SECTION 2 • PAGE 9 • PLAINDEALER-HERALD, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12,1985 Help Wanted 22 COOK Apply In person only, Reeses Restaurant 205 S. Main St. Algonquin PART TIME English Teacher/Play Direc tor. Illinlos Certification. High School Dlst. 155. Personnel Department. H5/459-2505 FULL TIME, 3rd shift (Mid night to • am), must be 21 or older. Competitive wage. Apply In person to Minuteman Gas & Pantry, 471 Virginia St. in Crystal Lake. . SUPERVISOR METAL FABRICATION WANTED: Supervisor for light sheet metal fabrication. Must know spot welding, punch presses, brakes. Must be quali ty control oriented. Excellent opportunity for right person in small plant. Apply in person at Fox Valley Systems, Inc., 640 Industrial Dr., Cary, IL 60013 Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. If you are unable to apply during these hours, please call Mr. Akins at 312/639-5658 PART TIME MAINTENANCE Apply at: Crystal Point Mall Office SECRETARY/ WORD PROCESSOR We are a North Suburban ac- Help Wanted 22 Expressway in need of a _ secretary/ word processing specialist with statistical tvp- ,< Ing background, strong typing countim firm located near EdensCx seer spec skills, or* the desire to learn' WANG experience preferred; .] shorthand a plus. We offer an n excellent salary & benefits in n beautiful surroundings. Call i Smith, 312/490-3400. LEGAL SECRETARY, part • time, legal experience needed. Flexible hours. 312/428-7330 H.V.A.C. MATERIAL EXPEDITOR We have an Immediate opening on our service department, for a material expeditor. Respon sibilities will include parts ordering, tool inventory, war ranty returns, etc. Compensa tion based on experience. Call 312/593-7300, ask for Jack. CLERICAL. 5days, 0:30-12:30, light typing, pleasant working conditions. Contact Bob Ot- tenad, Rom arc Coffee Service, 312/302-6557 BARTENDER Full-Time nights. Apply in per son Village Squire. 4810 Nor- thwest Highway, Crystal Lake. RECEPTIONIST Woodstock company has immediate opening for ex perienced Receptionist. Typing and filing skills necessary -pleasant per sonality a MUST! If in terested and qualified, send letter or resume to: Box ASK Shaw Free Press Newspapers P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 oqual opportunity omploytr mf VAN DRIVER, Immediate opening, B License required, experience preferred, good driving record. Part time hours- early am., early pm., Salary- $5.00 an hr. contact Kathy Powers 815/344-0030. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY We are seeking an Executive Secretary for approx. 5 mon ths. The eligible candidate must possess excellent typing 8i shorthand skills. Previous experience as an Executive Help Wanted 22 Help Wanted 22 Medical Opportunities HOME HEALTH 24 Hour COMPANIONS (maximum 72*hr. shift) •CERTIFIED 'NURSES AIDES •RNVLPN's •NURSE AIDES* •HOMEMAKERS Share your skills with those who need you! "Provide care In patient "Set your own schedule "Car necessary "Good references a must Interesting opportunity close to your home. Excellent salary IMMEDIATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE HARMONY HOME HEALTH CARE OF SHERMAN HOSPITAL 934 Cent* St. Elgin, IL 60120 312/MM790 a M, St Secretary necessary. If you qualify, please contact our Per sonnel Department. PRECISION TWIST DRILL COMPANY 301 Industrial Avenue Box 4002 Crystal Lake, 1160014 * 815/459-2040 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F SECRETARY Progressive company located in Elgin seeks secretary for it's financial department. Word processing experience necessary. Starting salary comensurate with experience. Company has an excellent fr inge benefit program, in cluding profit sharing. Send resumes & salary re quirements to: Box ASP C/O The Shaw Free Press PO Box 250 Crystal Lake, 1160014 An Equal Opportunity Employer SERVICE PERSON Part-Time-Possible Full-Time. 7 days-24 hours on call. No ex perience necessary; will train. Must have own transportation to Algonquin. Call accepted between 7 pm 8i 10 pm, Mon. thru Fri. 312/428-1229 COLLEGE OR HIGH School student for part time paintIm 8i yard work. Car required. Call Bob May, 815/344-1033. PURE BLACK DIRT SAND & GRAVEL Spreading & Grading Top Quality At Competitive Prices IMMEDIATE DELIVERY POLO -815/459-8692 ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 50< Sq. ft. for grading 8i blacktopping only, on Irlveways & parking lots over ,000 sq. ft. •Parking Lots *New Drives •Resurfacing •Sealcoating 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed 815/459-3960 Call No* & SAVE!!!! BLACK DIRT BLACKTOP CABINET REFINISHING KITCHEN CABINET REFINISHING •Hand Stripped & Finished to your desired stain tone or solid color. •Recommended by Mutschler Cabinet Co. for 15 years Butler & Butler 815/385-7577 CONCRETE QUALITY CONCRETE WORK All Types of Flatwork And Foundations •Breakouts*Repair Work •Bonded & insured 815/455-3876*815/459-6495 CONSTRUCTION Ch UNITED BUILDERS CONTRACTORS •NEW HOMES •ROOM ADDITIONS •CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS •SEPTIC Quality Work at Reasonable Prices. Licensed 8> Insured. 115/943-3167 312/451-7119 CONSTRUCTION ACE CEMENT& CONSTRUCTION Concrete & Carpentry Our Specialty •Additions «Garages •Roofing «Siding •Complete Concrete Work 815/653-6366 DECKS CUSTOM DECKS C&C ENTERPRISES Specialists in •WOOD DECKS •GAZEBOS Quality workmanship at reasonableprices. For FREE ESTIMATE, call: Chuck or Cheryl 312/658-6849 GARAGE DOORS HOME PROTECTION LAWN CARE RAKESTRAW LAWN & GARDEN •LAWN MOWING ROTOTILLING •LIGHT LANDSCAPING Free estimates on all jobs. 815/344-1971 RECEPTIONIST for dental of fice. Part time position for motivated individual. Ex perience preferred. Please call 815/728-0100. , GENERAL OFFICE, Mon.- Fri., bookkeeping experience preferred. Elgin Paper Com pany, i 1025 N. McLean Blvd., Elgin. ENJOY YOUR WORK, enjoy your summer- Join Avon! Call 815/439-5757. EXPERIENCED PHOTOTYPESETTER Temporary part time position in Crystal Lake; operate AM COMP/SET 510, also do keyline 8> pasteup for advertising literature 81 manuals. Call for appointment. MATHEWS CO. • 815/459-2210 • ' PUNT MAINTENANCE Experienced with carpen try, plumbing, & electrical departments. Apply to: GORRCO. 1240 Cobblestone Woodstock PART TIME BEAUTICIAN Fair Oaks Nursing Home. 471 W. Terra Cotta, Crystal Lake. SIS/455-0550 SALESPEOPLE Unlimited income working with one of Illinois' largest a n d o l d e s t d i r e c t marketing companies. Complete company train ing. CALL . . 312/546-2715 or 1-800-322-7302 FINE OPPORTUNITY IN RETAIL SALES The Florsheim Shoe Shop needs sales personnel for our Spring Hill Mall store. We need am bitious, neat appearing self starters who en|oy working with people. Excellent earn- SECRETARY The Cardunal area Chamber of Commerce 81 Industry is look ing for a pleasant phone per sonality with good communica- Help Wanted 22 Help Wanted 22 tion & typng skills,& familiar with general 1 312/426-8565. office procedure. ings, Important fringe benefits and for outstanding per formers, the opportunity to achieve retail management positions and beyond. Please call 312/551-1030 and ask for Michael Vendl to set up a per sonal interview. We are an equal opportunity employer. HAIRSTYLIST No following necessary. NIP-IT FAMILY HAIR STYLING Crystal Lake, IL 815/459-3331 SERVICE TECHNICIAN For microscope and other op tical equipment. McHenry location with some travel. Ex tensive technical training pro vided. Electronic background helpful. Full benefit package. Salary commensurate with ex perience. Send resume to: BOX ASQ, c/o Shaw Free Press Newspapers, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 EXPERIENCED NON UNION Carpenters needed. 815/344- 1970 call after 5 p.m. CASHIER, full or part time. Apply in person. Little John's Sandwich Shop, Rtes. 31 8i 176, Crystal Lake. 815/459-3176. PART TIME Counter Person. Apply in person. Buckley Cleaners. 310 Clay St., Woodstock, II. Switchboard/ Receptionist 1 As our "meeter/ greeter", you should be an alert, flexible in- dividual with a poised, pleasant personality capable of operating our 100 E PBX Con sole telephone communication system. The ability to handle several assignments at the same time is required. You'll greet and direct visitors while answering all phone calls and handling some clerical func tions. The ideal candidate should be familiar with our phone system and be a good, accurate typist. At Toastmaster, you'll find all the elements of success...a com petitive starting salary, a com plete no-cost-to-you fringe benefit program and promo tional opportunities. Come in, fill out an application 81 set up a future interview. ART KRISTUFEK TOASTMASTER 401 Washington St. Algonquin tqwl opportunity employer m/t HAIR STYLIST For progressive salon. With following only. Rental basis. 815/344-5510. CARPET INSTALLER, 2 vrs. experience preferred. Call after 7 pm-815/459-5817. LINE COOK 8. dishwashers, experienced. Apply Iri person. Mchenrycountryclub 820 North John St. McHenry, Illinois HOUSEKEEPERS Needed 1 or 2 days a week. AJso Janitors for evening work. Ex perience preferred but not necessary. Must drive. 815/385- 1877. McHenry area. WAITRESS ' BARTENDER Days 8, Nights 312/639-7800 CREDIT MANAGER Experienced Credit /Manager wanted for supervisory posi tion. Must have a solid work record. Applications are now being taken at: Fox Valley Systems, Inc., 640 Industrial Dr., Cary, IL 60013 Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. If you are unable to apply during these hours, please con tact Mr. Bloomquist at 312/639- 5658. SEAMSTRESS Wanted For Country Craft Manufacturing Business 312/658-8775 CLERICAL ASSISTANT Part time position in Crystal Lake area. Must type, file 81 be accurate with figures. Some knowledge of computers is a plus. Call for appointment, 815/459-9252. TRI-CITY DOORS 24 Hr. Emergency Repair.ServiCe •Residential/Commercial •Automatic Garage Door Openers Tod Crowley, Owner 815/459-5169 HOUSE CLEANING BlisiX Tired of spending your weekends housecleaning? Let the BUCKET BRIGADE do it!!! "Reliable, Personal Home Car#" 815/344-3872 . "PROTECT YOUR BIGGEST INVESTMENT" A complete inventory is essen tial in recouping fire or theft loss. Professional Videotaping of YOUR home 8i contents for insurance purposes. Reasonable*Free Estimates SECURE HOME VIDEO 815/459-0208 312/669-3567 LANDSCAPING THINK GREEN. LANDSCAPING & LAWN /MAINTENANCE Professional services for all your l awncare needs . FULLY INSURED •815/385-6103* MOVERS LOCAL MOVING •Prompt Service! •Reasonable Rates! 815/385-9386 8OO/LOC-MOVE MULTI SERVICES Multi-Service •Brush Removal •Hauling of Any Kind *P7tt*ra,nfl 115/455-5415 PAINTING TEXTURE SPRAYED CEILINGS FREE ESTIMATES SCOTTY'S 815/455-5166 BECK'S DECORATING Interior/Exterior Painting, Staining, etc. Journeyman Quality Finest Materials Free Estimates to Homeowners, Businesses 312/658-9278 BELL STAR PAINTING CO. •Interior'Exterior •Home Repairs Senior Citizen Discounts Free Estimates Dave Bell 815/344-5029 BARCH PAINTING Painting & Staining Interior 8i Exterior Texture Sprayed Ceilings Free Estimates 815/455-3559 KIRBY'S •Painting & Decorating •interior/Exterior Free Estimates Call Evenings 815/385-8771 RKK DECORATING \ Interior Painting A Wall Papering Guaranteed Work-Oufckly % * Professionally Done 81514S£A190 PAINTING KISHWAUKEE CUSTOM DECORATING Interior -Exttrwr Are You Tired Of Paying For Something * Mot Receiving Itw We'll Save You Time 81 Money Usina Top Quality Paints&Equipment •Sherwln Williams • Fuller O'Brien References 115/923-4333 REMODELING AEROCONST. Complete Remodeling And Redecorating Custom Decks 815/385-0092-815/385-9609 Ask for Steve ROOFING R&M ROOFING HOT&SHINGLE All Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES CALL RICH: 815/338-3499 TRANS- PORTATION Sfouak •24 Hour Service •One Low Flat Rate •Business or Pleasure •Local or Distant •Classic Cadillac Comtort 312/639-1005 WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Offer RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For $3.00* Per Month For the First 3 Months Call Collect 815/338-3344 QUALITY WATER CONDITIONING • (Limited to Horn#Owner*) EXPERIENCED TYPIST Now taking applications for a full time typing position. Good typing and spelling skills re quired. Pleasant office environ ment offering: Good Starting Salary Excellent Benefit Package Please apply in person 8:30- 4:30 p.m. Bruhnke 81 Silver 1140 N. Silver Lake Rd. Cary Equal Opportunity E mployer M/F HOUSE PAINTER Needed to paint our 2 story home^ln Woodstock, reasonably; 815/338-1941. HOUSEKEEPER (Fulltime) Apply In Person SUNSET MANOR 920 N. Seminary Ave. Woodstxk, Illinois MAINTENANCE PERSON (Part Time -16 hrs./wk) Apply In Person SUNSET MANOR 920 N. Seminary Ave. Woodstock. Illinois A family restaurant on the Fox River overlooking the boat marina in a beautiful wooded setting. •WAITRESSES •BARTENDERS •COOKS KITCHEN HELP (Full 81 Part Time) Immediate Openings BACKWATERS RESTAURANT Barrlngton. IL 312/381-0124 * BAKER WANTED Full Time Must be experienced. Apply in person. Riverside Bakery, 1309 Riverside Dr., McHenry. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN Part time work for small com pany in Crystal Lake area. Ex perience in drafting of tooling preferred. Call for appoint- ment, 815/459-9252. STORE MAINTENANCE per son who is motivated & organiz ed. Position is for the long-term student, high-school graduate preferred. Part time. Apply in 1, Thoughtfulness Shop, il Point Mall. Crystal R PETLAND America's number one Pet Center has 3 challenging Full- Time positions available for en thusiastic sales-oriented peo ple. Apply in person; no phone calls. 1342 Spring Hill Mall West Dundee FORD TECHNICIAN Wanted Please apply in person. Barrington Ford Sales, Inc. 600 W. Northwest Highway Barrington' TYPIST (Experienced) WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANIES Apply In Person 300 Commerce Drive Crystal Lake, IL S C R E E N P R I N T I N G FOREMAN Experienced in screen preparation, press set-up. & color matching. Apply to: GORRCO. 1240 Cobblestone Woodstock PHONE SOLICITATION Full time or part time. We will consider allowing calls to be made from your home after training. $100 to $400 per week. Call 815/338-6080 MANAGEMENT TRAINEE A leading midwest distributor of consumer houseware pro ducts is now accepting applica tions for a few full time management trainees. Must be over 21 81 Have reliable transportation. Income average- $20,000 first year, commission. These positions are available immediately. Ex tensive training program in our office. Call For Interview •815/338-6080° PROFESSIONAL NURSES R.N. or L.P.N. Full or Part Time 3 PM to 11PM Apply in Person SUNSET MANOR 920 N. Seminary ' Woodstock, IL RECEPTIONIST Must be 55 years of age or older. 20 hours weekly. Position available under the Govern ment Title V Program. Only low income individuals con sidered. Prefer individual who can equate .well with people. Call McHenry Country Senior Citizens' Council, 815/455-2157 and ask for Judl Matuscak. R.N.-L.P.N. (Part Time) 3PM to 11PM Every other weekend & 1 shift per week. 70 bed ambulatory health care facility. No uniforms. Contact Ms. Valek. SHELTERING OAK INC. Island Lake, IL 312/526-3636 ORGANIST with some directing skills for large Lutheran parish. Please call 312/426-7716, or 312/658 9300. NAILSCULPTURER Full-Time Excellent benefits including store discount, medical & den tal insurance. Apply in person: JCPenney Spring Hill Atoll HAIRSTYLISTS Full-Time Excellent benefits Including store discount, medical & den tal insurance. Apply in person \ JCPenney Spring Hill Mall SUMMER CObK . 5'day week. Own transpdrfetion required. Must like children. ' Some experience a plus. 815/338-5080. WAITRESS Part-Time. Apply in person. 801 W. Harrison Lane. Plstakee Bay. 815/385-0323. Help Wanted 22 Help Wanted 22 Halp Wanted ADULT CREW CHIEFS 18 & OLDER FOR DETASSELING CORN Early July Through Early August HUGHES SEED FARM * Woodstock, Illinois Call Monday Through Friday ONLY 8am to Noon-or 1 to4pm 815/338-2480 CLERICAL Sales-Clerk Typist Experience in word processing neces sary. Familiarity with Lanier WP helpful. Call For Appointment FACTORY (Experience Preferred) •Heavy Coil Winding •Electrical Assembly e 0 Apply In Person power conversion products inc forty two east street p.o. box 380 crystal lake illinois 60014 815/459-9100 Group insurance, educational reimbursement & paid holidays QUALITY CONTROL TECHNICIAN A medium sized manufacturer of shaded-pole frac tional horsepower motors has an interesting oppor tunity in its QC Department. Responsibilities include providing comprehensive technical assistance for production department: in cluding, in-process and final inspection procedures, investigating- and analyzing rejects, and conduct ing process capability studies. ' Applicant should be thoroughly familiar with in spection techniques and equipment, be familiar with concepts of statistics and possess above aver age employee relation skills. Resumes, including salary requirements should be directed to: UD) Caiman OEfTl, Inc. 7510 Virginia Road Crystal Lake, IL 60014 An Equal Opportunity E mployer M/F FOODPRODUCT DEMONSTRATOR If you enjoy working with the public, make a good ap pearance and have your own transportation, you are what we are looking for. Call Kathleen for more information. 312/577-0650. •SUMMER JOBS* Full or Part Time Kitchen Help Bus Boys Dishwashers Waitresses We are an active restaurant looking for ambitious help. Ap- • ply after 2 p.m. daily. Colemans' 7320 Rt. 31 Crystal Lake >15/455-1234 SALESPERSON (Full Time) Inside/Outside Sales Office Supply 8i /Machines Experience Preferred Apply in person after 4 PM KNUTH'S OFFICE OUTFITTERS 228 Main St. Woodstock, IL MEDICAL SECRETARY (Exprienced) Crystal Lake Office Permanent part time, may lead to full time. Medical ter minology, insurance forms & typing required. Send resume for prompt reply to: General Delivery Algonquin 11,60102 Attn: L.M.P. POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR WELDERS, FITTERS, Shear Operators. Experienced preferred. Apply or call bet ween 9 a.m. & 2:30 p.m., Mon day thru Thursday. A & L Welding & Fabrication, 750 F. Industrial Dr., Cary, IL. 312/639-1007 Engineer SOFTWARE ' ENGINEER Northwest Suburb We are an analytical in strumentation manufacturer located in the northwest suburbs. We have an opportuni ty for a Software engineer who has experience with C, BASIC, and PASCAL programming. Some experience with 8088 or 8086 assembly would be helpful. For additonal information, please call Doug Verber at: 312/344-8485 Or you may send resume to: PO Box 7076 Westchester, IL 60153 tquel opportunity tmptoytr m/t COUNTRY COMPANIES has an opening for an insurance agent in the McHenry agency. Interested in a presently employed individual who Is searching for a new career. In come based on individual ef forts. Full training program with a guaranteed starting in come. Submit resume to: Stephen F. Anderson, P.O. Box 351, Woodstock IL60098 RESUMES Job Placement Diane's Business Service 815/455-6665 i • BARTENDERS Full Time -Flexible Hrs. Experience Preferred Apply In Lounge 11-4 pm SEPTEMBER'S _6305 Northwest Hwy. Crystal Lake " *"815/459-2660"* Secretary/Receptionist Busy financial planning firm looking for professional in dividual with good secretarial skills for permanent full time position. Must be able to work evenings and weekends. Call Ms. Nlcklaus at 312/382-1400 CAMP COOK Full or Part-Time. CAMP DUNCAN YMCA; 312/546-8086. DRIVER Part time delivery person. Work early morning hours delivering newspapers in the area. Dependable vehicle required. Call Charlie, 815/344- 3830; 7a.m.-noon. CLERK. Part time office per son, Monday - Friday. Light, varied clerical duties, good phone skills essential. Call Charlie. 815/344-3830 7 a.m. CLEANING-JANITORIAL Need people who are presently employed and want to supple ment their income. Cleaning a prestigious building, Monday Friday, 5 to 9 pm in Barrington. Experience necessary. Must have own transportation. To apply call collect. 414/332-6470 between 10 am and 3 pm. JOB OPENINGS: • Carpenter- knowledgeable in all phases of construction, year round work. • Concrete Laborer Call 312/639-0100' $400 to $600 (Per Week) National company needs intelligent, aggressive well-groomed individuals for public relations work. No selling involved. Hard workers only need apply. We train for these im mediate openings. Call: 312/546-7778 Ask for Mr. Gray VARIED DUTIES Full or Part-Time for Graphic Arts company. Shipping, light table work, some heavy lifting. This can be applicable to student work pro gram. Call for interview 312/426-8497 Equ«l Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONIST Northern II. Cable Firm, seeks bright, personable receptionist. Must have excellent, telephone manner, & office experience Apply at: Lakes Cable Vision Inc., 2508 W. Rte. 120, McHenry. Equal Opportunity Employer. VOCALIST for working variety band, call after 5 pm. 815/385 6927. DENTAL ASSISTANT, perma nent part time in Cary office; may lead to full time. Ex perience preferred. Afternoon, evening, & Saturday hours a MUST! Call 312/639-5300 8. leave message. HIGH INCOME Major recreational com pany needs energetic in dividuals for canvassing positions. High income potential - non selling. Sales or public relations experience desirable. Call Mr. Green 312/546-7778 RECEPTIONIST/ OFFICE HELP To work 5 days a week, weekends a must. Bright and cheery, excellent hand writing required to work for busy resort in In- gleside. Call- Katie 312/546-7778 DRIVER Part-Time To deliver pizza 8i work grill. Must have own car 8i be 18 or older. Call for an appointment. 312/658-3300 or 312-658-3314. KING'S PIZZA OUTSTANDING SALES Position for experienced per son. Earn From S200 S800 Per Sale Sell needed services direct to families in western McHenry County. Write: P.O. Box 4, Woodstock, IL 60098 R N '$ (All Shifts) TOWN HALL ESTATES Wauconda, IL 312/526-5551 C.N.A.'s (All Shifts) TOWN HALL ESTATES Wauconda. IL 312/526-555f DISHWASHER 8AM 5PM Monday thru Friday TOWN HALL ESTATES Wauconda, IL 312/526 5551 ASSISTANT COOK. Also nurs ing aides. Full time or part time. Pleasant working condi tions. We need dependable, car ing persons who can work com patibly in a non-smoking en vironment. Apply at Sheltered Village. 600 Borden, Woodstock. SECRETARY WANTED part time for McHenry Law Office. Must have exc. Typing & Grammar. Send Resume to: Box ASM, c/o Shaw Free Press, Po Box 250, Crystal Lake II. 60014. WAITRESSES 8i Bus people Experience only. 815/385-0335 COOK Full or Part-Time nights. Ex perienced. Apply in person. Village Squire North, 4818 North West Highway, Crystal Lake. SECRETARY (Part Time) Friendly sales office needs a mature Secretary for its Crystal Lake location. Typing of 60 WPM and transcription skills a must, 20 hours a week. A. E. Schuurman & Associates Temporary Service, 312/381- 3322 " PART TIME for maintenance service. Some heavy lifting re quired, hours 8i days may vary. Call Jim Malecek, J & S Maintenance, between 9 am 8. noon, 312/426-4084. SALES S600 to $1,000 per month part time. National marketing firm. For appoint - ment. call 815/385-7461. PERSONABLE ARTICULATE telephone solicitor needed to make appointments for busy in surance executives. Will train. Excellent salary, plus bonus. Call B. Engerman after 5 pm. 312/432 7747. LOCAL BANK requires mature self starting individual to in vestigate & process loans. Ex perience preferred, but will train the right individual. Must have accurate typing skills. Salary commensurate with ex perience. Please apply in per son at: State Bank Of Rich mond, 10910 Main St., Rich mond II. Equal Opportunity Employer. Under New Management BARTENDERS (No Experience Necessary) Must Enjoy People Call Becky after 2 PM THE OUTPOST 312/526 9738 DRIVER FOR O.T.R. Must be experienced and D.O.T. qualified. Apply in person; Ex- Tech Plastics, 9703 Rt. 12, Rich mond. IL EXPERIENCED ASSEMBLER With a hydraulic related background. Must be capable of working from computer printouts and assembly drawings, able to understand' hydraulic and electrical schematics, work out details, mount and connect mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic auxiliaries and controls. Apply in person between 8 a.m. I { p.m., Mon.-Fri. Brock Equipment 8603 Pyott Rd. (next to airport) Crystal Lake, IL. errnce pm to 7 25 Wanted To Buy WANTED: Glassware • Depression (colored), Heisey, Cambridge. Fostoria. Candlewick, etc. Pottery - Fiesta, Hall, Weller. Roseville. etc. 815/895-6033 BUY. SELL or TRADE Guns, Old Shells and related Items. 815/338-4731. H.C. Coin 8. Stamp Co. WE BUY 8i SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza «»»815/459-3940*»* GOLD & SILVER Coins. Diamonds, Class Rings Used or Broken Jewelry, Sterl ing Flatware. Collector Plates. FAMILY COINS & INVESTMENTS 366 Virginia St.. (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, IL 815/455-6190 WANTEDTO BUY Jukeboxes, paying $1000. & up for certain model Wurlitzer Jukeboxes, also Seeburg's 4 Rockola's. What do you have for sale? Seven Acres Antique Village 8< Museum 815/923-2214 WANTED: Thermo-fax copier, good workable cond., & phone call recording machine. Call between 8-5.815/338-4477. A & A COIN SHOP Immediate Cash For Gold, Silver, sterling, jewelry, platinum, coins, diamonds and old pocket watches. 130 Ken- n e d y D r . ( R t . 2 5 ) , Carpentersville. Closed Sun. 8i Mon. Open Tues. thru Fri., 10 am to 7 pm. Sat. 10 am to 6 pm. 312/426-2360. WANTED: Lionel American Flyer Trains, old toys, baseball cards. 815/675-6379 26 Appliances TONSOF REBUILT APPLIANCES Refrigerators, freezers, air cond., washers, dryers & s t o v e s . P a r t s guaranteedlTrade-ins. Ap pliance Repair Co, 947 Villa St., Elgin II. 312/931 7575. Open to 10 pm. KENMORE CONTINIOUS Cleaning gas stove, exc. cond., $250. 815/337-0748 or 815/648 4569 W A S H E R 4 D R Y E R . Westinghouse. heavy duty, exc. cond. $100 for set. call after 5 pm. 312-658-9011. ELECTRIC DRYER: avocado, good condition! $65.; 815/455- 4475, after 6 pm. WHITE MAYTAG washer. $150 8. electric dryer, $100. White F r i j i d a i r e f r o s t l e s s refrigerator with large bottom freezer, $100, White Pnilcoelec trie range, $75. Older models but all in excellent condition. Call 815/385-7372 after 5:30 p.m. REFRIGERATOR: Side by side, 22cu. ft. Exc. cond.! $225. or best; 815/344-1671, or 312/537-4300. L A U N D R Y C E N T E R B y F r i g i d a i r e , c o m b , washer/dryer In one unit. 24" wide X 66" tall. Excellent for apt. or sm. fam. $250.; 815/455- 4879. GAS DRYER: Sears Kenmore. 7 yrs. old, $125. Mint* condition; 815/338-5686. AIR CONDITIONERS (4), room size; dehumidifier. All reasonably priced. Eves 312/639 2973. REAL ESTATE LICENSEES Double your income. 12% Commission Or $6,000 Min. per Sale Join Corporate Investment Business Brok ers, a national organization speciaizing in the selling of small and large businesses and corporations throughout the Chicago area! We offer expert training and proven methods to put you in the $50-000*$100/000 bracket your very first year. John Horn 312/742-6130 Corporate Investment Business Brokers "The Nation's Professionals"