I .ON 2 - i'ACj'i . « PLAINDI,aLLK»BLRAU>. WfcDMvSuAYji>l< V)\ m Conservation group L prepares Fiske honor a . > . . A special open bouse at the their own picnic lunches and Rush Creek Conservation Site enjoy the afternoon at Hush will be held by the McHenry Creek. ;r̂ |9 County Conservation District Any special recognitions from |fj| fh>m noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, McHenry * County organization j|j| June 30. The event is to who have worked closely with I recognize the 15 years of service Fiske and the District will be I by Ken Fiske as the District's made at 2 p.m. The new shelter • first executive director. Fiske is will be the focus of activities. retiring at the end of the month. For directions or further in- H Friends of Fiske and of the formation, call the MCCD office M| District are invited to'attend. and ask for Administrative Light refreshments will be Secretary, Anna Stevens at 815- provided, but people may bring 678-4431 or 815-338-1405. Kathleen McNally works as honorary page in Sena Cencus Bureau to gather data in McHenry area ltie Census Bureau will visit The marital history •Tea residents June 17-22 to fertility data are being gat collect data on unemployment, for the National Institu family formation, marital Child Health and Hi history and birth expectations, Development, U.S. Depar according to Stanley D. Moore, of Health and Human Ser director of the Census Bureau's The data will help an Chicago Regional Office. formulate policies on act: MOMS AND BABIES CLASS Sherman Hospital, in con junction with the Elgin YWCA is now offering a Moms and Babies Exercise Class. The class will tun June 28 through August 2, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the Elgin YWCA. The exercise class is designed for moms and their babies, from six weeks to six months of age. Kathleen McNally of Wonder Lake recently spent a week in Springfield as an honorary page in the Illinois State Senate. Kathleen, who will be a sophomore at the McHenry West Campus this fall, was sponsored l*y Sen, Jack Schaffer (R-Mc Henry Coun ty). During the last two months of the spring legislative session, a number of honorary pages have an opportunity to see the legislative process first hand and participate in assisting the members in the Senate. Each piece at same low price CHOOSE SEALY TWIN-FULL--QUEEN--KING IN YOUR CHOICE OF FIRMNESS... » QUEEN AND KING SOLD IN SETS ONLY on selected window treatments and carpeting. Save s141 to 512 on sets Sealy Starlight Luxury Twin i29 vi s>. h...j Save 181 to s732 on sets Sealy Posturepedic Sterling Sapphire Twin s189. .t i»< >i-<i .• twin m.ittn-ss or li Mii><I. tin <ri Full s189 Selected 'Galaxy' Custom Draperies. - Choose from a lovely collection of patterns including fabric, labor, lining, and installation. 30% off Coordinated top treatments, bedspreads, and specialty work. Select from fabrics including textures, open weaves, sheers, and luxuiious antique satins. 50% off Sunrise 1" mini-blinds. Choose fr6m over 60 fashion colors and metallics. I'll fit- lv'i| • full mattress or t<uiiKl.itii hi Queen S189 . s... reg 899 95 set King s189e t p< s.n.< hn reg 1299 9b sot lull matin i " 'i Queen s129 'Royal Palace' installed plush. Sale 19.99 sq. yd. Will be $MH sq yd after June 22nd. installed sale price includes: • First quality broadloom carpet • Good performance padding (lot 200) • Professional standard tackless installation One price buys any size Mt. Vernor̂ Brass Bed or Headboard f All Beds 699.95 1 --* - r 1 ' All Headboards 349.95 ;>dle prices effective thru Saturday, June 22nd. i i, r ~ i' '. all other custom ̂ : j', • i -- order brass beds 1: | ~ [Z- ^00 headboards *?r. . V. Jt > r\TT7 f bale put es on regularly priced -2 t)rass *'ff<*c*tiv<1 through Saturday July lo. 1985 1 -.a--1.-I ' N M. 1 Irt Custom Decorating Call for a free in home appointment .vtth a JCPenney Decowtor Consultant No obtiij at ion Of tvmse. Percentage off represent* saving vjh reguiai prices louisJoliet opnicy Hill Mall 428 6970 6222779 Mall 815,439 1442 Woodlitld 882 5568 5815621 MortltbrookOouit 400 /4, ; vV.irKtown 62a 4f>62 861-6910- No R'verycU- 44/-801.0 ?n« K 1? NfcttWooU-, Mai! Northwest Indiana 473-1811 Peona . 68fv6i i • Marquette Mall 879-7361 401-2030 Orlano Square 400 UVj2 Southiake Mall . 738-2357 Mllnott HrtcKyard I ord Crty To* V<Mey Center 'iolf Mill i iKehursl !. mcoln Mall Brickyard. Ford City. Fox Valley Center. Golf Mill. Lakehurst. Lincoln Mall. Louis Joliet Mall. Northbrook Court North Riverside Park. Orland Square. Southlake Mall. Spring Hill Mall. Woodfield. YorktOwn KI8S J-C Penney Comp#"v mc*