McHENRY Good Morning WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1985 Local report INDEX/SECTION A of fun left in Fiesta sgrosored by McHenry Savings Banjo Beer Nite will present the Red Rose Ragtime at Petersen Park, beginning at 7 p.m. and continuing til mid night. Sunday's Grand ^Finale Parade will begin at 2 p.m. and feature the 30 piece Navy Recruit band from Great Lakes along with many other mar ching units, bands, color guaods, and more large floats than Fiesta Days has had in the past few years. BBQ chicken at Pearl Street Park will be provided by the Jaycees, with entertainment before and after the parade being provided by the fabulous VIPV Fiesta Days will conclude at 6 p.m. on Sunday, July 28, having provided McHenry's 38tn pround annual production for Today's Weather OF THE NOR SUNNY Wednesday. High in the upper 80s. East winds 5 to 10 mph. Fair Wednesday night. Low in the mid 60s. Mostly sunny Thursday. arrests Lottery Daily game: 596 Pick Four : 7368 LOTTO grand prize: $6 million Two Lake County men were arrested by police after reportedly stealing money faftit a concession stand at the Fiesta Day activities at Petersen Park Witnesses reported that two men had taken money from a concession stand and fled toward the parking area. Sgt. Gary Wigman and Off. Thomas Beyer located the two as they were being confronted by a witness. Police recovered $167 in currency. Robert Dean Adams, 17/ot ROBBERY-Page UA Aquatic exercise offered The McHenry Department of Parks and Recreation will be offering something new this summer - an Aquatic Exercise Program. This program will be especially designed for those individuals with arthritis, however registration is not limited to those with Arthritis. The program is a recreational series of gentle exercises in warm water in a shallow pool. Because nothing is done over the shoulder, this class is not limited to those people with arthritis, older people too can benefit also from this type of program. Anyone severly handicapped or in a wheelchair are also welcome to join, however they must supra (heir own helper. •Tiiesummer session will run from Aug. 6 through Aug.29 TU^days and Thursdays from noon to 12:45. Classes win be held aft the Knox Park Pool. Registration is now being taken at the Park Department Offices located at 1111N. Green St. in the basement or call 344-3800 for more information. withdrawn Johnsburg library sets meet At the July 9 meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Johnsburg Public Library District the Tentative Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for fiscal 1985-1986 was ap proved. Public Notice is hereby given that a special meeting will be held on August 20, 1985 to pass the final Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for fiscal 1985-1986. This meeting will be a Public Hearing at which any resident of the Johnsburg Library District may speak and ask questions concerning the Budget and Approbation are available for review at the Johnsburg District Library, 2404 Johnsburg Rd., McHenry .Illinois. All Library District residents are invited to attend this hearing which will begin at7p.m. and will be held at the Johnsburg High School. Plalndealer photo by Eddy Montvllle named School... Society.. Sol Hear Sports... Business.. Church.... Neighbors. Obituaries Wear those buttons Kostelny comes to the district from three years in the position of Special Education supervisor inthe Dundee-Carpenters ville Unit district 300. Ptior to that she was a primary classroom teacher for seven years and a learning disability instructor for five years. This will be her first position as principal. The Cary resident received her bachelor's degree from Valparaiso University, Indiana, and her master's degree from Northern Illinois University. She replaces Edmund Sobotkiewicz who retired this year. Patricia Cassidy will join the district jus! after winning a teacher-of-the-year award while teaching at the Schaumburg elementary school district, the largest in the state. She has a long record of teaching with the district, 10 years recently, following one year in Kansas, and five more years with the PRINCIPALS-Page 11A This is a 2 Section, 44 page newspaper. whicn sports our company's new Corporate logo, will l»ve their n^yrw* placed in a drawing for four-night trip to Las VegM. prize (irawing on Sept. 1. . : • Two area businesses still make chocolates the old fashioned way --by hand. Candymakers explain why they have resisted modernization and stuck to their secret recipes. SEC. Bv PAGE 1 Newly-married couples, and those about to wed, are featured on our wedding page. buttons off. And if