Use care when working near trees Trees make up a valuable portion of the community land- s£ape, whether they are growing in the backyard, along streets, or in parks. Unfortunately, trees are often abused and damaged through various acts of carelessness or neglect, causing crippled'growth or even The\ [EXTENSION) People < AMmi death of the tree. In most cases, taking a few minutes to assess the situation before working around trees will help 'prevent injuring them. Lawn mowers are perhaps the biggest enemy of trees growning in landscape situations. Cutting Right-to-life group plans march May 11 A Right-to-life group in Northern Kane County invites all those who oppose abortion to join in a Mother's Day March for Life in Elgin on Saturday, May 11. The group will meet at noon for a rally at the Fountain Square Plaza on Chicago Ave., just a few blocks east of Route 31. Pastor Mark Aherns of the New Convenant Fellowship Church of Elgin will lead a prayer, followed by Fr. David EngtJgrth of St. Joseph's Church, Elgin, and Rev. John C. Riggs of Union Congregational Church, North Aurora, member of the "Call to Righteousness" steering committee, as featured speaker. At 1 p.m. the group will reconvene at Sherman Hospital, Elgin. Marchess should provide their own signs to carry. For further information call (312) 365-6282. Chemicals, cops is seminar topic "Chemicals and Cops," a free seminar about chemical abuse and its Teffect on law en forcement officers and their families will be offered Wed nesday, May 15, from 9 a.m. to noon. The seminar is being co- sponsored by the College of Lake County and the Northern Illinois Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse. George Flood, certified alcoholism counselor and for mer law enforcement officer for the Cook County Sheriff's Department and the City of Chicago, will present an . over view of the issues surrounding chemical abuse in the law en forcement field. The seminar wi#be conducted in the blue lecture hall at CLC, main campus in Gray slake. Family members, students of law enforcement, and interested community members are welcome. For further information contact George Flood, (312) 244- 4434, or call the CLC Student Activities Office, (312) 223-6601 ext. 287. too close around tree trunks often leads to damage of the bark and tender wood areas directly under the bark. It may. only seem like an occasional bump or scrape here and there, but over the course of time it becomes a large amount of damage. The trees' "lifeline" network system to send water and nutrients up the tree and food down for root storage is located right under the bark. a Even partial damage to this system will cause problems for the tree. Severe damage will kill the tree. Another practice frequently detrimental to trees is changing the soil surface over the roots in some way, Most of the roots which take in oxygen and nutrients are close to the soil surface. Adding additional soil fill or paving over the existing soil level around established trees will always hurt the tree in some degree, but how much depends on the species and type of change made. Damage (or death) to the tree will show up in a delayed" reaction, thus it often isn't noticed until a few years after the change was made, when it is too late to do anything about it. Furthermore, trees often are injured during construction even if the existing soil level isn't changed. Digging near trees often breaks lots of roots. Soil compaction from heavy equipment being used near trees can permanently damage growing conditions for roots. Also, large portions of tree FIRST INSTITUTE OF TRAVEL! PROFESSIONAL TRAVEL INDUSTRY TRAINING CUSSES START JUNE 11 • 15-week course • Day & evening classes • Over 17C hours of in-depth training , • Hands on computer facilities Appfontd by the Illinois State Board ol Education. 0wr*d •nd operated by one of the Premier Retail Tra<el A|enci« in Illinois 31 E. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, IL 60014 (815) 459-3500 NOTICE: On page 17 of the JCPenney 32-pg. Mother's Day insert in today s paper, the item shown as Cotton Fancies'* contour bra is incorrect. It is the Nice 'n Spicy* demi bra, Reg. 11.50, Sale 8.62 The item shown as Nice 'n Spicy* demi bra is Cotton Fancies* contour bra. Reg. 7.50. Sale 5.62 We regret any inconvenience this might have caused you. JCPenney trunks and branches are often damaged by equipment. Gradual decline of tree health is characteristic of all these types of damage. Typically, the crown and-or scattered bran ches begin t& die back and the tree becomes thin-looking. Depending on the extent of the damage, the tree will either continue to decline and even tually die or it will keep a crippled appearance for several years. In either case, little can be done to correct the damage, although fertilizing and preventing further damage may help increase tree health to some extent. Additionally, in jured trees are much more susceptible to insects and dieases. The key thing in protecting trees from these types of injury is awareness. Anyone mowing turf around trees should be conscious of avoiding contact and injury to bark areas. Consider tree root systems when planning pavement or changes in soil grade near trees. Finally, fence off the entire root system around trees before doing any large construction around trees, both to prevent damage to the tree . and soil compaction. A little extra time and care for trees before damage occurs helps assure the health of the tree for years to come. For additional information, contact the McHenry County Extension Office at 789 McHenry Ave., P.O. Box 431, Woodstock, 60098. Phones: (815) 338-3737 and 338-4747. SECTION 2 - PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALER-HERALD. WEDNESDAY. MAY 8.1985 . S. THE BARN NURSERY'S 5TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION % N E BARK SALE Shredded or entity varieties Reg. 4.95 SALE 3.95 10 or more 3.77 Large 3 cu.ft. size FREE Blue Spruce Tree Lush-Full 6' size 150.00 value No purchase necessary HUNDREDS OF TREES • SHRUBS EVERGREENS ON SALE 20/40% OFF SHADE TREES 6 variety's, Flowering Crabs, Clump White 4 River Birch Globe Arborvitae 40% OFF Dark Green Arborvitae 3/4' NOW 26.00 > MOTHERS DAV SPECIAL 20% OFF RHODODENDRONS Buy Mom a beautiful flowering evergreen Large selection of colors . . sizes ROSES in BLOOM buy 5 and you recieve FREE fertilome rose dust orr s food $3.98 value OME RUN CITY 459-9222 OUl FOR HOURS 4 iT POOlS'lfSTU " TAKE VIRGINIA RD, TO DARTMOOR * ACROSS FROM ALEXANDER LUMBER p NOW OPEN REDI-CUT LUMBER 464 N. Grove, Elgin 312-695-7000 TOP GRADE LUMBER AT * LOWER PRICES Domestic and Imported Woods for N Contractors and Woodworkers. Store Hours: Mon. 9:00-5:00 Tues. Fri. 9:00-5:30; Sat.9:00-4:00 ANNUALS & PERENNIALS NOW - 1000's on display custom mexican clay and whiskey barrel planters for the patio FREE GERANIUM for the ladies no purchase nec. while supply lasts wmrnm. -- MasterCard i S i i MCHENRY PAINT and HARDWARE GRAND OPENING SAVE 7 to 23% All Craftsman' lawn mowers Start the growing season with a new mower from Sears . . . gas or electric, side-discharge or rear- bagger, push or power-propelled. Many with solid-state ignition and quick-height adjusters. Gordon Center coat coverog* -VV res»M3rtt latex Paint SAVE 10 to 26% ALL Craftsman gas and electric trimmers Make fast work of your lawn chores! Weedwackers" trim grass and weeds along fences, sidewalks, trees. Bush- wackers" sculpt and trim hedges and bushes. Edgers bevel, trench and edge your lawn. $5-$7 OFF tough one-coat latex paints $17.99 Easy Living" Custom Color satin flat gal. 12.99 $19.99 Custom Color semi-gloss gal. 14.99 $22.99 Sears Best Weatherbeater 15 exterior flat now 9aJ- 15.99 For one-coat results all Sears one-coat paints must be applied as directed Paint Dept. 'Sales end May 18 Weatherbeater 10 low-luster satin 7 99 Sears Best Weatherbeatef3£ features a limited warranty for 15 YEARS of durability or Sears will furnish, free, enough paint to correct the condition or refund the purchase price 15540 56405 SAVE 10 to 50% SAVE 16 to 23% ALL Bugwackers ALL Craftsman blowers Control annoying insects The time-saving, easy way with a Sears electronic in- to do yard chores. Clean sect killer. Ideal for back- patios and sidewalks of yards, pools, patios. leaves, gravel. 'Sale prices on this page end May U unless noted otherwise 099 Res S14 99 a JT gai 'Sale ends June I Waterproofing Latex paint helps keep out moisture, damp ness. 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