s* Business SLCMON2 • r\«;i M'l.MMH \ I IIMIKK Vl.ll.jVii;i>NKSl)A V. Jl AK26. lUtt k i k 4 % E: « ¥* Savings institutions watch for drug dealers The Illinois League of Savings Institutions announced today that it will participate in and endorse a special program developed by a joint state- federal task force investigating money laundering by drug dealers. According to League Chair man Thomas J. Martin, the special multi-agency task force scrutinizes suspicious customer transactions at financial in stitutions, especially those in volving large amounts of currency. The unit's goal is to apprehend and convict in dividuals involved with drug trafficking, who in many cases use financial institutions to launder their large ill-gotten profits. "Anytime we take in over $10,000 in cash, if it's a deposit or money order, we're obligated under law to contact federal authorities," said McIIenry Savings Bank President Charles Adams. Although the Illinois League of Savings Institutions boasts that this "war on drugs" is a "special" program, Marengo Federal Savings and -Loan Senior Vice-president Bill Gieselman said that caution executed by banks and savings and loans when receiving large cash deposits is common procedure. "This is nothing new," Gieselman said. "It's been in effect for,many years." However, the Illinois League of Savings Institutions, a state wide trade association,has formally asked Illinois savings and loan associations and savings banks to help in their efforts to identify and interrupt large drug rings existing in the state. Specifically, associations have been asked to make their employers aware of of the problem and to report suspicious currency tran sactions involving large sums to the investigative unit. Martin stressed that em ployees are not being asked to become investigators, nor is it being suggested that all large cash transactions relate to drug trafficking. Both McIIenry Savings Bank and Marengo Federal Savings and Loan- said they would support the program. "All I can say is we'll be watching," Adams said. IRS sets exam deadline 4 Wheel opening This year applications must be postmarked no later than July 31, 1985 for individuals who wish to take the 1985 Internal Revenue Service Special Enrollment Examination (SKE), the I Its announced. No extension of time to file for the examination will be granted. The examination is scheduled to take two days, Thursday, ()ct. 10 and Friday, Oct. 11. It is given annually in each IltS district to individuals who wish to apply for enrollment to practice before the IRS The application fee is $50 for those taking all four parts of the examination, and $40 for Drior year examinees taking fewer than four parts. All checks or money orders must be made to the Internal Revenue jrvice. Those interested in taking the examination should obtain the SEE application packet from their local IRS district office. The packet includes materials on the requirements for enrollment, and on the requirements for taking the examination. The Special Enrollment Examination Application Packet can be ordered by calling the? IRS at 1-800-424-1040. Taxpayers are advised to call during nonpeak hours - early in the morning or late in the evening and during the latter part of the week. Contractor seminar slated A seminar titled, "So Want To,lie A ItoftUactor,^ *be held on Saturday, June 29, 1985, at the Marriott Hotel, 540 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The seminar will focus on the tools needed to establish a construction com pany and profitably operate the business It is sponsored by Women Construction Owners and Executives, USA and is open to both men and women. The seminar leader is Nina S. Tate, I/mg Beach, Calif., who has 23 years of executive experience in the construction industry.- R.W. LIQUIDATORS 63 N. AYERST. , HARVARD 3012 RT. 120 EAST OF RIVER, McHENRY, IL. R E T A I L E R S O F C L O S E O U T M E R C H A N D I S E if i' is no' a :.,.trqnin vVe don ' have ' M0N.. TUES., WED., TOURS., SAT. 9 AM to 6 PM FRIDAY 9 AM to 9 PM SUNDAY HOURS 9 AM to 6 PM Sum HAIR SPRAY 7 Or Can NOW ONLY J ZF 4 Pick JUICE GLASS 6 Or 29cEA o4/99< Heavy Duty Brass Plated PLANT HANGER'S 50 Lb. Weight eg n OQ 95 NOW Wooden 7 Pc. Set SALAD BOWL With fork & Spoon Reg G 95 NOW *3.99 Detk Style 12" & 16" FANS Hot or Cold PUMP THERMOS 2 QT Sue SK qq 8.95 now <J» Gourmet POPCORN M Or Jar Reg 77C 1.39 now / / SPECIAL OF THE WEEK OFFICE EQUIPMENT Office Desk Mid Chain QUALITY PRICED HARVARD STOKE ONLY! POTPORRI By Ben Richert Fragrance 60 Minute Merrorw CASSETTE M Jl 9< 2.29 NOW & •£ .< SANDWICH BAGS 150 Count Bo* Manmurr, LANOLIN SOAP 3 Bar Gift Packed W*ler '» Crip APPLE DRINK MIX Makes 8 Quarts 2.69 NOW 1 . 4 J PAINTBRUSHES 4" and 5" FAOM {19.99 W>J24.99 295 NOW • 1 . 2 9 Reg. 4 .95 NOW $ 1 . 9 ! HARVARD STORE ONLY! 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L ASSIC CUTS i 20% off family haircuts 20% off all retail conditioners Special 33.88 Continuum" perm JCPenney It's a family affair.'and you're all invited to gel in on the fun With 20" n oft haircuts for everyone 20% off the regular price of all retail conditioners And. long lasting waves and curls are yours with this Helene Curtis perm Some perms are not recommended for bleached or frosted hair Perm price includes shampoo, cut and style Redken and Ncuw products always available Sale prices effective thru Saturday. June 29th CHARGE IT OPEN SUNDAYS THE STYLING SALON SPRING HILL NULL 312/428-6961 Itepresentatives from the State Illinois and City of Chicago among others will also IK? on hand to answer questions on procurement procedures. A reception for women owners and executives will immediately follow the seminar sponsored by Women Construction Owners and Executives, (ISA. The cost of the seminar, in cluding lunch, is $75.Q0; $90.00 at the door. To register or for further information, contact: Marjorie l<. Ilerter, Vee Sec Construction Company, Inc., 4100 W. 105th St., Oak I^iwn, III (50453, (312) 435-3420. 2 miles East of Woodstock Queen NEW HOURS 7 DAYS Custom Sale 30% 50% off selected custom draperies and carpeting.' ~S7^nl'w' Mistake proof No decisions. no constantly counting calories, weighing or measuring foods No strenuous exorcise, drugs or injections Hunger free I oso up to a pound a day while onjoying satisfying recipes Hamhurgnr Stroganoff, (iourmet Cannelloni. Gorman Apple Professional support Out professional staff will guide and support you overy stop of the way Behavior Lducation sessions and a Free Maintenance Program help keep the weight off. Our guarantee I ollow our program and you'll lose weight, often as guickly as up to a pound a day. You'll achieve your goal hy the date perilled oi there's no additional Omelet. Chocolate Bavarian I'teme. charge for our services until you do Call today for a free no-obligation consultation, ii JUNE SALE 20 LBS. for99 Ttmm* tkn coupon at lh» Ont» l Itb Nutri /Sftfm. M|M Ion Nodical font* and low 70 IK hi |ri W ON* poll W nt» rlmnti o* Unlaw 71.19M Wr\ nutrl/system weight loss medicwl centers j Ovor 500 Centers Nationwide College Hill Proferstonal Bldg. 4911 S. Rt. 31, Suite B Crystal Lake 815/459-90S0-9AM TO 7PM -V »•".• itWsSr ,vv vV •mm 30% to 50% off "Galaxy" custom draperies. Choose from selected patterns including fabrics. lahot. lining, and installation 30% off co ordinated top treatments, bedspreads. and specialty work Select from fabrics including textures, open weaves, sheers, and ;intiguo satins 50% off Sunrise I mini hlinds in ovei (>() colors and metallics Out installed Kitli1 pnii". t i n lui lr Installed broadloom • "Kensington Park", luxurious thick and tight plush carpeting Sale 19.99..* Will be $38 sq. yd. after June 29th. i • I ir .T < ] I I.I I it v HIO.iilloom I.II|«'linij • RIOTOSMIM.IL si .mil.ML I.II KII-SS NI-.t . i l l .it n >N • (IONILPI'iti>RNI.mi •• (Mili|ini|| lnt , 'OOl Sale prices effective thru Saturday. June 29th. JCPenney Custom Decorating Call lot a tree in heme appointment with a JCPenney i Decorator Consultant No obligation Of course J Percentage off represents savings on regular prices Illinois lltirhv.Ut! I (>n1 < itv I O* V.» l l i»vCi»nti»I LIOLT Mill I .«KI>hinsl I inrnln M.ILL M l ! I oins .loliol M.LLL NoithhiivM'tniil No M IV«>IMI1I> NoillmoiMls Mail R«»on .» sat SM.M MM 1 «> ,'!>•» te.t." 4.*« 1M1 1 4MI /O.IO Oil .IWT SI|U.»N» •J I 44.' •i so 41: Mil in MM;* I I I I 4 MO I SS.' Splint) 11 ill Mall Woo«1LI«'M 4,'8 6970 88?-5558 6?0 4562 Northwtit Indiana: M.iniuiMlp Mall 8/9 " IMI Sonthiahp Mal l <*.»8 i i