55cAVSROU^d suction2- s- h.\im>i\i.kimikkau>. wkdnksi>a\.Ma\ 2«j. i*e> Income survey to be taken ^Insects can destroy gardens as quickly as they grow Local representatives of the U.S. Census Bureau will visit selected area households beginning June 3 to conduct its Survey of Income and Program ; Participation (SIPP), Stanley D. Moore, director of the bureau's Chicago Regional Office, announced. SIPP is a major nationwide continuing survey introduced in the fall of 1983. It began with 20,000 households, now includes about 38,000, and will be among the nation's largest when its goal of about 55,000 households is reached in April 1986. The Census Bureau publishes periodic reports providing in formation from the survey. Subjects covered include the following: -Jobs and earnings. -The economic effect of unemployment, disability and retirement. -How taxes affect personal spending. -Participation in programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and food stamps. Information collected in SIPP is confidential by law. In terviewers have credentials identifying them as U.S. Census Bureau employees. Cary woman appointed to fill vacant seat on Agency on Aging The Region Two Area Agency on Aging's Board of Directors recently appointed Margaret A. Ford of Cary to represent McHenry County on the board. Mrs. Ford recently retired from her career as a registered nurse. She will serve the remainder of an unexpired term, until November, 1986. Region Two Area Agency on Aging is responsible for developing and coordinating a network of services for older persons throughout an eight county area in northeastern Illinois. The agency informs and advises public and private agencies and the gejieral public of the needs of older persons living in the counties of DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will, and acts as an advocate on their behalf. Members of the Region Two board of directors adopt a regional position of addressing needs and planning services for the entire area. The board is actively involved in the workings of Region Two, with responsibilities ranging from tracking pertinent pieces of legislation to making recom mendations on which applicants receive funding. Mrs. Ford's new position is one of three McHenry County appointees to Region Two's thirty member board of directors. Register For Summer Classes How! Ask about our WEEKLONG GYMNASTIC CAMP For more information ctll:312/639-6622 740 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE, CARY xwxwx xw-x-y •FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE •LOW TEACHER/STUDENT RATIO • PRESCHOOL-HIGH SCHOOL/NOVICE-ADVANCED •SPRING ACTION TUMBLING •NISSEN&AMF EQUIPMENT •SIBLING DISCOUNTS Unseasonably warm weather has caused landscape plantings to r pidly resume growing and hr allowed anxious gardners a great deal of time outdoors. Unfortunately, such weather also means the return of insect pest activity in the yard and garden. The (EXTENSION) People AMMl Through the month of May, the extension office has received several calls concerning c a t e r p i l l a r s a t t a c k i n g evergreens. These are pine sawflies, which are actually the larva of a wasplike insect which lays eggs on the pine needles. The larva, which are grayish- green with dark heads, feed on the needles and usually appear in l&rge numbers. When threatened, they will throw their heads back or move as a group to startle the attacker. Pine sawfly larva can defoliate pine trees in a very short period of time. Red, scotch, jack and mugo pine are the most susceptible. Spraying affected trees with the in secticide Sevin (carbary) as soon as sawfly larva are detected will control them. Another insect appearing on area trees is the Eastern tent caterpiller. Conspicuous white tentlike webs have been showing up on various deciduous trees, usually on the ends of branches. Close inspection will reveal numerous caterpillars inside the webs. Fruit trees are the most common type of trees affected. The simplest control measure for Eastern tent caterpillar is to clip off the web and destroy it. Insecticides may also be used, including carbaryl (Sevin), malathion, or Bacillus thuriiigiensis (Dipel, Thuricide, Bactur). For optimum control, spray inside the webs and spray while the caterpillars are still small. Summerlike weather means the annual invasion of ants, GLEMBY Shampoo/Haircut/Blow Dry The Clemby Fitness Hair Care System for home use is available in our salon. (for kids 12 years and under) Offer good thru May 31, 1985 Charge it! spiders, crickets, earwigs, and other crawling pests will resume. The best control measure is to spray along the foundation and adjacent soil with diazinon (Spectracide), which creates a barrier to stop the pests from entering the home. For indoor control, spray ready to use formulations (do not need water) of diazinon, dursban, or baygon. Whenever using any pesticides this season, there are two major points to consider. First, proper identification of the pest problem is essential. Bring samples to the Extension office for- free diagnosis. Second, always read and follow label directions to assure good control, user safety, and en vironmental protection! For additional information, contact the McHenry County Extension Office at 789 McHenry Ave., P.O. Box 431, Woodstock, 60098. Phones (815) 338-3737 or 338-4747. PHARMACY HOTLINE Drug and alcohol interactions, side effects, and medicine identification are just a few of the topics that can be discussed with a registered pharmacist via Memorial Hospital's new Pharmacy Information Line, (815 ) 338-9090. The telephone service, staffed seven days a week by registered phar macists, is designed as a resource for McHenry County residents who have questions about prescription medications. The line is also available to medical professionals who require drug information. 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