McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Wednesday, July 24,19SS Pag* 19 Community Scenes from eyes of of weary shopper Didn't think I would ever That girl I mentioned did a lot Of course, you know I tun Anybody lose it? It's loyalty when du moirafho micfiu f..n nf lmlrina arnnnH hut k..., I v much too vouny to remember! It's couracre when riisA.c Didn't think I would ever make the mistake again, but fell for the idea of going to a shop ping- center with a girl with .whom I have more than a - speaking acquaintance -- > As always, 1 found a place to sit down and wait, and wait, and jarait. P Those centers keep music >ing to soothe th< savage tasts who tire 'of waiting 8 Every store had a sales sign to hire the shoppers The thought occurred to me that they must have added a lot on to be able to take so much off. ^ People watching Bv their walk, you might know them. 'Way be not. I didn t see any two people with the same gait or wiggle Made me feel real good to see £a lot of people more overweight *!than I am. k ' \ Every kid liad a balloon. They •like them better than an ex- Jpensive toy 5;. •*< Along comes a women eating •\vhat looks like a triple decker **ce cream cone Looks like she packed away That girl I mentioned did a lot of looking around but didn't buy much. And so to home. John Busscher may be far away in Florida, but he remembered to send a letter to remind me of our regular bet on the All-Star game. And-- the winner is! There should be a federal investigation. Ij&lot of them £ I wanted to sleep, but thoughts •J)f entertaining (hose around me ••with snoring kept ine half farming groups lo provide food » . > Two farmer groups are Cooperating to provide tan talizing food during the 19H5 ^cHenry County Fair > The McHenry County Dairy promotion Council and the ^McHenry-Lake Pork Producers will staff the dairy booth in QuildingD. For many years the llRkryBHimi)tiqn Omrtell staffed t6is booth thrtiughbdt the fair, a)nd now the pork farmers are cjjoperating to help serve pork- mirgers, pork chop sandwiches si)id ham and cheese sandwiches all at bargain prices. • The joint venture boosts the respective farmer products of tfte pork and dairy farmers, sfcvs Larry Harris, secietary of tbe McHenry County hairy Ftromotion Council, and provides fair visitors an out standing food stand with wholesome taste treats jlce cream cones are among Free immunizations I Free immunization for cjiildren in high school and under will be given on Wed nesday July 31; from N: M) toll in Room 101 of Ihr 'VI (Henry Oounty Court House on Route *17 North of Woodstock • * •The shots are, offered by the McHenry County Board of Hfealth with the endorsement of the McHenry County Medical Hi-Style Photographers Are Back! JULY 26 & 27, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Hours 10 to 2 A 3 to 6 Saturday 'til 5 The Difference Is The Quality 1/iytetted 'PantnAifo **$•'12.95 V.' 00 Silting It* sub)«-l Twelve--Deluxe Wallets Two ~ 5x7 Portraits One 8 x 10 Portrait \Y' Appointment Needed Limit oiic package, per subject. I'osc inir sclcction Al in, addition lo this in* ka;;i kN i <pccia) Effect Portraits, Bl*t .hkI White backgrounds. it mmfied mail for ikinruti .it-lhrrv itnti must be present. spurgeons McHENRY MARKET PLACE hOU W . R T E , 120McHENRY, ILL SAVE $5 J p:esent tb's Special 'oupon with our portrait ad attached whin fin ished r,,rtraits aie picked up at the store and save $5.00 on your por trait pondage This coupon otter limited: one coupon per family good tor portrait* Jafcen on stjovn da'es only. Wmm So I Hear All I can conclude is they should have more White Sox players on the American League team. Baines was the only one on the squad. He batted one time and got a hit. That's batting .1000 for the Sox. That 5-inch rain of a week ago was all the fault of Lucille Ott. Her flowers were petting dry so she prayed for rain. » Praying was fine, but she overdid it. A man looking for his car in a parking lot said, "The doctor gave me some memory pills. Now I can't remember wnere I put them". Jake Stoffel, a loyal reader, was driving along one day a saw five grownup couples playing croguet in a front yard. You seldom see that game nowadays. Jake was tempted to stop and see if he could get into the game. by Earl Walsh an old, old picture of Streetz, Schaefer, and Schaid families- Dear Earl:- I too, thoroughly enjoy S.I.H. Especially your strolls down Memory Lane. During WW1 I was night Operator for Chicago Bell, as it was known then. Fox Lake was "Sin City" at that time and I was able to listen to many lurid tales, thanks to the night operator in Fox Lake. He would ring me up and plug me into some of nis mid-night con versations. I learned a great deal about Chicago's un derworld, Mr. Capone's domain- names, places and events. It was pretty heady stuff for an 18 year old small town gal! McHenry was a pretty exciting place in those war years. It wasn't the quiet sleepy little town it appeared to be. If I'd had any writing ability I could have come up with a Best Seller. * Good Health and best wishes! Aileen Gillespe: Hi O'Reilly Gillespe: Of course, you know I km much too young to remember! Never heard that name for Fox Lake. Am sure it wouldn't apply today. It is a fast growing, progressive city. With all that information on the underworld, it is just as well you never wrote the book. We have a granddaughter named Aleen. Like knocking the "L" out of Kelly, they knocked the "I" out of Aileen. --And my Best Wishes to you. S.I.H. It was Mary Jean Lah who brought us the humorous report on college reunions. Here are some gleanings. There are many more: College reunions can be a competitive sport. At early reunions, classmates compete with each other about jobs and incomes, at the 25th, it's spouses and children. After that, they brag about their grandchildren and vacation homes, while regarding, with envy or glee, classmates' waistlines, hairlines, wrinklelines. It is said there are Three Ages of Woman: youth, middle age and "you haven't changed." In our day cigarette smoking was fashionable, grass was mowed, coke was something you drank, and pot was something you cooked in. Space is running out so here are some shorties: Jerry Larkin checks my memory and catches me-- Eskimo Pies were not on a stick- -Jerry was not only a great athlete in his day-his memory is also great. It is hard to find a baseball fan who is in sympathy with the million dollar players-- -Our police department gave me the more popular offerings at only 35 cents. But milk shakes, cheesc sandwiches, and other dairy taste treats will vie for popularity. Dave Gardner, Solon Mills, is chairman of the Dairy Promotion Council. Bob Richardson, Spring Grove, is Pork Producers chairman. Another farm organization- Pomona, Grange-is involved Members work at two jobs. Grange members volunteer their services to staff the gates. The Grange continues to operate an outstanding family food stand, a practice since the fair was revived in 1949 as a 4-H Junior Fair. The fair features 4-H, Junior and Open Class competition. For fair goers, several other food stands are available as visitors tour the youngsters' exhibits and watch keen competition in the show ring. ESTATE AUCTION SUN. JULY 28TH, 1:04 P JM. - PREVIEW-NOON AT: HILTON HOTEL, WRIGLEY DR., LAKE GENEVA, WIS. ESTATE OF: M. BERRIO, G. DANNELL PLUS OTHERS. FURNITURE: ROSEWOOD & BIRDSEYE MAPLE DINING ROOM SET WITH TABLE. 6 CHAIRS, BUFFET W/MARQUETRi INLAY; 2 BABY BUGGIES; SLEIGH BED W/ CARVED FEET PLUS DRESSER & HI BOY; OAK DRESSER; CARVED HALF MOON TABLE; OAK RACK; MAHOGANY BED; VICTORIAN SIDE BY SIDE; OVER 50 LOIS MORE ITEM OF INTEREST: ART DEC0 WOMAN HUNTING STATUE. OTHER ITEMS: 16 INCH BUSQUE FERRADORA A.M DOLL; FLO-BLUE DISHWARE. TEDDY BEARS; ART DEC0 LAMPS; SOUW BEADED SHIRT; CUT CRYSTAL; ANS0NIA FIQURAL CLOCK, LINEN; LACE. DELFT BOWL; ORIENTAL CARPETS; $10 00. $5.00 AND $2 GOLD DOLLARS PLUS SILVER COINS; NIPPON; DEPRESSION GLASS: INDIAN ARROW HEADS; ANTIQUE JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, RUBIES. SAPPHIRES; DOLL TRUNK; BARBIE DOLL CAR, ART N0UVEAU NEW HAVEN DRESSER CLOCK; MAJOLICA URN; FRENCH ENAMEMED LEMONADE SET; PLUS MUCH MORE SKEEN'S LAKE CENEVA AUCTION CO., INC. (414-248-704S) . i, i W * Society. Immunization for the prevention of measles, polio, diptheria, tetanus and other communicable diseases are offered the last Wednesday of each month. The shots are necessary for a child to be enrolled in school, but the Board of Health recommends that they be administered as soon as medically indicated after birth. Factory 4th Anniversary Sale <- 40%-50% SAVINGS Available direct to the public new outdoor or indoor furniture with all weather cushions. Includes chairs, 42", 48", and 55" Wer- zalit round table tops (or 62 x 42 Werzalit oval table tops) loveseats. single and double gliders, stfving carts, coffee tables, lamps, umbrellas to match cushions and for the Ulti mate in comfort and pleasure try our chaise lounge. Furniture available in white or vanilla also cushions in 20 colors to choose from Maintenance Free! BEST ON No chipping, peeling or rust. THE MARKET Many lovely pieces and styles. 3 yr. Warranty... Financing available No payments for 90 days. Manufacturers of PVC furniture for indoor/outdoor lawn, patio and deck. Gilberts S&H Produc S & H P R O D U C T S 140-140 WEST END DRIVE •GILBERTS, IL. (312) 428-0707 Look for our sign Hours: Mon.-Prl.9-7 Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 SUCCESS Success is speaking words of praise, In cheering other people's ways. In doing just the best you can, With every task and every plan. It's silence when your speech would hurt, Politeness when your neighbor's curt, It's loyalty when duty calls, It's courage when disaster falls, It's patience when the hours are long, It's found in laughter and in song, It's in the silent time of prayer, In happiness and in despair, In all of life and nothing less, We find the thing we call SUCCESS Anonymous "COUPON" .39 For 15 Donuts lit Brin£ tins coupon into .inv pariicip.uuiK IXmkm' L>onul.s hop Pin- < oupon per customer Oiler cannot t»c combined with am other oiler Limit: 30DONUTS Offer Good. NOW thru 7 28 85 4504 W. ELM STREET, MCHENRY DUNKIN' DONUTS' 335 S. EASTWOOD DRIVE, It's worth the trip.. WOODSTOCK (COUNTRY CLUB ROAD & ROUTE 47) OPEN 24 HOURS, 7 DAYS A WEEK COUPON.^ 0.0% FINANCING NO DOWN PAYMENT • 90 bt'Mi.i; f*Hi\ * No interest, no down payment Right now you can buy a Toro riding mower or lawn tractor and pay no interest at all. Sign up for our 12 month installment plan by July 31, and you'll make no down payment and pay no finance charges. Choose from any one ot our 7, 8 or II horsepower, engine models. Most offer optional bagging attachments Hurry in. There's never been a better deal on a better mower. / Haven't you done without a Toro long enough?**" • Ioto credit available to nualtlied bu>cfs. GEO. P. Freund, Inc. 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHENRY ILLINOIS Mori Fri. 8:00-5 00 Sat. 8:00 3:00 <C15)MS4ti* Flowerwood, Inc; Corner Rt. 14 & 176 CRYSTAL LAKE, IL Mon. Tu. 9-6, Wed.-Frl. 9-8 Sat. 9:00 5:00. Sun. 10-5:00 (tl5| 45M2M Service Line: A LISTING OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS COMPILED ASA PUBLIC SERVICE TOMcHENRY McHENKY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MS-4300 FAMILY ser\ ice a mental health center 4302 G West Crystal Lake.Rd McHenry. II 60050 815-383-6400 TURNING POINT-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STRESS LINE McHenry County 24 hours a day. 7 days a week Parents Anonymous meetings on Tuesdays Call 815-3M-8060 FEDERALGOVERNMENT GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 202-755-8660 Hours 7 30 » m to 5 30 p m week days (Ever had a problem involving the federal government and not known where to call1 And then been given the runaround or referrals by persons who meant welt but didn't know how to help7 ten specialists available at this center). NATIONAL RLN-A* A* SWITCHBOARD Illinois Phone: 800-972-6004 (For confidential conversations on problems dealing with run away children) MOVING HOTLINE Phone 800-424-9213 (Complaints about interstate moving by companies, buses or trains Sponsored by Interstate Commerce Commission ) STATE CHAMBER GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS HOTLINE 217-S22-5514 BIRTHRIGHT Pregnant? Need Help? Counseling Service 185-2999 24 hour Answering Service MrHFNR^ COl NT V SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL 800-892-3272 v Monday through Friday. 8 30 a m to 4 30 p m ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES 24 Hour Child Abuse Hotline TOLL FREE: 800-252-2878 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION 880-638-2666 (Operates five national lines Answers inquiries about or reporting on the safety of products from kitchen appliances to children s toys.) NATIONAL SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING INFORMATION CENTER 800-523-2929 P 0 Box 1607 Rockville M0 20850 (Dispenses information on solar systems for heating and cooling to anyone liom architects to home owners look ng for a sun-powered hot watet system YOUTH SER\ ICE Bl REAI FOR McHF.NR> COUNT* 4719W tlm St McHenry Phone: 344-3240 24 hours Crisis Intervention and Confidential Counseling tot youth and families NATIONAL HIGH* A* TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMIMSrRATION Phone: 800-424-9393 (Answers questions about automobile safety defects or whether a particular model has ever been recalled Valuable for those interested in buying a used car) MENTAL HEALTH 1 -800-892-8900 Crisis Center line for McHenry Co. 24 hour Emergency number and professional staff will answei your call Sponsoring agency McHenry County Comprehensive Mental Health Service System NATIONAL NEIGHBOR HOOD H ATCH ASSOCIATION Post Office Bo* 17400 Washington 0 C 20041 Phone: 17031 471-0404 CONM MER PROTECTION DIVISION 312-793-3580 Chicago It ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER HOTLINE Phone: 217-522-5514 Answer to questions on government regulations MeHKNRl COl NT* J I P \ Ol TREACH CENTER 666 Russel Ot Woodstock IL 60098 Phone <8151 338-7100 lob I tam me Offered MrllFMU COl \T> ASSOCIATION FOR THE RETARDED Robef G lambourn Uecutive Director Phone: 344-1230 AI.COHOI tNOM W>1 s 3311 MeHFNHt roVlVSHIPIHAI \ HIOF 385-5671 Monday thru tririax 8:OOa.m. - 4:00 p.m. fates ate il for adults 50' i<» senior vt n handi apped and students chikJten under 1 ndtng with a w»ifc ao ii' ar»r 'tee PRAIRIE SI AIE LEGAL SERVICES. INC. 800 W 3940 free legal representation in evil to low income persons Landlord tenant disputes domestic violence or improper denial ot benefits such as Social Security Public Aid Food Stamps General Assistance & Unemployment Insurance SI PPORT GROUP FOR MEN WHO BATTER Meetn eier\ Thurnday 6-7 p.m. Fir information '.a't 338 8080 MIMPASSION \ IT FRIENDS V> Luuntr Chapter (For beieated parents) Call 385 5732