Rt. 31 One Bf CRYSTAL LAI 2998 2498 3198 2498 2498 SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE 4298 11,298 2998 189S SAVE SAVE SAVE 9498 7998 2998 9998 4998 9498 6998 2498 3895 SAVE SAVE 4198 SAVE 8498 OFFER 3298 SAVE 3498 SECTION 2 • PAGE 13 • PLAINDEALER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 7,19tS il Notice* PUBLIC NOTICE IN THECIRCUIT COURT FOR THE IFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MCHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS NO.M-CH-102 MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation of ttw United States of Amor lea. Plaintiff OOUGLASE ALHEIT;L0RETTA P. ALHEIT: heirs or devisees SrSP^crooli Qvrtl'.&X&LUNKNOWN OWNERS; and PUBLICATION NOTICE above entitled action# that an action is now pending In the Court as Shown above, wherein Plant Iff seeks to foreclose a mortgage made * foilowirto tJcscdbed real estate™ ̂ • PARCEL S A l that part of the Southeast Quarter of the îo° n- Township 45 North, Range • ofJhe third Principal Meridian, described as Wl«w: Commencing at a point on the West line of the said SouttysttQu«rt*r_ °t the southwest Quartet-, which is 23 v rods North of the Southwest comer thereof, said point be Ing at the Northwest corner of the piece of land conveyed &f BtrH?r2*!®?n#r *»H» fo Frank Steinsdoerfer by Warranty Deed dated October 1«, 1»12 and recorded In the . Recorder's Office of McHenry County In Book 135 of Deeds, W* 564, and running thence South along the sold West line, 1 rod; thence East to Lily Lake; thence Northerly along said Lily Lake, 1 rod to the North line of the piece conveyed to Steinsdoerfer aforesaid; thence West along the JJW North line to the place of beginning, In McHenry Coun v ty. Illinois. f̂ RCEL 2: Lot 45 in Lily Lake Perk Subdivision, being a Subdivision of the West Half of the East Half of Lot 2 of the northwest Quarter and the North Half of the West Half of North¥WS' Quarter of Section 5 and of the East Half rt the North Half of Lot 2 of the Northeast Quarter of SectioM, all In Township 44 North, Range 9 East of the Third PrincipaTlMerIdian, and part of the West 70 rods of f* South 23 rod*of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 45 North, Range* East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded June 19, 1921, as Document No. S3I49 In Book 6 of Plats, McHenry, Illinois Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE INTHE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOISf1W7 EASTERN DIVISION CASE NO.BSC 1775 FLEET MORTGAGE CORP., Plaintiff, •vs TERRY L. BENNER, etal., Defendants. NOTICE OF SPECIAL COMMISSIONER'S SALE Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree entered in the above entitled Court In said cause on 5-20-85 ' I, HAROLD R. ABRAMS, Special Commissioner for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, will 6n Tuesday, June 25,1965, at the hour of 9:00 a.m. at the front door of the County building, located at the Courthouse at 2200 N. Seminary in Woodstock, sail to the highest bidder for cash, the following described premises situated In McHenry County, Illinois. Said sale shall be subject to 1904 general taxes and to any special assessments or special faxes leviedagalnst said real estate. < Upon the sale being made the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser tp a deed on a specified date unless the property Is redeemed according to law. Legal Notices • • Said property is described ps follows, to-wlt: Lot ll in Block "T" in Lake in the Hills Estates Unit No. 10, being a Subdivision of part of Section 29, Township 43 North, Range 8, E. of the 3rd P.M., according to the Plat thereof recorded 8-5-52 as Doc. 255M5 in Book 11 of Plats, page 54, in McHenry County, IL c/k/a 800 Menominee Drive • Lake In The Hills, IL Dated this 23rd day of May, 1985. Harold R.Abrams Special Commissioner of the United States District Court Northern District of Illinois FISHER 81 FISHER Attorneys for Plaintiff 30 North LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 80602 < 312/372-4784 103309 <i (Published in the Plaindealer-Herald, May 31; June 7,14,21,1915) M5441 ATTENTION PRIVATE PARTIES! Are you getting a busy signal on our regular classified number, Don't wait... pagett, in McHenry County, Illinois. Commonly known as: 114 S. Lily Lake Road, NOW, THEREFORE, you are further notified to file your ap pearand In the office of the Clerk of the Court above staled on or before June 28,1985, and if you fall so to do, or do not otherwise make your appearance on or before said date, this cause may be heard and iudgment entered as prayed for in said Complaint without further notice. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at my office In Woodstock, Illinois, this 14th day of May. 1985. (COURT SEAL) ft/ VERNON W. KAYS, JR. Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois Kell, Nuelle& Loiizo Attorneys for Plaintiff P.O. Box 588 Woodstock, IL 40098 815-338-4511 (Published In Plaindealer-Herald May 24,31, June 7,1985) PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING V 19M FARMLAND ASSESSMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 20e of the "Revenue Act of 1939," as amended, that the McHenry County Farmland Assessment Review Committee, consisting of the Super visor of Assessments, Board of Review Chairman, and three McHenry County farmers, shall hold a public hearing on 1986 equalized assessment values and procedures affecting the farmland portion of farm property assessments in all Townships of McHenry County, as proposed by the County Supervisor of Assessments. Affected properties are listed in the assessment records with What are you waiting for? * \ Advertise your "don't needs*9 in / classified / jtoday: x Permanent Harcel Numoers ending with 0010through 0028. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the owners of property af fected, anyone duly representing them, other citizens or parties of the affected territory may appear before the Committee at a hear * "6, McHenry " ilnary Avenue, Woodstock, I Hint 20,1985, to be heard on the question of whether or not the Commit' County Courthouse, 2200 North Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois 60090, at 9:00a.m., on June tee should concur with said proposed procedures and valuations. . Randall W.Woloski Supervisor of Assessments McHenry County, Illinois (Published in Plaindealer-Herald on June 7,1985) M5460 YOU CAN ALWAYS SPOT A •154554330 MOORS: Men.-FrLt-t J laLM, Closed SWI. CLEARANCE SALE STOCK NO. CAR 15492 S3 MAZDA B2000 P/U, W/Cap. 5Spd 17101 79 F0ft6 FAWMONT. 2 Dr., Auto, Sport Seats.. 15051 79 CHEVY CHEVETTE. 2 Dr., 4 Spd., Hatchback. 15121 78 CHEVY CAPRICE, 2 Dr.. Auto. Air, Extra Clean 14621 72 SAAB SONHETT, 2 Dr., 4 Spd., Sporty Car. ~ 16951 77 BUICK SKYLARK, 4 Dr., Auto, like New 16071 84 HONDA ACCORD. 4 Dr., Air, 5 Spd., loaded 10021 83 VOLVO TURBO, 4 Dr., Auto, Air, Loaded 91711 80 CHEVY CORVETTE, 2 Dr., Auto, Air, Sportster 84 CHEVY CORVETTE, 2 Dr., Auto, Air, Loaded. 10621......... 81 TOYOTA CELICA, 2 Dr., 5 Spd., Air, Clean Car. 83 MAZDA RX7,2 Dr., Limited Edition, Extra Clean 12901 78 RENAULT LECAR, 2 Dr., 5 Spd, Good Runner. 91426 ... 79 AMC SPIRIT, 2 Dr., 4 Spd., Hatchback. 84 BMW 318i, 2 Dr., 5 Spd., Air, Nice Car. 11651 79 HONDA PRELUDE, 2 Dr., 5 Spd., Sun Roof, Good Buy.... 16461 82 HONDA ACCORD, 2 Dr., 5 Spd., Air, Loaded, Like New... 13311... 84 JEEP C)7, Ragtop., 6 CrM Spd., Low Miles. 16911 81 JEEP CJ5 RENEGADE, Must See To Believe 16731 78 TOYOTA P/U, 5 Spd., W/Cap, Extra Clean 16841 84 NISSAN SENTRA WAGON, Auto, Air, like New 137412 .80 OATSUN 200 SX, 5 Spd, Good Runner 82 TOYOTA SUPRA L, Auto, Air. Darth Varder BIN. on Blk.... 13561... 80 MA2DA RX7 GS, 5 Spd., Air, Clean, Good Runner 15891.........79 HONDA CIVIC CVCC, 2 Dr., 4 Spd.. Airport Car....... 16881. 79 TOYOTA CORROUA, Z Dr.. 5 Spd., Clean Car 84 RENAULT ENCORE, 4 Dr., 5 Spd., like New 12531 81 AMC EAGLE SX4,2 Dr., 4 Spd., Great Work Car 12881 79 CHEVY MAIIB0,2 Dr., Auto, V8, Pretty Cat 16481 82 BMW 320i, 2 Or., 5 Spd., Air, Extra Clean 12151 81 FORD FUTURA. 4 Dr., Auto, Air, Good Second Car 136312..... . .: 71MG MIDGET ROADSTER, 4 Spd, Great Summer Car.... 13711 82 DODGE C24,2 Or, 4 Spd, Gas Miser... 84 RENAULT ENCORE DIAMOND EDITION, 5 Spd, like New. 16831.. - 78 V01V0 242 01,2 Dr., 4 Spd, Clean Cat PRICE SPECIALS 1080 Mazda GLC2dr. *600°° 1978 Dodge B200Maid van *1200°° im Plymouth Fury Wagon *800°° 1978 BuickSkyhawk2dr. *1000®° 1979 Dodge D150 Pickup *1200°° 1979 Dodge Omni 4 dr. >1595°° 1979 Dodge Diplomat 4 dr. *1000°° 1979 Dodge Monaco 4 dr. *700°° 1979 Dat9un200SX2dr. *800°° 1977 Toyota 2 dr. *600°° 1977 Datsun B2102dr. *300°° 1977 Dodge Aspen Wagon *600°° 1977 VW Dasher 2 dr. *800°° 1977 Ford LTD 4dr. *500°° 1976 Dodge Aspen 4 dr. *1000°° 1976 VWRabbit4dr. *800»<> 1976 Chevy Caprice Wagon *500°° 197S Dodge Dart4dr. *800°° 1975 Ford Maverick 4 dr. UWT Audi 4 dr. *300°° S e r v i n g t h e W o o d s t o c x a r e a t o r 3 * > y e a r s •38 ISKMflV Motor M OKSnUT Sales BSS EIE3 6 5 6 1 A K E A V E W O O D S T O C K I L L 8 1 5 - 3 3 8 - 5 1 0 0 Ply-nout* y I Til S . .. q „m W F, « ,m f, ,,m <. 11 * 1 nm 3 <o o 0) (/>