» LetMcHenry Fiesta Days 'Entertain Yen'! i The heart of summer -- late July -- meets America's Heartland in McHenry's 1985 Fiesta Days, "Let Us Entertain You." The result is a memorable eight-day gala of feasting, fun and family fare for all ages. Food Fiesta, the" overwhelmingly popular version of gourmet delights, ss:si • • • • • • v L O ' V * •••• • • • • • • w f r • « • • • • • W83 launches the festival on Sunday, July 21, at Petersen Park, located just west of Route 31, north of McHenry. Along with a dazzling variety of dining specialties from McHenry area restaurants and food purveyors, the day will begin at 9 a.m. with the Second An nual Car Show. Entries are expected to exceed the 160 of last year. No advance pre-registration is required. There will be canoe races on McCullom Lake, kiddie rides, booths for children, and continuous musical entertainment. A horseshoe tournament and round one of this year's game, "Name That Tune," will also be featured, living up to the all- around entertainment theme for this year. Fiesta Days continues through Sunday, July 28, and the days in between include events for staunch athletes, armchair sports enthusiasts, dedicated bargain hunters, art lovers, fans of the big band or rock eras, and a series of unique events throughout. The McHenry Park District-sponsored River Run attracts diehard runners and first-timers each year. For the junior sports kids, there will be a Big Wheel Race, outdoor roller skating party and a bike decorating contest. Art In The Park once again promises a tapestry of artistic specialties from outstanding oils, water- colors, photography and sculpture to the latest in lovingly detailed handcrafted items. A championship track meet, Chicago Sting Soccer Camp, a trip to the Milwaukee Zoo and a Bingo Bash will find an audience looking for their par ticular type of entertainment. Rounds of "Name That Tune" will continue throughout the week until the grand finale after the big Sunday parade and the Jaycee Chicago Barbecue. Sidewalk Sales and other in-store specials will lure shoppers. The famous annual Bed Race will take a new scope this year. The usual "dress 301 VIRGINIA STREET, CRYSTAL LAKE i 815-455-0333 I MERCHANDISE CLEARANCE CENTER HOURS. MON, TUES, SAT. 9-5 WEO, THURS, FRI. 9-6 SUN: 10-3 AT MERCHANDISE CLEARANCE CENTER, WE OFFER DISCOUNTS ON A WIDE VARIETY OF ITEMS. EACH WEEK WE REDUCE PRICES ON ITEMS SUCH AS CLOTHING, HOUSEWARES, ELECTRONICS, TOYS, GIFT WARE, FURNITURE, LAWN FURNITURE, SEASONAL ITEMS, DOMESTICS AND MORE! SAVE 40% TO 60%!! CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO SHOP WITH US??? • • COUPON- COUPON TO OUR FRIENDS • OLD AND NEW 40% OFF REGULAR PRICE ANY ONE ITEM J ON ANY ITEM NOT ALREADY ON SALE I GOOD THRU JULY4,1985 WITH THIS COUPON ings" will be replaced by antics of dex terity for the teams, and more hilarity for the viewers. Team pre-registration and pledges to Muscular Dystrophy Associa tion are required, but open to all. Contact (815) 385-1305 for complete details. An outdoor children's film festival, the Concert In The Park and Theme Night's dance event, featuring the music of Trilogy, rounds out more than a week of special treats just minutes from home and well within most budgets. Events are free or have a modest entry fee. Refreshments are available at all events. so mom has a chance to enjoy the at- home vacation atmosphere, too. Co-Chairman Sue Low and Trey Covalt, along with their hardworking committee, have come up with a special summer festival that is packed with entertainment and is conveniently located. In short, Fiesta Days is the best- dressed bargain of the summer. For complete details of all events, send $1 to McHenry Area Chamber of Com merce, 1257 N. Green St., McHenry, 111. 60050, and a Fiesta Day guidebook will be mailed to you after July 1. MCHENRY FIESTA OifS, 1985 Sunday, lily 21 through Sunday, Inly 28 Theme: "LET OS EMRTAIH YOU" DATE ACTIVITY LOCATION TIME July 21 FOOD FIESTA DAY: All at Petersen Park July 22- July26 Car Show (North Shore Rod Show) Booths & Games for kids by CCA or any other sponsoring organization Kiddie Rides Food Fiesta Canoe Races Horseshoe Tournament First Round of "Name That Tune" Chicago Sting Soccer Camp East Camps 9 a.m. -8 p.m. 9 a.m. -3 p.m. Noon -8 p.m. 9:30 a.m.-4p.m. (each day) MORE FIESTA EVENTS ON PABE11 VALUABLE COUPO MAIL YOUR FILM TO: QUALITY FOR THREE GENERATIONS KODACOLOR FILM AND MOST MAJOR RRANDS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED ON KODAK PAPER I I I I o a. o o o l«l a < i i i i i 12 EXP. 110-126 135 MM $i so 15 EXP. DISC FILM 24 EXP. 110-126-13SMM-$2.S0 36 EXP. 135MM-$3.50 Reprints 10-*1.7S • 5x7-2*2.25 FROM KODACOLOR NECS & DISCS ONLY sp o CL => O o III sJ a < y 3 SLIDE AND MOVIE PROCESSING 20 EXP.-*1.75 • 36 EXP-$2.50 • Super 8 • *2.25 LOW PRICES ON FILM, CAMERAS & ALBUMS i & (815)648-2401 EXP. JUNE 1985 SKRUDLAND PHOTO PRICE ROAD, HERRON, IL. 60034 VALUABLE COUPONI