i" I Page 2 • PLA1NDEALEB-HERALD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13,1985 Opinion/Politics Library letter is 'cruel' Deal with abortion issue Dear Editor: • I found the Wednesday, March 6 editorial concerning the Johnsburg Library to be un necessarily cruel and un justified, and I would like to ask a couple of questions. Where were the 1,000 so-called opposed people at the polls? If indeed everyone was present, over 1,100 people voted for the library. Law had required new boundaries for a second election during the formation of the library district, and the ex tremely close margin of the first election showed that the public was indeed interested in a library in Johnsburg. As you say to a child at the dinner table, "if you don't like it, don't eat it," Why should those sections whose majority vote genuinely rejected the library be forced to vote again? Are they arguing the point because now that its {QO late they've changed their blinds? If not, they need not concern themselves. Obviously the Johnsburg Library is truely servicing people who wanted dnd voted for it. "-Why ponder over a meager income of library help when our faxes pay many elected salaries $at, near six figures, more than tfiple most of our incomes? It's •yeryone's right to earn a paycheck or checks if the diligence is present, and of efcurse a good quality education with all possible resources is a Oecessity to secure the best jobs. Part of this opportunity is the library. Without an established library in Johnsburg the schools can no-longer belong to the Northern Illinois Library System and therefore would need more tax monies to pur chase needed items now ob tained through the library. As long as the school can see fit to order even one item through NILS, it obviously shows that the in-school library, although very impressive, is not more than adequate. It would be a great injustice to deny our children the opportunity for the best educational aides available at the least possible expense while still allowing the general public to reap the benefits also. The area resident*-could never use the school libraries, and I'm sure the school would not want to use their staff to deliver reading material to a patron's horise as Johnsburg Library will. I'd sure hate to regress to a one room school house when, for so little, the knowledge of a university is at our fingertips. We indeed need the Johnsburg Library, and with the combined effort of all the community to support it, the library can offer more great things to everyone. Let's not waste any more tax and community effort and money in court when it can be channeled to the betterment and pride of our community. Pamela Callahan Pistakee Highlands Dear Editor: This is written in response to the Feb. 15 Public Pulse column concerning the matter of inhumane practices toward animals through trapping versus the subject of abortion as an inhumane practice of greater magnitude. Mrs. Carrick wrote that too much coverage is given to cruelty to a animals, while at the same time, little or no coverage is given the issue of cruelty toward unborn babies in legally- sanctioned abortions. You, as editor, prefaced the letter by noting that while trapping was a current, close-to-home issue, abortion was too controversial to be addressed in this type of newspaper. We feel that abortion is indeed another current, close-to-home issue which can and should be addressed in even a small-town paper. It is not solely an emotional issue, nor does it necessarily have to do with one's religious beliefs. What it really is, is a reflection of a bigger picture portraying a real and frightening loss of moral values, ana the very loss of our fun- damental right-to-life. Estimates given in a recent newsletter from a McHenry County organization offering alternatives to abortion shoe the number of calls received on this hot-line to be close to 300 in 1984. If this doesn't prove the issue to be close-to-home, then what does? Perhaps is descriptions of what really happens in abortion were printed in a series on abortion, a few more heads would be p pulled out of the sand in our local towns and many more letters to our legislators would deluge Washington to wake up a few more fence- sitters or "personally opposed but" lawmakers. After all, a well-informed public is a public that can effect just laws to be made for the good of all. The newspaper, as a communications medium, shares the responsibility of presenting even controversial issues that affect its readers and abortion, ultimately, is a con cern that affects every one of us as citizens, as well as our en- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jacobs i" LI ' I MIL Plaindealer Herald photo by Anthony Oliver McHenry County Auditor A1 J our dan (left) talks with Phyllis K. Walters, recorder of deeds, at a GOP fundraiser held last Sunday afternoon at the McHenry Moose Lodge, on Route^ 31, north of McHenry. 4 \ For Your Information Dear friends,/ Around the b«me of the deceased, many tasks can be graciously handled by relatiy»Tand friends. Some can answer the phone and the door to re ceive, visitors, relay messages, accept gifts of foodr etc. These helpful per- *6fiscan spare the family from many concerns, yet make each caller wel come. A list of visitors and gifts should be kept for the. family's later ex pressions of appreciation. Respectfully,. 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