I'ltr *»in.AlNDKALKH IH HALD. FRIDAY. APRIL 12,19B5 Opinion/Politics Coverage puzzles reader Dear Editor: I am puzzled by your recent coverage of McHenry Township government. In your Wednesday edition before the election (March 27) you carried a lengthy article on the ac complishments of our township officials which included quotes urging voters to reward these officials at the polls. In your April 5 edition, after the election was over, you published the salary increases of these same township officials on the front page. These in creases had been acted upon several weeks prior to your publication of them. The supervisor's salary alone was increased by 58 percent. In a democracy, an informed electorate is essentiaL Newspapers play a key role in helping voters make decisions at the polls. Your newspaper in choosing not to print these in- "creases before the election did a disservice to the voters and taxpayers of McHenry Town ship. I hope in the future you will print such news in a timely manner. Judith M. Szilak Editor's Note: The McHenry Plaindealer-Herald regrets that it was unable to obtain accurate figures on the salary increases from township officials until after the election. Here's a sample of what other papers are saying TUESDAY NITEI BUFFET New York Daily News A group of White House bigwigs who were in West Germany last month used their diplomatic passports to arrange sweetheart discounts to buy some of BMW's luxury cars. Fred Fielding, the White House lawyer, took a look at the sityation and siad neither Micahle Deaver nor the others who got the cars did anything illegal or unethical-but he decreed that it mustn't happen again and he's drafting new rules covering such purchases. For BMW, it's good public relations to have VIPs drive their cars. But what's good for BMW isn't necessarily good for America. In fact, such deals smack of privelege for a select few. That may be routine in European government circles. It isn't in the U.S.-and should that way. ie rules Fielding draws up should make the point forcefully and include stiff penalties, right up to and including dismissal, for public servants who try to use nigh office to lead the high life. A plea for caring is made to careless pet owners Dear Editor: ; An open letter to pet owners. 1 Because you let your dogs run loose, I have to go three times a day and walk my dog in my own yard. Not fair. ! Because you let your dogs run loose, I cannot have a nice garden. They dig it up. Not fair. Because you let your dogs run looee, I cannot let my grand children play in my yard because of your dirt. Not fair. Because you let your dogs run loose, I cannot rest in my yard; your dogs gtowl and menace me. Not fair. Because you let your dogs run loose, I cannot even look out my windows for fear of seeing one of them killed, or even worse, maimed by the heavy traffic on Route 120. That breaks my heart. Not fair. Won't you please let me out of my prison by giving me the same respect you demand of me? I don't bring my very large dog to your homes and allow her to ruin and dirty your yards. Why do you do it to me? How can you take a chance in allowing a beloved pet to run loose and be hurt and frightened in this manner? Don't you love or care for them? Tnei living creatures. Please keep your pets home where they are safe and don't frighten others in their efforts to protect themselves in the only manner an animal knows. We ;y are ss WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE CUSTOMERS fipp; l wiwin*' JMalriRK ABVAHCEDCUSSW ' $anr MINI4AMP BUILDING MAKE A COPPER FOILED MINI-LAMP IN FOUR SESSIONS. (FEE INCLUDES BASE & PATTERN) (BEGINNER CLASS ALSO AVAILABLE) CUSSES BEGIN THURSDAY, APRIL 25 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, APRIL 19 FOR INFORMATION, CALL (815)3444724 IUJ WE SPECIALIZE IN COUNTRY & FOLK ARK CRAFTS! ALL MADE BY LOCAL ARTISANS! PLUS! ANTIQUE TREASURES (CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME) can't blame frightened animals for acting as such. I won't hurt them because I can't harm any creatures. But there are others who don't feel as 1 do. It's not the fault of the pets. It's yours and you know who you are. Please. I care, won't you? Louise DO YOUR NAILS SPLIT? PEEL? NOT GROW? TRY NAIL TIPS A Lavish Mexican Buffet from Soup to Desserts. Over 30 Authentic Mexican Dishes Prepared 5.95 ADULTS Bring in the kids for the PINATA BUFFET AND SALAD BAR All you can eat! 4.95 ADULTS 1.95 KIDS Bottomless Beer with above tfler 295 LUNCHEON DELI BUFFET MON. thru FRI. 11 AM to 1:30 PM olernaa Serving your favorite dinner specials nightly 7 DAYS A WEEK 7320 Route 31, Crystal Lake • (across from YMCA) NAIL TIPS REQUIRE NO FILLS AND GROW OUT NATURALLYALLOWING NAILS TO BREATH. GREAT FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS. 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BEGINNER'S EXERCISE by Chris Bassi ( certified Arthritis Self Help \ V and Aquatic Instructor ) -WORKOUTS INCLUDE • one-hour Head-to-toe workout • stretching • simple Ballet emphasis • Prevention of injury • joint protection 4 ^*1 / >\ EXCELLENT WORKOUT FOR ALL AGES - ESPECIALLY GOOD FOR BEGINNERS AND PREGNANT WOMEN STARTS MONDAY-APRIL 15TH-8 WEEKS/$30°° Schedule • Monday & Wednesday at 9 a.m. or Monday & Wednesday at 4 p.m. First National Bank pf McHenry Urges You To Compare.. Reason Number 3- At the FI RST you can en joy ful I-service all day Wednesday banking. Have you ever tried to gain access to your sate deposit box on Wednesday? You can at the Fl RST. McHenry Nautilus 804 Mill St., McHenry, IL 60050 804 MILL ST. IN McHENRY COME JOIN us-344-2202 Don't You Deserve The BEST In Banking? Why Not Compare? Come See Us. You'll Be Glad You Did. m\ m Member FDIC mk FIRST NATIONAL BANK J O F F i C E S M A I N B U I L D I N G . 3 8 1 4 W E S T E L M S T R E E T . 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