Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jun 1985, p. 26

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JIM DANCA OLDSMOBILE CHECK OUT! THESE SELECT USED CARS Volkswagen TOYOTA Volkswagen TOYOTA (815) 459-7100 IN CRYSTAL LAKE RT. 14 JUST WEST OF RT. 31 PUBLIC NOTICE Miscellaneous ' 300.00 Supplies and Equipment 600.00 Retirement of Debt-Village of Lakemoor, General Account 50,000 00 Total $ 53,350.00 RETIREMENT OF SEWER REVENUE BONDS: Bond Retirement-Revenue Bonds... S 17,000.00 Bond Retirement-Treatment Plant.. 7,179.00 Reserve Accounts 1,680.00 Total $ 25,859.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL AA. REVENUE SHARING FUND GENERAL EXPENSES: Mosquito Abatement $ 1,500.00 Legal Publications 10.00 Police Supplies/Equijsment/Salaries 4,500.00 Parking Lot, Municipal Building 200.00 Historical Society 50.00 Total $ 6,260 00 AGGREGATE TOTAL N DEBT SERVICE FUND GENERAL EXPENSES: General Obligation Bonds $ 17,895.00 Total S 17,895.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL O. VEHICLE LICENSE FUND GENERAL EXPENSES: License Decals $ 300.00 Street Repairs 2,000.00 Total 8 2,300.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL P. MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND GENERAL EXPENSES: Snow Removal and Ice Control S 3,925.00 Street Signs 1,498.00 Right of Ways, Brush Cutting 2,186.00 Pavement Repairs 5,241.00 Drainage Correction 2,130.00 Total S 14,980.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL Classified ads are for.. SHOPPING An Ordinance making appropriation for the Corporate purposes of the Village of Lakemoor, Illinois, for the fiscal year commencing on the 1st day of May, 1985, and ending on the 30th day of April, 1906. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lakemoor, Illinois: SECTION I: That the following sums, or so much thereof, as may too authorized by law, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the Corporate purposes of the Village of Lakemoor, Illinois, as hereinafter specified, for the fiscal year commencing on the 1st day of May, IMS, and ending on the 30th day of April, 1986, such ap­ propriations made for the following objects and purposes: A. EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE PERSONAL SERVICES:' Salary of Village President S 1,800.00 Salary of Village Treasurer 2,400.00 Salarlesof Village Trustees (6) 5,040.00 Total 8 9,240,00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: / Meetings, Conferences and Conven­ tion $ 250.00 Municipal Dues _ 250.00 Total S 500 00 CAPITAL EXPANSES: Purchase of New Equipment 8 1,500.00 " Total $ 1,500.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 11,240.00 B. LEGAL AND JUDICIARY PERSONAL SERVICES: Legal Expenses: Preparation/Settlement/Trial of Traffic Tickets $ 4,500.00 Preparation/Settlement/Trial of Other Litigations 1,500.00 Preparation of Ordinances 3,000.00 Services Rendered in Connection with Petition for Annexation, Zoning and Subdivisions 10,000.00 Legal Publications 2,000.00 Attorney, Salary 3,000.00 Condemnation Proceedings and Related Expenses 3,000.0| Total 8 27,000.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 27,000.00 C. CLERK'S OFFICE PERSONAL SERVICES: Salary of Village Clerk 8 3,000.00 Total 8 3X100.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Telephone 8 1,000.00 Publication Expense 1,000.00 Total $ 2,000.00 COMMODITIES Office Supplies (stationery, books, records, postage and miscellaneous). 8 1,500.00 Total 8 1,500.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL » 6,500.00 O. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PERSONAL SERVICES: Zoning Board Salaries $ 1,000.00 Plan Commission Salaries 1X100.00 Zoning Commission Salaries 500.00 Total $ 2,500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Engineering Fees 8 5X100.00 Engineering Fees Incurred for Peti­ tions for Annexation Subdivisions and Zoning 10,000.00 Total 8 15,000.00 COMMODITIES: AAaps and Office Supplies 8 250.00 Total 8 250.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 17,750.00 E. POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONAL SERVICES: Salary of Police 8 32,140.00 Total $ 32,140.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Teleohone 8 1.000.00 Education and Training Expenses... 4,000.00 Reimbursement for Use of Private Vehicle (mileage) 50.00 Printing 1,200.00 Workmen's Compensation I nsurance 2,000.00 Hospitalization Insurance 1,500.00 Total 8 9,750.00 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. Police Car Maintenance/Purchase .. 8 2X100.08 Radio and Radar Maintenance 3,000.00 Total $ 5,000.00 COMMODITIES: Office Supplies 8 300.00 GasandOII 1,200.00 Uniforms 1,000.00 Postage 150.00 Equipment 2,000.00 Contingency 2,500.00 Total 8 7,150.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 54,040.00 F. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Of PUBLIC PROPERTIES MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR: Maintenance of Village Hall 8 10,000.00 Maintenance of Office Equipment... 500.00 Total 8 10,500.00 COMMODITIES: Maintenance Supplies 8 1,500.00 Total 8 1,500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Utilities (sewer, gas, electric) 8 2,500.00 Total 8 2,500.00 PARKS AND BEACHES: Maintenance 8 1,500.00 Purchase of New Equipment 1,000.00 Equipment Repairs 500.00 Equipment Supplies 750.00 Total 8 3,750.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 18,250.00 G. SANITATION AND HEALTH CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Health Services 8 300.00 Total 8 300.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 300.00 H. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PERSONAL SERVICES: Salary of Director 8 10,000.00 Salary of Employee 7,000.00 EducationandTralnlngExpense.... 150.00 Employee Insurance 3,000.00 Total 8 20,150.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Street Light Rental 8 7,500.00 Total 8 7,500.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 27,650.00 I. CONTINGENCIES GENERAL EXPENSES: Miscellaneous 8 3,000.00 TOTAL 8 3,000.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 3,000.00 J. LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Comprehensive General Liability.... 8 8,000.00 Total $ 8,000.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 8,000.00 K. ROAD DEPARTMENT (ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND) STREETS: Material 8 10,000.00 Labor for Repairs/Maintenance 2,000.00 Equipment Rental 1,500.00 Snow Plowing and Ice Removal Material 1,000.00 Repair, Maintenance/ Purchase of Eaulomtnt 10*000.00 Drainage and Culvert Correction .... 13,000.00 Engineering Fees 5,000.00 Total 8 42,500.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 42,500.00 L. SEWER FUND PERSONAL SERVICES. Salary of Director of Public Works... 8 6,000.00 Salary of Office Clerk 3,120.00 Salary of Ass't Director 3,000.00 Employee Benefits 4,000.00 Total 8 16,120.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Payment to Island Lake Sanitary Dtaf. (Basic sewer user charges) .... 8 30,000.00 Attorney Fees 35,000.00 Engineering Fees 750.00 Legal Publications 300.00 Utilities 3,000.00 Telephone 360.00 Total 8 69,410.00 MAINTENANCE AND Rw MR: Maintenance and Repair Expenses/Equipment Maintenance/ Replacement 8 5,000.00 Total 8 5,000.00 COMMODITIES: Office Supplies/Postage 8 650.00 Oil a»d Gas tor Vehicles/Generators. 1,800.00 JUST OPENED UNIT HZ Climb to the top of Jasmine Court and pick a beautiful one acre view. 16 lots, priced from $23,500 - Classified ads are for.. SELLING Classified ads are for.. • SAVING CLASSIFIED PLEASES EVERYBODY O. EMERGENCY SERVICE DISASTER AGENCY FUND GENERAL EXPENSES: Supplies and Equipment 8 300.00 Membership Dues 25.00 Total 8 325.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 325.00 R. POLICE PROTECTION FUND GENERAL EXPENSES: Police Expenditures 8 3,000.00 Total 8 3,000.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 3,000.00 S. AUDIT FUND GENERAL EXPENSES: Audit Expense 8 3,000.00 Total 8 3,000.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 3,000.00 T. GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL PERSONAL SERVICES: Salary of Billing Clerk $ 3,120.00 Employed Benefits 1,000.00 Total 8 4,120.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: H.O.D. Service 8 15,000.00 Total 8 15,000.00 COAAAAODITIES: Office Supplies and Postage 8 650.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 Retirement of Debt, Village of Lakemoor, General Account 1,000.00 Total 8 1,850.00 AGGREGATE TOTAL 8 20,970.00 GRAND AGGREGATE TOTAL .v 8454,699.00 SECTION II: The said several sums of money are hereby ap­ propriated from moneys received and to be received by the Village of Lakemoor from all sources. SECTION III: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage, approval and publication as by law pro­ vided. Passed by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lakemoor this 13th day of June, 1985. Pacita R. Morrison Village President " (SEAL) Roll Call Vote: Trustee Embrey-aye, Trustee Para-aye, Trustee Abner-aye, Trustee Frazler-aye, Trustee Robinette-aye. The Springs, located just 2 miles north of Rte. 176 on Walkup Road offers beautiful 1-3 acre homesites at sur­ prisingly low costs. TOP 9GAL2 IN THE CLASSIFIED RAGES! 1-800/ADS-WQRK FINANCING ON THESE SELECT MODEL Absent and not voting: Trustee Ambrose. 5 Ayes ONays 1 Absent Approved this 13th day of June, 1985 Carol Schmidt Village Clerk (Published In the Plaindealer-Herald, June 21,1985) M5547 Drop in and browse a bit in classified • just for fun. We've Changed! Reach your market with ease by using the new, defin ed classifications that have been developed for you- our readers and advertisers. New classifications... New possibilities... Better targeting... Take advantage of the variety we have to offer. CALLOUR NEW TOLL FREE CLASSIFIED NUMBER YEAR 1N3. 1983 . 1983 . 1983. 1983. 1983 . 1983. 1982. 1982. 1982. 1982, 1982 1981 1981 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1979 1979 1979 1978 1978 1978 1979 1977 1977 1977 1977 1975 1973 STOCK# 10820.. 10711 . 10733 . 10734.. 10773.. 10791.. 10792.. 10700 . 10747.. 10789. >10778 . 10799.. 10800.. •10774. •10881. • 10713.. .10788 . •10772. .10778.. • 10779., .10781. .10784. .10798 . .10724. .10782 . .10804. .10244. .10784. .10787. .10803. .10728. .10798. .10801 .10802. .10703 .10800. MAKE/MODEL . Bulck/ltlvtora Cp.... ...Okte/DaKaCp .... .... Nlasan/2-dr Bulck/4-dr Chav./CapricaW*n.. ... OMs/Ddta Sd ...Otda/DattaSd ..OIda/98Rag.Sd ... .... Olds/Cut. Sd ...Chav./Pick-up.... ... Okta/Datta Cp .... .. Pont./J2000 Sd.... ... Butck/Ragal Sd.... .. Marc./Cougar Cp... .... Ford/LTD Cp . Chav./Citation Cp.. . Buick/LaSabra Cp .. .. Toyata/Calica Cp.. ... Pont./Bonn. Cp... .... AMC/Splrlt HB... Ford/Pinto .. Buick/Skylark Sd.. ... Olds/88 Rag. Cp .. ...Jaap/Wagonaar... ....OMs/DaltaCp ... ...Pont./Bonn. Sd... ...Ford/LTD Wen... ... Chav./Nova Cp... Chrya./LaBaron Wgn .... Olda/Datta Sd.... .. Bulck/Rlvlara Cp.. . ..Cad./DaVilla Sd... ..... Olds/Cut Sd .... . Chrya./Nawport Sd. ....Olds/Toro.Cp ... .... Olds/Cut. Sd.... 1-dOO/ADS-WORK TOYOTAS ^ARRIVING FOR JUNE DELIVERY!! > 12TERCELS* Slrspv 24 COROLLAS* 15CAMRYS* * (jgttVT*. ̂ 9CELICAS* 09899 4SUPRAS* W M 5 C R E S S I D A S * Wf 36 TRUCKS* ^ 10 VANS* TOYOTA SUPER SAVER! TRUCKS SOLD AT INVOICE! Interested in Leasing?...CALL US! Used Cars?...SEE US! QUALITY SERVICE IMPORTANT?...SE| US! T0V9TA GM QUALITY SERVICE PARTS 6V4% SALES TAX! •INIRAl MOTORS CORPORATION KRRP Thst Grsat GM Fstling with Gtnuln* GM Parts. SECTION 2 - PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER-HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 21,1985 . LopalNoHc--

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