Neighborhood news Wonder Lake: See log house on White Oaks Road The building of a new house usually holds excitement for the owners and probably the entire family, but the building of a log house on White Oaks Rd. has caused excitement for all who hear about it in Wonder Lake. Anne Sobers > ' < . > Cars kept pulling up last Saturday, June 15, as the. logs arrived on a flat bed truck from Montana and were taken off and individually placed by crane in the process of building the two- story hoifie. This is much more elaborate than the log cabins we see pictured in the history books, but the old fashioned community spirit was there. Friends who stopped by, joined in the con- until the day came when it was to expire. I went into Woodstock thinking I would run in and out and be back home in no time. Two hours after walking in, I was on mv way home. I can't for the life of me see why they group everyone together - those taking just driving tests, those taking written tests, those taking both, those having titles taken care of, and those just having pictures taken. Seems like there would be a umv to Hn th<no« It wasn't a total loss though, because i had a nice visit \mu. Earl Walsh's sister Mrs. Miller. That made the wait much more pleasant and put the happy in 'Happy Birthday" for me. SPECIAL DAYS Happy "Sweet Sixteen ' to another new driver. Bob Rizzo, on June 27. "Happy Birthday" to Peter Raber on June 28. He enters the teen world on that day. June 30 is a double celebration in the home of Jerry and Judy Graff. Their daughter Missy turns 15 and son Derek becomes a teenager. July begins with Majry Lee Berndt celebrating her bir- •*"iay. "Happy Birthday" on the A 10 Mary Lee. COMMUNITY EVENTS June JKHMiss Wonder Lakt contest July 6-July Fourth festivities July 8-12-District 200 Band Camp - July 8-19-Swimming Lessons spoiled by the best! j Frank's 13% Whisper is Sunt Feed $5.75/50 # Pellets $4.75/S0 # Baler Twine 9,000 ft, 350# Unit) strength 40 *$11.95 2 Mb 19% Corn Gluten Pellets $2.25/50# bulk st ruction ana others stopped to visit and ask a lot of questions! It was fun and gave you the old pioneer spirit. The home is being built by the Lasorso family, wno I'm sure are pleased to be related to the Graff family because they are a' whole contraction crew them selves! If you haven't driven by yet, there is a lot more to be done so you're not too late. It is neat to see. WELCOMES SON Ron and Marilyn Callow welcomed a son into this world June 9. This little guy is almost ready for a football team, en tering at the weight of 9 lbs. 10 oz. We'll be looking for the name Brett Andrew Callow to appear on the draft list for the Qncago Bears in a few years to come. Brett's mom is the former Marilyn Marke. RUMMAGE SALE The rummage sale at Christ The King Church, sponsored by the Ladies Sodality will be held in July, not August, as was stated last week. Sorry for the mistake. The dates of the rummage sale are July 26,27, and 28. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE What a way to spend your birthday! My driver's license had to be renewed this year but, since I just had to nave my picture taken and pay the $8* 1 didn't think too much about it Course in babysitting is offered Students, are you interested in learning the responsibilities of babysitting? This is the subject of a course being offered by chapters of the American Red Cross and sponsored by the City of McHenry Parks and Recreation Department. We are looking for students between ages of 11 to 14 years old, both boys and girls. This clinic will be held this summer at the Lakeland Park Com munity Center. The Saturday class will be on July 13. It will be an all day clinic running from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch and an afternoon snack will be provided for the students. The fee for this clinic is only $5, but there are only a limited amount of students allowed in each class, so sign up early. For further information on these Babysitting Clinics, call the City of McHenry Depart ment of Parks and Recreation at 344-3300. Preschool creativity clinic set The Preschool Creativity Clinic is just the way to keep your toddler occupied and give mom some free time this summer. Children ages three, four, and five can enjoy games, arts, crafts, music, storytelling, and free play under the guidance of a certified preschool staff. Help your child improve their sensory experiences and motor skills. Sign up today! This class is held at Petersen Park two days a week for an hour-and-a-half on both days. Classes will begin the week of July 15. All children must be toilet trained. Hie fees for city residents is $15. Non-residents of the cor porate city limits is $20. For more information, call the McHenry Department of Parks . k Recreation at 344-3300. Sale 4s99 to 7.99 WOMEN'S TOPS AND SHORTS SALE 4.99 JUNIOR TOP. Orig. $9. Crop or tee in pretty prints. SALE 7.99 JUNIOR NUNT CLUB TEE. Orig. $16. Ribbed cotton in soft pastels. SALE 4.99 JUNIOR PULL-ON SNORT. Orig. $9. In polyester/rayon prints.. SALE &99 MISSES' TEE TOP. Orig. $8. In stripes, with scallop neckline SALE 4.99 MISSES' TANK TOP. Orig. $7. Scallop neckline, assorted colors. SALE &99 MISSES' TENNIS SNORT. Orig. $10. Assorted colors. SALE 6.99 JUNIOR HUNT CLUB TOP. Orig. $10. Our own colorful tank top. SALE 5.99 JUNIOR DOVE SNORT. Orig. $8. Pull-on style in solids, patterns. K£J. LJL £ 1 Orig. SIS. Choose from a collection of our own Par Four" pullovers in stripes or solids. Juniors and misses sizes. 25% to 40% off ALL SWIMWEAR Now's the time to save on sun-sational looks in juniors, misses and Women's larger sizes. DRESS SHIRTS Sale 9.99 Orig. $16 to $20. Save on our own fine shirts: Austin Manor. Stafford, and Gentry. In long sleeve or short sleeve styles. Button-downs, solids, patterns too SILK TIES Sale 9.99 Orig. $14. Choose pure silks in pindots. Stripes, and neat patterns. Perfect accents for a well-dressed look. STAFFORD AND GENTRY SUITS Sale 119.99 SALE 119.99 STAFFORD™ SUIT. Orig. $180. 2-pc. fuller cut style in poly/wool. SALE 119.99 GENTRY SUIT. Orig. $185. 2-pc. trim-fit all-season suit. SALE 79.99 STAFFORD™SPORTCOAT. Orig. $120. In a rich blend of polyester/silk. SALE 29.99 STAFFORD™SLACK. Orig. $45. In poly/wool. Choice of solids. You've always had a feel for the classics You make your choice Staffordor Gentry from JCPenney because you never overlook"* the elements of fine style. Children's SHORT SALE SALE 2.99 LITTLE BOYS' ATHLETIC Reg 3.99. Pull-on style in sizes 4 to 7. SALE 3.99 BIG BOYS' ATHLETIC Reg 4.99. Solid Colors in sizes 8 to 16. SALE 2.99 LITTLE GIRLS' CUFFED Reg. 3.69. Solid colors in 4 to 6x. SALE 3.99 BIG GIRLS' ACTIVE Reg 5.50. Prints or solids in 7 to 14 WHITE SALE . - .. T- •>---- ALL BLANKETS ALL SHEETS ALL PILLOWS ALL TOWELS ALL PRISCILLAS SELECTED BLINDS AND DRAPERIES Sale prices effective thru Saturday. July 20th. 25% to 50% off CHILDREN'S SHOES Save on the latest styles for big and little boys and girls. Choose from dressy or casuals shoes that look as good as they feel. S 10,000,000 MICROWAVE Sale SALE 269.95 TOUCH CONTROL Reg. 449.95. 4 stage memory, #5919 Sale price effective thru Saturday, July 13th. SALE 289.95 1.4 CU. FT. Reg 44995. Pre-programmed recipes.#5985 SALE 59.95 MICROWAVE CART Reg 7995.O'Sullivan; roll doors.#9512 Walk away with big savings on lots of styles. You'll find looks that go from casual to dressy In go-with-everything fashion colors. Hurry in 25% to »0% off MPrS SHOES Find the bottom line in fashion, whatever your style. Choose from distinctive looks for business or dress and comfortable casuals Fuji OL200 35mm camera features auto- focus. auto flash, motorized winding. #0610 BUY 2 ROLLS OF FUJI FILM, GET S1SO IN COUPONS FREE. DETAILS IN STORE! SALE 2.29 CN*110*24, reg. 2.89 SALE 2.39 CN-135-24 Reg 2.99.100-speed SALE 2.99 CH'135'24. Reg. 3.59.400-speed. SALE 3.99 CU-135-24 Reg. 4.49.1600-speed SALE 449 CD double disc, reg 5.19 SALE 2.69 CA-19S.24 13 COLOR TV $249 VISA' Farn SPECIAL *249 13 COLOR TV Features electronic keyboard tuning. #2042 SPECIAL *249 19" COLOR TV Features automatic color control. #2089 SPECIAL 399.95 19' TV MONITOR Features remote control. #2110 SALE *99 LANE CEDAR CHEST. Orig. 6299. Fruitwood finish, upholstered top. #7825 SALE *299 YOUR CHOICE: RECUNER 1 1985 J C Penney Company Inc Intermediate markdowns may have been taken on originally priced merchandise. Reductions from originally priced merchandise effective until stock is depleted. Sale prices on regularly priced merchandise effective until Saturday. July 6th unless otherwise notec Some items may be available at larger JCPenney stores only. Brickyard. Ford City. Fox Valley Center. Gary Village. Golf Mill Lakehurst. Lincoln Mall. $ouis Joliet Mall.