SECTION 2 - PAGE 12 • PLAIN DEALER-HERALD. FRIDAY. MARCH 29. 1985 THE 16-VALVE SAAB TURBO. FEW CARS CAN BE TRUSTED WITH THIS MUCH POWER. Hie l985 Intercooled Turlx> pnxJuces power more efficiently than tlie Volvo liirlx), the Audi Turbo, or even the Nissan ,'*(X)ZX Turbo. Fortunately, all tliat power resides in a car that is famous M for its superb handling ancLsolid construction. , 1 Because, as avidly 41 ns Saab engineers ... [sought power, they never lost Sight of Saabs dedication to building a air that can handle power. The mini mlrlkgrnl tat ru t hull HERE ARE SOME SAMPLES OF OUR USED CAR VALUES! 1970 SAAB 99 1978 SAAB TURBO *1450 sstsr.$5500 2DoorManua Stock 13790-B 1977 SAAB 99 G.L. 2 dr., 4-speed Stock 13896-A 1978 SAAB 99 G.L. Automatic 3-Door Stock #3857 P •2750 *4500 1980 SUBARU G.L Automatic Wagon, Air Stock 13929 A 3625 1982SUBARUG.L.F. t__ __ 2 dr., Auto., Air, Sunroof, Cruise $ C Q || Stock I3914A...' FROM SMALL DENT TO TOTAL REST0RATI0NS...0UR BODY SHOP IS TOPS! WE WORK ON , IMPORTS & DOMESTICS •COLOR MATCH GUARANTEE •COMPLETE RESTORATIONS •EXPERT FIBERGLASS WORK • INSURANCE WORK •ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED ESTIMATES 385-0700 ^uropa ,JHotors, 3nc. 2414 W. RT. 120 - McHENRY • (815)385-0700 JIM DANCA OLDSMOBILE Rts. 31 & 176, Crystal Lake 815 459-2288 % COMPLETE INVENTORY! Coupes! 4 Doors! Station Wagons! A.P.R. FINANCING ON SELECTED MODELS AND HUGE DISCOUNTS TOO! 82 Boats & Marine Service 82 Boats & Marine Service Sporting Goods 91 Antique Vehicles 93 Motorcycles •ALUMINUM DOCKS/* •RAMPS* Heavy doty aluminum boat dock or ideal for ramp useage. 42" wide x 24' long. Call Ted, 9 to 4 weekdays; 312/428 3641. PROFESSIONAL Pier repair & New Installation. Call Stephen after 6 pm; 312/658-3581. JOHNSON, '81 J .SCOW, 16 ft., fiberglass, sailboat, 123 sq. ft. single sail area, fun for 1 or more, (or speed or pleasure. Used only 1 season, new sail, desk & boat cover, fully rigged w/trailer, $3,000 or best offer, 815/653 5456 after 6 p m. "SHORE STATION" steel, 1600 lb. cap., 82" max. beam, $300, 815/653 5456after 6p.m. SUZUKI, 14 ft. Mirro craft decked, 9.9, exc. trolling motor. E Z load trailer $1700, 815/728 1072. SAILBOAT '78 Ranger 22 ft., EZ load trailer, '80 Johnson 4.5 hp., exc. cond., S9 500/offer 815/338-5241 1977 SEA SCOW 20 ft., very good cond., new mast, fiberglass, $1,700 or best. Call Fridays, or weekdays after 6 pm, 815/728-1685. CENTURY RIVIERA,'81, 16Vj ft., 185 hp I/O, w/trailer. Ski I, cover, swivel buckets, im maculate cond., $8,500/ offer. Alum, lift avail., $750/ offer. After Spm-312/497-3571. SAILBOAT 14 dt. Glastron & trailer, dacron sails, alumunum mast & boom. Stainless wires, exc. cond., $1,295,815/653-9519. MARK TWAIN 21', 1982, 228 HP., I/O, Cuddy Cabin, tandem trailer & covers, low hours. Ex cellent condition! Best offer; 815/344-1131. Snowmobiles YAMAHA 340 GPX/74, w/ cover, needs track; $350/ best. After 6-pm, 312/639-4782. YAMAHA V-MAX, '83, miles, exc. cond., $3000. 815/728-1289. 380 Sporting Goods BOAT, 16 ft., 85 HP outboard, 2 props, great sxi boat $3500, 815/895-5297, after 6p.m. USED GOLF CLUBS. Pro-dvn metal $45/ea. Reflnished PGA wood $30/ea. Ladies set $55. Club repair avail. 312/639-1629. P/R, A/C SfWR(! on any of these select 1980 DATSUN Black! Swraoi! Sterao! 1977 OLDS CUTUSS p/s, p/b, Sapar W 1976 VOLARE WGN p/s, P/B, A/C, Tilt A«/Fm 1974 CHEVY CAPRICE Fell Power RwGmH "i? H72 BUICK SKVLARK r/S. r/S, M taMr COVENTRY MOTORS, LTD. Rt. 14 & McHenry Ave., Crystal Lake, IL 815-455-2720 CALL FOR A FREE CREDIT CHECK N a lung, tanks, new dri-suit, $595, will seperate. 815/653 9519. 85 Campers It Trailers WINNEBAGO 21 ft. Class A motor home, '74, 440 Chrysler engine, 55,000 miles, sleeps 8, $6,000 815/338 0543 ROYALS INTERNATIONAL, travel trailer '78, 31 ft.,air, awning, 815/338 6066 after 5 pm. TRAVCO Motor Home, all lux urious int., completely customized, mechanically like niw, financing avail., $19,900, 815/459-6060 POPUP CAMPER,'78, Ex cedent condition, sleeps 10, Lots of extras! Custom made. Double axle, $3200.; Cat! 312/551-9354, or 312/428 6279. PUAAA Motor home, '77, 21 ft., 43,000 miles, loaded, asking $11,000 or best. Call after 3:30, 815/385-2246 MOTOR HOME, Class A '72 Atlas, good clean cond., roof air, generator, cruise, new tires, shocks, radio tape deck, low miles, $7500,312/658 5071. STARCRAFT Star master 6, '79, pop-up, sleeps 6, like new, stove, sink, icebox, canopy, $2,500. After 5 pm, 312/639-2842. MIDAS MINI, 20 ft., '76, clean, self contained, 39,000 miles, $7,900,815/728-1419. POP UP, hard sides, electric manual lift, sleeps 4, stove, oven, furnace, elec./gas refrig., add a room, dual tanks, spare tire, mirrors, 8i hitch, $1500,312/639-2770, eves. 88 Wanted to Buy CASH PAID-CARS/TRUCKS Running or Near Running Immediate Removal Call 312/526-3116 WANTED TO BUY Junk 8. repairable automobiles - Cash, 7 day pickup, 312/639-8159. CASH PAID For imk Cars - 7 Day Pickup { 312/639 2628 3-WHEEL A.T.C. motorcycle. Approximately 70 cc's; reasonable. 312/695-3375 CHEVY,'51, pick up truck, $500, 312/639-6472. 92 Motorcycles 90 Auto Parts 8i Accessories DODGE engine + trans., 3iB3, $175, pr pf Chevy Malibu fenders, $75 pr. 815/455-2497. - WRANGLER RADIAL, 1, 10 R 15 LT on Jeep rim, never on groung, $125,815/344-1713. SUN ROOF, top quality, smok ed glass, steel hindoes 8> frame call for appt. Jim Adams Auto Body, 815/385-4640. UTILITY TRAILER Tilt Bed $125 815/385-4238 KAWASAKI KZ 1000 LTD, '80, low miles, exc. cond., garage kept, adult driven, $2,500/ best. Mark-815/338-1862. YAMAHA/79, YZ 125 Dirt Bike, $400 or best offer. TS 125, '80, $550or best. Excellent Con dition! Call after 5; 312/428 7963. MUST SELL! Suzuki 650,'82, Mint Condition! Fully dressed, under 400 miles. Serious buyers only! Call 312/428 4958. HONDA, '83, G/L 1100, wind shield, 4,000 miles, exc. cond., $2900/or best. 815/344-1831 after 5 p.m. KAWASAKI 750, LTD, '82, gar. kept, low miles, asking $1800, 312/497 3304. KAWASAKI '78 KZ1000, Fully dressed, am/rm Cass., mags., k/q seat, exc. cond. $1790. 8115/459 9121 MOTORCYCLE Licenses, Titles, Stickers 8i Insurance. Woodstock License Service, 134 Cass St. 815/337-0010. RIDE EASY! Don't forget your cycle In surance. Competitive rates plus big bike discounts. * Fitzgerald's Insurance 815/385-8700 HONDA SS400-4, '76, exc. cond., $900. After 5 pm, 815/459- 4874. HONDA 550, '75, 4 cyl., 12,000 miles, $500, 815/728 1365 after 6 p.m. HONDA TWINSTAR, '81, 200 cc, 3,000 miles, best offer over $500,815/459-2056. YAMAHA 650, 1982. Pearl Black. Very Good Cond. $800. 815/344-2098 after 5pm. YAMAHA'DT 125 Enduro/78, 2700 Original miles, excellent shape, $450. or best offer; 312/426 3955. '80 YAMAHA 400 "SPECIAL". Very Good cond. Many extras. 10,000 miles. Garage kept. $900. 312/639 3528. Ask for Tim. ' '82 HONDA 500 Interstate. Pur chased new in '84. 4,500 miles. Recent tune-up. LIKE NEW. Very good condition!! Garage kept, extras. $2,600. Must sell. 312/639-3528. HONDA 400, '80, black, 6 spd., mags, 4,800 orig. miles, back rest, mint, $900/best, 815/459- 7551 after 4 pm. • '82 HONDA 500 Interstate. Pur chased new in '84. 3,500 miles. Recent tune-up. LIKE NEW. Very good condition!! Garage kept, extras. $2,600. 312/639- 3528. '84 Sea Sprite, 20 ft., am/fm stereo w/ cass. player. In cludes all canvas top, used 1 mo. paid $15000, asking $12000. 815/385-3381 YAMAHA XS1100, IW dress, exc. cond., tow ml. $2500 115/338-3787 HONDA, '76 550only 3088 mltos, windshield, carrier «. baa, adult driven, $795,815/653-9519. KAWASAKI, '82, GPZSSfc good cond., $1200; 1981 Yamaha, Y2 465, good cond., $900; 1978 Kawasaki KZ 650, very $1,000; 1976 Honda, C8 750, good cond . $650,815/459-5699. YAMAHA, 78, RD 400, mwt sacrifice, low miles, exc. cond., $650 or best, 815/459-6848. HONDA, '80, CR 80, exc. ond., asking $150 or best offer, 815/385-2820 . KAWASAKI 900 Zl/75, Good condition! $800.; 815/338-5209 YAMAHA, '81 550 maxim, perfect 1st bike, a for dab le, $950. 815/653-4502. '83 Kawasaki GPZ 750, 3000 miles,Includes helmet, Must See, $2500.815/455-6696 KAWASAKI KZ 400,"76, Good condition1815/337-0414. '80 Yamaha YZ 125, mint cond., never raced 8500.815/385-3381. YAMAHA MAXIM 650/82, new last year, 800 mltos. $1150/ of fer. Call tor details- 312/658- 2233, or 312/658-8334. '82 HONDA XR200R, excellent cond., $975 or best offer. 815/344 2160 or 815/344-1976 SUZUKI 1000 shaft drive wind jammer, am/fm cassette, trunk case savers, $1600, 815/895-6795. HARLEY DAVIDSON '79, Superglide 10,000 mltos, $3,500 or best offer. 815/344-3*43 99 Automobiles for Sale NEED A aood used car? Call Ray at Relchert Chevy/Bulck, 815/459-4000! CORVETTE,'84, two tone silver, all options available, 1500 mltos, $26000.; 312/428- 6614. 82 ESCORT. Runs exc., p/s, dig. dock/radio, gas miser, 66,000 miles, avail. April 1. $3,500. Call 815/338-3786 after 7 p.m. 82 ESCORT. Runs exc., p/s, dig. dock/radio, gas miser, 66,000 miles, avail. April 1. $3,500. Call 815/338-3786 after 7 p.m. 82 ESCORT. Runs exc., p/s, dig. dock/radio, gas miser, 66,000 miles, avail. April 1. $3,500. Call 815/338-3786 after 7 p.m. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 74, starts <i runs exc., $895, 312/639-8239 MONTE CARLO, 76, am/fm radio, wht. walls, naw carpeting. Call 815/568-6578 ask for Rick. G.T.FIERO tor IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! OLDS FIRENZA LX SEDAN OLDS FIRENZA CRUISER liS Meet. New Cars by March 31st 1985 GMC MINI VAN CUSTOMIZED for IMMEDIA TE DELIVERY! SPECIAL!! 12 MONTH-12,000 MILE WARRANTY INCLUDED ON MOST 1978 thru 1983 CARS! FUN BEGIN!! OLDS FIRENZA GT From coupe to cruiser, there's a new sporty, fun-to-drive Olds Firenza that's right for you. Take a test drive today at... JIM DANCA OLDSMOBILE! Interested in Leasing?...CALL US! Used Cars?...SEE US! Quality Service lmportant?...SEE US! GM QUALITY SERVICE PARTS î hbI OINIRAl MOTORS CORPORATION Keep That Great GM Feeling with Genuine GM Parts. CADILLACS '82 Cadillac Cpe. DeVille-P.W. & Locks-P. Seat-Tilt-Cruise-AM-FM Stereo-Rear Defogger-Twi Lite-Cabolet Top-Cloth lnt.-37.000 Mi.-Spotless!!! Special $11495.00!!!! '80 Cadillac EIDorado-P.W. & Locks-50/50 P. Seat-Tilt-Cruise-A/C-AM-FM Cassette-Wire Wheels-Cabolet Top-Dark Blue-Rustproofed-Loaded-Like New!!! WAGONS '80 Olds Cutlass Brougham Wagon-V8-A.T.-A/C-P.S. & Disc, B. AM FM Rear Defogger-luggage Rack-46,000 Cert. Mi.-One Owner-Very Clean Don't Miss This One!!! SPORTY CARS Stereo-Tilt-Cast Wheels-White Letter Tires-5,000 '84 Fiero SE-A.T.-A/C-AM-FM Mi.-Special $9995.00!!! '83 Trans Am-P.S. & Disc B.-P.W. te-A/C-Rear Defogger-Aluminum Sharp!!!! *82 Firebird-PS.^ & Disc B.-A/CAM-FM Stereo-Tilt-Rear Wheels-Sport Stripes-35,000 Mi.-Like New!!! Only $7195.00!!!! '76 Camero-P.S. & Disc B.-Pr'Locks A/C AM-FM Rally Wheels-Landau 38,000 Cert. Mi. Extra Clean!!! '83 Grand Prix U-PS. & Disc B.-A/C-Cruise-Landau Top-Real Sporty!!!! & Locks-P. Seat-Tilt-Cruise-AM-FM Casset- Wheels"T-Tops"-33,000 Mi.-Loaded & Defogger-Rally Roof- LUXURY CARS & Disc B.-A/CTilt- Wipers-28,000 Mi.- '84 Bonn. LE 4 Dr.-P.S. Cruise-AM-FM Stereo-Delay Showroom New!!! '83 Buick LeSabre 4 Or.-P.S. & Disc B.-A/C- AM FM Stereo-Rear Defogger-Wire Wheels-9,000 Cert. Mi.-Like New!!* '82' Bonn. 4 Dr.-P.S. & Disc B.-P.W. A Locks- 60/40 Seat-Tilt-Cruise-AM-FM Stereo-A/C-Rear Defogger-Wire Wheels-Vinyl Top-2 Tone-Loaded & Sharp!!! '82 Olds Cutlass Supreme 4 Or.-P.S. & Disc B. AM FM Stereo-Rear Oefogger-A/C-Vinyl Top-Wire Wheels-A Sharp Family Car!!! '79 Bonn. Brm. 4 Dr.-P.S. & Disc B.-P.W. & Locks 60/40 P. Seat-Tilt-Cruise-AM-FM Stereo- Rear Defogger-Rally Wheels-A/C-Delay Wipers- Vinyl Top-Rustproofed-One Owner-Loaded & Sharp!!!! & Disc B.-A/C-Tilt-AM-FM Console-Landau Top-Rally Kind-See It Now-Only '79 Bonn. Cpe.-P.S. Cassette-Buckets & Wheels-One Of A $4895.00!!! MIDSIZE '84 Phoenix 5 Dr. HB-& Disc B.-A/C-Rear Defogger-AM-FM Stereo-Tilt-Recliner Seat-5500 Mi.-V6 Engine-Demo-Was $10579.00-Now $9180.00!!! ' '82 Dodge Colt 4 Dr.-4 Speed-Rear Defogger-Twin Stick-Real Economy!!! Special $3895.00!!! '82 Phoenix LJ 5 Dr. HB-P.S. & Disc B.-P.W. & Locks-P. Seat-Tilt-Cruise-AM-FM Stereo-Rear Defogger-Wire Wheels-A/C- Buckets & Console-38,000 Mi.- Has Every Option-Like New!!! '81 Phoenix Cpe. P.S. & Disc B.-A/C-Rear Defogger-Rally wheels-37,0000 Mi.-New Tires-A Sharp Front Wheel Drive Car!!!! 79 Datsun B210 Cpe.-4 Cyl.-5 Speed-AM-FM-Rear Defogger-Rustproofed-41,000 Mi.-Real Clean Little Car!!! '78 Pontiac LeMansCpe.-V8-A.T.-P.S. & Disc B.-A/C-One Owner-Extra Sharp Bronze Car-Very, Very Clean!!!! 'A ORMSBY MOTORS GENEROUS GMAC A BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE Pontiac BUI sSvici pawt$ GMC SON. MAIN ST. CRYSTALLAKE.IL. 815-459-4566 Keep that great GM feeling with genuine GM Parts