Treat now before 'the blight' shows up Many homeowners and l a w n m a i n t e n a n c e professionals are all too fia miliar with lawns being devastated by fusarium blight. Although the problem has been around tor some time, recent research from around the country has shed new light on this major disease problem. pai Ko The (EXTENSION People AAAml mostly as secondary pathogens. These two' pathogens are "Phialophora graminicola," or summer * tch; and "Leptosphaeria orrae," or necrotic ring spot. Symptoms for both are essentially identical and are the same for what has been called "fusarium blight" for years. Straw or tan colored rings or crescent shaped patches of grass appearing throughout the lawn, often with "frogeye" patterns, are the classic symptoms. Summer patch occurs in the heat of summer in full sun areas, whereas necrotic ring spot may start showing up in late spring througl What has been termed "fusarium blight" for many years is now better described as "fusarium blight syndrome." Two major fungi pathogens now appear to be the cause of the problem, with the "Fusarium" fungi attacking early fall, in both sun and shade. Most lawns that show the problem in McHenry County are recently sodded lawns, although older seeded lawns may also get the problem. Turf growing under stress,- such as heat or drought stress, is a prime target for attack. This is why lawns with a heavy thatch layer and poor root systems (typical with sod placed on compacted or heavy clay soil) are often devastated. To control the disease problem, it is not necessary to distinguish between summer patch or necrotic ring spot. Fungicides ap plied before the disease shows up and reapplied all season will help suppress disease outbreaks, but this is very costly and is only a temporary solution. The solution is to improve the turf environment and in turn reduce stress on the lawn. Now is the time to consider these options rather than waiting until the disease attacks during the up coming season. If a heavy thatch layer exists, ver tically mowing or dethat- ching will physically tear it out, but it will return unless the cause of the buildup is corrected. To reduce thatch and improve compacted soil % roblems, core cultivation is e answer. > This involves removing thin plugs of soil and leaving them on the lawn surface through the use of specially designed following a balanced fertility program is essential to combat this and other turf diseases. Don't apply more than 1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet this spring, and wait until September to apply more. Many other cultural controls will reduce disease >otential. Water lawns r but deep. Mow on a regular basis, never removing more than about 30 percent of the blade in one cutting. Finally, thoroughly prepare sites before seeding or sodding, and always use a blend of several varieties. For additional in formation, contact the McHenry County Extension Office at 789 McHenry Ave., P.O. Box 431, Woodstock, 111. C Health scholarships offered The Auxiliary of Good Shepherd Hospital is offering $500 scholarships for students who will be attending school within the state of Illinois pursuing an education in a health-related field The number of scholarships awarded will depend upon the number and qualifications of applicants; however, at least two will be given. ' Applicants will be evaluated on basis of the attitude and desire of the student toward e d u c a t i o n , l e a d e r s h i p , c i t i z e n s h i p , p e r s o n a l i t y , scholarship, and financial need. Applications must be filed with the Scholarship Committee by May 1, and recipients will be notified by June 4. For further information or to receive a scholarship ap plication, call Auxiliary of Good Shepherd Hospital at (312) 381- 9600, ext. 5104. WOODSTOCK THEATRE >1 \ IN MR1 KT Just Off The SMuarr Adults £2; II & I nd.-rSI.30; Mjiin. «•» SI (10 813-338-8555 STAKTS ... NOTE: Matinees daily during spring vacation P R O C E S S if* • f u n -nn« d And a whale of an advtntun. Ill DUocy'i all-tint* clastic - back for / the holiday*. / •WALT* DISNEY'S •Mh|« , Fri.-Thurs. 1, f:45,7&8:30 GEM THE KILLING FIELDS ( R ) Nominated for 7 Academy Awards Fri.-Thurs. 1:30 8.7:30 JUDO NELSON ALLY SHHDY BREAKFAST CLUB* DAILY 2:15-4:15-6:30-1:30 UK SHOW FRI. ft SAT. 10:15 * EDDIE MURPHY, > BEVERLY HILLS COP. DAILY ?: 304 3079 Un SHOW FW. ft SAT. 10:45 / SURE THING™, DAILY 2:30-4:30 6 45 8:30 LATI SHOW FRI. t SA1.10:15 1 - -i HARRISON FORD WITNESS« DAILY 2 44:304:45 Un SHOW FRI. ft SAT. 10:45 CHER SAM ELLIOT MASK m.13 FRI. 4:45-9 SAT. THURS. 2-4:154:459 SURE THING FRI. 7ft 9 SAT. THURS. 2:30-4:30^7 S FRIDAY THE 13TH PART V > FRI.. HON THURS 79 SAT. ft SUN. 4 307 9 AMADEUS k NIGHTLY 7:30 SAI. ft SUN 1:304307:30 SPECIALKW'SSHOW "HERE COME THE LITTIES" • SAI.ftSli.2:30 OUT THEY GIL. ItCJI 4 PROGRAM 8 HOUR VCR RC/i SELECT A VISION 25" VIDEO MONITOR 00 •---- Mod*' VKT650 Itc/l itc/i COLOR TRAK SelectaVision SOQQOO wfthVHSVHiRFi $QQC00 / J J and Remote Control 0 WHILE THEY LAST! INTERIOR ACCENTS RT. 31 at BUll VAliiV RO. (Enf r en Bull V«H»y) Mt HENRY ---- ~Trr-irr.r. a'.rr .*7»'»«o . Mill. •» «*•«««• .«%•»•« * •«"< »»»«»«-•--" ' impUdiig UNLIKE THIS MOWER, THIS SALE WON'T LAST. 3108 Year after year, this Simplicity riding mower gives you outstanding performance. * All-steel ISO-BODY® construction isolates you from engine vibration. • Pivoting mower deck and rear rollers follow ground contours; gives smooth cut. • Comfortable seats, full-length footrests for stretch-out comfort. • Tractor-size battery for long life, sure starts. 5 hp 26" Mower Sugg. Retail Price *1199 Sale Price ; *50 You Save *349 8 hp Electric Start 30" Mower Sugg. Retail Price *1629 Sale Price 1129 You Save '500 10 hp Electric Start 36" Mower Sugg. Retail Price '1829 Sale Price. 1229 You Save '600 Grass Catcher Sugg. Retail Price '249 Sale Price - ' 149 You Save 'loo 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH (NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS OR INTEREST FOR 90 DAYS) (Offer Good Thru 4/30/85) - VALENTINE REPAIRS 6417 KEYSTONE RD. RICHMOND, ILLINOIS (815) 653-9345 Cl'BJ StmplKtly Manilla# luring I You are cordially invited to the Woodstock Rotary Club's annual Saturday, March 30,1985 Building D, McHenry County Fairgrounds Rt. 47 & Country Club Rd., Woodstock Magnificently framed works of art...oils, watercolors, graphics, sculpture and other art forms by artists of world fame: Gems that will enhance any home, office or fine art collection. PREVIEW: 6:30 pm AUCTION: 7:30 pm ADMISSION: $1.00 per person Refreshments will be served. Free Lithograph to each couple or single attending. |gg. Page 13 • PLAIINDEALER-HERALD. FRIDAY, MARCH 22,1985 Discussion set for people with respiratory problems The American Lung Association of DuPage and McHenry Counties, in cooperation with the Northern Illinois Medical Center, will hold its first "PAL" (Problems Affecting Lungs) breathing club meeting of the spring on Tuesday, March 20. The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. and will be held in Room one of the old facility, McHenry Hall. The meetings are open to a n y o n e e x p e r i e n c i n g respiratory problems and their families. The speaker this month will be Mrs. Jo Allen, R.T., a respiratory therapist at NIMC and an active board member for the American Lung Association. She will discuss the use of breathing and oxygen, equip ment in the home. She will also show the proper methods of breathing, deep breathing, relaxation, and what to do when one becomes breathless. Questions on the subject will be answered. The program will be free and is made pos^ble through the public's support of Christmas Seals. Pamphlets and booklets will also be available on breathing exercises and lung disorders. For more information contact the American Lung Association of DuPage and McHenry Counties in Woodstock at (815) 338-6675, or in Glen Ellyn at (312) 469-2400. 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