PaK»-10- |M.AiM>K/\LKK-HKKALl>, KH1DAV MA^ 24. 1963 Legion makes certain war dead are remembered FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 23, 1935) Due to the perserverance of the men of the American Legion, Memorial Day will not go unobserved in McHenrv this year, although local people have shown little interest in the rememberance of this day for several years. Plans are now under way for the program which is being arranged by the local post of the American Legion and the Daughters of the G.A.R. and in which the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, the pupils of the schools and the band will take an active part. A call has just been received for the enlistment of 126 young men from McHenry county in the Civilian Conservation Corps. It is reported that this group will be organized at once and following enlistment will be sent "to the Pacific coast for service. Following the recent adoption by the Pure Milk Associaton Board of Directors of a policy of cooperation toward the Chicago Grade A Ordinance, officials met with the Chicago Board's representative regarding the requirement in the ordinance that stoves be provided for heating water in the milk house. Because the U.S. Public Health Service was responsible for that part of the ordinance, and although the milk producers' arguments against it were valid, it was decided the ordinance must stand as is. The girls of tH©McHenry high school won a tennis match from the Barrington high school girls Ma^ 16. Winners included Adele Froelich and Dorothy Althoff in the singles qnd Jean Whiting and Kathleen Jus ten in the doubles. The mind wanders to subjects other than s ideal temperatures, sunny skies and premature everyone isn't happy. It seems there are problems that super sede the attractive exteriors of life. Right now, whether it is aware of it or not, TV may need to live down the unbelievable and interminable the violence of a J39PO0T&1T1S) ilwW IWUUl WCR? President Reagan took a drubbing for visiting the * »wly-elected Senior Paul Simon ons as to why fee held a cosy Hide breakfast for y» rood More exp . led to the doon ........ _ Even postal carriers rated a prominent place in the news with dogs were attaching their teeth to more seta nf hininirin tmt tt»mr * 4 MSI BVKAP away ftgiitetf milk bottle which held ftm fVilfrM ilitfli ffin wuttt# sral directors. We were vcrtlacnwi of the ultimate in undisturbed sum. Bui this latent offering is not J details, one of them the fear of cluttering tip space i are anticipated it* greater and greater PERSO Conservaî PHIPH t for which respect just for what we thought it stood for." iJtt n H n tkt it Mil J riirti--n^w WiwfflMwilfciJl' jfrirt were QassaosuGCi wvuk swiw OT tne ccniun^u onBauea v> a DOC spokesman a few months ago when the issue of leg-hold traps came under discussion ih the flaindealer-Herald pages. tlit same issue is raised again through stories appearing in the May issue of file McHenry County Defen<fers NfcW. Tj One of them refers to a bill introduced by Rep. Jill Zwick *s reason Cor opposition? slator Zwick says her tlon of the Jeff-hold tn, children and domestic iier o|>" , hut what is the vide needed L have often Mother conservationists over a revest increase toi conserve# ; ^ncy Is "wfldl$£6 ? * WITH ITS RECORD ofoprosition to those who would ban the a-hold trap, what does tbec OC plan to do for wildlife? We are Could if be that this money is used to acquire more ***** wildlife which be {wtiMwHy captured We object to our tax money being used for this kind We are also opposed to trapping license fees goteg for of trap is banned bylaw. purpose Dao^H tMf particular I wice FORTY YEARS AGO . (Taken from the files of May 24, 1945) ' The annual Baccalaureate service for the McHenry Community High School senior class of 48 members will be held May 27. Rev. Eugene Baumhofer, assistant pastor of St. Mary's church will deliver the baccalaureate address. McHenry Mayor R.I. Overton and the City Council proclaimed that the time between 10:30 a.m. and 12 noon, May 31, be set aside as a period of special respect to the true significance , of Memorial Day. The Johnsburg community will hold a memorial service in honor of its boys in service May 30. The McHenry American Legion will pay respiects with their services, and Rev. Fathers of St. John's church will speak. "So I Hear" quoted a timel; item: "It's a rare stea nowadays no matter how you cook it. A full-page advertisement appealing for war bond pur chases stressing, "All Out for the Mighty 7th War Loan" was sponsored by 52 McHenry businesses. TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 19, 1960) A youthful driver and his teen age passenger suffered only minor injuries when the former lost control of his car while drag racing on Riverside Drive Friday afternoon. The auto jumped the curb and proceeded onto a lawn before stricking a utility pole, causing it to snap off and come crashing onto the windshield and fender. A large number of McHenry's retail merchants heard Riverside Drive businessmen present their plans for remaining open a second night of the week when they met last week. When the meeting ad journed, the only certainty was that most Riverside Drive stores would remain open Monday nights as planned. Some are also planning/to be open Wed nesday afternoons. Beautiful Bull Valley, at the peak of its spring glory, will be the setting for the "Arts and Flowers" flower show presented by the Bull Valley Garden Club, May 21 and 22. Held in the roomy barn on the Hi Hill farm, on the corner of Bull Valley an4 Valley Hill roads, the show will feature not only flowers and table settings in perfect arrangement, but also a gallery of water colors and oil paintings by local amateur and professional artists. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of May 23, 1975) , Alderman William Bolger, who is also president of the Library Board, presented preliminary plans of the proposed library addition at Monday's City Council meeting. The addition is 142 percent larger than the original library structure, Bolger said. An appropriation of $190,000 would be adequate for the project, he said. The board intends to finance the project in a 20-year mortgage. A sharp division of opinion concerning a change in the Athletic code at -M.C.H.S. brought forth lengthy discussion at Tuesday's District 156 board meeting. The difference was regarding a provision of the code stating "No student who is a member of an interscholastic athletic team ....shall have possession of, or be using, or be under the influence of drugs, marijuana, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages." Distention cen tered on penalties for offenses and whether the code was in effect for the school year or calendar year. McHenry residents will join with the nation May 26 in pausing to honor those who lost their lives in defending this country. ATTENTION CAMPERS, BOATERS, PARENTS, SUMMER SPORTS ENTHUSIASTS! r- MERIT MEDICAL COUPON ~ ! FIRST 0NLY $in oe! iAinklTC r ~ 10.95, jAID KITS. ($15.95VALUE)J DEVELOPED WITH OUTDOOR SUMMER ACTIVITIES IN MIND. KfT INCLUDES INSTANT COLO PACKS. STRETCHI GAUZE. ADHESIVE TAPE; SCISSORS. BANDAGES,! • FIRST AID CREAM, INSECT STING RELIEF, GAUZE: 1 PADS, JUMBO BANDAGES & MORE I (VALID THRU 1/31/15 • N0T,VALIO WITH OTHER OFFERS) ~ "A MUST FOR"EVERY"" HOME & CAR" Utetii Htedieaf 44SO W. BULL VALLEY RD., McHENRY, IL (81S) 344-3000 If you bought windows, doors or any kind of carpeting or 1 f l o o r i n g f r o m a n y o n e e l s e . . . . l A a a W YOU PAID TOO MUCH Call now for a price q.uote or visit one of our stores. cM & <M £ntsifi%L±E>*> 206 Baldwin . 806 Windsor SHARON, WISC. . 414-736-4255 815-633-9889 M-TH-9-12 m"f,L 9"8., fri.-9-5 Sat-9-2 Sat.-9-6 Sun.12-6 "We guarantee the lowest prices in town •w lor quality products " Mention this ad snd rM*i*e 10% off my order. McHENRY OFFICE 3406 E. ELM ST. 334*3252 Miewmwi invin JOHNF.LAMPE AVAILABLE TO PRACTICE, IN ALL AREAS OF LAW including: • Real Estate and Zoning • Corporations and Business Law • Divorce and Family Law • Criminal Defense and Traffic • Wills and Estate Planning AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS PERSONAL INJURY WORKERS COMPENSATION HRS • MON.-FRI. 8-5, SAT. 9-12, EVES BY APPOINTMENT Ask about our WEEK LONG GYMNASTIC CAMP For more information call; 312/639-6622 740 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE, CARY Register For Summer Classes Now! •FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE •LOW TEACHER/STUDENT RATIO • PRESCHOOL-HIGH SCHOOL/NOVICE-ADVANCED • SPRING ACTION TUMBLING • NISSEN & AMF EQUIPMENT • SIBLING DISCOUNTS xw*ywx-v »*r A Refreshing, Clear Voice Joins Chiropractic Community I'm one of those Doctors of Chiropractic who feels strongly about our profession's effectiveness in dealing with chronic health care problems. Of course, we don't boast that we can cure everyth ing. In fact, Chiropractic does no surgery...dis- penses no drugs. But, within its scope, Chiro practic care is unrivaled in its response to pain and stress. If you have a pain problem that in volves serious discomfort or lasts and lasts...par ticularly one that affects your neck, spine or lower back, I urge you to call on a Chiropractor today. If it be our office that you choose, you can rest assured that we will accept only those cases we truly believe we can help. I give you my word on that. FAMILY PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC INSURANCE, *|IT0 A JOB INJURY CARE Dr. Timothy J. Hartlett, D.C. Graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic and Member of Illinois Prairie Stafe Chiropractic Association, International Chiropractic Assoc. and Parker Research Foundation. HARTLETT CHIROPRACTIC CUHIC 4/23 H. Rll Sf. (HIE. lffl), McHtHSUl • (815) 344-31® windhiil s BIG SPLASH ^ 30% f OFF SWIMWEAR.* MEMORIAL •DAYH ~ ALSO BEACH COVERUPS, t(V ROMPERS, VISORS, ACCESSORIES AND /ummmr JEWELRY ^|j , 8* II a ¥ mm;; We Proudly Salute^ All The Men And Women Of The Armed Forces Of The United States WhoXave Given So Much ALL OF OUR FACILITIES WILL BE CLOSED Monday, May 27,1985 MEMORIAL DAY SALE ENDS JUNE 10™ Windhills Ladies Apparel McHENRY STATE BANK! •Member FDIC OPEN 7 DAYS MAY ESTIMATE SPECIAL! WE WILL BEAT ANY ESTIMATE GIVEN TO YOU IN WRITING by 10% FREE ESTIMATES •Expert collision work •Collision work specialist •Frame straightening "Custom color matching •Expert auto painting 'Import l domestic auto •We hopor all insurance *Full repair service company estimates ^Complete Auto Detailing WE ARE THE INSURANCE EXPERTS "SERVING McHENRY COUNTY SINCE 1942" J.MITCHELL AUTO BODY [S£&] 815-385-9300liowSvig