2. A total improvement of our village. CAROL SCHMIDT Carol Schmidt, 400 W. Rand Road, McHenry Political Affiliation: In dependent / Office Sought: Clerk Education: High school Occupation: Housewife Carol Schmidt has served as village treasurer and trustee and is presently the clerk of Lakemoor. She is married and has two children and one grandchild. Answers 1. The condition of the village roads are of the utmost concern to all. 2. Hopefully, the recent an nexations |o the village will provide the economic growth so badly needed.' More im mediately, the board has hired new village engineers and will be embarking on a road program. Wonder MARIE JANECKE Marie Janecke, 8713 Dorr Road, Wondc-i- Lake. P o l i t i c a l A f f i l i a t i o n : Homeowner's Party Office Sought: trustee Education: B.S. degree and post-graduate business related courses Occupation: homemaker and part-time accountant. Marie Janecke lives in the Village of Wonder Lake. She is marned and has two children. Answers 1. Single family zoning, more police protection and open government. 2. My primary concern is to remove multi-family zoning from the existing zoning or dinance. Local residents have expressed an overwhelming desire to maintain Wonder Lake as a single family area. Secondly, more visible police presence is needed. The third concern of the Homeowner's Party is to have better com munication between the village board and all the residents. A monthly newsletter is needed to keep all informed of legislation which concerns us all. LYNN R. MULLIN Lynn R. Mullin, 8714 Dear Wonder Lake < ' P o l i t i c a l A f f i l i a t i o n : Homeowner Party Office Sought: trustee Education: B.M. degree from Millikin University Occupation: Legal secretary Lynn R. Mullin has scheduled and organized corporate board meetings and she is a notary public. She is married. Answers 1. Single-family zoning, more police protection ana open government. 2. There is no place for multi- family zoning in the village. The security of the village is my concern-there should more police protection. There should be no closed board meetings and a monthly newsletter should be sent to the residents. DAN McGUIRE Dan McGuire, 8511 Burton Road, Wonder Lake P o l i t i c a l A f f i l i a t i o n : Homeowner's Party Office Sought: trustee ^ Education: No response Occupation: Salesman Dan McGuire is currently a member of the Wonder Lake Plan Commission and he was active in a recent move to defeat multi-family zoning in the village. He is a past en forcement officer- for the Chicago Department of En vironmental Control and has been a management consultant for the American Meat Board. He is married, has four children and has lived in Wonder Lake for seven years. Answers 1. Multi-family zoning, open Dvernmeht, police protection. 2. The village should remain a single-family residence com munity. Villages residents should be kept informed by a monthly newsletter and there should be more police protec tion. HENRY H. SUGDEN III Henry H. Sugden HI, 8717 Dorr Road, Wonder Lake P o l i t i c a l A f f i l i a t i o n : Homeowner's Party Office Sought: trustee Education: through law school Occupation: Attorney • Henry Sugden in worked nine years m the McHenry County State's Attorney Office in Woodstock. HePis married.. Answers 1. Continuation of single- family residence? zoning, in creased police protection and open government. 2. First, I would vote to allow the existing single-family restrictions and secondly, I would vote to remove multi- family use of village zoning. Further, would support a strong budget for more police en forcement and would strongly ^ support a newsletter informing the village to what transpired in each ana every meeting. MAE GADDIS Mae Gaddis, 8313 Dorr Road, Wonder Lake Political Affiliation: no response Office Sought: trustee Education: some college Simple Relief of Bunions, hammertoes, Heel Pain, Warts, In-grown Nails, Sports Medicine, Laser Surgery, Calluses, Corns, Foot Surgery. A FOOT SPECIALIST Dr. Martin Marks 1311N. Gran, McHenri amt 37 Mclteiry Ave. in Crystal Lake For Fast Relief Call Today. 385-5669, i Feist Foto DRIVE-IN FILM & PROCESSING -FAST FOTO FUJI FILM SALE-- SET READY FOR A SPRING :i _. SUMMER FULL OF COLOR WITH FUJ> FILM! Ill Doc Sinfto (IS Exp.) S2.19 • H Doc Double (30 Exp.) 13.99 ASA 100 COLOR PRINT FILM CN 110-12 $1.79 CN 110-24 J1.99 CN 126-12 11.79 CN 126-24 12.39 CN 135-12 $1.59 CN 135-24 ...$1.99 CN 135-36 $2.99 ASA 100 COLOR SUOE FILM RD135-20 ....$3.19 - *0135-36 $3.99 All Prices Subject to Change Without Notice! ALSO CHECK OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICES ON ALL KODAK FILMS! NOW STOCKING KODAK VIDEO RECORDING TAPE! SPECIAL: KODAK T-120 (2-4-6 HR) VH5 *7.95 EACH OR 2/'14.95 Fast Foto DRIVE-IN FILM & PROCESSING flgB 4400 W. ELM MRS: MON-FRI 9:30-7:0b McHENRY MARKETPLACE SAT 10:00-4:00 McHENRY, ILL. 385-3450 Occupation: real estate owner, broker. Mae Gaddis is president-of the Sunrise Ridge Association. She is married and has four children and three grandchildren. Answers 1. Unity between the people and the board. Furthering our village-rather than attacking the unneceussary. Improve on snowplowing. 2.1 feel that it is necessary to discuss all issues, no matter now unimportant they may seem and solve these matters rattier than push them aside. FRANK S. BRUCHSALER Frank S. Bruchsaler, 8808 Burton Road, Wonder Lake Political Affiliation: None Office Sought: trustee Education: High school and approximately one year college Occupation: Police officer Frank Bruchsaler has been an Oakwood Hills police officer for five years. Prior to that he was,a corporate vice president in Chicago and is presently on the village Zoning Board of Appeals and former member of the finance committee. Answers 1. A government by the peoplejortl^ run by one family. 2. We, as a team, will work 'ether to let the people of this Page 11 - PLAIN DEALER-HERALD. FKIDU . MARCH 29.1985 Easter Seals is there to serve ige have more input as to what goes on witnin this village's government. JUANITA SEABAUGH Juanita M. Seabaugh, 4134 W. Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Lake Political Affiliation: none Office Sought: trustee Education: High school and C.P.A. correspondence courses. Occupation: Bookkeeping and accounting Juanita M. Seabaugh served as village treasurer from Oc tober 1980 to June 1982. She is also involved with the Wonder Lake Women's club, MPOA lake committee and a lake monitoring volunteer. Answers 1. Important decisions, which have grave implications for the future of Wonder Lake, are being made on the basis of limited and biased information by the present board of trustees under the direction of the village president. 2. Each board member must examine all objective data regarding an issued and must make his-her decision with a focus on the ultimate good. Since its doors opened in 1949, the Easter Seal Society for McHenry County has helped thousands of McHenry County residents who have been disabled because of birth defeats, accidents, or illness. Children, adults, and' the elderly have been helped through Easter Seals therapy programs designed to help each individual achieve his or her maximum independence. Easter Seals never turns anyone away because of financial hardship. This is why community support is of vital importance to insure that Easter Seal therapy programs continue and that they will be available to all who need them. BOB MORTELL SALUTES fy INSURANCE MIKE DITKA W CHICAGO BEARS &SERvfcENAL DIRECTORY JACK WALSH. AGENT EARL R. WALSH. BROKER INSURANCE & BONDS Mr*. Aut*. Farm. IK* Rt^rtawflni MllAill COMPANIES SOU W. Elm SI.. MtH.nry MS3M0 STEVEN J. CUD A ATTORNEY AT LAW 101 Von Burcn Street-Woodstock (815)385-7)32 (815)338-1334 HOME OFFICE AVAIL ASH TO PtACTICE IN: Pvrtonal ln|ury .Corporations/partiwrthlpi Trials. Zoning. Wills Probof. jlvorco, ftool Estato and Criminal law DENNIS CONWAY AUTO. IIEE. FIRE State Farm Ins. Co. 331f W. Elm McHenry. HI. 395-71VI DR. LEONARD BOTTARI 1303 Richmond Rd.. McHonry Eyas Eiomlnod • Contact lonsos Classes Flttod Mori., Two*.. Thurs., Frl., 4-4 p.m.. Tuos., Thurs., Frl. 7-9 p.m.. Sat. f:30-3 p.m. Phono 3SS 4ISI or MSI242 JAMES M. McINTEE, LAWYER AVAItAME TO PRACTICE IN: * Personal Injury/Trials. Business Corporations Wills Prabate. Divorce Real Estale, Workman's Compensation 3434 W. Elm Slreel. McHenry, III. For appalntment phone • 315 2440 Form Equipment GEORGE P. FREUND, INC. Cot* - Nt* Holland 4 102 W. Oy«t«l loll* Rd.. M<H«nry Bvt. 3150470 McHENRY DENTAL CENTER DR. C.I. LUDFORD DR. KEVIN WEGRZYN OPEN 3 EVENINGS A WEEK UNTIL (:30 P.M. • SAT. MS-1340 N,0, (Laughing Cos) • Vallum (I.V. Sedation) Available . I R E L L I RADIAL TIRES FOR ALL CARS EUROPA MOTORS, INC. 1311 Rte. 120. McHenry • IS-30S-P700 The First Subaru Designed To Accelerate Your Pulse... But Priced Not to Stop your Heart. Subaru XT See it TODAY!!! 197SBtiick Regal s Needs Help 1979 Subaru Old but brave Pre-Driven Specials 795 1095 1981 Fiat Strada Surprisingly Nice 1983 AMC Alliance Forget about 8.5% *1995 *3995 312/658-4100 aLqoQQufp y I CMNMtifsmiU f I AUOKQum Where more Americans find a bigger refund H&R BLOCK Found Mabel and Howard Hajek $2447! What can we find for you? Wc can't promise everyone this, but in a reeent survey of customers who Cot refund's. 3 out of 4 believe tney got bigger refunds than if they did tneir own taxes. 3 out of 4! ALGONQUIN. 200 N.HARRISON 658-6406 OPEN M0N.SAT. 9-5 CARY- CRYSTAL LAKE- 50CRYSTAL ST. (RT. 14 ) 639-7711 OPEN WEEKDAYS9-9, SAT. *-5 6 CRYSTAL LAKE SHPG PLZ. 459-6960 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9-9, SAT. 9-5 HARVARD- 302 W. DIGGENS OPEN WEEKDAYS9-6, SAT. 9 5 MARENGO- 220 S. STATE ST. 563-6363 OPEN WEEKDAYS9-8, SAT. 9-5 McHENRY- 5101W. ELM (RT. 120 ) 385 8630 OPEN WEEKDAYS9-8, SAT. 9-4 WOODSTOCK- 645 McHENRY AVE. (RT. 120 ) 338-3330 OPEN WEEKDAYS9-9, SAT. 9-5 Only 18 Days Left Until Your Taxes Are Due S p r i n g B e g i n s with icwcrwcoJ x KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS NOW 99 IN 10# OR MORE LOTS. REG. 1.99 LESS THAN 10# $1.09 GOOD FOR O V E R - S E E D I N G O R P A T C H I N G B A R E S P O T S I N Y O U R L A W N r i. i i' i i i LB. Pick fresh fruit in your own backyard from world-famous Stark Bro's dwarf fruit trees. You and your family will enjoy | picking fresh fruit from your Stark Bro' • dwarf fruit trees right in your own • backyard. You'll have delicious I full-sized apples, pcacfics. pears, J cherries or nectarines lor your whole j family to enjoy usually within 2 to 3 I years alter you plant your trees. You'll I have all the fruit you want for eating | fresh, cooking, canning or making into | your favorite desserts. | Stark Trees Bear Fruit . Since IK 16. ^2.00 OFF ANY STARK FRUIT TREE WITH THIS AD! LIMIT 3TREES PER 'T'ON Clean and green your lawn!. Crabicide Green pre- ^ f vents erabgrass, ~Q. * goosegrass. foxtail i COOU, ,«95 _ arid most other grassy weeds from . «sS growing while it \ RE®/; ̂ fertilizes your lawn. Does it all in one easy step. Greenvfeui k;kle/ keeps lawns greener,thicker,weed-free...longer. BARGAIN FROM OUR TROPICAL GARDEN WEEPING FIG (FICUS) REG. $8.99 NOW *5"' 6" POT Mon.Fri. 9-5:30 Sat. 9-5 Sun. 10-5 owerw ROUTES 14 and 176 CRYSTALLAKE 459-6200 ocJ