,tuu u • * iuLrtki.ii-ttt.nALu, r ntUA I, ma 1 24.19V5 43 Garage Sales 43 Garage Sales 43 Garage Sates 43 Garage Sales 44 Misc. Merchandise 44 Misc. Merchandise 44 Misc. Merchandise 44 Misc. Merchandise 44 Misc. Merchandise • OLD CARPENTERSVILLE 117 N.Green St. MayJ4, 25,1:30 5.00 Many never worn leans, men's jackets, look alike cabba«e ilsc. No patch dolls, much misc. Junk. WONDER LAKE 4209 E Wonder Lake Rd. across from fire house May 24 & May 25.9-4 Something for everyone. MCHENRY 3904 W. Maple May 24.25. 9-5 Misc. McHENR Y/Cooney Heights 4204 W. South St. May 23 & 25.9-5 Over 20 tables of goodies! Freezer, beds, etc. McHENRY/Lllymoor ESTATE SALE 109 N. Vernon Or. May 30,31; 9-5 June 1st; 9-5 WONDER LAKE/lndian Ridge 4005 Osage May 24 & 25,9-4 Sewing machines, vacuums, clothes, books, misc. CARY 6411 Hillcrest May 22,23,24; 9-7 Tupperware. adult clothing, books, some baby furniture, misc. household goods. WONDER LAKE •405 Burton May 24,25; 1-3 Quean size bedroom set, refrlg., plus much morel LAKELAND PARK 501* W. Elm St. FrL. 9 to 3 Sat., 9 to 12. L Potter claanlng out studio. All handmade stoneware pottery prlcadtosell. , MCHENR Y/Whisperlng Oaks •04 Melrose Ct. May 24,25,9-4 Many tools, yard equip., turn., books, much misc. MCHENRY/Brlttany Park 5320 West Sherman Dr. MAy 23,24,9-5 May 25,9-3 Infant, children, adult, mater nity clothing, furniture, household Items, toys, bikes, much misc. MCHENRY 111« Crystal Lake Rd. May 23.24,9-4 /May 25.9-12 Clothes. Oriental decorstlons, micro cart, stereo stand, buf fet, wicker chair, many goodies! CRYSTAL LAKE/Lakewood 326 Oxford-Gate 6 <- Mflv 23/ 24,25 Stereos, tires, ceiling fan, vacuum claaner, misc. SAVE TIME SAVE EFFORT Make Money, Let us sail your unwanted items for you at our next auction to. be held May 31st. 20 % commission. Call •15/3SS-3100 McHenry Trading Co. 1402-A N. Riverside Dr. McHenry 11.43 EASTDUNDEE 345 Illinois St. May 24,9-5 May 25,9-1 Collectable*. old ship, lamps, tables, kids clothes, toys, com ics, much misc., also selling out doll collection. FOX RIVER GROVE 102 Millard May 24 thru 27; 9-dusk EVERYTHING GOES! No Early Birds! CARPENTERSVILLE Moving Sale 73 Roboin Rd. May 25 only. 9 4 dressers, furniture, baby goods, salesmans samples, much misc. , FOX RIVER GROVE 113 Crescent Rd. Clothing, household May 25; 9-5 MayM; 1:30-5 , infants to adult. HUGE SALE! MCHENRY Moving Sale 3104 Bull Valley Rd. 2blks. W. of the River May 24.24.9-5:30 < May 25,912 gently used baby Items & clothing; womens ft maternity clothing; ski boots; golf bag; frames ft matt boards; dressers; ft much much more!! , CRYSTAL LAKE/Lakewood Huge Moving Sale 374 Wiltshire, Gate 14 May 23rd ft 24th; 8:30-4 Dining room sat, dressers, anti ques. toys, clothes for all ages. Must See! CARPENTERSVILLE 59 Washington Street May24&25,9am-5pm Baby items Kid's Clothes, fur niture, appl. much misc. ALGONQUIN 1427 Lowe Drive May23 25,9am ??? Baby furniture ft clothes, cur- tains, linens, ft much misc. WOODSTOCK Three Family Sale 723 Wicker St. Fri ft Sat., 9 to 5 CRYSTAL LAKE 32 Pomeroy Ave May 24,25,9-5 Spring Cleaning, 2 Families. CRYSTAL LAKE MOVING SALE! 9509 Beech May 25; 9-3 May 26; 9-11:30 Small freezer, couch, chairs, metal bookcases, toys, record stand, fireplace screen, fools, ft wood basket, car stereo, radios, books, house plants, canning jars, canning set, cedar, lamps, much more! CRYSTAL LAKE/COVENTRY Moving Sale 320 Bristol Drive May 23 ft 24; 1-3 nay23&24;«- May 25; 9-1 •15/455-4047 • WOODSTOCK/McHenry Moving Sales 2501 Greenwood Rd 6/10th mile North Rt 120 bet ween McHenry ft Woodstock /May 24,25,26,0-5 To much to list. /•. MCHENRY/C.C. Sub. 3109 Crescent Ave. May 24,25,9-4 Like M.J. says, you can't beat m - WOODSTOCK Greenwood Meadows 1914 Island Court May 24,25; 1-2 Refrigerator, color TV, bike, baby itemif-Atarl with car tridges, motorcycle gear ft MUCHMORE! WONDER LAKE Yard Sale 7710 Beach Dr. May 24,25,24,9-4 Cash only. Old electric typewriter, 3 drawer chest, ceramic, xmas tree, stelner reprolTS. ALGONQUIN 10115 N. River Dr. May 23rd ft 24th; 9-4 Sink ft vanlfv, appliances, books, drapes, clothes ft misc. WOODSDTOCK 203 South Hayward May 25, M, 27 Id items. Very old Items, old chairs, dishes, sliver pieces, vases, crockery, samplers, linens, old lace, tin ft wood boxes, much ALGONQUIN 321S Main May 24,25,0-5 /Many Items from storage. Anti ques, furniture, misc. 1973 Vette. CRYSTAL LAKE 927Abblngton Dr. May 24,1:30-2 May 25,1:30-12 Lots of doming, boys 6 ft up, girls • ft up, girls 20' blke, boys &" bike., 2 twin bed frames, recliner, crafts, misc. LAKE IN THE HILLS 306 Pocahontas Tr. May 23,24 ft 25; 9-4 Patio swing, milk can, hun- drends of books, girl's clothing, misc. . CRYSTAL LAKE 225 W. Crystal Lake Ave. May 24.9-5 May 25,9-1 Furniture, misc. household items. CARY/Trout Valley 163 Hawthorne May 25,26,9-3 Bikes, toys, much misc. LAKE IN THE HILLS l« Pheasant Tr. May 24,9 to 5 pm. Tl Home Computer, GE Por table VCR, Lighting Fixtures, Craft Supplies, Yarn ft Material, '61 Mustang. WONDER LAKE/East Side 7403 Sumac Dr. * May 25,26,27.9-5 Antiques, much misc., elec. Singer sewing machine, riding lawn mower, Tike new. CARY 310-314 Crest St. Fri.9to4pm. Kid's clothes, toys, ft misc. CARY •06 W. Main St. May25,26,9-5 Bdrm. set, all wood, hide a bod, double sz., end tables, double bed on frame, antique desk, much more. All In good cond. MCHENRY 4505 Parkway May 25,26; 9-4 Kitchen table ft chairs, rowing machine, clothes, elec range. No Early Birds! CRYSTAL LAKE ANTIQUE MOVING SALE Reed's Woman's Apparel (Country Corners Shopping Center - Next to Jewel) May 24 thru 30; 10-5 Oak chest (•'), large ft small buffet. Oak armoire >15/459-5250 WOODSTOCK 620 Conway Sat. 5/25,7-5 Atari, good, teenage clothing, boys ft girls, much miscl 'it Fairmont Wagon, $1,200. Refrlg., 15cu. ft. Lawn mower, 1 yr. old. Furn., antique plow, cultivator, lanterns ft hanging oil lamp w/reflector. Lots of kitchen items. Knlck Knacks. Beer Signs. Free Coffee. WOODSTOCK MO " * iVT mMOOW Sat., 5/25, »-4 Bikes, books, toys, much more. CRYSTAL LAKE 3302 Red Barn Rd. ̂ May 25.26.27,9-6 * Self propelled mower, auto, dehumidifler. like new, 2,10x12 tarps, chain saw, Casita screen house, panels, roof, etc.. women's clothes, 10-24, men's large, car seats, bike, stroller,* Booen color enlarger, unlcolor motorized drum for 1x10 color prints, Polaroid Portrait ft super • movie camera, dual • Bell ft Howell projector, reels, cans ft misc. dual I viewer, editor ft misc: CRYSTAL LAKE 131 Ellsworth May 24,25,26; 0-5 Air compressor, lawnmowers, mejal gang box, snowblower, bicycles, pick-up ladder rack, table saw, many tools, much misc. LAKE IN THE HILLS 1 LakeDr Lake Or ft Rte 62 May 24 ft 25,9 to 4 WOODSTOCK Moving Sale 3702 Doty Rd. Fri ft Sat., 0-5 Furniture: antique, baby ft misc., John Deere riding lawn mower, 1971 M.G. Midget, rollaway bed, clothes galore, all sexes ft sizes. Tots riding toys. WOODSTOCK In The Country 3409 Chukar Place Dean St. to Perkins, 1 blk. West to Chukar PI. 5/24,8-4,5/25,9-12 No Early Birds Snowtlres ft rims, clothes, newborn to LQVFR, misc. CARPENTERSVILLE- 704 Houston May 24,25; 9-5 Baby clothes, kid's clothes, maternity clothes, misc. 44 Misc. Merchandise • THE COUNTRY GREEN HOUSE is ready again with all your spring planting needs. Bedding, Flowering, hanging and vegetable plants. Special this week: Marigolds ft Petunias, buy 3 packs.and get one free! We are 2 miles east of Cary at 417 Oak Crest Rd. Open frdusk every day. 312/639-4337 PET FEED ft supplies from Lambs to Llamas ft Cockatiels to Cocker Spaniels. Wild bird supplies, too. Woodstock Farm ft Lawrf, 115/331-4200. 3 PC. BJ.ONDE wood bdrm. set, w/matchlng desk, 2 chairs, $250,3 pc. family room sat, + 3 tables, 2 lamps, $650, couch, crystal lamps, gen. commer cial floor scrubber, never used, $60, old high cedar chest, best, custom drapes, never used fireplace tools, dolls, 815/385- GOLF CLUBS, Spauidlng, 11 pc.. List $225, Now $139. Others $99 and up. Balls, 88. Coupon books. $10. $15/72»-0177 DISHWASHER, $75, Mon tgomery Ward sewing machine/cab., $75; school desk, $1$, belt vibrator machine. $20. $15/459-926$. SHE RR ILL LOUNGE CHAIR. Howard Parlor Circle Lounge, 840/ea; (4) 10 spaed bikes, Schwlnn Traveler- $40-$75 ea.; 17 Ft. Travel Trailer, self con tained, oven, range, fridge ft heat, $1,200. Call Donna $15/455-3514. MOVING-Must Sell. Beautiful oak dining set. Hexagon table w/glass top ft matching chairs have wicker back ft cushion seats, very nice, asking $400, Nice Stereo, $200. 115/459 5736 after 4 p.m. - ' GAS RANGE, coppertone, 30", w/exhaust hood; refrigerator ; 2 sections kitchen cabinets w/double stainless steel sink ft disposal; maple twin bed frame; twin size bed frame; night stand, large size auto, ice maker; maple table ft 6 cap tain's chairs, 1 pair china lamps, otdsr walnut stereo. All In Excellent condition! 312/639- 2719. PICTURE FRAMING of all kinds. Creative ft reasonable. Our Frame House, 815/455- 4515. I SELL 1/4 carat and larger diamonds. Free 1/2 carat amerald or ruby with each dia mond purchase. Call 115/499- 5743. KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER Like new, $l50/best. $15/459-563$ ELECTRIC BIKE, like new, original $1,200 • will sacrifice for $750. Photo copier (compact size), original cost $500 • asking $200. $15/344-4460 - Alpha Plastics. FILMOSTAT CAMERA ft Complete darkroom, $300. $15/330-9160 STEREO RECEIVER 4 chan nel, w/wood cabinet, many ex tras, new cond., $l25/best. $15/455-6492. $3 CAGIVA WMX 125, $625/best. Freezer, 20 cu. ft., $50, good cond. 312/639-1214 SUN AUTOMOTIVE Tester Model 920. $600. $15/455-0050 BOX SPRING ft /MATTRESS Set, full size, l yr. old, $100/ best; portable Whirlpool dryer, exc. cond., $150 (buy dryer, get washer free). »5/45>-l649. JUkE BOXES: $250. to $550., All are in as found condition. UFIXEMUP ft save! Jim. 312/695-0676. GOLF CLUBS. 4 woods, $ Irons. Irons less than 1 year old. $175. $15/344-4432 after 6 p.m. TRADITIONAL STYLE Overstuffed chair, His ft Hers chair ft hassock- all gold. Dark wood kitchen table ft chairs. Girls Schwlnn 20 In, bike w/training wheels, 1 child use only. I15/455-4483. JVC 60 watt graphic equalizer receiver, $175, $15/330-4273. USED FENCE POSTS Wood ft Steel - $15/56*6645 after 5 LAWN CHIEF 725 lawn trac tor. $400; Jacobean 21 in. mower, $50; Black ft Decker 1$ in. elec. mower. $35; Air com pressor, $100; Soars 10 in. table saw, $175. All In working order . Picnic table ft 2 bench seats, $25; Wheel barrow, $30. 2 $ ft. wood step ladders. $20 each. Best offers on all. Call after 6 p.m. $15/305-7144. LIKE NEW. Fiberglass top for late model El Camlno, $300. Kenmore dishwasher, works end looks good, $65. $15/720 0617 --PAtlO STONES-- 12 In., 10 In., 24 In. Seconds! As low as 2 for $1 JO. Also Concrete Bird Baths, Tables, ft Benches! MftMPATIOSTONE 155 S. Washington Carpentersvllle, II 312/551-1$!$ DELTA TABLE SAW, 1 h p motor, w/36 X 36 heavy stand and precision crank settings; Maytag Wringer washer; Cramman elec. lawn edger; Dtsston Cordless elec. grass shears; Dewalt radial arm saw w/new table; Carpenters bench vise; 4 In. Boyca-Crane joiner without motor; Tom lee 4 In. belt sandsr without motor, SEWING MACHINE: ft carry ing case. Exc. cond.! $75.; 312/650-6946. after 2 pm. APT. SIZE DRYER, $75; '60 OMs 455 cu. In. engine, $125; '67 Ford Branca $650.015/455-2200 Rockford heavy duty drill press w/motor, 6 ft. high. $1V3$54467 JERRY'S MOWING SERVICE SELLOUT ALL 2 Ford ON Tractors; 4 Mowers; 2 Plows; 2 Rear Blades; 1 Rear Bucket; 1 Front Loader; 15 ft. Disk; 1 Heavy Duty Trailer, $0,500; Mini Dozer. All NEW' 1 ATC 3-Wheeler, 200S, 1905, $1,300; 1 4-Wheeler, TRX-125, 1905, $1,200. Days $15/720-0005 BUNK BEDS, $135. Brown Recliner, $75. Sleeper, qn. size, $275. Table, oak rectangular, $65. Coffee table, $45. Dresser, 3 drawer, $75. Drop leaf table, $65. The Outlet Store, 220 Ban ton, Woodstock, 015/330-1363. MOVING, all items exc. cond. Washer ft dryer, $200. Stove, ft refrlg., $50 each. Freezer, $75. Keroeune heaters, $25 ft 50. Woodturners, $50 ft $100. Cell ing fans w/lk Chain saws. I $200, McCulloch i pump, $100. 30 cal. ML, walkle- LANE trippte dresser, night stand. $125, full u. box spring ft mattress, $115, kit. set. round table w/ leaf , 4 v inyl upholstered chairs, $150, wht. wrought Iron patio set, w/um- brella. $150,312/639-0906. MOVING SALE Upright freezer, washer ft dryer, stereo, sofa, dining room set w/ break front, antique chest of drawers, table lamp, lawn tools, misc. 312/639-9359. LADIES RING, 14K yellow gold w/10 sm. diamonds, $500. After 5:30 pm-$15/560-5615. ARE YOUR LOCKS ft KEYS 10 years old or older? Think about rebuilding them with new keys made to assure the high degree of security you need ft expect to protect your home, place of business, auto, boat, motorcycle or motor home. Call A 1 Key ft Lock Service, 115/344-2250 far free estimate. DINETTE TABLE w/4 chairs, exc. cond., $200. Call after 5 p.m. 015/344-4709 BEAUTY SHOP equip., sink, console, hair dryer ft chair, price naog., 312/650-0207. G.E. MICROWAVE oven, $$0. Heavy bunk beds, $100. Never used Webor grill, $30. Zig zeo sawing machine in desk cabinet, $100. King size bookcase headboard, $30. Valet, $5. Canopy bedspread sat, $15.015/330-4006 TANNING SUN BED $2100 $15/720-1355 CLOWN-MAGICIAN For children's parties. Now booking for June. >15/̂ 55 4910 MOVING, must sell: hide a bed. upright freezer, bdrm. set, sofa, 015/455-0063, after 5 p.m. IVORY WEDDING GOWN, sz. 10, chapel train, venice lace trimmed, $125; 25.4 cu. ft. Ad miral chest freezer, exc. cond., must sell, $300, 015/330 4456, after 4:30 p.m. ' BODY.PAINT, ft garage equipment, . 312/697-5000 • HAPPY GRAMS* SINGING TELEGRAMS Male ft Female Belly Dancers 312/000-3060 SILVERTONE organ, exc. cond., $45, i $20, Guinea pig. 2642. MOVING SALE: Pool table. $500; sleeper sofa, $200; washer ft dryer, $250; freezer, $200; s ide by side refr lg. / freezer,$500; universal gym set, power pack 250, $1400; 5 ft. office desk w/ chair ft book shelves, $500; 11 pc. cube sec tional, w/ matching cocktail tables, $700; 312/669 3314. CONTEMPORARY style sheltered sofa ft ottoman, $250. 2 matching end tables, $50 each, Thomas electric oroan, Elcamino model $400, custom made 10 ft. L-shaped bar w/6 commercial grade stools, $600. All in exc. cond. Call after 6 p.m., 015/3$5-$005. 'ONE organ, exc. , portable typewriter, ea pig. $10, 815/344- CLOWNS! Crackers the Clown. Puppets. Magic, Balloons ane more! 815/923-HEAR AAA SWIMMING POOL DISTRIBUTER Must sell their entire inventory of new, 1964 left over 31' family size pools, with deck, fence, filter ft warranty. Full price now, ONLY $979.00. Car finance. Installation extra Call now for early installation. Call Nick, 24 hours a day: 1-800-851-1895 MOVING SALE: furniture, piano, etc., 312/639-6674,. TWO SINGLE folding beds with foam rubber mattresses, $75; 3 pc. white wrought Iron patio set with foam rubber cushions, $175; white wrought iron glass top table, 30" by 4$" with 4 chairs, $75; 1 studio couch, $40.312/639 7114. BABY CRIB w/like new Sim mons Mattress, $50. Call after i pm, $15/344-2453. AIR CONDITIONERS: Ken more, multi room, like new. $225.; G.E. Good condition, $50.; 312/639-0372, after 5 pm. ANTIQUE, CAMERA, Takes stereo pictures. $125. Also, Pen tax K1000 with F2.0 lens, good condition $115.815/385 3490. USED FIREPROOF Fi le cabinets. Top Quality wood desks, draft ing tables, bookcases. Brand-Off ice Equipment Sales. $15/455 4550 lights, $30 ft 60. Homelight 1925, toll IL31, $75. 12 gauge pump, $100. 30 1175. Long range talkies, $50. Bedroom < mirror vanity, $50/both. 55 gal. aquarium, stand, light, fish ft all $125. Sleeper sofa, $25, 015/640-2533. after 0 p.m. 1MB PC/XT with color monitor, Toshiba P13S1 Parrel I with tractor feed. Never used- Like new! Thousands of dollars worth of software Included. $5500.015/305-46*6. BEE EQUIPMENT. $15/459-0201, after 4 p.m. HIOE A BED loveseat, $75, matching couch, $75, itching co 015/455-: 3135. AIR COND., 11,500 BTU, 1 year old, $300. Ford engine. 390 V$, Best offer. Gang Mower, $150. Ford Van front seat, Ilka new, Best Offer. 015/455-3030 after 6 p.m. WEDDING RING ft ENGAGE' ME NT ring, appraised at $1,500; Will sell for $1,000. Call after 4:30 pm-015/653-9629. OUTBOARD MOTOR: TV* HP; Small window air conditioner; 015/459-0602. OPEN HOUSE NOON TO 4 P.M. SUNDAY JMAY 26,1985 300 FT. LAIf EFRONT HOME WONDER 7814 ISLAND LN. - WONDER LAKE (HOWE RD. TO WOODS DR. SO TO W. LAKE SHORE DR. TO ISLAND LN.) UNIQUE LAKEFR0NT CONTEMPORARY 3 BDRMS - 3 BTHS • FIRPLS - IN-GRD 34x16 POOL - 8' WHIRLPOOL • 8x6 SAUNA CENT AIR - 3% CAR GAR. LOADED W/EXTRAS $225,00$ • SHAMROCK REALTY 815-728-0424 v':\ CLASSY CONTEMPORARY First time offered. Enjoy s special life style in this beautiful 3 bedroom 2ft bath home. Efficient floor plan, spacious rooms, full basement, attached 2 car garage $93,500 815459-3066 IN-TOWN HOME Charming cape cod in Marengo. Older home in good re sidential srea. 2 bedrooms 1 bath. Fireplace in living room $64,900 815459-3066 "EXECUTIVE SWEET* Four bedroom colonial adjacent to park. All the ameni ties with air and 2 car garage. Unexpected transfer creates an opportunity for the discriminating buyer $121,900 815459-3066 ON TREE LINED STREET Ease of maintenance with steel siding and brick front. Four bedrooms, 2 bath home. Central air, hardwood floors, fenced yard, see it now $76,500 815-459-3066 NEW CONSTRUCTION On high country acre with great views. Special Victorian home, cus tom crafted. Deck off master bed room suite. Full basement, fireplace in family room $142,500 815459-3066 YOU'LL LIKE THIS ONE A great starter or retirement home on>j double lot in Wonder Lake. A 2 bedroom ranch with full basement and 2ft car garage. Superb landscaping, excellent con dition $53,800 815459-3066 DUPLEX In heart of town. Excellently maintained with 5 year roof, energy efficient heating. Large 2 car garage with storage. Large units. Good investment $<4,000 815459-3066 SECLUDED ESTATE - BULL VALLEY Beautiful 9 acres of tall pines. Hillside ranch features 4 bedrooms. 4 baths, sunken living room with floor to ceiling fireplace, master bedroom suite with fireplace. Additional buildings 32 x 44 with finished studio. 20' x 24' stable. Too many amenities ftflist. Call for de tails $233,200 815-338-6295 VACANT BUILDING SITES 2.86 Km. Milwaukee Hills, Hobe Rd., Woodstock 125,000 1.82 acres. Woodland Hts.. Woodstock $11,900 ft acre, Hillside Rd.. Crystal Lake $10,900 1.7 acres. Hidden lake Estates, Woodstock $21,900 1.4 acres, Andover Acres. Huntley $131000 7 acres, wooded. Rt. 120. Woodstock $46,500 6.88 acres, Schultz Rd.. Hannrd $45,000 815-338-6295 SHOWTIME!! Super nice 3 bedroom Fox Ridge home with 2 baths and central air. There's an extra enclosed screened porch for your enjoyment. All appliances ore included. Great Fox Ridge value that will sell quickly! $72,900 815-385-7050 WOW!! 2600 SQUARE FEET Super neat and clean two-story home on a double wooded lot. This home has some real class and charm! 24 ft. master bedroom! 36' family room. 2 full baths, 4-5 bedrooms! This is a very comfortable home that once inside you'll know it is meant for you and your family - Great value at only $74,900 815-385-7050 COUNTRY FARMETTE 3+Acres - 40' Greenhouse!! 24 x 70 out-building and a large tri-level home with a 2ft car garage. This prop erty has so many uses • and is zoned for horses, too!! This is a very neat and clean home with all buildings in excellent condition. Fantastic value at $107,900 915-385-7050 NEWER HOME-OLDER McHENRY ' How else do you describe a super neat 7 year old home located in the heart of McHenry. Close to downtown, schools and churches. Solid construction in this custom bi-level Ijpme with finished family room. Three bed rooms! 2ft car prage. Large deck, too! Assumable 9.5% mortgage • $717.00 total monthly payment! $71,500 815-385-7050 ON TOP OF OLD SM0KEY - ALL COVERED WITH HOUSE!! 6et the^picture? High on a hill is this beautiful 2600 sq. ft. home that when you're there you get this feeling of power! You'll love the large deck that overlooks your domain. There are four bedrooms. 3 baths, central air. 3 car garage. 2 fireplaces, and much more for only $114,500. Make an appointment today!! 815-385-7050 EDGEBR00K HEIGHTS Great location goes with this very neat and deon throe bedroom ranch with a 2ft car garage. Woodbuming fk replace, central air, and a really neat yard with bushes and trees. Priced to sell at $64,500 815-385-7050 ':•••• ' • IN THE CENTER OF McHENRY Very sharp, solidly built home with three bedrooms and a FULL BASEMENT. Plaster walls, new bathroom, new .roof end vinyl sided. Fenced beck yord, too! Good value •we for only $63,900 815-385-7050 . NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILD GREAT SELECTION OF VACANT PROPERTY GET STARTED ON YOUR DREAM HOME NOW 1.1 Acre amoung 40 Oak trees $45,000 Convenient location close to beach lake rights .» $11,300 7.4 Acres offers privacy and view $150,000 level buildable lot lake rights $9,000 Rural Acre Estate $29,900 Wooded - affordable for Hillside Ranch $7,000 3 attractive lots in Algonquin. Each $13,900 Waken more. caMfer details WANT TO BE ALONE AND ENJOY THE COUNTRYSIDE? Come see our 3 bedroom, 2 bath well maintained R>nch $149,500 312-639-5561 RENT0RS REJOICE Turn your rent checks into equity/«(hen you own this cute maintenance free aluminum iide l̂ 2 bedroom Hill side Ranch with 1 car prage <. $51 500 312-639-5561 PRICED TO SELL Assumable mortgage on lovely year old 3 bedroom. Tri- level. Family oriented floor plan with extra larp sodded corner lot. Nearby grade school makes this perfect for the young family $86,200 312-639-5561