Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1985, p. 7

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, Sabbath Maria." Pa*.- 8- I'LAIMJEALER-HKRAU): FRIDAY . MA^ 3.1983 Life today Freund-Besser exhange vows in McHenry MRS. TIMOTHY BESSER tTeachers attend convention £ Key women teachers from JMcHenry County attended the fiftieth anniversary convention Jpf Delta Kappa Gamma Society international, Lambda State, Jield April 19-21 at the O'Hare Harriott Hotel in Chicago. • •: The following members of i^amma Psi Chapter attended: S^Eollie Nickoson, Carol Vander •Meade, Edith Brandt, Mary JD'Meara, Ann Dahm and Kitty Green, all of Crystal Lake; Judy Starr and Gaye Anne Anderson j&f Marengo; Venus Nienow of jfroodstock; Cathy Bolger of jMcHenry and Linda Lanphier of Hampshire. £ ' £ Highlights of the three-day Convention included the Scholarship awards luncheon where Gamma Psi member Cathy^Bolger was awarded the Emma Reinhardt scholarship . for graduate studies in the area of wellness. In the exhibit hall, many of the state's 100 chapters displayed outstanding projects and programs from the past 50 years. At the Saturday evening president's dinner, music, drama and a slide presentation portrayed Lambda State's 50- year history, and six women with 50 years membership in Delta Kappa Gamma were honored. Throughout the weekend members also attended business meetings, personal enhan­ cement groups and educational workshops on a variety of topics. Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is an honor society for key women educators. Gamma Psi is one of the two chapters of the organization in McHenry County. eaiu The former Nancy Freund and Dr. Timothy Besser exchanged promises of marriage Feb. 16 in The Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, McHenry. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Freund, 3706 W. Maple, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Besser, 4546 Howard, Skokie, 111., are the parents of the bridegroom. The 2:30 p.m. nuptials were presided oyer by the Reverend James Gaynor: Appropriate musical selections included "One Hand, One Heart," "The Prayer," and "Ave The bride wore a white' satin wedding gown. The illusion neckline and bodice were ac­ cented by Alencon lace and pearls; the skirt, flowing from a * dropped waistline, was enhanced by Alencon lace ap­ pliques and edging at the hemline; and the long sleeved ended in bridal points. Kathy Service of McHenry attended her sister as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were two other sisters, Sandy Gavin of Joliet, HI. and Debbie Freund of McHenry; and the groom's sister, Sue Besser of Skokie. Attendants were attired in white satin dresses styled with a dropped waist, off-the.-shoulder neckline and puffed sleeves. Flower girls were nieces of the bride, Erin and Shannon Gavin. Dennis Harrington of St. Louis Nightclub act was more (and less) than expected DEAR ABBY: All the employees of the restaurant where I recently took a job as cashier went to a nightclub to celebrate the birthdays of those of us who were born in March. First a young girl came out and did a singing telegram number that turned out to be a striptease, but that wasn't too bad! Then a man ran out on the stage wearing a false face mask with long gray hair attached to it. He danced around, removing first his mask, next his shirt, then his shoes and socks. Then he took off his trousers, revealing a pair of shorts on which was printed some vulgar messages. He continued his dancing, left the stage and came out into the audience making a lot of sexy movements, twisting his buttocks in everybody's face. Pretty soon he was down to a G-string, and when that came off he was bare naked except for a garter around his neck! Abby, I' ve been married for 18 years, and the only man I've seen naked was my husband. ^ • If I had been told what was coming and asked if I wanted to leave, Jjpould have left, but I had to sit there for the whole show, which ftkted 30 minutes. The entire audience was laughing and screaming. I wanted to crawl into a hole. What are my constitutional rights? At least movies are rated so people know what to expect. Why not nightclub en­ tertainment? DISGUSTED IN ILLINOIS DEAR DISGUSTED: Minors are protected under the law, but it is assumed that adults who go to such clubs know what kind of entertainment to expect. The phoment you felt uncomfortable, you had a constitutional right to walk out. DEAR ABBY: My fiance and I have been living together for the last year. Before we lived together, my parents offered to pay the entire cost of our wedding. We are being married soon and have started to make final arrangements, but their offer has not been mentioned again. What is the tradition regarding who pays forthe wedding? And does living together change the rules? CURIOUS BRIDE - TO - BE DEAR CURIOUS: Traditionally, the bride's parents pay for the wedding, but there 'are not "rules" that obligate them to do so. (It's a gift.) Traditionally, the couple wait until after they are married to liye together, so possibly your parents broke with the tradition of paying for your wedding because you broke with tradition by living together. I suggest you discuss this with your parents, DEAR ABBY: I have been going with this guy for eight years. He lives with his mother and I have never met her. They live on the other side Of town, and I have never even seen his house. He gave me a ring lour years ago, but I am beginning^ wonder if that means anything, i -r not getting any younger afid neither is he. I want to get marrie \ but I don't want to lose him by being .too pushy. Have you any advice for me9 NOT PUSHY DEAR NOT: Unless you want to wait around for another eight years, my advice for you is to give this man a deadline. Tell him that if there are no definite plans for marriage by July 4th, he can; have bis ring, and you can both declare your independence. Then s you might see some fireworks. handled the duties of best man. Groomsmen were the bride's brothers, Gary and Scott Freund of McHenry; and the groom's brother, Chris Besser of Skokie. The mother of the bride chose a rose matte georgette dress with tucking on the blouson elasticized bodice and a shirred skirt. A periwinkle blue taffeta dress with spaghetti straps and long sleeved jacket was th£ choice of the groom's mother. A reception for 125 guests was held at Septembers in Crystal Lake. The new Mrs. Besser graduated from McHenry High School in 1974, received a BS in Education from Illinois State University in 1978 and is presently an elementary teacher. Her husband graduated from the University of Colorado in 1980, with a BA in Biology; received a doctorate from St. Louis University School of Medicine in 1984; and is currently a surgery resident at University Hospital in Jacksonville, Fla. The newlyweds are making their home at 8090 Atlantic Blvd., Apt. 6123, Jacksonville, FL 32211. The bride was guest of honor at three showers. One was hosted by her sisters; the second, by her cousin Judy Jones of Richmond; and the other, by her mother-in-law and sister-in-law. Community calendar MAY 3 Rummage Sale-Johnsb. Comm. Club-Sponsor Blessed Virgin Sodality--St. John's ChurchT-9 a.m.-5 p.m. UMW Rummage Sale-First United Meth. Ch.-3717 W. Main St.~ Lower Level Fellowship Hall--8 a.m.-6 p.m. MAY 4 UMW Rummage Sale-First tlnited Meth. Ch.~3717 W. Main St.- Lower Level Fellowship Hall-8 a.m.-Noon. McH. Sportsmen's Club--Weingart Rd.-Practice & League Shoots 1 p.m.-Public Welcome. Games Night 7 p.m.-Midnight-VFW Hall-Benefit Crime Stop­ pers. Diamond Jubilee-Ann. Kishwaukee Dist. Boy Scout Show-1-7 p.m.-McH. Co. Coll.-Adm. $1 Tax Deductible Donation. MAY 4-5 r • McH. Choral Club Spring Program-West Campus Auditorium 8:15 p.m. MAY 5 * - - - . McH. Area Jaycees Community Run-McH. West Campus 8 a.m.~ Info. Call 459-4447. Crop Hunger Walk-First United Meth. Ch. Sponsor-Mouraine Hills 2 p.m.-Info. Call Marge Adams 385-6636 • / MAY 6 McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Bd. Mtg. 10 a.m.-McH. Pub. Library. 20-year reunion is planned The graduated class of 1965 of McHenry Community High School is urged to. mark their calendar and make reservations now for the twentieth reunion titled, "Touch of Class" to be held June 22, at Andres Steak House in Richmond. " The evening will include cocktails, dinner, entertainment and dancing. The following day, a fafnily picnic is scheduled. Ticket price per person is $25 for the entire evening. For further information call Star West-Lemar 385-5181; Jill Johnston-Olszewski, 385-6995; or Mary Schaffer-Feeley, 312-467- 1390. Members of the reunion committee are Judi-Bennish Sorensen, Barbara Albright- Faunt, Rita Thurlwell-Thennes, Kathy Barrows, Judy Newkirk, Diane Johnson-Lutz, Bonnie Einspar-Reif, Jill Johnston- Olszewski, Star West-Lemar, Kathy and Trey Covalt, Tom Low, Dean Glosson, BetH Glysing-Terry, Linda Kunz- Moss, Nancy Fisher-Welsch and Mary Schaffer-Feeley. Display quilt TAMARA DUNHAM AND DEAN HOWARD Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunham of Crystal Lake announce the engagement of their daughter Tamara Anne to Dean Jeffrey Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Howard of McHenry. The bride-to-be is a 1981 graduate of Crystal Lake South Ifigh School and a 1984 graduate of McHenry County College. Her fiance graduated from McHenry West High School in 1980 and MCC in 1983. Theywill be married in August, 1985. PWP is seeking members Parents Without Partners,, tend all these activates. It Chapter No. 189 draws its membership from the surrounding area and is most actively seeking new members. The first meeting of May will be held Friday, the 3rd, at the Crystal Lake Moose Lodge on Route 31, one-half block north of Route 176, from 8 to 11 p.m. A short business meeting and general discussion will be followed by coffee, refresh­ ments and socializing. Activities for the next two weeks include a family crafts get-together for Mother's Day, planning and board meeting, newcomers meeting May 8 (phone 312-639-3447 for time and place) newsletter makeup and mailout, as well as a special steak cookout Saturday, May 11, from 6:30 p.m., in Crystal Lake, in honor of Mother's Day. The cost will be $5, with everything furnished, but one must RSVP by May 8, at 459-1614. Single parents who are divorced, widowed, separated or unmarried are welcome to at­ s. It is most rewarding to get out,' meet new people and socialize. For more information, call 459-1614. Present old, new i The McHenry County Christian Women's Club will present "Something Old- Something New," at its monthly meeting May 8, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., at Hob Nob II, located at the intersection of US 14 and Route 31 in Crystal Lake. "Here Comes the Bride" will be a special feature, as wedding gowns both old and new will process down the aisle. The speaker and performer of special music, Iris Anderson of Mt. Morris, 01., will share memories for something old; and words of encouragement for something new. Reservations are essential and appreciated by Friday,. May 3. Call Lorraine at 385-5475 or Julia, 459-9296. Cost for the breakfast is $5 and a free nursery is provided with a reservation. Items of interest WOMEN'S AGLOW Women's Aglow Fellowship of Delavan will meet May 8 at the Hilton Inn, Lake Geneva, at 10 a.m. A full lunch at $6.50 is payable at the door. Reser­ vations can be made with Betty, 943-7152, by May 5. Those not- cancelled by May 5 must be paid for. Bob Mixon, evangelist- teacher from Benton, Ark. will be the guest speaker. All women are invited. SPRING PROGRAM The 11th District American Legion Past Commanders Club Spring Program will be at Willowbrook, 8900 Archer Rd., Willow Sdfings, 111., Sunday, May 5. The dinner is a social event honoring all past com­ manders and is open to anyone interested in attending. Social hour is from 5,to 6 p.m.; dinner will be served at 6 with dancing to follow. Menu includes chicken kiev or roast sirloin of beef at $25 per couple. For more in­ formation call Winston Baumann, 312-323-2618. SPRING LUNCHEON The spring luncheon and in­ stallation of officers of the McHenry Woman's Club will be held at Turnberry Country Club, Crystal Lake, May 9, at noon. McHenry West Campus Swing Choir, under the direction of John Leighty, will entertain. Make reservations with Dorothy Shadel, chairman, 606-B Devonshire Ct., McHenry, 344- 1558. Officers to be installed are Avis Gans, president; Lorean Redwanz, first vice-president; and Rosalie Doherty, recording secretary. HUNGER WALKATHON Volunteers from the First United Methodist Church of McHenry / are actively organizing k hunger walkathon for the fROP Community Hunger Appeal of Church World Services. The group will start at 2 p.m. in Mouraine Hills State Park. Chairman of the event is Marge Adams of McHehry. Births Pictured in front of the annual "Fair Diddley" quilt are co- chairmen of the 1985 event, Martha Peters on the left, and Voni Ferguson, both of McHenry. Members of the Mental Health Resource League have spent many hours working on this lovely, hand sewn quilt. In^he center of each of the 16 off-white blocks is a different counted cross stitched flower, framed on each side by its name. The quilt is hand stitched in the grapevine pattern, and will fit both double and queen size with shams. It will be on display Sunday, May 19, beginning at noon, on the Woodstock City square.- MILLER Ken and Cathy Miller of McHenry became parents of their second child apd first daughter March 25. Kristie Lynn was born in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington and weighed 6 lbs. 13 oz. She has a brother Eric. Maternal grand­ parents are Bernice and Don Musielak and paternal grand­ parents are Don and Joann Miller, all of McHenry. Great- grandparents are John and Helen Biesiadecki of Chicago and Mr. A1 Musielak of Florida. MORRIS A baby girl was born April 1 to John "Jack" and Lynn Morris, 3011 N. Spring Rd., McHenry, and they named her Amy Lynn. The eight-pound infant entered the world in Northern Illinois Medical Center.' McHenry. She has a four-year-old brother Nick and two-year-old sister Kim. Maternal grandparents are William Brda and Betty Brda, both of McHenry. Bettie and Sinclair Morris, also of McHenry, are the paternal grandparents. NOGA ^ Carolyn and Edward Noga of Island Lake became parents of their second daughter April 3 and named her Tarin Lorene. The 6 lbs, 14 oz. infant^ entered the world in Northern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry. She was greeted at home by her 17- month-old sister Danice. Maternal grandparents are Panice and Herbert Moore of Fox River Valley Gardens, 111. Dorothy Winei oi î uinbard, 111. is the girls' great-grandmother.

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