Main Street, Crystal Lake for 2 hours before screening Continuum perm Sale 33.88 Salon Master curling iron, your final rest, 4.39 Treat yourself to «j new look with this Helene Cuit is perm Some perms not recommended tor bleached or frosted hair Sale 6.39 Ren ' J9 , '0"o off the leyular pr ice of o<n Salon Master i ur l inq i ron P lus . 1 S 2 manufacturer 's rebate makes your f inal cost on'y 4 ?9 50% off the regular pr ice of Custom Gondit ionincj. treatments lust ruj ' i t f lu you Rfdken and NexMiS products always avai lable. Puces effect ive thru Satuida, March , 'nd A LA MODE