. » SECTION 2 - PAGE 5 - PLAlMJEALKR-lIfcKALD. WEDNESDAY . M\\ 22.1985 Church Mothers, daughters join in fellowship at banquet "Mothersense" was the evening's topic at Chain O'Lakes Covenant Church's Annual Mother-Daughter Banquet held recently. The special program speaker was Alayne Johnson, pastor's wife from Bethesda Covenant in Rockford. The occasion was enjoyed by 50 mothers, daughters, grand mothers* and mother-in-laws. The church men prepared and served the meal under the supervision of John Green, church chairman. /'New Life in Christ" was the devotional message given by Donna Shoop. Special music was provided by Barbara Guth with accompaniment by Janet Cluff. Another highlight of the evening was the recognition of Si. John's sets healing service Fr. John Holdren and St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Johnsburg, will host a healing service at 2:30 p.m., Sunday, June 9. Father Ron Roth will bring his "healing ministry" to St. Johns at that time. It is open to people of all faiths, and everyone is welcome. Fr. Roth has been conducting his healing service for about 10 years and is from St. John the Baptist Church near LaSalle, 111. He feels it is important for a person to "be made whole: healthy in mind, spirit and body." He encourages people to pray to God for the alleviation of pain during the service and allow the Holy Spirit to heal them. Healing is for any problem of daily life: illness, pain, family problems, jobs, finances or mental stress. The guest pastor holds healing masses at St. Rita Church, Old Indian Trail in Aurora the second Tuesday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. He will also be at St. Mary of the Assumption, McHenry at 3:30 p.m., July 14, when he will be hosted by Fr. James Gaynor and the N Catholic Society of nal •6jfe St. Clara Ct. 659. A 353flTp.nL, July 14 mass is scheduled for St. Mary's Church, Woodstock. Those interested in attending are encouraged to come early for proper seating, For in formation call 385-0376. FR. RON ROTH FREE •OF UNWANTED POUNDS A OUT-OF-CONTROL EATING HABITS. •{|F MAGIC GIMMICKS. WE GUARANTEE OUR INDIVIDUAL. NUTRITIOUSPROGRAM FREE ITHRU 5/24/851 •INTRODUCTORY VISIT TO EVERY CALLER. • HOPE" POSTER TO INSPIRE THE BEST IN YOU. •OVE EXTRA WEEK ADDED TO YOUR PROGRAM. •STABILIZATION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS. CALL NOW TOL05E20LBS. BY JULY 4th! 385-0500 MILL SLENDER vh-CENTER* 1JIW N.PARK STREET McHENRl.ILL. HRS: MON.-THURS. <:30-7 TUES.FRI. 1:30-5 the.N 1984-85 Covenant Women officers: Judy Green, president; Patti Parisi, vire-president; Barbara Wernquist, secretary; Pat Howard, treasurer; Donna Shoop and Karen Griffith, education-membership co- chairmen; and Barbie Keys, stewardship chairman. Special flowers were presented to the members of two families each representing four generations. The first family included Amy Abrahamson, Janet Cluff, Sharon and Jessica Bernhardt. The second family included Wilma Aylward, Patti Parisi, Colleen Rosentretter, Tamara Rosentretter and Brittany Rosentretter. The potted plants used as table decorations were given to the newest mom, the grandmother with the most grandchildren, and the mom who came the longest distance to attend the banquet. The program closed with singing the Covenant Women theme song "Rejoicing in Hope." Special flowers were presented to the members of two families, each representing four generations, at a mother-daughter banquet at Chain O'Lakes Covenant Church. The first family included (clockwise from left) Mrs. Robert Cluff, Jessica Bernhardt, Mrs. Plalndealer Herald photos by Robert Gordon Mark Bernhardt and Amy Abrahamson. The second family in cluded Tamara Rosentretter, Patti Parisi, Colleen Rosentretter, Britainy Rosentretter and Wilma Aylward. SKATE NIGHT The New Life Christian Bookstore and Crystal Arena will jointly sponsor a Christian Skate Night, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Thursday, May 23 at the Crystal Arena, Crystal Lake Plaza. Admission will be $1 and skate .rental $1. 196$ Country Mutual Inturance Company Got a new car? Keep it that way. Ask how The Keeper" auto policy could replace it with a brand new car. k DAVID "JAKE" BACKHAUS MCHENRY, ILL. COUNIRYOOnmNES.̂ """" | A firm Bureau S*i«icc Insurance and bMStmml Servms I on UBzauty <£c(ioohf £Jnc. 2350E. RTE. 120»McHENRY«385-2290 GET SET FOR SUMMER INTENSIVE HAIRCARE SHAMPOO & SET <500 FACIAL & ARCH 50< TUES, MAY 21 THRU FRI. MAY 24 | TUES.. MAY 28 THRU FRI.. MAY 31 ALL WORK DONE EXCLUSIVELY BY STUDENTS • NO APPPOINTMENT NECESSARY. A summer SALE MAY 23-MAY 27 DISCOVER STOREWIDE SAVINGS FOR WOMEN, MEN, CHILDREN AND THE HOME. SPRING HILL MALL WILL BE OPEN ON MEMORIAL DAY, 11 AM TO 5 PM. 15.99 AND 19.99 40% OFF SPECIALLY PRICED KNIT SHIRTS Made by famous makers, in assorted solids or stripes. Choose cotton or cotton with polyester, in sizes S. M. L. XL. Knit Shirts. IZ0D SEPARATES Assorted summer polos, shorts and pants, in a variety of pastels. Shown, striped polo, sizes S, M, L;*reg. 26.00. sale 14.99. Cambrix short, sizes 6 to t4; reg. 39.00, sale 19.99 Both, in cotton. Weekend Wear. 3.99 TO 7.99 BILLY THE KID B0YSWEAR Rough and tough shefrft and tops for your adventurous little boy 2-14 Kids "••• J:'-'-#*:*., v. 50% TO 60% OFF ALSY SOLID BRASS LAMPS 49.99 orig. 100 00 to 135.00. Assorted floor and table lamps in your favorite styles. Sorry, no back orders. Lamps. 50% OFF ULTRATERRY TABLECLOTHS Keep summer dining light and easy Set your table in bone, peach, blue or yellow Linens 30% TO 50% OFF SELECTED MAIDENF0RM BRAS AN(3 MATCHING BOTTOMS 2.25 to 8.50. reg 4 50 to 17 00 Classic to contemporary; sizes 32 to 40B. C. D In white and assorted colors Foundations 54x54 54x70 60x84 60" round reg 16 50 20 00 24 00 27.50 sale 8.25 10.00 12.00 13.75 SPRING HILL 1000 SPRING HILL MALL. WEST DUNDEE. ILLINOIS 60118 PHONE 428-1234 STORE HOURS: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. 10:00 TO 9:00: SATURDAY. 10:00 TO 5:30; SUNDAY. 11:00 TO 5:00 \