V Peg, 4 McHENRY PLAINDEALER StcflonA Friday, July 12, IW5 Where's the fire Hie following are the calls for fire department and rescue squad services received by the McHenry Township Fire Department in the last wees. JULY 3 At 12:16 a.m., the rescue squad was dispatched to the 2500 block o of Clara for a person witha laceration. At 10:15 a.m., the fire department responded to a car fire in the 1300 block of Richmond Road. At 8:46 p.m., the rescue squad was sent to the 5200 block of Home Avenue for a person having a heart attack. JULY 4 At 7:08 a.m., the fire department was called for a fire alarm in the 2300 block of Church Street. At 8:53 a.m., the fire department was sent to River Road at Rimas Lodge for a transformer on fire. At 10:24 a.m., fire and rescue units were dispatched to a barn fire in the 2800block of Route 120. At 11:47 a.m., the fire department was called to the 3300 block of Chapiel Hill Road for a barn fire. At 11:57 a.m., the fire department was dispatched for a brush fire at near Modine Manufacturing on Ringwood Road. At4:06p.m., the resale squad was called to the 2300 block of Glenwooa for a person with a leg injury. At 8:45 p.m., the rescue squad went to assist the Wonder Lake Fire Department with a traffic accident at Thompson Road and Route 120. At 9:01 p.m., the rescue squad was called to the intersection of Maplenill and Forestview for a fight victim. At9:15p.m., the fire department was notified of a brush fire in the 5600 block of Acorn. At 9:44 p.m., the fire department responded to a grass fire in the 4600 block of Spruce Lane. At 9:47 p.m., the fire department went to a grass fire in the 200 block of South Front Street. JULY 5 At 4:21 a.m., the rescue squad was called to the 3700 block of Maple for a person with trouble breathing. At 7:39 a.m., the rescue squad was dispatched to the 2100 At 11:13 a.m., the rescue squad was sen?to the 3700 block of Bull Valley Road for a person naving a stroke. At 9:25 p.m., the rescue squad responded to a traffic ac cident at the intersection of Stilling ana Huemann Roads. JULY 6 At 1:25 a.m., the rescue squad was sent to Wally's Tap on Route 120 for a fight victim. At 2:21 a.m., the fire department went to the 1000 block of y Road for a traffic accident. it 5:45 a.m., the rescue squad was dispatched to the 4400 block of Ponca for a person passed out. At 6:24 p.m., the rescue squad went to the 800 block of Wiltshire for a person having heart trouble. At 6:39 p.m., the rescue squad responded to a shoulder in jury in the 900 block of River Road. JULY 7 At 1:28 a.m., fire and rescue units were called for a traffic accident on Route 120 by Valley View School. At 9:35 a.m., the rescue squad was dispatched to Moraine Hills State Park for a person with a fishhook in the eye. At 11:34 a.m., the rescue squad was called to Royal Terrace for a person having chest pains. LOCATED IN THE McHENRY TRADE CENTER 1402 C. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY1 815-344-3387 BE ffl HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9-6SAT. 9-5 ALL Summer Clothing REDUCED! We Also Carry: HANGTEN JORDACHE SANTF CRUZ • LEE FEATURING JUNIOR CLOTHING SIZES 3-15 PLUS PETITES OUR OWN HOMEGROWN SWEET CORN ISHERE! ICE COLD WATER MELON HOME GROWN BROCCOLI FIELD GROWN TOMATOES HARMS FARM AND GARDEN CENTER 4727W.CRYSTALLK.RO. Across from McH. H.S.West 385-3074 DAILY 9-7 mmm ft Firemen from Co. 1 of the McHenry Township Fire Department scale a barn in the 2800 block of Route 120 to extinguish a roof fire that broke out July 4. This was one of two barn fires and numerous grass fires that district firefighters were called to over the holiday weekend. YUM! DELICIOUS INDIANA CANTELOUPE GOING ON Jj DON'T FORGET TO PACK YOUR PLAINDEALER HERALD! You won't want to miss one day of your favorite hometown newspaper. Just call our circulation dept. for a vacation pack, or have your paper mailed to your vacation address. SIMPLY CALL CI RCULATION 385-0178 PLAINDEALER HERALD REPORT OF CONDITION CONSOLIDATED REPORT Op CONDITION of "Wonder Lake State Bank" (Account No.) 26757 of Wonder Lake, its Domestic and Foreign Subsidiaries and its Foreign Branches at the close of business on June 30, 1985. Published in Response to Call of the COMMISSIONER OF BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES of the State of Illinois. ASSETS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS Cash and due from banks 2,063 U.S. Treasury securities 5,514 Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations .2,562 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell ISO Loans, Total (excluding unearned income) 3,994 Less: Reserve for possible loan losses M Loans, Net 3,950 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises 321 Other assets (Item 7 of 'other assets' schedule) 333 TOTAL ASSETS (sum of items 1 thru 15... .14,195 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .2,609 Time and savings depositsof individuals, partnerships, and corporations 10,162 Deposits of United States Government s Deposits of States and political subdivisions 463 Certified and officers'checks .132 TOTAL DEPOSITS (sum of items 17 thru 23) 13475 Total demand deposits 2,761 Total time ana savings deposits 10,814 Other liabilities (Item 9 of "other liabilities" schedule 150 TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and debentures).. 13,725 EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock a. No. shares authorized 37,000 (par value). b. No. shares outstanding 32,000 (par value) 320 Surplus 320 Undivided profits 530 TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL (sum of items 32 thru 36) 1,170 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL (sum of items 30,31, and 37) 14,895 MEMORANDA Standby letters of credit outstanding 25 I I, John McCamman, of the above-named bank, do hereby certify that this report of condition is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Correct-Attest: John McCamman Stephen Mitchell, William Johnson, Donald Sturm, Directors Stateof Illinois, County of McHenry, ss: Sworn to and subscribed b *ore me this 9th day of July, lv85 My commission expires Dec. 27,1987 Nancy Mason Notary Public (Notary's Seal) Lake Region YMCA receives four awards Doug Neushwander, associate director of the Lake Region YMCA accepted four Excellence Awards in behalf of the YMCA at the recent Physical Education and Program Congress sponsored by the Leaning Tower YMCA in Niles, Illinois for the Chicago Midwest YMCA's. Neushwander that these awards were a great accomplishment as the criterias to get them are very stringent and require a great deal of work and commitment by all the YMCA staff. The areas of acievement were in gymnastics, physical fitness, youth " sports and youth leadership. There awards are based on training provided for instructors in skill development, safety, and National Progressive Program guidelines. Neushwander also said that out of more than so YMCAs served by the Chicago Region, only a few received as riiany honors as the Lake Region YMCA. REALTY WORLD DURBIN-STOVALL WELCOMES TONY CARUSO Tony Caruso has joined Realty World Durbin- Stovall Associates, in McHenry, as Realtor Associate. Mr. Caruso is a graduate of the Real Estate Academy and has been a member of the McHenry County Board of Realtors for the past two years. Prior to moving to McHenry, Tony Caruso has been a member of the MAP and Lake County Board of Realtors. Mr. Caruso is well on his way to his third consecutive year of sales in excess of one million dollars. Tony, his wife Loretta and their two children Tony Jr. and Gina Marie reside in Fox Ridge. BUS. ($18)3884060 RES. (818) 344*3384 4213 W.ELWST.(RT. 120) McHENRY.IL JULY FACTORY DIRECT CLEARANCE SALE flurry in Now for Hot Summer Values Direct trom the Verio Mattress Factory! Get tast, free delivery, complete in-home set up and free removal of your old bedding. Use your visa and master cards. Visit the Verio vs. name brand comparison ; corner in our showroom and find out why more people are buying their new beds from the Verio Mattress Factory. Sale End* Sat. July 27 HURRY If YOU REALLY WANT TO SAW • VERLO VERLO VERLO VERLO SLEEPWELL DELUXE HOTEL PRINCESS EXCELLENCE $49 $79 *99 *119 Twin Each Twin Each Twin Each Twin Each Full Each *69 Full Each *109 Full Each *258 Full Each *298 Queen Set *188 Queen Set *258 Queen Set *298 Queen Set *348 King Set *278 King Set *358 King Set *398 * King Set *448 "From Our Factory to Your Home' Yerte mattress "Familyowned ACiVLUl jr and operated Frw Dalvery Free SO Day NAPERVILLE 422W.STHAVE. (312)961-9191 OEMS CRYSTAL LAKE HWY. Mat PINGREE RD. (VSiml. W.of Rte. 31) (IIS) 4SS-2S70 since 1951" WHEELING •2E.DUNDEE RD ()M)S4M84 HOURS: Mon. - Wed. 9-5; Thurs. & Fri. 9-8; Sat. 9-5; Sun. 11-4 If You Fail To Receive Your McHenry Plaindealer Before 7:00 a.m. • Please Call Our Circulation Dept. Before 10:00 a.m. at 385-0178. We'll Bring One Right Out To You! Plaindealer Circulation Dept. 385-0178