Milk Days contestants told W,rriat*ll"n»w * ADDlications for marri&ffi l»age 5 - PLAI.NDKALLH'HKHALU, FHI1)A^ , APRIL 12.1985, KK-HKK •̂ X Twenty-one high school junior and senior girls, from seven area high schools will vie for the title of Harvard Milk Day Queen. The preliminary contest will be held at 8 p.m., Monday, April 15 at the Harvard Moose Lodge on Route 173. Peggy Finnegan of WREX- TV, Channel 13, Rockford will be mistress of ceremonies for the pageant. Judging the contest will be Norma Hurdle of the Rockford Register Star, Steve Hunter of the Woodstock Daily Sentinal, Darla Meyer of the Beloit Daily News, and Roland Herrmann, Circuit Court Judge of McHenry County. Each girl will be judged on poise, per sonality and beauty. There will be no admission charge for the preliminary contest and the public is invited. One girl from each school will advance to the queen contest finals. Milk Queen crowning and coronation ball will be Thursday, May 30, at the Harvard Moose Lodge, starting at 8 p.m. Admission will be $2. Candidates and the schools they represent are: Harvard, Lynn Anne Calvin, Kathleen Healy, and Melissa A. Piatt; Big Foot, Pamela Hladish, Laura Knott, and Sherry Zarnstorff; Alden-Hebron, Linda Ainger, Mamie Bishop, and Karen Carbonara; Marengo, Dawn Davis, Jackie Lynn Henning, and Cathy Steffen; Marian Central, Cynthia M. Dickow, Jody Domek, and Kristin Malaker; North Boone, Monique Renee Bjornson, Ruth Kehoe, and Joy Ellen Zick; Woodstock, Leann D. Adams, Susan Beth Lacy, and Sherry Lynn Syens. The 44th Annual Milk Days festival will be held May 31, . June 1 and 2, with a parade at 1 p.m. June 1. Applications for marriage licenses were recently made in McHenry County Clerk's office by: James L. Freund, Woodstock, and Ruthann Scanlon, Wonder Lake; Howard J. Alshanski, Crystal Lake, and Donna M. Kocher, McHenry; Daniel G. Hallberg, St. Paul, Minn., and Calinda E. Leonard, McHenry; Scott 1V. Weingart, Wonder Lake, and Gail M. Greenwood, McHenry. Michael J. Swiatek and Elizabeth A. Coolman, both McHenry; Donald W. Arm strong Jr. and Cynthia L. Hesse, both McHenry; Stephan M. Baroni, Skolde, and Christine F. Nicolai, McHenry; Mark S. Adams and JoAnne Bye, both, McHenry. '• Richard A. Lawrence and Katherine A. Kumpula, both McHenry; James A. Douglas,. North Aurora, and Barbara AJ Humann, McHenry; Michael W.» Anderson and J&annette B.| Reyer, both McHenry. Plaindealer HERALD (USPS 335-200) • Established 1875 3812 WmI Elm Street Phone 815-385-0170 Circulation 385-0178 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday 8 Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage PAID at McHenry, Illinois by SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP POSTMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050 Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice of change of address to the McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, III. 60050. A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be made where a change of address is provided through the Post Office department. Thomas C. Miller-Associate Publisher Donna Santi-Editor Atoarb Winning ilrtospaprr MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES In McHenry COuhfy By Carrier .50' Week 1 Year by Mail ....... $19 00 Where carrier service not available only BMslii McMian Cmrty 1 Year by Mai l $27.00 o^V Haven't you done without a Toro long enough?* 7HP„ KEY-LECTRIC 5 START RIDER ONLY 95 iV (r* \ BUY EASY EMPTY GRASS CATCHER _ OPTIONAL /THIS 10*0 PREMIUM QUALITY MOWER ONLY $26995 REG. $309 H6J75 WITH: • NO RUST CAST ALUMINUM DECK PREMIUM QUALITY MOOELIM125 • 7hp. 25" Cut •5 Speeds • Key-Lectrlc Start TORO INSTANT CREDIT APPROVAL PLAN Up to tlfiOO Iw Qualified lluycrk NO DOWN PAYMENT M Im Dtlailtl SELF-PROPELLED DRIVE MODEL #16775 ONLY ,$319" REG. $349.95 NOW AT THESE TORO SALES & SERVICE PROFESSIONALS GEO. P. FREUND, INC. 4102 W. Crystal LakeRd. McHenry, III. 385-0420 M-F 8-5 Sat. 8-3 FLOWER WOOD, INC. 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SPORTSWEAR, BRIDAL & ACCESSORIES CRYSTAL POINT MALL SPRING HILL MALL • I5/4J»WS0 312/551 9010 * < -> ' • . ¥; Mm .{RT. 120) McHENRY, McHENRY PODIA TRIST OFFERS FREELASER FOOT SURGERY X Dr. Martin Marks utilizes a Podiatric Lasor to euro multiple planter warts while his surgical resident looks on. It you have medical surgical insur ance and have already paid your yearly deductable. you may be entitled to laser surgery at no "out-ot pocket" expense. Dr. Martin Marks 1311 N. Green St. in McHenry and Xanar - the laser division of Johnson Johnson are conducting a laser session to determine the need for a C02 Podiatric laser in the McHenry area. Dr. Marks states "In my practice of Podiatric medicine and surgery we have maintained continuuous study and re search so that we can provide our pati ents with the latest techniques and most up-to-date equipment. The ultimate ob jectlve is to relieve and correct the dis comfort and disabling effects of foot problems by the most efficient and ef fective means - usually reducing treat ment pain, while avoiding hospital con finement." A recent adaptation of the medical laser technique Is in treatment of vari ous foot problems, requiring removal of diseased or damaged tissues. Now, in many cases, the scalpel (knife) is dis carded in favor of a ray of light, the laser beam. In simple, non-technical terms, a laser beam of light is aimed and pinpointed to the troubled areas. In seconds, the problem-causing condition is often eliminated. It does so by vapo rizing the faulty cells, and at the same time sterilizes and cauterizes the sur rounding tissue and coagulates the blood vessels to control bleeding, while pre venting infection and scarring. In podiatry, a considerable variety of foot ailments can successfully be treated with the laser. 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