Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 May 1985, p. 23

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S3 Apartment* for Rtnt 53 Apartments for Rent •IAKEW00D APARTMENTS LUXURY SfUDIO, 1 & 2 B E D R O O M S •Free Heat & Cooking Gas •Wall To Wall Carpet •Color Coordinated Applia. •Patio Or Balcony •Laundry Facilities •Individual Storage Area •Cable TV •Garaoes Available •Pool ft Playground •24 Hr. Emergency Maintenance •Furnished Apartments Avail. SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 815/338-2383 RICHMOND APARTMENTS-1 ft 2 bdrms. avail. Wall to wall chen, Individually controlled facilities ft play heat, carpeting, fully appl lanced kit- n, Individually I, laundry I area. Call 312/»;-9277. WOODSTOCK, 1 block from Square, 4 rm., 1 bdrm. apt. w/all utilities furnished. Avail. Jure 1. Call >15/338-0450, leave name ft telephone number. WOODSTOCK. 1 bdrm. in love­ ly Victorian. Includes ap­ pliances, heat, water, garbage. 1350/mO. 115/923-4140 MARENGO, 2 bdrms., carpeted, lust painted, stove ft fridge furnished, storage, private ft quiet, no pets. Avail Juni 1., 1300/ mo. +security. I1S/W3-4464. WOODSTOCK, close to Square, 1 bdrm., heat ft water incl., $335, sec. dep., •15/337-0500. between 5pm ft 9pm. Pets. For information call >15/3t5-21>1 McHENRY. 1 bdrm., conve­ nient In-town location, all Utilities incl. S330/mo. 815/385- 1115 ANNSTONIAN APTS. Lovely Elevator Building Quiet, Gracious Living in Woodstock at McHenry ft Irving 1 bdrm. $310 l bdrm. + den $345 815/338-6255 CRYSTAL LAKE: Spacious lovely 1 bdrm. in deluxe building, $375. No pets, Sec. dep. ft ref. req.; 312/295-1174, after 6 pm. MARENGO, 2 bdrm. upstairs heated apt., for quiet couple. No pets, ref. ft dep. required. 815/^8-8887. MARENGO, 2 bdrm. duplex, appl.. avail Immed., $315 morrth, 815/568-6706. OUPLEX IN CRYSTAL Lake, lower 3 bdrm., gar., basement, stove ft refrig., washer ft dryer. 8450/mo. plus utilities. 105 W. Crystal Lake Av. 815/455-0798. HEBRON, l bdrm., furnished, w/gar. Ideal for single or newlywed. No pets, $300 mon­ thly + elec., 815/338-0777 or 815/338-5428. ALDEN: 3 room, 2nd. floor apartment, $240. a month. Call 312/365-6811.' CRYSTAL LAKE 1 bdrm.. Carpeted' 1 block from downtown, $325/mo. 815/455- 4042. RICHMOND: Sub-Lease from June 15, to Jan. 31, large 2 bdrm.,$349./mo„ 815/671 4480. DUPLEX, 2 bdrm., ivt baths, garage, refrig. ft range, turn. Avail. June T5. $425/mo., plus utii., ma sec. dep., 815/338-0905 or 815/338-8489. CARY: Studio apart, in private home on Fox River. $300./mo. includes uMilities. After 6 pm; 312/639-5232. 54 Homes for Root WONDER LAKE, 2 bdrm. log cabin w/back porch ft fplc., no dogs, $300,815/728-1628. McHENRY: 2 bdrm., $350. a month plus utilities; 312/732 6868, ask for Joel Selpboldt. CRYSTAL LAKE. 3 bdrm., 3701 Rt. 176,1 mile east of Rt. 31. Ju ly 1st occupancy. 8600/mo. + sec. dep. Rets, required. 815/455-2778 or 312/263-3223. Grove Realty. CRYSTAL LAKE t>uplex, 3 bdrms., Wt baths, full bsmt., garage, appllas., air, walk to schools A shopping. $500/ mo. + utils., security ft refs. No pets. After 6 pm. 815/923-2246. CARY AREA, custom built 3 bdrm. ranch, fam. rm. w/frplce., Ig. kitchen, 2 baths, 2 car aft. garage. Avail. Aug. 1, mo.-mo., $600/ mo. Gordon Management Services, 312/382- RENT W/OPTION to buy. 3 bdrm. home with bsmnf. ft garage, avail. Jul dep. required. W< •Ion. 815/568-6916 1st. Sec. kloca- Ju- fo­ist. $400/mo., plus securi II between 9 am ft 3 pm., weekends anytime. 815/385- 2860. TWO BEDROOM condo, ( W a t e r s E d g e ) d e n w/flreplace, two full baths, kit­ chen appliances. Exceptional view, A/C, avail. July 1st. Ideal CRYSTAL LAKE/Covcntry 1 West, 3 bdrms., carpeted, air, gar., patio, no pets. Avail. July T, $545, call eves, 815/459-3018. CRYSTAL LAKE. 3 bdrm. newer ranch, freshly painted, full bsmnt., 2 car garage, 2 blks to Crystal Lake Deacn. 1st ft last months rent 4- sec. dep. $500/mo. 815/459-9555 WOODSTOCK: 2 bdrm., bsmnt., ft attic. $350./mo. ft sec. dep. Plus utilities ft water. Avail. June 15. After 4 pm; 815/338-1794. W H I S P E R I N G H I L L S . Retired? Here Is an alternative to the high cost ft lack of privacy found in a retirement home. Why not share a home with your friend in a lovely quiet, semi retirement com­ munity with plenty of space to call your own. Pay only Vt of the $600 rent ft en|oy the freedom ft privacy you deserve. Avail. In Aug. tall after 6 p.m., I15/675-282L WONDER LAKE. 2 story. 2 bdrm.. references required, $250/mo., 815/653-4887. GENOA. 4 bdrm. houM, tto'car gar., $400 month + sec. dep., ref., days, 815/4^9-3300, or eves, after 6 p.m., 385-1048. Condo*, Town hornet 55 for Rent McHENRY, 2 bdrm. Condo. IV* baths, alt appl., carpet, central air, swimming pool, very quiet like setting. Available Ju- Contfoft, Town homes 55 for Rent CRYSTAL LAKE, Colony Square- Spacious 2 bdrm. con­ do., avail. July 1st., $525 + 1 mo. security. Days 815/459- 9187. C A R Y / B R I G H T O a k s , townhome, 2 bdrms., 1 1/2 baths, new carpet, c/a, nearby pool, tennis,; clubhouse, playground ft access to Nor t h w e s t e r n , 8 5 9 0 / m o . , maintenance fee included. Days, 312/381-9600, ext. 5063. After 6:30 PM, 312/639-8524. CRYSTAL LAKE/ Colony Square, 2 bdrms., all applias., washer/ dryer, C/A. Avail. Ju­ ly 1, $525/ mo. + 1 mo. security. No pets. 815/455-2118. Store, Off Ices St for Rent RETAIL SPACE 2000 sq. ft., exc. parking. Near Woodstock Swiare. Avail In 30\ days, 815/338-5611. ' ONLY 3 Beautiful Furnished Executive Offices Left. Shared services Include: Computers, Elec., Phones, Word Proc., Conf. Room ft Reception/ Secretarial 312/639-0055 S T O R E F R O N T S / O F F I C E SPACE downtown McHenry, air conditioned, 850 sq. ft. total. Rent together or separately. 815/385-^71 . OFFICES for imediate oc­ cupancy, Whispering Point Of­ fice Center. Crystal Lake Rd.. McHenry. L.B. Anderson Co. Inc., 312/537-4300815/344-1671 MODERN CRYSTAL LAKE Office Spaced Approximately 1,000 sq. ft. Available Im­ mediately. Call 815/459-8815. A V A I L A B L E I M M E D I A T ­ ELY - 650 sq. ft, 832 sq. ft., or 2,500 sq. ft. executive office suites, remodeld to suit your needs. Call 815/459-7688 101 CORPORATE CORNER IN THE HUNTLEY CENTER- 35 X 50 or 1,650 sq. ft. retail space, avail, immed. 312/669- '5433. NOW LEASING TERRACOTTA PLACE New 20,000 Sq. Ft. office building, near Rt$. 176 ft 14 Now taxing leases on space to become available in October. Building features atrium and g l a s s - o n c l o s e d e l e v a t o r . 99JO/ft. on limited basis. For leasing info, contact: RONPRATHER 815/459 9470 CRYSTAL LAKE, large 1 bdrm. apt., heat ft water incl., $335. Days between 8:30 am to 6:30 pm- 815/455-4540. WOODSTOCK, 11,000 sq, ft., of­ fice or commercial. $295/mo., 815/338-0743. ' 57 tndmtrlol for Rent CRYSTAL LAKE. 5,000 SECTION 2 - PAGE 13 - PLAINDKALER-HERALD. FRIDAY . MAI 31.1985 57 Induitrlal for Rent 49 Houses for Sele 69 Houses for Sale 69 Houses for Sale 49 Houses for Sale w Houses for Sale DOsq. ft. se elec., ind. bldg., a/c, 3-phas air fines. Will divide, 815/459- 9060. McHENRY: Industrial/Com­ mercial building fdr rent. 2400 sq. ft., heated, insulated, bathroom ft office, 10 ft. garage door, 815/459-8111, or 815/344- 2957. 2,000 SQ. FT. in new building. L i g h t I n d u s t r i a l . I n Woodstock's newest Industrial park. 8700/mo. 815/338-91.60 WAREHOUSE SPACE, ideal tar machine shop, etc., 3 phase wiring, oh Algonquin- Huntley blacktop. Call 312/658-6616. CRYSTAL CAKE 14,000 sq. ft. of prime warehouse space with dock. $2.25 per sq. ft. In­ quiries call Carol at: 815/455-4333 Storage Space 59 forRent ALGONQUIN: Stop ft Store. Inc. Self Storage Mini- Warehouse Units now renting. All sizes; Low rates! Monday through Saturday, 9-5, Sunday. 1-5; 312/658-3033. _ *5 Wanted to Buy 2 to 3 bedrooms in this area. Assumable mortgage desired. Reasonable. 815/38*1403. 6B Open House OPEN HOUSE . Crystal Lake Sat., June 1st; 12-4 706 Coventry Lane Low Down, Assumable, 4 bdrm., 1 1/2 baths, trl- level. $70,900 ERA Wolf & Assoc. f 815/455 itt60 *9 - ' Houses for Sale CRYSTAL LAKE/Four Col­ onies, by owner. 2,565 sq. ft. Agusta, 4 bdrms., 2V» baths, cathedral ceilings ft bacony in living room ft master bdrm., 2ft car gar., bsmnt., C/A, fireplace In family room, full deck, Ig. lot, $117,900. 815/459- 7962. HAVING GROWING PAINS? This lovely 2 story Colonial is a le growing ;, Tn baths, WONDER LAKE by owner. 3 bdrm, hillside ranch. Conve­ nient location, low 50'S, 815/728- 0721 CRYSTAL LAKE/Coventry: 4 bd r m . , 2 b a t h s , f a m . r o o m . E x ­ cellent condition! 2 car gar., fenced yard, $75000. No Agents! 815/459-0488. CRYSTAL LAKE, by owner, 80' x 180' iot, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, family room, fplc., large wood deck, c/a, 2 1/2 car gar., full bsmt. - partially finished, must see to appreciate, $69,500, 81S/4S9-9C07. CRYSTAL LAKE/Coventry, 4 bdrm., 2 bath, fplc., 2 1/2 car gar., corner lot, new paint ft carpet, all appls, $76,900, 312/255 1523 for appointment. JOHNSBURG school dlatw by owner. 4 bdrm. contemporary w/2 baths. 2.600 sq. ft., brick A frame, 2v» car att. garage, $145,000.815/728 1392. C R Y S T A L L A K E / B u r t o n Bridge area, 1722 Rt 176, 3 bdrm., fireplace, wood paneled den, full base., Ig. corner lot,. $67,000,312/934-7597. • rlect family home with plen-of room for the « family. 4 bedrooms, Tn first- floor family room, plus a full basement. Call for a private showing. $102,900. Fireside Realtors 312/568-5000 RINGWOOD- BY OWNER, 6201 Giant Oaks Rd. Ececutive quality ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2ft baths, full basement, sunken living room ft family room w/formal dining, natural gas heat, central air, fireplace, heated 2ft car attached garage w/auto. door opener. Alfof tnis on 2ft acre estate- $108,000. 815/728-1149. , . WONDER LAKE, by owner. 4 bdrm, 2 bath, raised ranch. Newly decorated, 5 yrs. old. Fam. rm., fireplace, fenced yard, many extras. V.A., F.H.A. 815/675-2036, 815/653- 3576 after 5 pm. No agents please. NEW CONSTRUCTION 3 bdrm., l bath ranch, full bsmnt. Lot & all utility hook­ ups included. Aluminum siding, $50,750 -Don't Wait! FHA & VA financing available. March Builders Inc., 815/385- 8180. M c H E N R Y / F o x r l d g e , B y Owner. 4 bdrm., 1ft bath tri- level w/ bstm., eat- In-country kitchen, C/A, all applies., 2 car att. oarage ft extra large fam. rm- Completely landscaped 1/2 acre corner lot, $88,500. Call 815/385-2055. WONDER LAKE, West. By owner. Assum. 9ft% fixed, Ig. 4-5 bdrms., 3 bath, Country klt./den, C/A large deck, 2->- gar., waterfront. $14500. down, $715. PITI., balance $69100, avail. June 7; 815/728-1175. THE PERFECT START Is what you get in this neat McHenry area ranch home on a wooded lot. You will love the quiet nights in the country. Seller offers no money down & a fixed rate mortgage. Move in now for $47,900. FIRESIDE REALTORS 312/658 5000 WONDER LAKE by owner, large 4 bdrm., 2ft baths, 2ft car gaegae plus carport. Finished casement with wet b a r , n e w l y c a r p e t e d , 2 fireplaces, appliances includ­ ed, central air. $76,900. Call 815/648-4233. WONDER LAKE. $400/mo. house payment 12% assum. loan, 2 barm, ranch on water, 815/728-1927. WONDER LAKE, By Owner. Ideal for small family. 3 bdrm., den, Ig. fenced back yd., lake rights, $46.000.815/653-4101. M C H E N R Y B Y O W N E R . Large brick ft allum. ranch on ianascapM Va acre. Lg. rms., 2 bdrm., 2 bath, dining rm.rfam. rm./front rm. w/see thru tfplc.. cent, air, Florida rm., 2 car att. gar. Beautiful inside ft out. $73,900, 815/385-3206. Prin- cipalsonly. MCHENRY. Country estate liv­ ing on 1ft acres (adjacent to state park) for the family that loves the outdoors. Water rltfrts included. Brick and cedar 3 bedroom ranch, 2 full baths, living room, formal din­ ing room, large kichen, family room w/ brick fireplace, deck overlooking state park, and much more. Moving out of state, will sacrifice af $128,900. By appointment only; 815/385- 8404. CHARMING LOG HOME, all n e w i n t e r i o r , k i t c h e n , bathroom, carpeting, furnace, plumbing ft electrical. Has fireplace ft basememt. Lake rights on 840 acre private lake- oice area, $45,900. McHenry County Realty, 815/653-2061,' ask for John Krenger. 3 BEDROOM RANCH located 1 block from lake & private beach. This well- kept home features hardwood floors, large living room w/2 picture win dows, 1/3 acre fenced- in yard & sun deck w/patio doors The price is right; dont miss this one- $56,000. McHenry County Realty, 815/653-2061. ask for John Krenger. BY OWNER Spring Grove, area of nice homes , high dry 1/2 acre, wooded lot, 5 barm., 2 full baths, raised ranch, carpeting throughout, newly decorated, maintenance free, Brick & Vinyl exterior, l car at tached garage, all appl. indud ed. $68,500 815/675-6720. OPEN HOUSE WONDER LAKE, by owner, 3220 E. Lakeshore Dr., June l & 2, 1 pm to 4 pm, 2 bdrm., private lake. 2 car gar., fplc. in family room, $60,000, 815/653- 6911.- MCHENRY Lakeland Park by owmer, 3 bdrm.ranctf., iv4 bath, all appl2' a car detached gar., city water & sewer, well maintained. $56,500. Assume our 9% % FHA loan, or arran your own financing. 815/67 4469. McHENRY/Cooney Heights. Perfect place to start your family. 3 bdrm. home with C/A, all new storms/screens, 2' i car gar., fenced yd. w/mature frees. Close to schools. Mid 50's, 4306 Ponca St. 815/385 3252. $79 WEEK, buys small 2 bdrm., Wonder Lake nouse. Low down Payment, 815/385 0169. WOODSTOCK, 3 bdrm., 2 1/2 bath full brick ranch, 5 acres w/pond & horse barn. Willing to trade for house in town. 815/338-3581 after 5 pm. WONDER LAKE, West Side, well kept 3 bdrm. home, w/ full bsmt. & 2 car garage on double lot. $51,000. Please call 815/344 5416. « WOODSTOCK, hillside ranch on 3/4 acre. Many unique features, $70.500.815/338 5503. ange '678 • CRYSTAL LAKE/Coventry West, By Owner. Newly decorated, 3/4 bdrm., l'/i baths, brick fireplace, family room, Ig. kit., formal dining rm., $71,900,815/459 1434 after 5 p.m. RIDGEFIELD: By owner. 2 bdrm. & basement. Land con tract, 10% down, $32000. 815/338 3626. CRYSTAL LAKE, raised ranch, 4 bdrm., 1ft baths, 2 car gar., fireplace. Asking $84,500, 815/459-9162 after 6 p.m. FOX RIDGE, tri-level, 1,600sq. ft., 3 bdrm., lftbath, 2 car gar., upgrades, $77,000. After 5 pm, 815/344-0635. • CRYSTAL LAKE. Perfect in- town location, 2 story colonial. with 4 bdrms., 21/2 baths, fam. room, full bsmnt., 2 car att. garage, $126,000.815/455 5603 ALGONQUIN, By Owner. Charming English Tudor on secluded lot w/ mature trees. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, fam. rm. w/ frplce., 2 car att. garage, bsmt., beautifully decorated. Reduced to $77,500. Call 815/459-4400- leave message. ALGONQUIN, 1 bdrm., stove & fridge, carpeted, all utils. paid but electric. No pets, $330/ mo. 815/459-4400, leave message. • MCHENRY, Immaculate con dition, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, family room, mature landscap­ ing, excellent location. Prestigious Country Club area. S89.900,815/385 1179. SUMMER WONDERLAND 2 bedroom home with a unique vigable channel leads to Fox River. peninsula setting. Navii .This home features many new amenities- the perfect private caHInn onn GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY This 3 bedroom ranch features 2 baths, hardwood floors, for mal dining room, & a living room with cathedral ceilings & fireplace. A real beauty! $74,900. FireSide Realtors 312/568-5000 McHENRY AREA. 4 acre country estate, in ground pool, 3 bdrm., 3 bath, a give-away at please $119,000. Call Pat Letiiia or Century 21 Care. 815/385 8856 or 815/385 8821. MARENGO AREA: 2 apart ment country home, on 2 acres, gas heat, 2 car gar., 312/640 8810. WONDER LAKE, 7 rm. ranch on 1/2 acre, 3 bdrm., 1 & 1/2 bath, heated 2 1/2 car gar. w/laundry rm., 14 x 28 in- ground heated pool Asking $69,500,815/653 5988 No agents. CRYSTAL LAKE, Beautiful 3 bdrm Brick 2 car garage. START RIGHT! Immaculate, co*y home ideal for the first time buyer. Sliding glass doors lead to a deck and nice rear yard. Two bedrms, an eat-in kitchen. Conveniently located. McHenry schools $36,900 WOW! 4 BEDRMS. This doll house has a new kitchen floor, central air and smoke alarm. The full basement is partly finished with a nice bar. 1270 square feet and worth a close look! Near Wonder Lake, Woodstock schools ..$54,500 LIGHT, BRIGHT, AIRY Well buHt, well kept, one-owner home. Three good-sized bed­ rooms, large family room w/fire- place, country kitchen with cabi­ nets galore plus recessed light­ ing. Beach fightsl -- ... . $64,500 NEW OWNER WANTED This well-maintained, 3, bedroom ranch may be looking for you! It's a great family home with neutral decor, appliances, cen- traf-aiL. 2Vt car garage. Come, take a look! --.. $62,900 PINE RIDGE - A generous stand of pines, a lovely clearing and a spectacular view - all are included in this 3- acre lot. McHenry erhnnk JUST REDUCED $49,000 GLACIER RIDGE • High wooded lot in prestigious location $39,900 WONDER LAKE • Nice buildable lot in area of fine homes. Private lake rights $8,500 ONE COUNTRY ACRE • High, with sunny views] $14,90Q JOHN JUNG REAL ESTATE, INC. 305 S. EASTWOOD DRIVE (RT. 47) WOODSTOCK • DUNKIN DONUTS PLAZA • 815-338-6470 ACHOFFICE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPE RATED 815-459-9300 CONTRACT SALE % Terms are available on this "Model B", condominium in Four Colonies. Pool, tennis courts, club house for your enjoyment. Two bedroom, 2 bath, all appliances. Call for appointment ... 182,800 (815)459-3066 •' PRESENT OFFER Four bedroom raised ranch dn 100 x 100 lot. Two baths. 2 cat attached garage. Walk to schools. Move right in. ...168.900 (815) 338-6295 , • " CARY (312)639-5561 YOU CAN SEE FOREVER! (hen you look out the front win- OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JUNE 2nd Refreshments 505 Somerset, Algonquin, Illinois OWNER ANXIOUS Sharp 3 bedroom Tri1ml, maintenance Ira* on lovely lot Sharp 3 bedroom, dining room, central air. bait fftfliilv home m ma PI: Bit 31 to Huntington to S. Huntington - left on Somerset (312) 639-5561 YOUR LITTLE CORNER OF THE WORLD You'll love the large corner lot in Midstream Subdivision Especially all the trees and flowering shrubs! Then you'll want to move right in the delightful bi-level home with four bedrooms and two baths. Sharply decorated and well-maintained throughout. Excellent in-town value for .176,900 1(815)385-7050 ATTRACTIVE ASSUMABLE Enjoy relaxing on lovely patio in this 3 bedroom, full basement Ranch with 2V4 car heated garage. • • * 176.500 (312)639*561-^ JUST LI Two flat on quiet street close to square and shopping. Each onit has 2 bedrooms. Good investment! .... $59,000 (815)338-6295 LAKEWOOD RANCH Spacious, attractive, private beach rights. Private court­ yard off family room. Oversized 2 car garage, 1st floor utility room. Nicely decorated, move-iiWfondition. $134,900 (815)459-3066 CLASSIC Imagine a 4 acre homesite adjacent to beautiful Turnberry golf course. Custom French Normandy home with all amenities of the executive home. Four bedrooms, 2V4 baths, 2 fireplaces and more. Below replacement cost. $339,500 (815)459-3066 COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL OPPORTUNITY! Ti wd of running your business out of your basement or garage? Here's your chance to change that with the purchase of this 3000 sq. ft. all steel building in local industrial paark. Completely insulated and heated. Located on 1.1 acres for future additions. Super construction. i4' ceiling!! Only $118,000 (815)385-7050 COUNTRY FARMETTE 2 Acres of unspoiled country land with a large four bed room home with 2 baths, fireplace, heated garage and in excellent condition. 40' barn for horses or storage. Many extras here making this an unusual buy for only $104,900 (815)385-7050 QUIET-DIGNIFIED ALL BRICK RANCH Enjoy the fireplace in your huge living room or the serene beauty of many stately Oak trees from any window in this well maintained Ranch on one acre $119,000 (312)639-5561 PRICE REDUCTION Need space? large executive home in country subdivision. 4 bedrooms, 2% baths, plus extra 1st floor room for of­ fice, in-law, hobby or? Three zoned heating with air. Par­ tially finished basement. Now. $141,000 (815)459-3066 HERE TODAY • GONE TOMORROW! You'll see why this one will sell quickly when you look at it for yourself. Very sharp, neat & clean and professionally decorated home with a full basement and a garage. Three good sized bedrooms and 1V4 baths. Neat neighborhood located in WOODSTOCK! Only $55,000 (815)385-7050 » ON Not far from the truth when you look dow to look down on the city of McHenry. This Edgebrook Heights Quad level home is custom built with quality and care! There are three bedrooms and two and half baths Great eat-in kitchen with cherry wood cabinets!! Gorgeous yard! And, don't forget the view!! $96,000 (815)3855-7050 BETTER THAN NEW Tastefully decorated, immaculetly kept 3 bedroom, 1% bath home. Good landscaping, central air efficient kitchen $87,500 (815) 459-3066 JUST REDUCED On 1.2 acres overlooking the scenic views of Bull Valley. Fine executive home with 4 bedrooms, 2% baths. Three car garatge, walkout basement, all kitchen appliances. Very fine home, attractively priced $184,900 (815)459-3066 NEXT TO PARK- NEAR SCHOOLS Four bedroom, 2% bath colonial. Neat home with central air, 2 car garage, aluminum sided for ease of mainte­ nance $121,900 (815)459-3066 Here is a real buy! Hillside ranch with a full basement that's partially fin­ ished. There are two baths - fireplace in the living room • Vfi car garage - aluminum sided. All appliances stay • new carpeting, etc., etc., etc. Won't stay around long at $57,900 815-385-7050 GREAT CAESAR'S GHOST! You won't believe this one! 2300 sq. ft. of living space in this 2 story Colonial with a full basement! 4 bedrooms and 2 baths! Separate family room. Located on a wooded Vt acre lot! Has central air and a fireplace. Needs a little TLC but is a great buy at $69,900. Original buyer's fi­ nancing fell through great opportunity to take advantage! I $69,900 (815) 385-/050 A HOUSE YOU CAN MAKE A HOME! just moving in your furniture. In a nice neighborhood nice neighbors. In a great Town! $69,500 639-5561 SHARP FOUR BEDROOM RANCH /

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