Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1985, p. 17

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Cats not only lovable, but 'incredible' pets Page 17- PLAINDEALER-HERALD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20,1985 NIMC auxiliary elects new officers at meeting m-- eann/iac onH t n nrmriHa r 1 • 1 t 1 1.1 *# nnninnfr. -- Perhaps one of you read the following excerpts that were Ii newspaper recently a book by David Green called "Incredible Cats." As stated in bis book, cats have an acute sense of hearing; actually one of the best in the animal world and even have the ability to predict some of nature's disasters! A cat can recognize its own master's footsteps from quite a distance and they have an un­ canny sense that guides them backhome. The majority of cats are 'lefties'; spend two-thirds of their lives asleep and can get 'high' (Mi sniffing their owners used clothes! They have had good and bad times, however, as in Medieval Europe where cats were believed possessed by the Devil, but, for the lucky cats in Ancient Egypt, there were so highly regarded that to kill one was punishable by death. All pet adoptions must be validated by the signing of a contract along with the adoption fee of $35 for all dogs or $20 for all cats which includes the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of HP's choice. However, $15 for dogs or $10 for cats is deducted from the cost of the surgery if done by a vet of your choice. When adopting a pet through Helping Paws, keep name, address and phone number of the person from whom you adopted the pet. Make the check for the adoption fee payable to Helping Paws. ^Helping PAWS DOGS FOR ADOPTION: Three 7-week Blue Tick Hound males, 312-658-8081 Cackapoo 1-year black female, snots, housebroken, 312- 931-0728 ^ Chihuahua-Labrador 9-moa|lait< small female, shots, housebroken, 312-526-1958 Doberman-German Shepherd 4 % -month female, shots, housebroken, 338-6649 Beagle 9 V4-month male, shots, housebroken, 459-9717 (Don) Toy Collie mix 3 % -year female, shots, housebroken, spayed, 728-0561 German Shepherd 5-year female, shots, housebroken, spayed, 344-0918 Cackapoo 3-year female; Beagle-Terrier 4-year female, shots, housebroken, spayed, 455- 4828 Labrador-Terrier 5-year male, shots, housebroken, 344- 5402 t Golden Retriever-Collie 1M*- year female, shots, housebroken, spayed, older children, 312-497-4568 Labrador 7-year female, shots, housebroken, spayed, older children, 338-9029 Cockapoo-'Benji' 4-year female, shots, spayed, 455-0603 Three 9-week Labradors, 728- 1612, 4 p.m. Springer Spaniel 6-year male, shots, 344-0827 Seven Golden Retriever mix 8- weeks, 943-3289 Brittany Spaniel mix 6-year female, shots, housebroken, spayed, 344-2665 Golden Retriever-Collie 7- week female, 943-3546 Bloodhound 1-year female, shots, housebroken, older children, 312-658-4737 Labrador 3-year black male, housebroken, 385-8856 Seven Labrador-Shepherd 7- weeks, 337-0322 Cocker-Labrador 1-year female, shots, housebroken, spayed, 312-639-2604 Two adult: German Short hair 2-year male neutered; Labrador mix 4-year female spayed; shots, housebroken, 338-1778 Malamute 9-month female; Malamute-Shepherd 2-year male; shots, housebroken, 344- 4018 Border Collie-Spaniel 7-month female, shots, housebroken, 312- 497-3324 Sheltie Collie 4-year female, shots, housebroken, spayed, 385- 4910 Schnauzer 6-year male, shots, housebroken, neutered, older children, 455-1078 Mini-Collie mix 6-month short hair male, 312-639-8415 Basset Hound mix 7-month male, shots, housebroken, 455- 2444 German Shorthair mix 12- week female, 385-8953 CATS FOR ADOPTION: Persian mix 1 % -year grey male, neutered, shots, 312-658- 3683 evenings Black-white short hair female, shots, spayed, 312-639-4765 Calico tabby; orange-white male, 6-months, 312-639-6603 White young adult short hair female, 568-6789 Black with white 17-week short hair male, 344-3112 Dark tiger stripe, white paws 4-month snort hair female, 459- 8911 Tiger stripe 3% -month short hair male, 728-1325 Tiger stripe 1-year male semi long hair, shots, neutered, declawed on four, 312-367-4374 White-brown 4-year short hair female, spayed, 455-5149 Persian mix 10-month white- grey male.'neutered, shots, 455- 4204 Two adult: white long hair 9- month male neutered, declawed; calico long hair |%- year female spayed, declawed, 338-9134 / Grey calico 9-month female, 455-4792 LOST DOGS: Golden Retriever mix adult male, both eyes 'tear'; Upland Acres, last seen Oak Street- Route 176, 455-0692 N Doberman black, large 7-year male, Wonder Lake, 728-1875 Labrador black 3-year male, choke collar, Johnsburg, 385- 0258 Sheltie, sable-white, 2-year female, Coventry, 459-1563 Shaggy mix 9-year tan male, McHenry Country Club, 385-9049 Springer Spaniel-German Shorthair 6-month, brown-white male, tan collar, ID., McHenry, 385-1153 Cocker Spaniel mix 5-year brown male, rope collar, Woodstock, 338-8526 LOST CATS: Light grey 3-year short hair male, large green-gold eyes, neutered, declawed, Lakemoor near McHenry, 344-3426 Siamese long hair The auxiliary to Northern Illinois Medical Center held its annual meeting recently at the McHenry Country Club. The meeting was attended by almost 200 members and guests, and radio personality Mai Bellairs was the keynote speaker. Gloria Sprague, retiring board president, spoke on the growth and success of the medical center over the past two years. "We have grown from a com­ munity hospital into a regional medical center, and the membership of our auxiliary and our volunteers continues to expand. With new services being added at the medical center, our job is twofold: to provide fun­ ding for new equipment and services, and to provide volunteer help to the staff." She reported that over $60,000 had been raised by the auxiliary for the benefit of the medical center and its patients during the past year. Additionally, she reported record profits from the gift shop, located in the medical center lobby, and the thrift shop, on Green Street, McHenry. The new president is Lois Krebs, a long-standing member of the auxiliary, and the officers and board members for 1985 are: vice-president (incoming president), Christine Udstuen; vice-president for service, Callie Harms; vice-president for community relations, Voni Fergunson; vice-president for fund-raising, Jane Althoff; recording secretary, Ruth Staveteig; corresponding secretary, Wynne Roy; treasurer, Sue Wirfs; im­ mediate past president, Gloria Sprague. Board members are: Betty Ames, Saundra Clark, Ginny Covalt, Ruth Howell, Dorothy Kelsey, Genevieve Marrow, Marian Raabe, Millie Simon, Judy White. ~ The auxiliary to Northern Illinois Medical Center (then McHenry Hospital) was first organized on October 9, 1956, to promote and advance the welfare of Northern Illinois Medical Center. Hospital services to patients, community projects, and participation in fund-raising to benefit the medical center are the keystone of its purpose. Mae Stinespring, chairperson of McHenry Healthcare Foundation, was the first president of the hospital auxiliary, serving from 1956 to 1958. The programs and ser­ vices the auxiliary now provides are many. People from all walks of life can find some area to interest them, either as a volunteer, or by participating in some of the fund-raising ac­ tivities with a membership close to 400, the auxiliary continues to expand its horizons and takes on new challenges every year. fAY YM To Looking Your * Absoluts Bolt SAY YIW To Giving Your Skin The BHIGMIMMWI SAY YNI To Eloctraiym, TIm Only ModicoHy Appcovod PormoMMt Method Of Romovfcif Eicon Fociol Or Body Hair. SUctn*lq4lA if PIRMANCNT MAIN REMOVAL 4302 W. CRYSTAL LAKE RD.. SUITE C WHISPERING POINT'MCHENRY, IL. (815)344-3640 or (312)658 3696 A.EA MEMBER EASTER SEAL HOME HEALTH CARE A Non-Profit Agency Offering the following services: •NURSING •PHYSICAL THERAPY •HOME HEALTH AIDES "SPEECH THERAPY •SOCIAL WORKER "OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Direct billing to Medicare and Insurance 815-338-1707 Serving the citizens of McHenry County since 1949 long hair 10-year male, blue eyes, flea collar,- neutered, declawed, Giant Oaks, McHenry, 312-639-4175 Service Line: A LISTING OF NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS COMPILED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE TO McHENRY McHENRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 385-4300 FAMILY SERVICE « MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 4302 G West Crystal Lake Rd. McHemy, II60050 015-3*5-4400 TURNING POINT-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STRESS LINE McHenry County 24 hours I day. 7 days a week Parents Anonymous meetings on Tuesd. Call S15-33t-tM0 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 202-7554660 Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. week days (Ever had a problem inmlvini the federal government and not known where to call? And then been given the runaround or referrals by persons who meant ell but didn't know how to help? Ten specialists available at this center) NATIONAL RUN-AWAY SWITCHBOARD Illinois Phone: M0-972-6004 (For confidential conversations on problems dealing with run-away children) MOVING HOTLINE . Phone 800-424-9213 (Complaints about interstate moving by companies, buses or trains. Sponsored by Interstate Commerce Commission) STATE CHAMBER GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS HOTLINE 217-522-S514 BIRTHRIGHT Pregnant? Need Help? Counseling Service. 385-2999 Monday through Friday. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES 24 Hours Child Abuse Hotline TOLL FREE: 880-2S2-2878 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION 800-638-2666 (Operates five national lines. Answers inquiries about or reporting on the safety of products from kitchen appliances to children's toys) NATIONAL SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING INFORMATION CENTER 800-523-2929 P.O. Box 1607. Rockville, Md. 20850 (Dispenses information on solar systems for heating and cooling to anyone from architects to home owners looking for a sun powered hot water system) YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU FOR McHENRY COUNTY 4719 W. Elm St.. McHenry Phone: 344-3240 24 hours Crisis Intervention and Confidential Counseling for youth and families # NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Phone 800-424-9393 (Answers questions about automobile safety defects or whether a particular model has ever been recalled Valuable for those interested in buying a used car.) MENTAL HEALTH 1-800-892-8900 Crisis Center Line for McHenry Co. 24 hour Emergency number and professional staff will answer your call Sponsoring agency McHenry County Comprehensive Mental Health Service System NXtlON^L1^1GHBdfti(N)D WATCH ASSOCIATION Post Office Sox W400 Washington. D C. 20041 Phone (70^)471-0404 CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION 312-793-3580 Chicago. II ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER HOTLINE Phone: 217-522-5514 Answer to questions on government regulations McHENRY COUNTY JTPA OUTREACH CENTER 666 Russel Ct, Woodstock. IL 60098 Phone <8151338-7100 Job Training Offered McHENRY COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE RETARDED Robert G Lambourn. Executive Director Phone: 344-1230 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 1815)455-3311 McHENRY TOWNSHIP DIAL-A-RIDE 385-5671 Monday thru Friday 8:00 a m 4:00 p.m. Fares are $1 for adults: SO' for senior citizens, handicapped and students: children under 7 riding with a paying adult are free PRAIRIE STATE LEGAL SERVICES. INC. 800-942-3940 Free legal representation in civil cases to low income persons Landlord tenant disputes, domestic violence or improper denial of benefits such as Social •- Security. Public Aid. Food Stamps. General Assistance & Unemployment •nsurance. SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN WHO BATTER Meets every Thursday 6 7 p.m. For information call 338 8880 COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS - McHerry County Chapter (For bereaved parents) Call 385-5732 Call Animal Control when you or lose a They also Paws lost, found, adoptions, c 459-2641 20 Ounce Flex Shampoo Or Conditioner Restores body to troubled hair. Choice of shampoo or condi tioner. Assorted for­ mulas. Your Choice $149 1.71 5TRft>H tyQHnri AFttr •abate Stroh'sH 24-can Case oockt m--r M«vl»r -Dark Roland Ustit 12 ounr# no ret ur n dot t »«»•> Your Ctvotce stroncaM 'ttron item Twenty four 12 ounce cans Claim Matcrogor i^iBtoril li kT-1 Osco Sale Price IU WIM Cedar* 1.SUton| kcn»mn mmnc . • Fftnch COkwvvMrd After ftetoara wines 1.5 Liters -cttaoiit ••me oe Mane -vm a • •urviindy •MilM -CtwnM M •French Coiomoara -Granaeha •Miling -autov caoarnat -Zlnf Maxell- Video Tape Special 3-Pack Contains 2 stan dard tapes and 1 high grade tape all tor the price ot 3 stan- d a r d t a p e s . C h o o s e L - 7 5 0 Beta or T-120 VHS cassettes. Osco Sale Price Soava sotlal WlnosB Isoave ••SrooTTno^B Fvaipoiic«<ia •Tftttxaoo Osco Sa»e prT3 Osco Sat* Price After eefcate 14" »«» • Oil* isasha •vodkaH 1.75 Liters MartoH VS Cognac] Homy Martin vico«nMB t® Ov (j sale Price ITSLKort Ov o Sale Prtce 10"° UaDfraumiicnH |wos#mu>amcnan Osco Sa»e Price carlo Rossi wlnas 4 Utai WjUMtO wlnas •lanwruaco >• • aotato -o oro 7V5MI Stollchna vodka Sangria «Vln aoaa o«o saie Price 7SO ML otto Saw Price 7SO Ml V otco Sa<e Pr.ce REVIDN 40%OFF RevloirBeauty Implement •cnanin Mane •zinfenw •Pinot NOtr Mr* ?40 ML Osco Saie Price 24-can Case vawr cftotca Monawk •cnnaMNl r lUlfU fKncot I •*** n-- RFVISN Osco Reg. 954 and up. Save 40% on high quality beauty imple­ m e n t . C h o i c e o f tweezers, nail clipp ers, emery boards, and more 7SO ML Osco Sate Price Or o Sate After fteoate lekaeli** 1 PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS., MARCH 21 THRU SAT., MARCH 23.1985. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. America's Drug Store 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: • Crystal Lake 230 Virginia 455 1040 • McHenry 4222 Elm 385 7744 • Woodstock 410 Eastwood 338 6760

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