Page 10 McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Wednesday, July 17, IMS Fond memories of ice cream If I hadn't read the paper, there is no way I would have known that last week was "Ice Cream Week". Of course, it brought back memories. Mention anything and it brings back memories to me. Lawn socials were big in earlier days. Tables were set up and a couple of men were designated as ice cream scoopers. Proceeds went to churches or some charitable group. I've told you how late George P. Freund and I were the scoopers at a social held on the lawn of East Campus for the benefit of McHenry Library. Those were days before tax money for the library. The McAllister Drug Store in Gagetown and Petesch's in Centerville, served ice cream in the summer months, then put the table away for the winter season. Charlie Unti opened an ice cream parlor where McHenry Drapery is now located. When he stayed open during the winter the natives thought he was off his rocker. Who would eat ice cream in the winter! Charlie showed 'em. He prospered and was a good man for the community. Vanilla and New York flavors were served. Never heard of So T Hear Earl Walsh those 30-odd flavors. There was a great mystery in advertising before the Eskimo Pie was finally unveiled. A generous amount of ice cream on a stick, covered with rich chocolate cost a whole dime. That was twice the cost of a cone, but worth the price if you could dig up a dime. More about ice cream. Looking through old files, I found a Plaindealer dated July 10, 1902. That's old! * In that old paper, I found this item, "Ice cream was served by the Willing Workers last Saturday evening at the time of the Swedish concert. The cream was delicious, some have said. It was made by N. H. Petesch. He certainly does make good ice cream. Those who contemplate giving parties call on him." That same old 1902 paper printed the minutes of President and Trustees monthly meeting of the Village of McHenry. They paid bills amounting to $288.28 for the month. Of that total, $50 was paid to my father for police service. (Quite a fancy salary for keeping the peace for a whole month.) Heard some comments on TV about obituaries being printed on the front page in years gone by. I remember. When Editor "Mose" was short on writers in the years "BB" (Before Brenda), he use to ask me to write a big spread when some prominent person died. He wanted those OB's a column long and a little on the flowery side. All-Star balloting is a joke. It is great to have the fans pick the players, but stuffing the ballot box should be a No-No. There must be a fairer way. The grapevine tells me tfiat Sib Whiting went to see that other team play baseball last week. Ken Diedrich never forgets us. He came a callin' with a delicious treat. Good friends are great. vegetables from "call me Rip". That was nice of him. I would still like to see a ball game played without signals. Batters let too many fast pitches go by and swing at the bad ones. There wouldn't be any take signs in my trial game. Glad to read about the City Council going to take measures to correct the traffic problem at the corner of Green and Elm. I have observed some sticky situations when southbound drivers ignored the right lane, right turn only sign and whipped through the intersection. Cousin Jim Walsh and his grandson, Patrick Spandauer came to our abode with pictures galore of Jim's trip to Ireland and Wales. -COUPON" $2.39 For 15 Donuts Hi;?a' flit** % .'Up,*:: Hit** if \ ' pel vIlNl.MIUf * Mli'l *•»!»!'.«»t fv v»»in!»ini J Willi .»!s\ »Mitt'f »•tli'i Limit 30 DONUTS Offer Good: NOW thru 7 24 85 4504 W. ELM STREET. DUNKIN* DONUTS 335 S. EASTWOOD DRIVE. It's worth the trip. WOODSTOCK (COUNTRY CLUB ROAD & ROUTE 47) I OPEN 24 HOURS, 7 DAYS A WEEK COUPON Jim reported that his son Mike and his gracious daughter-in- lawtook him through the _ countryside and showed him old |--••••••'""•""CLIP & SAVE ™ fashioned hospitality. ~ " A trip to remember with pleasure. Had lunch with Arnold Rauen and Harry Kinne last Saturday, but have had a few days to recover. OLD SAYING: Too soon old. Too late smart. McHenry County fair offers fun for all Classy horse shows, tractor pull, harness racing and the opening night Miss McHenry County Pageant are among anticipated features as the 1985 McHenry County Fair nears. The July 31-August 4 at traction at Woodstock on Route 47 is expected to draw 100,000 visitors. One crowd pleaser will be the Demolition Derbies on August 2 and August 4. The first evening's auto crashing will feature an event for women called the Powder Puff Derby! Judging more than 6,000 open class entries and comparing the projects of 806 4-H members will initiate headlines as the fair begins at 8:30 a.m. on July 31 with livestock judging. While the judges are making their decision the Antique Show will begin with a running commentary explaining the. significance of the articles entered at the Building D an tique center. Horses occupy a special spot in McHenry county lore, so in honor of tradition there will be three days of harness racing- plus two major horse shows-on August 3 and August 4. The Open Horse show is the first, starting at 8 a.m. in the corral on August 3. The 4-H Junior Horse show is the Sunday attraction. Commercial and educational exhibits climaxed with the Saturday night David and Sugar shows are among major at tractions, says Charles Weingart, Fair Association president since 1970. In effort to feature a popular local group, Trilogy-a band with many styles and moods of music-will perform, August 1 soon after the close of 4-H Night festivities. Crowning the new 4- H King and Queen will climax the day's 4-H events. Three divisions of local talent competition on August 2 will find 24 acts competing for $950 in prize money. Winners in two classes advance to state com petition. Horse events will be attraction McHenry county has many outstanding horses-show horses, saddle horses, breeding stock, purebreeds with glamourous names. Harness racing opens the McHenry County Fair's grand stand activities Wednesday afternoon, July 31 with pacers and trotters circling the mile track. Racing has been ex tended to include events on Thursday and Friday af ternoons. Floyd Griebel is speed superintendent, and Jack Hayes is race secretary. The McHenry County Fair Horse Show is an all-day feature on August 3. John Crowden, chairman, said events start at 8 a.m. with the posting of entries in six halter classes, 20 per formance classes, and six speed classes. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' <? \ 0% \ y Gv O o 3 S « & 5 a- Q) O &8 § s e.® o ® C (Q ® ® 3 » *< © (0 c CARPET CLEANING by your IVU-CHARME distr. INQUIRE ABOUT DISTRIBUTORSHIPS $095 V NT* BONDED INSURED We have been cleaning carpet for five years, and we are experts in our field. For the next 2 weeks we will be. in your neighborhood and because we are in your area we will stop by and deep jet extract the soil from your carpet for only $9.95 per room. Minimum 2 rooms. This is a $34.95 value, so call today to reserve a day for your job. '9 344-2299 JIM'S WHITE GLOVE SERVICE MC NIIY ( <)t IN I V (C< Copyright NuCnarme inleinjlumii 3 (O a> w >* (0 E ® Jfe •S o S| si it o « §co o <0 a E o O IBCLIP & SAVE. 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McHenry 385 3200 SALE DATES JULY 17 - JULY 23 We deliver , Hot Fun for L Fiesta Days '85! I <i J California Splash Whltt- Striwlwry $2.99 4-12 ol bottW» Wine Coolers! Sun Country Coolers OriginalOrangeTropical 2 Ltr. Calif. Cooler White or Orange 4 120Z. bottles BELL RINGER COOKING OUT! TRY- RIVERSIDE WHITEZ1NF Save on 24 can pack beers! --- Old Style-Old Style Light $7.99 MMer*Ute from Miller $7.99 Coort*Coors Light $7.99 Budweiser-Bud Light $7.99 Stroht-Stroh Light. $7.99 Michelob Beer $9.99 Pabst-Pabst Light $6.99 rMore Coolers!-! Tango Coolers NEW SEA BREEZE Watermelon LemonAde $3.99 750 ML From McHenry's Original Pop Shop- 1T"!'1 m:i- fi ' • • A Canfield's Mixers 44c Pepsi ti 1A regular or sugar free | Pepsi Free *• 77 Mountain Dew 8-16 oz. bottles mm plusdep Buy the case 4.99 plus dep