7 Free programs set at MCC for environmental aw le woi J wareness . IV 17- I'LAIMJKAI.KR-IIKKAM). \X KI)\KSI) . M.\\ I. 198> Emphasis will be on en vironmental awareness during Day Three of the 1985 Wellness Celebration at McHenry County College. Environmental Awareness Day is Thursday, May 2. "Feeling the Light and Source Between You and the Universe" will lead off the day with a 10 a.m. presentation by MCC Counselor Mary Kay Messling. Participants can experience a healing meditatiojn between themselves and the universe. At 11 a.m. the collegeVwill have a "Visit From An En dangered Species" in the peraon of an MCC science instructor. The audience will see the problems faced by the animal as it searches for an appropriate habitat and will learn what can be done to help. The noon-hour presentation will bei recycling program put on by the McHenry County Defenders, an organization of citizens dedicated' to the protection of the land and natural resources of McHenry County. A collection of aluminum cans and newspapers for recycling will also be conducted. A truck will be located in the parking lot at MCC. Aluminum cans will be bought for 21 cents a pound for unflattened cans artd 23 cents a pound for flattened cans. Those bringing in 100 pounds or more of cans will be paid 25 cents per pound. (The amount per aluminum can is approximately one cent per can.) Proceeds from newspapers collected will go to MCC. At 1 p.m. area residents are invited to learn about "Presettlement Natural Areas in McHenry county." The slide presentation and discussion will be led by Gill Moreland, field representative of the Fox River Conservation Union, and Ed Collins, director of En vironmental Education at Pleasant Valley Outdoor Center. At 2 p.m., a group will take a walk around the MCC grounds with Bill Wingate of the McHenry County Conservation District. The evening program on Environmental Awareness Day will be an experiencial workshop to introduce par ticipants to the world of the Shaman. Shamanism is a religion based on the doctrine that the wbrkings of good and evil spirits can be influenced by spiritual healers. Susan Gilchrist, a storyteller and student of native .American cultures, will lead the audience on "A Shamanistic Journey" beginning at 6:30 p.m. All of the Environmental •Awareness pay activities will take place in the college lounge, located on the lower level of MCC's Main Hall Building. Admission will be free and the public is encouraged to attend any or all of the events. TUMBLE - WEEDS TUMBLE-WEEDSOFFER "SUMMER CLASSES TUMBLING AND TRAMPOLINE •2SIX-WEEK SESSIONS JUNE 10- JULY 18 JULY 22-AUG. 30 • AGES 4-21 (Boys & Girls) •CLASSESONE OR TWO DAYSPERWEEK •REGISTER EARLY PHONt: 728-1800 (Gym) 728-1666 (Home) [PROMISE YOURSELF] SUCCESS... ..SUCCESS WITH YOUR WEIGHT LOSS GOALS IN TIME FOR THAT SPECIAL GRADUATION. REUNION, WEDDING. PICNIC, PROM OR SUMMER VACATION YOUR FIRST VISIT IS FREE. CALL TODAY! v 385-0500 HRS.: M0N. &THURS. 8:30 7:00 TUES & FRI 8 3Q;5:00#CLOSED WED •H|i|i|ill I SLENDER iPvI-aJ'a.Ugenter N PARK ST.'McHENRY SALMONELLA The McHenry County Department of Health reports that of April 23, McHenry County had 254 confirmed cases of Salmonella in citizens residing in McHenry County. Of the 254 cases currently con firmed, 27 were individuals involved either as cases or as family contacts involved in a sensitive occupation. DIV OF DASTON INC. LEISURE LIVING AND ENERGY,EFFICIENT PRODUCTS FOR THE HOME S- </ PATIO ROOF' i SKYLITES! *SCREEN ROOMS! * 3-SEASON ROOMS! 414-275-2176 SUMMER LIVING OPEN HOUSE You are cordially invited to attend our LEISURE LIVING OPEN HOUSE WHEN: SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MAY 4th & 5th WHERE: STYLELINE MANUFACTURING CO., HIGHWAY 14 NORTH, WALWORTH TIME: NOON-TIL5:00P.M.. ENJOY FREE REFRESHMENTS WHERE YOU WILL BEJ>RESENTED A 10% CASH DISCOUNTS CERTIFICATE Learn first-hand of the many leisure living products Styleline manufactures and how they will convert your patio or deck into something truly special! . A ĵ S&ZSX I • I WED, THUR & FRI 8 A.M. TO 7 P.M. SAT 8 A.M. TO 4 P.M. 7m m£, 7msi ssrn 4 M > MM M MMV LARGEST FURWURE STORE in mcHEnRv coumv hiii6n I AM AVI X- . \ •T! t}0 z „ 5 890 LAKE AVE. WOODSTOCK, ILL. (815)338-0404 \