- ~"|--=--- r'MI 'yK'lt-L» Wi Opinion/Politics The Silent Majority has taken the word 'silent' a little too far WASHINGTON-That eerie silence you "hear" from Washington in the middle of the most critical budget debate in U.S. history is the lost voice of what used to be called the "Silent Majority." Its membership was com prised of that great mass of middle-class workers and always the ones that win. The question that cries out to be asked is: Where are those who are not direct recipients of cut-rate loans, subsidies, en- veaways, bills? titlements and other but who pay most of the Whay areri'.ttheir organizations - trade groups, civic organizations, grass roots caucuses - making their positions known in an effective manner? Why is the great preponderance of voices coming only from those who are the beneficiaries and their lob byists? Where has the Silent Majority gone? Where is the grand coalition of organizations that helped Reagan win his second term? Where are the taxpayer rallies outside the Capital to steel the backbones * of timid lawmakers? Where is Reagan's army of grass-roots supporters and that avalanche of cards, letters, telegrams and phone calls that swept away all op position to his budget cuts in 1981? It would indeed be a monumental tragedy if the delicately balanced budget package put together by the White House and Senate Republicans gets torn to shreds because the voices of the minority are louder than the majority. That would be a one way ticket to a major tax in crease, which is precisely what the opponents of spending cuts want. No one can predict now the budget battle, will turn out, except to say it will be a tougher I JOEM. PESZ COMPLETE DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING I I (312)639-9321 I 'Hydro-Seeding Our Specialty" 28 Years' Personalized Service-Call Us early their voices collectively heard. These same people, their numbers significantly in creased, made their voices heard in the last presidential election with an awesome roar of approval for President Reagan's policies-handing the president 525 electoral votes, more than anyone has ever received, and 59 percent of the popular vote. Now, with every special minority interest group in the land blanketing Capitol Hill and buttonholing lawmakers, the Silent Majority seems to have become silent once again. Instead, the voices that ap pear most dominant are those who don't want one nickel of their programs benefits and subsidies touched, no matter bow big the deficit. They run the lit from major corporations it don't want their heavily- fight than it needed to be. White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan carries much of the blame for the ad- minstration's toothless strategy by not focusing more presidential attention on the budget, building and - or chestrating support as the critical Senate vote nears. Precious time and political capital were wasted in the fight over aid to the Nicaraguan rebels, a request that should have been postponed until support for a compormise could have be6n nailed down? The lengthy and needless con troversy over Reagan's trip to a German cemetery at Bitburg further eroded White House attention from the critical budget battle. All of this has left the field largely* to the opponents of budget cutting, which means that for both the White House *and its. congressional allies, there is a lot of lost ground to recover. Donald Lambro (United Features Syndicate) TTufTflsr m PASffOFftfi WW-TO. u Here's what some other newspapers are saying eliminated subsidized import-export loans to Social Security recipients who want their full cost-of-living increase. As anyone who has ever studied congressional warfare knows, the voices heard in the greatest numbers are almost St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times One of the oldest priveleges given members of the U.S. House and Senate is free mail- the franking privelege. It is intended to help members of Congress represent their con stituents by stimulating com munication between them. Unfortunately, some members have abused the privelege in the extreme and Congress is un willing to bring the abuses under control. This year, the free mail of members) of Congress will cost federal taxpayers, $111 million...Sen. Charles Mathias, R-Md., chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, estimates the cost next year will rise to $144 million, with the huge federal deficits, the taxpayers are borrowing money at high in terest rates to give senators and representatives free mail. That just doesn't make sense. Many members of Congress use their franking privelege responsibly. But others abuse it for political purposes.... The best way to deal with abuses of the franking privelege is to reveal the names of the abusers.... 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