Your Choice, Each Sale 10.99 Soft Touch Interior Flat One coat latex enamel. Washable. Spot and stain resistant. In white and assorted colors. Gallon. Regular $16.99. (550-6001 thru 6035) Soft Touch Celling Pelnt. White only. One coat coverage. Gallon. Regular $16.99. (550-6050) * / /IK. Late* Soft Touch Semi-Gloss Sale IilfW Dries hard and smooth like enamel, yet appears flat. One coat; spot and stain resistant Gallon Regular $17.99. (549-6013 thru 6047) Spray Paint Sale 1.88 Aerosol spray paint for indoors or outside. Non-toxic, lead-free; safe forchildren's furni ture. Many colors. (579-4011 thru 4904) Power Roller w--jm 0 0 Painting System Sale #4iOO Reduces painting time and effort. Simple to set up and clean. (586-8500) Textured Latex Paint Sale 1Zm99 Washable, durable, one-coat finish for plaster board, wallboard and other similar surfaces. White 2-gallon. Regular $16.99 (555-8200) Polyester Brushes For latex, oil, shellac or lacquer. 4" BrU$h. (584-2257) 2" Bruth. (584-2224) V/t"Snh. (584-2216) Sale 3*99 Sale2.19 Sale 1.69 9" Rollers Sale 1.99 Choose smooth or semi-smooth rollers for use on all surfaces. Each. (586-0739.0812) Masking Tape Sale Multi-purpose tape for home or workshop. Size: %" x 50-yds. (581-1823) Lacquer Thinner Sale 1*88 Maintains lacquer quality as it thins for easier brushing or spraying. Also forepoxies. Quart. (580-0768) ih ft Ladder Saie29e99 Good, solid way to reach overhead work. Rugged aluminum, made to last. Sturdy pail shelf. U.L. listed. (589-2021) Sale3e88 Semi-paste formula makes it easy to use. Removes paint, varnish and stain. Washes off with water. Low odor. Quart. (580-2624) Paint Stripper Semi-paste formula N Goast to Coast We're here to help you. We're TOTAL HARDWARE. 21