HA ;r YCU CONSIDERED SENDING YOUR CHILD TO ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC SCHOOL? CALL THE SCHOOL OFFICE AT385-3959FROM 9A.M. TO 12 NOON, ORCALL THE RECTORY A T 385-1477 FOR FURTHER INFORMA HON. Janice Griseto PreSchool "We Dare to be Different" JOHNSBURG out of our school... because we put more into it" We are proud of our School because it is a result of the efforts of many talented people. St. John the Baptist School operates today on a sound Catholic philosophy. Our School is a Catholic Christian Community guided by the Holy Spirit and dedicated to assisting parents in the development of each child's God-given poten tial. Within this educational and spiritual environment of Christian living we be lieve in the diginity and personal worth of each child and we believe in the respon sibility of each child to God, self and others. We believe our School is unique. What makes it unique is that much effort, time and concern is given to make St. John the Baptist Catholic School of Johnsburg a community with Christian and academic values. An awareness of outstanding achievements is present. This serves as an in spiration to aim higher and respond more fully to the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: It Is the School's endeavor to: (a) Enrich and supplement the basic teachings of Christian values in the home; *, (b) Meet the individual academic needs of each chttd providing basic skills, knowledge and enrichment through various teachng methods, re sources, and programs; (c) Prepare the child to live and proclaim the Gospel message by providing faith experiences in a professional and devotional atmosphere; (d) Incorporate within each child's life a social conscience through example, experience and service; (e) Develop a positive self concept by affirming the basic goodness and special talents inherent in each child. FATHER JOHN C. HOLDREN PASTOR "Our Catholic education at St. John the Baptist School offers not only academic excellence but it also provides spiritual development. We dare to be different." SISTER ANGEUNE KIELER, SSSF, PRINCIPAL "We have an exceUent and dedicated staff here at St. John the Baptist School. I am equally proud of our stu dents and what they have accom plished. Together we go forward into His Kingdom." WE ARE PROUD OF: (a) Our Religious instruction, Sacraments and Liturgies. (b) A special Learning Center (c) Catholic Social Services which provide special counseling for students and parents. (d) Disciplinary measures. The essence of Christian discipline is self-disci- pline. To accomplish this, all students must recognize their individual responsibilities and obligations. <?LPi that have been inaugurated reflecting a more contemporary ere through brighter, more stimulating colors in halls and classrooms. (f) Small classes providing special individualized instruction - Pre-School through Grade 8. (g) A dedicated staff of professional educators who are all accredited by the State of Illinois. (h) A fully developed curriculum program with the introduction of a new ac celerated program including full phonetical work - kindergarten through fifth grade. This accelerated and/or enrichment program with individualized remedial needs will be provided with tutoring on a one-to-one basis, where needed. Donna Meersman First Grade u AnneO'Donnell Second Grade Therese Lyons Third Grade Mary Lynn Koutiel Fourth Grade Pamela Dvonch Fifth Grade KathrynRoling Junior High Dept. Susan Polischuk Junior High Dept. PRE-SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN: Student* will explore Christian values and learn to recognize the wonder of God's creation. (a) Pre-School meets twice weekly. Sessions are 2M> hours. Morning sessions meet from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. and afternoon sessions meet from 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. Classes are held in separate facilites. (b) Kindergarten has morning and afternoon classes. Morning class meets from 8:30 to 11:10 a.m. and the afternoon class meets from 12:30 to 2:40 p.m. Classes are held in separate facilities. PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAM: Children should com classroom: (a) Rich in experience; come away from the pre-school (e) Possessing self-confidence; (f) Feeling comfortable with their uniqueness; (g) Being able to face new situations and challenges with some degree of comfort. KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM: Children should come away from the kindergarten classroom: (a) Having a healthy self-concept; (b) Possessing a positive attitude toward learning; (c) Attaining self-confidence; <d) Fostering good social skills in accord with Christian behavior values; (e) Gaining experiences toward the development of skills basic to reading, writing and math; (f) Developing physical coordination of muscles; (g) Developing good eye/hand coordination skills; (h) Learning to accept change and handling it intelli gently and creatively; (i) Developing good problem solving techinques; (J) Discovering the enjoyment of learning through the op portunities presented and fostered. Sister Rosemary Reier, SSSF Kindergarten PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT: Another aspect that makes our School unique is the extent of the involvement of the whole Parish. (a) Policies are determined by an elected School Board. The educational credentials and the experience ot the School Board members are outstanding, perhaps unequalled. (b) A large active Home and School Association gives additional support with time, talent and treasure. (c) In addition, St. John the Baptist School benefits from parental volun teers involved in enrichment, sport, hot lunch programs, playground supervision, school lairs, and field trips. LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER: The Learning Resource Center at tempts to meet the individual learning styles of the students using a multi- sensory approach,4 as it reiiiforces and enriches the existing curriculum. It also functions as the library area for recreational reading and research re port*. _ ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC SCHOOL, J0HNSBUR6 ILLINOIS IS ONE OF THE FINEST 6RADESCHOOLS WITH A REPUTATION FOR EXCELLING IN RB.I6I0US, ACADEMIC, SOCIAL AW ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES. Steven Cafcules, Director of McHenry County Catholic Social Services Nancy Kelso Learning Resource Center Director Julie Smith ' Computer Program Gayle Bonus Learning Resource Center Bruce Byrne Motor Skills Sue Podoiski Secretary William Yung Custodian Margaret Clark Pre-School Director Claudia Wilkinson Pre-School Steven Miskoci Music