Page 8 - PLA11SDEALER-HERALD, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 27,1985 Bill banning traps is in the assembly Movie shown for Easter The sponsor of a measure to ban the use of steel jaw leghold traps i in Illinois says she hopes to solicit support for her proposal from hunters and other outdoor sportsmen who in the st may have opposed similar ns. "Wildlife, humane and en vironmental groups have been longtime supporters of this legislation, but I'm confident I can win over some of those who have fought against the bxn in the past," said state Rep. Jill Zwick, R-Dundee. "To do that, I want sportsmen to understand the dangers and problems associated with leghold traps. And, I want trappers to know that humane, practical and inexpensive alternatives are available." Under Zwick's bill, HB 339, the use of steel jaw leghold traps would be a Class C misdemeanor. The bill would also legalize the use of self- locking leg and foot snares, which are the modern day alternative to leghold traps. Snares have been banned in Illinois since the 1940's. A third provision directs the state conservation department to conduct education programs to train trappers in the use of the new snares. "This is not an anti-hunting or anti-trapping bill," Zwick said. "We are trying to modernize trapping. The steel jaw trap is a 19th Century anachronism." "Even if we ijgnore the strong arguments against unnecessary cruelty to animals, there are sound reasons to ban the traps," she said. As wildlife habitat shrinks, the likelihood increases that non-targeted animals will be caught. An animal that is caught m the trap, escapes and later dies of infection or bleeding is of no benefit to hunters. And, while it's hard to get an accurate estimate of how many endangered species are caught e each year, we know the number is significant, she said. "In addition, domestic The Neighborhood Kitchen will present a movie, "The Trouble with Angels," to be shown during-an Easter dinner on April 2. The Kitchen will be serving in St. Patrick's Hall at 3500 Washington, between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. The Kitchen has been suc cessful largely due to devoted volunteers ana the generosity of local' businesses. March is the month for selective service destroy p prize bird dogs because their legs were caught in traps. When you consider the cost of the dog, plus the expense involved in raising and training a good hunting dog, that can represent a significant loss." A survey commissioned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service showed 78 percent of the public supports humane alternatives to steel traps. "Hunters don't go out, wound an animal, leave it for 24 hours and then go back and kill it. The bad public image created by steel traps hurts all out- doorsmen. Many hunters and ;rs know that and they demonstrate they are concerned about the welfare of the animals," she said. Gov. James R. Thompson has proclaimed March 1985 to be Registration Awarness month in Illinois. Federal law requires all young men to register with the Selective Service System within 30 days of their 18th birthday. The governor said all citizens of Illinois "demonstrate pride in our heritage by exhibiting a high level of patriotism and support for Our national laws" and that "we believe in strong military preparedness to safeguard our freedoms." There is no draft at the present time and no one is being inducted in the Armed Forces. Registration with Selective Service is merely a way of maintaining an identifiable manpower pool in the event of a national emergency. By having this list of names, the nation would save six valuable weeks of time in mobilizing our manpower to face the national emergency. In order to register, every 18- yearold male should go to any st office and fill out a simple that asks for name, ad- telephone number, social security number and date of birth. There is no penalty for registering late, but there is a severe penalty for failure to ;r (up to ; » five years in prison and-or a $10,000 fine). The slogan f for the awareness month in Illinois is "It's Quick, It's Easy, and It's the Law." trappers want to Landscape class is set Learn to d natural residen )lan in a two-i QUIT SMOKING "Quit the Easy Way," suggests Northern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry. Sign up for the "Freedom From Smoking" program, given in cooperation with the American Lung Association, beginning April 3, with an orientation at McHenry Hall, 3516 Waukegan, McHenry, classroom four. This eight-week program meets from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. and the cost is $35 per person. Call 385; 2201, extension 700. your own landscape plan in a two-part course (six hours) offered by the McHenry County Defenders. The course will be held April 2 and 9 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Husman Elementary School (formerly Central) 131 Paddock St., Crystal Lake. This course will emphasize native and naturalized plants, especially those which attract birds and wild critters. Slides showing how flowers can be used in designing will also be presented. Dick York of the U WE'RE YOUR EASTER BAKE SHOP! YOUR EASTER BAKE SHOP HAS EVERYTHING Y0UNEEDT0C0MPLEMENTY0U EASTER DINNER...ALL HOME BAKED.. DELICIOUS. „j>LAAAB CAKES , • •BUNNY CAKES •ttlPCAKE BASKETS ~ *AND MORE SH0PEARLY1WEWILL BE CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY FREE COFFEE TO ALL0UR CUSTOMERS EVERY DAY IN MARCH. • : ' ' BAKER'S DOZEN EVERY rWEDDINGCAKES-i CT HV n A V ? SEE US FOR TRADITIONAL OR | CUSTOM-MADE WEDDING CAKES I RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP 1309 N. RIVERSIDE DR., AAcHENRY, ILL. *385-0044 on your next purchase of 10 unsweetened envelopes al Foods Corporation MANUFACTURER S COUPON COUPON EXPIRES MAY 18. 1985 ! »' * *' « you buy 10 unsweetened envelopes Save 50o(n/Sj2»Sj when you buy UNSWEETENED SOFT WINK MIX NC022215 tJUUU O I C JU This coupon gooc only on purchase gt product indicated Any other use constitutes fraud COUPON NOT TRANSFERABLE LIMIT--ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE To the retailer: GFC will reimburse you tor the lace value ot this coupon plus 80 il submitted m compliance with GFC Redemption Policy C-1 incorporated herem by ref erence Valid only it iedeemed by retail-distributors ot our merchandise or anyone specifically author ized by GfC Cash value 1 20C Mail to General Foods Corpora tion P0 Box 103 Kankakee IL 60902 GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION Horticulture department at MCC will be the instructor. The course fees are $10 for Defender members and $12.50 for non-members. To pre-register, send course fees to McHenry County Defenders, P.O. Box 603, Crystal Lake, HI., 60014. For more information, call the Defenders at 459-0450. Volunteers of the Neighborhood Kitchen at St. John's Hall serve up a hot dinner for a needy citizen. The Kitchen is offering a large faster supper on April 2. ON APRIL 2nd, YOU WILL VOTE FOR AN ALDERMAN TO REPRESENT YOU. ERNESTSCHOOLEY Candidate for 4th Ward wants your support. We need a serious Alderman Now! ELECT ERNEST SCHOOLEY 4TH WARD Paid for by People for Schooley "BOLD VISION, INTELLIGENT PLANNING" Mayor Stanek years ago have provided McHenry with two new bridges over the Fox River: 3 new crossings over the railroad tracks with the extensions of Lillian St.,- Bull Valley Road and Or leans St. "BOLD VISION, INTELLIGENT PLAN NING" by Mayor Stanek for the future of McHenry will provide McHenry with a bridge over the Fox River north of McHenry Shores; a bridge over Boone Creek at Riverside Dr. McCullom Lake Rd. extended to Riverside Dr.; continued improvements on our major thoroughfares with stop and go lights at intersections of Rt. 31 and Bull Valley Rdy Rt. 31 and Lillian St. and ROtaM Mbtullom Lak»Rd. The thing that peopl^like about Mayor Stanek is that his dreams for McHenry really do come true - - - new parks, lighted ball fields, a swimming poolt new hospital, in creased sales tax revenue and all V [ r f those good things that most politi cians only talk about. You see the dMferertc&is> Mayor Stanek is really not a politician at all. He is just a hard working man who loves McHenry and the people here. His energy, his integrity, his dedication and devotion to McHenry have made us all beneficiaries. McHENRY... A GOOD CITY IN GOOD HANDS RE-ELECT MAYOR JOSEPH B. STANEK ELECTION APRIL 2ND Paid for by committee to re-elect Mayor Stanek, William J. Bolger, Chairman. ^McHENRY DRUG t SALE MAR. 27-APRIL1 DAILY 9 TO 9 SAT. 9 TO 8 SUNDAY (STORE) 9 TO 7PM SUNDAY (PHARMACY) 9 TO 3PM WE RESERVE THE RI6HT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. PRICES IN EFFECT WHILE QUANTITIES LAST PHARMACY (815) 385-4426 1327 N. RIVERSIDE DR. MCHENRY BUDWEISER 12 PACK CANS CIGARETTES REGULAR ONLY CARTON PLUS TAX "V WITH COUPON GALA PAPER TOWELS FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY! | S$E'1 IT CERE TCEREALS GRAPE NUTS 24OZ. RAISIN BRAN 20OZ. SUPER GOLDEN CRISP 180Z. 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