Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1985, p. 23

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V * "s SUCTION 2 - L»A(;i<; 6 - IM.AINDKALKH-HKRALl). WEDNESDAY . M\\ % 1.1M85 \ CLASSIFIED- RATES/ INFORMATION PRIVAT€ PARTY CLASSIFIED RATES, DEADLINE'S INFORMATION (Additional Rales Available.'for Help Wanted Advertising) Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion dale In the event ol_an error or omission, the paper will be responsible tor ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable tor only the portion ot the ad which is in error. In case ol an error, notify the Classified Department at c^rice. Payment in advance must be made for these ads: • Business Opportunities • Sitters Available • Dial-A Service (Business Services) • Employment Wanted • Garage Sales • Moving Sales • Out of Shaw Free Press Circulatfan^rea • Political* Houses, Apt. to Share • Sublease; Re-rent; etc. * All Wanted to Buy Classifications-* All Wanted to Rent Classif ications •» v PAPER PACKAGE* / 3 LINES, 5 DAYS, $8 80 1 A total of 27 insertions in the followingrewspapers The Herald, Crystal Lake, Cary Grove, fcardunal Free Press Edi n'M'A lions • Elgin Herald • Woodstock Sentinel Herald • McHenry Plaindealer Herald • Richmond Gazette • Sycamore News • Genoa Kingston Kirkland News • Hampshire Register i 'The following Publications are also available at additional cost r-- - » SHAwfRtiPRiss • Harvard Herald • Saturday E xtra ? Shopper Seifvtte • Citizen Tri NCwsFtPia choup County Shopper • Marengo Beacon Republican News • Huntley Beacon Republican News 'The PAPER PACKAGE may be cancelled, however, due to this special, low rate;rio refund or adjustment can be made to }he original billing upon cancellation Our helpful, courteous sales staff is at your service during the following hours: MONDAY FRIDAY 8:00a.m. 5:00p.m. DEADLINES "CLASSIFIED LINE ADS Deadline for placing or cancelling a line ad: For MONDAY publications. 12:00 noon on Friday For TUE5DAY FRIDAY publications, SOOp.m two days prior to publication - CLASSIFIEDpjSPLAVADS (Other than automotive and real estate ads) 4:00p.m TWO DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION The Herald, Crystal Lake. Cary Grove. Qjrdunal Free Press Editions • Woodstock Sentinel Herald ^ MONDAY NOON Richmond Gazette • Sycamore News • Hampshire Register • Genoa Kingston Kirkland News MONDAY NOON, WEDNESDAY NOON McHenry Plaindealer Herald Harvard Herald MONDAY 3 PM • Elgin Herald TUESDAY NOON Saturday E xtra Friday noon The Herald, Citizen Tri-County Shopper •. "T : For Our Readers: PREFIX DIRECTORY This is a pafcftal listing of telephone prefixes and the cities they represent \ which are commonly found in the Shaw Free Press Classified pages. ^-eiiAREACODE . 312 AREA CODE 337 8--Wopdstock 675 344 --McHenry 678 385 --McHenry •> 728 455 --Crystal Lake 459 --Crystal Lake 784 568 --Marengo 895 648 --Hebron 923 653 --Wonder Lake 943 --Spring Grove -- Richmond --Wonder Lake/ Rirvgwood --Genoa --Sycamore --Union --Harvard 381-2-- Barringlon 426 --Dundee/ Carpentersville 428 --Dundee/ Carpentersville Dundee Cary 551 639 658 669 --Huntley 683 --Hampshire 695 *-Elgin 697 --Elgin 740 --Round Lake 741-2-- Elgin --Elgin --LITH Algonquin 931 --Elgin To place your ad, call: 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT' DIRECTORY .01 v 0' 03 04 . . . . . . 0 5 06 07 .08 .09 .10. ANNOUNCEMENTS Legal Notices Cemeteries & Lots Card of Thanks Notices ,.... Lost& Found -- -- Personals. / Instruction Car Pools Travel and Transportation .. Grano Openings J FINANCIAL Business Opportunities... Stocks, Bonds and Investments -- Financial Services ..." Personal and Business Loans EMPLOYMENT Employment Agencies Emiioymenl Wanted Household Help Wanted Sitters Available Sifters Needed 21 Help Wanted .....22 MERCHANDISE Wanted to Buy 25,, Appliances ....-- ...26 Ar t and Antiques 27 Auctions 21 Building Materials 29 Clothing 30 Computers and Software 31 Cratts and Hobbies .32 Food and Produce 33 Health and Fitness 34 Livestock, Farm Supplies and Equipment 35 Horses and Equipment 36 Pels and Supplies 37 Musical Instruments 31 Office and Store Equipment 39 Household Goods 40 Lawn, Garden and Landscaping ....41 Machinery/Tools --42 Garage Sales 43 Misc. Merchandise 44 Trade or Barter 45 RENTALS Wanted to Rent y..i 50 Rooms for Rent 51 Houses, Apartments To Share . 52 Apartmenls for Rent 53 Homes for Rent 54 Condos, Townhomes for Rent.. 55 Store. Offices for Rent 56 Industrial for Rent 57 Farm and Farmland for Renf 51 Storage Space for Rent 59 Misc. tor Rent 60 R E A L E S T A T E Wanted to Buy ...65 Business Property lor Sale 66 Industrial for Sale. .. 67 Open Houses \ 61 Houses for Sale 69 Condos & Townhomes (or Sale 70 Lots and Acreage «-- 71 Mobile Homes for Sale 72 Farms for Sale -- ....73 RECREATIONAL Aviation 80 Bicycles 01 Boats and Marine Service .... <$2 Snowmobiles 03 Sporting Goods.... 04 Campers/Trailers 05 AUTOMOTIVE Wanted to Buy 00 Automotive Services ,....09 Auto Parts and Accessories.... 90 Antique Vehicles 91 Motorcycles W Automobiles for Sal* 03 Vehicles for Rent 94 Tractors/Trailers 95 Trucks •00 Vans 07 02 Cemeteries & Lots 04 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK & UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as S275, including perpetual care. Catholic section Above ground cremation niches now available. Terms. *1 015/459 0547 WINDRIDGE pg , price, 2 spaces + vaults, markers, in ferment, etc., write: W. Hougas, N 2947 Hiawatha Rd., NAonroe, Wise. 53566, or call 508/325-9521. 03 Notices 04 Notices Card of Thanks > THANK YOU We wish to thank all our friends for the cards, gifts, phone calls & their presence at our 60th Wed­ ding Anniversary. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! Jack & Evelyn Hughes CD class of ,to thank the ler for their 'lyin^ water 1 raising car Notices EIGHTH£RAP£j St. PaKwould like McHenry Plaindee generWty in sup| and lot for ourturt wash. 04 "FREE- PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934 9233 VIDEO TAPES avail, of St. Thomas 1st Communion (4/21/85). Call 815/455 2677. •WORKING PARENTS! • HOMESTYLE MONTESSORI All Day -3 to 6 Years Taking Applications For Fall 1985-86 Visit Us During Our OPEN HOUSE WEEK May 6th throuoh 10th Call For More Information • 815/455-4817* We would like to check each ad as it appears in the paper, but time does not permit. . Please notify us if you find an error \n your classified ad, or if your ad failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the first day (t was schedul­ ed to appear, we'll make a correction as soon as deadline permits. We can only be responsi­ ble for the first day of an ad's run. 'Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of T the ad where the error occurred. Sorry, but if the error continues after the first day of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot be responsible. 1st ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION! DIVERSIFIED UPHOLSTERY 115 W. Prairie, Marengo Bring this ad In to receive one( dozen free donutt with u <every new uphohttsy fob during tlle m^nth of May. 813-368-5589 DR.ZIDEK Announces the relocation of ANTHONY CHIROPRACTIC to the new facility at v 5323 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Wonder Lake, II Opening April 23rd Hours will be by appt. only. 815/728-0300 ATTENTION: BRIDES Save money on bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, silk flowers, invitations & ac­ cessories. Silk Flower & Bridal Creations, 815/338 1682. LOST: CAT, ty Fox Ri 4/21, RE WA grey lie, si striped, fema Fox Ridge/McH'enry ARD! 815/344-5317. 06 06 Pergonals THERAPUE.TIC MASSAGE- Hypnosis for everyday tension, stress, back pain, relaxation, weight loss, smoking. 312/426- 9768. IF YOU would like to lose 10 to 150 lbs. and/or earn $200. to 11500. per month, call 312/639- 6400. IF YOU are single, divorced, or widowed, get our listings of local people waiting to meet you. Sincere people call, 312/742-7545, or wr4te, Listings", Box 62-L, South Elgin, 1160177. DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af­ ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 815/338-3320. HAVING TROUBLE finding Health Insurance? High blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, etc. We can help! Call Mary Shumaker; 015/095-6414, col­ lect, 9 am-lpm, Dally. INSIDE nEvery Overweight person, there's a thinner, hetflfheir, more robust In­ dividual iustiwaitlng to get out. Let us help them. 312/650-0429. I ETHIOPIA ng alone, millions of afar, homeless, undoth- Standi afar, homeless, ed, hungry and Hi, 1 Ethiopia die. The sun has dried my barron land Snd rain has ceased to come. Forgotten I am by God tnd man, I Ethiopia cry. To you the world I send my pleai help me to ease the pain, to feed my children I have ask­ ed the -milk of kindness, I Ethiopia beg. The smile has left my very young for death has taken most.My days are filled with sorrow and pain. My nights are very cold. To you I stretch my flesh less hands, hopeless, do not leave me. For though I'm weak my trembling lips make this plea for help, I Ethiopia weep. By KathieJacobsen. 07 Instructions SUMMER - PROGRAMS • Gifted Workshops - Jr./Sr: High School •College Study Skills • Rapid Reading/Study 5th- llth Grades •Tutoring Grades 5-12 Calf After 5 pm 5312/381-8418 815/459-0931 Or Write To: LEARNER SUPPORT PROGRAMS, INC. 1393 The Point Barrington, Business 12 Opportunities Fox Valley Area Businesses For Sale Shoe Store DSK Wow men's Boutique DJK Auto Body Shops JJR Auto Repair ERH Hair Styling Salons....KEB Delicatessen KOC Welding Shop.... JJR Tool & Die DSK Pizza Parlor DKA Meat Market GKA Fitness Center DJA Jewelry Store KEB Liquor Store.? JJR Book Store .....DSK Drapery/ Fabrics... KOC Grocery Store.". KOC Taverns.-- KOC Appliance Repair DJA Dance Studios. KOC Restaurants SWH Printing Shop KOC Paint & Wallpaper DJA Drug Store.. JSR Pet Shop .......SWH Car Wash KOC Service Business JSR Shoe Repair.... KOC Vacuum i Sewing........KEB New & Used Furn DAC And Many More! CorpofiS^nvwBnent Business Brokers Elgin, IL. 60120 14 Financial Services LOOKING FOR long term I.R.A.? Check our "Ten Strike Plan" -10 years 11.5%. For pro­ posal & details call Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 015/338 3320. Employment 10 Wanted DONJOHNSON Decorating-Interior Painting 4 Papering 815/330-4050 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning that's affordable. Steam" method. 115/459-7194 after S pm. . EXPERIENCED TYPIST is willing to do Typina & BooK- Keeping for Local Businesses, 815/385-0251. PAPERING & PAINTING. Affordable prices! Call Franca, 015/455-1927. WILL CLEAN BASEMENTS, Garages, Lawn Work, Tree Removal, Light Hauling. 015/6S3-6W6 or 015/720-1833 NORTHERN TREE SERVICE Offers the best rates all year - RIGHT NOW! , GET AN ESTIMATE • 115/459-4358 II '"-Sag m • E"*"y, ment anted ECONOMY LANDSCAPING Finish Grade-Sod or Seeding Ptowlng-Chalnsaw Work 015/459-0945 after 4 p.m. 20 Sitters Available LAWN CARE - gardening, planting. Call early morning, tate evening, I15/C9-8254. WILL STEAM Clean Carpets. Living room, S20. Additional rooms, S10 ea., S yrs. ex- perlence. 015/943-4793. SHIRLEY PLAYS Elegant piano background music for your Wedding, 4 Reception, Cocktail hour, Din- ner party; 015/459-0033. HOUSECLEANING BY CookieS Connie 015/455-4503 ••• WANTED ••• LAWN MOWE RS TO RE PAIR • 015/455-3663 ' - 815/459-0329 HOUSEKEEPING, farm work, factory work & all around cuitodian ( full time), restaurant, green house work, l i v e i n w o r k , f l o o r maintenance, & hospital work, business .S store cleaning or schools & offices. 815/459-3041 anytime, 015/459-3077 Tues & Fr(„ 019/455-3857 after 5 p.m. IT'S NEVER too late for piano lessons with an experienced teacher. 312/428-3539. SWIM LESSONS Adult, teenagers and young children. June and July ses­ sions. Semi-private classes, private pool. Water Aerobics Also Available EXPERIENCED 815/728-0755 Lost a. Found you RELIVE THE 5fi& 60 s while» )DLE LOST April 20 in area behind Iron Skillet, Algonquin. White 14 yr. old female, average size, long tail, shaggy- needs haircut. Reward. 312/658-4664. • LOST, female long hair rabbit, brown. In Carpentersville. Childs pet, 312/428-5416. REWARD! ENGLISH SETTER Half grown, white w/brown spots - Answers to Duke, Childs Pet. 312/428-4094,312/428-1511 or 312/639-3883 FOUND: Small light brown long haired dog. Vicinity of Washington near Rt. 14 Auto Parts, Woodstock. Call to Iden- tlfy; 815/338-6800. FOUND 4/26, white Bunny w/brown ears, near Lions Perk. Call 312/426-3611. FOUND BEAGLE, Genoa, 1st St., near Davenpiort school, tri- colored. Owner must identify. 815/784-5331. get in shape! Aerobic ClasiU ting May 6th, Mon. Wed. & Fri., 9 am. For more informa- starting Fri., 9 a tion call Melody; 815/344-3452. Car Pools RIDE NEEDED to Valley HI N u r s i n g H o m e , r u r a l Woodstock, from City of Woodstock & back. 6:30 a.m. & 3:30 p.m. Saturday &, Sundays. (Will Pay) Call 815/338-5584, Kim 12 Business Opportunities PIZZA Great Recipfe. Fast Food/Deli items. Business/Property. CIBB 312/742-6130 DJA PACKAGE LIQUORS Gross S50000./M. Ex. location, Highway & off-street park. Lease CIBB 312/742 6130 DJA WOMEN'S BOUTIQUE Est. yrs. Sportswear/Coor­ dinates, only$30kdn. CIBB - 312/742-6130 & black tiger spayed, Vlcfni- Personals FREE BIBLE Study by mai(. Non-Dendfoinational; Scrip­ tural. PO Box 464, Dundee, II 60118. FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free & confidential stress line, day or night, 815/338 8080. OJA DENTAL LAB FOR SALE C-B & Ceramic equip, for 4 tech. 815/459-8175 CHEMICAL & Malnt. business. McHenry Co. area. Well established, requires 25-30 hrs./wk., above average In­ come. Investment, $13,000 secured by stocks, equipment, & van. Send resume: Mr. Gehrke, 4010 S. 76th St., Green­ field. Wise., 53220 or call col­ lect. 1/414/545-0877. THE PLAINDEALER HERALD has a part time position open for a Crew\ Manager. The successful applicant must have a neat appearance, a de­ pendable automobile, and above all must enjoy working with kids. Hours would by approximate 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., Monday thru Thursday, if you would like,to find out more about this# call 385-0178 and ask Jim Freeman, or stop by the of­ fice. |^INPA«PHH«U> 3812 W. ELM ST. McHENRY.IL 60050 NOW HIRING Due To Our Increase Of Business, We Need Ful A Pert Time EXPERIENCED Help - c-QA • Assistant Manager • Assistant Banquet Manager • Hostesses • Banquet Staff • Waiters • Waitresses • Bartenders • Cocktail Waitresses • Cooks For Line • Prep Help Apply In Person, 2-4 PM Monday through Friday Or Call For Appointment 815/459-2660 6305 Northwest Hwy. In Crystal Lake "Upjohn Healthcare Services made home care possible/ "My wife wanted to come home! So when she no longer needed the com­ plex care provided in the hospital, our doctor recommended home health care. But would our insurance cover it?" The answer was yes. Because Upjohn Healthcare Services^ is a Medicare certified home health agency, the care Mrs. Smith required was covered by Medicare. Other payment sources for home care include worker's compensation, the Veterans Administration and many private insurances. Patients rriay use one or a combination of these resources as well as self-payment. Ask our Service Coordinator about your particular coverage. Now Mrs. Smith is home with her husband. She receives the level and amount of cafe her doctor has ordered from qualified, dependable Upjohn HealthCare Services nurses and home health aides. If yon or someone you love needs home heafth care, look to the agency that provides certifiedhome health agency services. Upjohn HealthCare Services, the name you know you can truft. , . UPJOHN HEALTHCARE SERVICES* \ Locally owned since 1968 Woodstock 815-338-8940 Barrington 312-382-2690 Liberty vide 312-367-3838 NOTICE The City of McHenry is under­ taking a fire hydrant flushing operation throughout the City for two weeks beginning Tues­ day, April 30/ 1985 / Flushing will take p\4ce on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs­ day of those two weeks. The flushing of hydrants is be­ ing done to clean the /City's wa- 'ter distribution system. The schedule as fol­ lows: on April 30, May 1 and 2 hydrants will be flushed on the East side of the railroad tracks to the Fox River. On May 7, 8 and 9, flushing will take place on the West side of the railroad tracks to the City limits. During periods of hydrant flushing, the water within the water mains can become discol­ ored a red color due to the ma­ terials being removed from the water mains. While this discolo­ ration does not effect human consumption, a possibility exists that the red water can stain clothes being laundered, during periods of fire hydrant flushing. Your cooperation and patience during this period is requested, and will be appreciated. CREDIT CORRESPONDENT We seek an experienced Credit Professional with the ability to communicate effectively and make timely decisions. Position offers complete responsibility on the credit and collections function, competitive salary and complete benefit package. Send resume and sa­ lary history in confidence to Personnel Department. 1ST ANALYST Develop Specifications, costs, and prices for new and existing products with marketing and engineering per­ sonnel. Prepare proposals for management approval. Good verbal and written communication skills and Bachelor's Degree in business related field required. PERSONNEL SECRETARY Recruit, screen, reference check, and test applicants for employment. Prepare various personnel reports in­ cluding salaty/benefit surveys. Maintain personnel files, process department mail, and perform secreta­ rial duties. COMMUNICATIONS ANALYST Coordinate company wide communications systems network. Personal computer knowledge helpful. Per­ form basic secretarial duties for Manager-Information Systems, and other key department personnel. COST ACCOUNTING/PRICING Assist in estimating business form prices for large annual purchase contracts. Accuracy, math skills, and attention to details required. Some college or previous experience required. ON CALL SECRETARY AND WORD PROCESSOR Requires good typing and grammar skills. Will provide technical training. We provide competitive salary and benefits. Uarco Incorporated c West County Line Rd. Barrington 312/381-7000 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F HAULING, Painting & Other Odd Jobs.' Reasonable; Call Joe, early am/late pm. 815/648 mi. LAWN MOWING: Rosponsible, experienced. RMt's Lawn Ser- vlce,815/459-203r PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE. Quality finished product guaranteed. Claudia. ' 815/459-3392 BARTD. SCHNULLE Bobcat Service 6?V338 2715 CHILDCARE, Licensed Chris­ tian, 2 years & up. Golfvlew »;3lSr428-8 School area; 1-8313. STATE LICENSED DIANA'S DAYCARE offers nutritious meals, fenced yard and large activity room for your child 2 and up. Full time only. S45 per week 1st child - S25 each addi­ tional. Limited openings available. 815/459 3648. CHILD CARE in my McHeni home week days. Ref. provii ed. T.L.C.,815/344-4523. ry id 19 \ Household Help Wanted C A R P E N T E R S V I L L E b y teacher/mottier. Loving, atten tive& consistent. 312/426-1969. HOUSEWORK In Genoa, 2 or 3 OPENINGS AVAILABLE as of hour, l day per week. Min.. June 1st. Mon.-Fri., someeven- TWO TEENAGE BOYS: Hard workers & responsible, will do your mowing, painting, plan­ ting or any other odd jobs. 815/338-5146. HOUSEKEEPER, 7 yrs. ex­ perience. Excellent references. Looking for permanent customers. After 2 pm., 815/653-9208. travel noproblem. SUMMER TUTOR Available this summer to Tutor children, ages 6 to 14. Have Il­ linois teaching certificate. More info. 815/385-5891 LAWNMOWING; Responsible with 5 ve*rs experience. Call Jeff; 815/338-1285, after 6 pm. Electrical • Plumbing Carpentry • Drywa 11 Painting *1taof Repair Small Home Repair CALL BOB , 815/459-4400 WHITE ing Speci. etc. We do windows, Carpet Shampooing. 815/459-8742. AVAILABLE TO DO Cleaning, laundry & start evening meals. 6 hour day. 312/639-3991 - BLUE JEAN REPAIR Patches, Zippers Hems. 815/338-7877 E GLOVftA»hiy jkun- pedal. Hemes, offices, Ve do windows, Carpet wage. Must be reliable 1 steady. Write to GKK News, 686 Park Ave. West, Genoa., J> 60135. ' GOOD USED BunKBeds 815/459-5762 MATURE PERSON wanted for gardening & maintenance. Call 312/639-6538 HOUSEKEEPER, 3 days per week- /Monday, Wednesday 8i Friday. Cleaning, run errands, laundry & misc. tasks. Ex­ perience & references re­ quired. Barrington Area. Call 312/381-6905. 20 Sitters Available LOVING MOM will sit your child in my Lake in the Hills home; 312/658-2126. - L O V I N G M O T H E R w i l l babysit in her LITH home 312/658-6107 • LOVING MOTHER will care for your child In her Sunnyside home. Infants welcome. Hours negotiable. Call 815/385-4764 ings 8< weekends, ages 3 mos. 1 up. Call evenings after 6 p.m. 815/338-8187. WILL BABYSIT in our W. Dundee/Algonquin area home. Evenings & overnights. Have references. Call 312/426-9536 LOVING MOM has 1 full-time opening for your child In Cary; 312/639-8583. CHILD CARE: Prefer two, years & older. Meals 8i snacks provided. In Kirkland; 815/522- 7773, after 5 pm. 21 Sitters Needed B A B Y S I T T E R n e e d e d , McHenry, 2 toddlers, your home or mine, 2 days a week;* 815/385-3678. McHENRY school teacher needs babysitter for infant & 5 yr. old for remaining school year. Your home or mine. Rets, req., preferably Edgebrook school area. 815/344-2094. McHENRY, sitter for 3 young children, 25 to 30 hours a week starting in June, my Fox Ridge home or yours, 815/385-6981. -Hut PARTTI DISHWASHER & COOI Must be 16/years old Flexible Hours CALL 815/344-1520 ASK FOR JIM ( . SECRETARY PERMANENT PART TIME 4 TO 5 DAYS A WEEK FLEXIBLE HOURS Position available in our interna­ tional sales office in the marketing department. Candidate mu§t be a self-starter. Shorthand/ good clerical and communication skills required. APPLY ONLY IN WRITING TO: P,0. Bex 447 A NEW ALC0 DISCOUNT STORE WILL BE OPENING SOON IN WOODSTOCK AND McHENRY APPLICATIONS BEING TAKEN • FOR FOLLOWING AREAS: ' 'Sporting Goods •Automotive •Health and Beauty Aids r •Stationery •Housewares •Photographic •Domestics •Ladies' Apparel •Men's Apparel * OTHER POSITIONS OPEN: •Receiving Personnel •Otflce Personnel « 'Customer Service Personnel •Melntenence Long-hour Positions Available Only BENEFITS INCLUDE: •Profit Sharing •10% Discount on Purchases •Sick Leave • Paid Vacations • Holiday Pay •Insurance Plan Applications can be picked up at the Woodstock Store between 1 & 4 p.m. Mon. - Sat. * (An Equal Opportunity Employer) )

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