Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jul 1985, p. 42

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f'agric - j • H V /flST HERALD Section C Friday, July 26,1985 ^3--.u' Sale »3 Automobiles for Sale »3 Automobiles for Sale *3 Automobiles for Salt t3 Automobiles for Salt 93 Automobiles for Sale 93 Automobiles for Sale 93 Automobiles for Sale 93 Automobiles for Sala ; NOVA: « iwsr, 6 cyl.. new '•.1 ir<tnv. p v, itereo, $3000, i>C new. must Mf $?005 ; 312/ •r/cu ri asss/w VI. auto tratv.., *ir cond., win&v.. *n. lilt, cruise,sfc-nstlv. v • FAULCi-.. »*• 1 ET • Barrtnq1t.r. -SiQO •«1MUStANi5'M Sunront, V6, S sp 'cl. eir cnr.d , Stereo! %7 V9i • f AUL CMEVPC'.ET* borritytrn >' '•I TOYOTA LI.A U»t back: i ipe'Ml. t.n.-'kr. sunroof, one <*>-.. r. y.;t f ttcar. InSouM tif r<h(r ; i9. '»»SS 4 DR. Auto trar.s ilr cond., poMjr steering, -if .«k?s! $4,995 • FAUi. C i-iT VROLET • Rarriw.ion 3K17JOQ '79 VOLKSWAGCN SCiROC CO. 4 spd., a/c, sun roof, stereo, runs great. $1500. IIS/3d5 6W9 "'•FUTURA2 DR. 4-cyl., auto, trans., air cond., 30.000 I owner miles, like new! •FAULCHEVROLET* Barring ton 30) M00 7* FORD LTD Station Wagon: ps/pb. air. $500/ best. *74 Oat >500/best. 31?/a$» 3215 7S VW DASHER \Wa90n. 4 spd. am/fm cass., good cond., clean, $2750. garage kept, must see! HV459 3305. '74 OLDS OELTA 90 Regency, ps/pb, air, good cond., runs well, recent trans., SMO/best. 1H/4)»17Wot 312/439-5540. 1971 OOOGE CHALLENGER, R/T. 393 Magnum, slaptflk auto, a.c.. Goodyear Eagles. 44,000 miles, factory paint. Ail stock A vary clean. $4300, •15/330-3333 after 5.30, leave number. •If CHEVY MONZA. good cond, lew mileage, II5/540- 444S after 4 p.m. 00 PINTO 4-cyl., auto, trans., air cond., power steering. Ilk* new! S3,494 •FAULCHEVROLET* Barring ton 301-3500 U K-S SILVERADO FuM power. Hit kit, oversited tires a wheels. factory warran­ ty! SAVE THOUSANDS •FAULCHEVROLET* Barrlnqton 301 2500 74 DATSUN 310 Z. Completely restored, minf Interior, new clufcb & struts, $3,100. 8)5/459- 7010. •11 DODGE MONACO Brougham. 4 dr., auto., a/c, p.*., p.b., am/fm, cruise .an- trol, exc. Interior. 100400 ml., $050.01V3SS-H00 after 4. 74 VW SUPER BEETLE: Good ygtfttj good trans, good tires, good transportation! >700. or Pest offer; 0)5/54*1)90. *00 VOLVO 345 DL Wagon: Low mileage, *"00. or best offer; 313/439-0573. 79TRIMUPH SPITFIRE, low mileage, exc. cond, winter Stored S4000.01V4S5 300S. '71 PONT I AC GRAN PRIX, ful­ ly loaded, new tires, make me an offer 101V455-450) attar 4. MAZDA, tfc ftifr GF, blue. S spd. air. cruise, alarm, sun roof, allum. wheels, 312/574- 3700 days or •15/459-2474, after 4p.m., ask tor Bruce. 1901BUICK RIVIERA MINT CONDITION T type, fully loaded 13.000 arlglnal miles, selling price Is SlftSOO. 115/455-4455or 30S-5I7I. 'II BONNEVILLE, 4 dr.. air. storm VS. rust proofed 31000 miles, exc. cond.. >4)00, 313/93)1930. '01 ESCORT L. yellow. 53,000 ml. >3,700 / best offer I1V459- 1945. 1903 DODGE AIRES Wagon, auto,, am/fm. ps/pb, good cond. $4,500/ best. Call 313/450- 5007 evenings only. '70 CORVETTE. Good Condition 0)5/330-9329 73 PLYMOUTH DUSTER: 4 cyl.. stkk, needs work. $350. or best; 015/305-4797. 73 BUICK LIMITED, loaded. 4$S VI, full power. $700 or best oiler. 313/497 3)00 75 VEGA 312/450^3)1 • and sell. Call ry, 313/450-9)40 •73 BUiCK ELECTRA. good cond.. many new parts. Call Mike, >1,000/best, 8)5/3307387 76 CHEVY CHEVETTE, blue 2 dr. hartchback, AC. new tires & bat).. $1500 firm. 312/439-404) 7/ CHEVY CAPRICE Landau, loaded. 350 eng . >1,200/best, 8)5/455-5918. lvgl MERCURY Zephyr station wagon, exc. cond., low mileage, >330u or best, 815/338- 7985 1981 TOYOTA COROLA wagon, 5 spd, exc. cond.. am/fm \4erco cassette >4500. 815/455 ><>26. . SLEF.K, SPOfeTV i ipatioos! '976 1 dr Olds Cutlass Brougham, exc cond., >2.000. What a steal! Call 815/338 7030. 1979 CADILLAC, Sedan DeVille, exc. cond.. 57,000 miles, Florida car, loaded. must sell. $5,700.815/330 9)77. 74 PLYMOUTH STATION Wagon sport suburban,>200 or best. 8)5/455 5894 after 4. 77 PINTO 3 dr. wagon, custom paint, am/fm cassette, exc cond.. best offer. 115/721 1130. • '49 CAMARO, fully restored, excellent condition. $4,000, 8)5/330-9504. 1974 PINTO WAGON, low mileage, started all winter, good body, $400 or best offer, 815/305-3978 eves. '79 CHEVY MALIBU: 3 door, V4, auto., looks and runs great. asking $1700.313/439 3054 '77 CHEVY NOVA: 3 door hat­ chback. VI. rebuilt auto, trans., good cond., asking $1000. 3)3/4393054 1971 VW SUPER BUG, auto.. air, new exhaust, good runner. $550 or best, 313/450 7534 after 4:30 p.m. ' 1974 CORVETTE, New paint and interior, MUST SEE. best offer, 015/459-1713. 1979CADILLAC Sedan DeVille, must sell. $4,000 313/439-0549 or 313/535-4773 '77 GRAND PRIX: a/c, ps/pb, tilt wheel, very good cond., runs great. $1500, 015/455-7054, after 4 p.m. '04 PLYMOUTH RELIANT SE: air. Rusty Jones, am/fm, 11,000 miles, $0750. 015/455-4059 '00 PLYMOUTH HORIZON: 4 door, manual, good cond., $3500.313/439-9330 SLEEK, SPORTY a spacious! 1974 2-dr. Olds Cutlass Brougham, exc. cond., $2,000. What a steal I Call 815/33*7030. 1079 CADILLAC, Sedan DeVille, exc. cond., 57,000 miles. Florida car. loaded, must 9*1 *S.m, I1V33M177. 74 PLYMOUTH STATION Wagon sport suburban.S200 or best.l)5/455-5l94 after 4. '77 PINTO 2 dr. wagon, custom paint, am/fm cassette, exc. cond, best offer. 015/720--- '79 CHEVY MALIBU: 2 door, V6. aUo., looks and runs great, asking $1700. 312/439-2054 *77 CHEVY NOVA: 2 door r.n? chback, Vd. rebuilt auto, trans., good cond.. a^lng $)00C. 312/639 2054 1971 VW SUPER BUG. auto. air. new exhaust, good runner, >550 or best. 313/658 7526 afler 4:30p.m. 1974 CORVETTE. New paint and Interior. MUST SEE, best offer, 815/459 1713. 1979 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. must sell. >4.800 313/639 0549 or - 313/535 4773 77 GRAND PRIX: a/c. ps/pb, tilt wheel, very good cond.. runs great, »500. 815/455 7056, after 6 p.m. '84 PLYMOUTH RELIANT SE: air. Rusty Jones, am/fm, 11.000 miles. >8750. 8)5/455 4059 '00 PLYMOUTH HORIZON: 4 door, manual, good cond.. >3500.313/439 9330 74 DATSUN 380 Z, Completely restored, mini interior, new clutch & struts, $3,100. 815/459 7810. '77 DODGE MONACO Brougham, 4 dr., auto., a/c, p.s.. p.b., am/fm, cruise con­ trol, exc. Interior, 100,000 ml., $850.8iy385 1588 after 6. 74 VW SUPER BEETLE: Good engine, good trans, good tires, good transportation! $700. or best offer. 815/548 8190. '00 VOLVO 345 DL Wagon: Low mileage, $4100. or best offer; 313/439 0573. *79 TRIMUPH SPITFIRE, low mileage, exc. cond., winter stored, $4000.015/455 3005. 70 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX, ful­ ly loaded, new tires, make me an offer! 015/455-4501 after 4. MAZDA, '03. RX7 GF. blue, 5 spd., air, cruise, alarm, sun roof, alium. wheels, 313/574- 3700 days or 815/459 3474, after 4 p.m., ask for Bruce. 1901 BUICK RIVIERA MINT CONDITION T type, fully loaded, 15,000 original miles, selling price is $10,500.015/455-4455 or 305-5371. '01 BONNEVILLE, 4 dr., air, stereo, VI, rust proofed, 33,000 miles, exc. cond., $4500, 312/931-1930. '01 ESCORT L, yellow. 53.000 ml, $3,700 / best offer 015/459- 1945. 1913 DODGE AIRES Wagon, auto., am/fm, ps/pb, good cond., $4,500/ best. Call 313/450- 5M7 evenings only. '77 DAUTSUN FI0, 5 spd.. runs well, exc. in snow, $1000. 615 459-2688. 1974 CUTLASS, auto., black good cond., pspb, sun roo*. >1.700/ best. Call 815,385 5651 after 5:30 pm. '77 PACER HATCHBACK, air, p.s.. p.b., good cond., needs some body work, reasonable of • for. 315/365-793: after o. •:S PONTIAC PHONIX, 58.000 mi!as, ajfo.. ps, pb, am/fm cassette, new taltery, shocks, rr.ulfler & exhaust. Well main­ tained, good cond., >1,650. 815/3386796. '69 DODGE CHARGER: 383. ps/pb. a/c, auto., >700, 815/459- 4961 1984 BMW 311, ps. pb, a/c, SR. 7000miiles. best offer, 815/315-9384. '67 PONTIAC Bonneville, 4 door. Old, but dependable! $375.313/428 7454. '80 OLDS OMEGA: 4 dr., auto, air, cruise, well malnt. Very good cond. Asking $3300.; 815/331-4017. EX STATE POLICE CARS: 'II Dodge $2400; '83 Dodge. $3400; '82 Dodge, $3300. All are mid size Diplomat, 4 dr. sedans, small VO's, air. tilt wheel, bucket ieats, good tires, clean cond., 115/331-2M2 -rytlme. 1900 MERCURY CAPRI, 4 speed, good cond., 50,000 miles, sun roof, am/fm stereo, new tires. Asking $3,000. Call 313/551-9709 after 4 pm. '78 DATSUN 300 Z: 5 speed, air. loaded! $4500. firm; 815/344 0420, If no answer, 115/455 4042. 74 FORD GRANADA: ps/pb. 89,000 miles. Fair, $350.015/459- 5914 71 OPEL GT, blue, exc. cond., no rust, auto, $1,000 FIRM, 015/459 4453 until 4 pm. '49 CHEVY CHEVELLE Malibu. 30,400 orig. miles, car completely orig.. Int. perfect, ext. very good, have all receipts. $3,750,815/738-1957. 79 PONTIAC GRAND Prix, V- 4. exc. cond., air cond., p.$., p.b., $3900/best. 312/439 5540 before 4 or 639-1799 after 4. '81 BUICK REGAL Limited: lew miles, loaded. 8)5/338 8410 1982 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD Brougham 4 dr. all options, exc. cond., low .miles-, reasonable. 313/495-0775 or 695- 3375. 79 CORVETTE L-02. 4 spd., full* loaded, low miles, many extras, exc. cond. $13,000. 815/933 4423. '79 DODGE ASPEN Wagon: Runs well, $1100. BlS/344 4137 75 VEGA $175 312'658-4218 1982 DdbGE AIRES Wagon. Outo.. arnrfm. ps/pb. good cond . $4,500/ best. Call 313/458 5887 evening* only. 78 CORVETTE, Good Condition 815/331-9339 • VW convertible, 1973, exc. cond., no rust, new paint, going back to school. Must sacrifice, $3700,815/385-1154. '77 DAUTSUN F10, 5 spd., runs well, exc. in snow, $100Q. 8)5/459 3488. • . 80 PINTO 4-cyl.. auto, trans., air cond., power steering, likeneW! $3,494 »FAULCHEVROLET* Barrington 381-3500 '85 K 5 SILVERADO Full power, lift kit. oversized tires & wheels, factory warran­ ty !>AVE THOUSANDS •FAULCHEVROLET* Barrinoton 381-3500 '83 CHEVY CELEBRITY: 4 cyl.. air, $5,500. Pfaff Auto Sales. Huntley, IL. 313/449- 3381 '83 BUICK SKYHAWK: Sharp! $4,900. Pfaff Auto Sales. Huntiey. II; 313/449-3311. '83 CHEVY CITATION: 4 cyl., 4 speed, $3,300. Pfaff Auto Sales, Huntley, II; 313/449- 3381. " 1913 CADILLAC FLEETWOOO Brougham 4 dr: all options, exc. cond., low miles, reasonable, 313/495-0775 or 695- 3375. . '79 CORVETTE L-K, 4 spd., fully loaded, tow miles, many extras, exc. cond. $13,000. 815/923-4423. 78 DODGE ASPEN Wagon: Runs well, $1100. 815/344-4137 73 PLYMOUTH DUSTER: 4 cyl., stick, needs work. $250> or bOSt; 815/385 4797 79 CADILLAC. FLEETWOOD, full power, blue leather int.. exc. cond.. asking $4.100or bast offer. 815/4S»I343. 85 DODGE CHARGER. 3.3 HO, suit roof, rear louvers, ps/pb, 5 spd.. $l,500/best. 815/3384370 after4pm. '72 BUICK ELECTRA, good cond., many new parts. Call Mike. >T,008/bHt, I15/33I-7287. '78 CHEVY CHEVETTE. blue 3 dr. hartchback, AC. new tires a. batt., $)500 firm. 313/439-486) 77 CHEVY CAPRICE Landau, folded, 150 eng.. $1.200/besf, 815/455-5911.., Ml MERCURY Zephyr station . wagon, est. cond.. low mileage, $390or best, us/331- tm. 1911 TOYOTA COROLA wagon, S spd., ext. cond, am/fm stereo cassette, 14500, II5/4S5- 1431. '71 FORO GRANADA, new tires a battery, rebuilt eng. a carb„ int. 4. body good a/c f m/ffh stereo, needs brake |ob. shocks a power steering pump. AsKlng $8,450,313/454-573T '« RENAULT Fuego: white, leather Interior. Loaded! >10,501 pr best Offer; 115/455- 437), or 3)3/651-8(04. 75. CHEyV.CAPRICE Conver­ tible: Good condition. Loededi >3300. or best; 115/459-0535, after 5:30 pm. ' '12 ESCORT, a/c, rear wiper, sun roof, cruise, 52,000 mi.. $4000,815/7281364. '84 MERCURY JOPAZ. aul0„ pvpta, air, exien'cted warranty, $67?0,615/45V13-?- NEED A good used car? Call Ray at Relchert Chevy/Buick. 8)5/459 4000 '79 CORVETTE, very good cond., loaded Incl. glass tops. 810.W0. McHenry. 815/344-1874. 77 TRANS AM. black, t-top. 54.428 miles, call 815/459-8755. 77 OLDS 88, ac, ps pb. exc. tond. 9000 miles oh rebuilt engine. $1750. Call 313/4397151 after 7 pm.- weekends anytime. •73 BONNEVILLE; One owner mechanic, excellent runner & tires. 84,000 miles, am fm cassette. $735.; 313/458 4444 73 OLDS TORONADO 3 dr.. all. power, new tires, am/fm radio, good condition. $000. 313/458-, '79 MERCURY Capri RS Hat chback: 4cyl.. auto,ps/pb, air, am/fm cassette. No rust! $3500.; US/459 8583 1900 AUDI 5000 S diesel. 4 door. 5 speed, white, loaded. $4,000. 815/338 1473. 71 MERCEDES: Exc shape! $4500. .'77 IMPALA: Good Shape! $3100.; 313/431-1807. '79 TOYOTA Celica: 59 K, new exhaust, new brakes, runs Pood, no rust. $3750. 313/439 9144, eves. • 75 MONTE CARLO, good body, ps/pb a pw. new trans., needs engine work. $350.815/459 4841 '79 DATSUN 380ZX. exc. cond., 5 spd:. loaded, best offer, after 4 pm. 313/451-5513. ._ 75 FORD PINTO Station Wagon, excellent condition, ori- ly 54,000 miles. $100. 815/338- 2139. after 4:00p.m. 74 CADILLAC: 2 door, loaded, exc. int., runs great, some rust, $475.015/459-1491 '14 MONTE CARLO SS: blue, like new,' many options, 811.700; 115/331-0340. 74 Le SABRE, p/s. p/b, cruise, am/fm, runs good, $475. 115/315 4215 eves. 196: StuDEBAKER CT. Haw*. A Bargain at >3.200! Call 8)5 »S9 32?2 after Spm '75 PLYMOUTH Dependable. $375 313/439 5^45 USED CAR FACTOR Y '80 Chevrolet Citation $2,695 '79 Pontiac Firebird 2.995 79 Monte Carlo Landau 2.995 79 Ford F100 2,995 '78 Pontiac Wagon )>995 '78 Ford Fairmont 1,495 78 Chevrolet Nova 49S '78 Chevrolet Monza 1,295 77 Pontiac Trans Am 3,495 '76 Plymouth Volare 495 73 Fury II 595' '74FordMavrick 395 4700 Rt 174 Crystal Lake 815-455 3870 '84 BUICK SKYHAWK: 4 cylinder, perfect cond., >?200. Call 815/344-3718. 81 FORD MUSTANG. 4 cyl,.4 spd.. am/fm, very good condi­ tion, 55,000 miles, $3,700. 815/455 30)3. 1980 200SX Hatchback, rally red. 13,500 mi.,mint cond., load­ ed, 5 spd., Rusty Jones, $5,50) or best otter. 815/455-3I97. '14 OOOGE Charger:.tike over payments or S6MD. 4 Cyl., air. ps/pb. am/fm stereo, good on gas; 815/459 6395 80 CITATION: auto, ps/pb. sun roof, UNO /offer; 815/455- 4433, Or I15/459-0H4. 74 MERCURY MONTEGO Wagon, good cond., new tires, 1450/best. 115/459-1731 after 4. '83 PONTIAC Grand Prix: wire wheels, sunroof, exc. cond. 86300/best. 815/738 0010 74 LE MANS Wagon AS Is. $300 815/315-4519 1974 PACER, good tires, ex­ haust, engine, great transpor­ tation, 050 or best offer, 815/459-9414 . " 13 OMNI DELUXE, loaded, 24 K, Ralley suspension $$500. 015/459-5049 •77 TOYOTA WAGON: 4 cyl.. 5 i., air. $400.; 312/439 7444, aftfr FORD MAVfcRICK, runs gcod, 3dr., 6cyl ,3 spd.. $300. . 615/365-6481. 1973 NOVA 350. 4 spU . S250, 313 658 3392 ask for Tony, Mon thru Fri. ^ 73 6UICK LIMITED, locded. 455 V8, full power, >700 or best Otter. 312/497-2)01 '82 PONTIAC Bonneville: :uo. loaded w/ all options, oxc. cond. 55,000. miles. Must see! SSOOO/best offer. 815/365 3458 77 THUNOERBIRD: Very good condition! No rust, 50,000 miles, $2,000 or best; -• 815/933 3330 1974 GRAND PRIX, good cond., am/fm stereo, a/c. ps. pb, new tires, runs great. >3100 or best otfer, 815/344-4507 after 5:30p.m., weekdays. 1977 934 PORSHE. exc. cond.. silver a black, rebuilt engine, 15,OOP mi., sun root, am/fm radio, $7,000/ offer. 115/459 1457 or 115/459-3333 after 5 pm. 1952 MGTD Replicar: yellow convertible w/soft top, tonouh Cover, spare tire, luggage rack and many extras. Priced to sell. Call Jerry, 312/458 9140 78 AUDI: new eng.. new tires, neMS body work. $750. 313/439 5544 before 5 p.m. or 439-4703 efterSp.m. a MANY CALLS • GOOD CUSTOMERS • GREAT SALES Guaranteed through the CUSSIFIEOS CALLUS DAY VW convertible, 197?, exc. cond, no rust, new paint, going back to school. Must sacrifice, $3700,115/305-1154. '77 DAUTSUN FI0.5 spd., runs weM, exc. in snow, $1000. 115/459-3HI. '77 THUNOERBIRD: Very good condition! No rust, 50,000 miles. $2.000or best; 115/933-3330 1974 GRAND PRIX, good cond, am/lm stereo, a/c. ps, pb, new tires, runs great, $3100 or best offer, 115/344-4507 after 5:30p.m.. weekdays. 1977 924 PORSHE, exc. cond., sliver a black, rebuilt engine, 15,000 ml., sun root, am/fm radio, $7,000/ offer. 815/459 1457 or 815/459 3333 atter 5 pm. 1953 MGTD Replicar: yellow convertible w/soff top, tonouh cover, spare tire, luggaoe rack extras. Priced to 78 CORVETTE. Good Condition 815/338-9329 '73 PLYMOUTH DUSTER: 4 cyl., stick, needs work, $350. or best; 115/3854797 '73 BUICK LIMITED, loaded, 455 VI, full power, $700 or best Offer. 313/497-3100 [75 VEGA 313/458-6318 <1974 PINTO WA VW convertible, 1 cond.. no rust, new paint, back to school. Must sacrifice, $3700,115/315-1154. , $400 or best offer. 15/385- WE'VE GOT YOU COVERED We back every used car with a 3 month or 3,000 mile limited warranty at no ad; ditional charge FORD MUSTANG 3 DR 14 FORD ESCORT GT 84 FORO TEMPO 4 DR ; S?i9$ 14FORD ESCORT2 DR ....; $399$ 83MA2DA8)0TT PICKUP ..$479$ 83 DODGE CHARGER $369$ '83 COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON $629$ Select Model Cadillacs 48 Month, 60 Month Available at 11% PONTIAC SUNBIRD $1000 Down. 13.9 APR, 60 Mo, Plus license, tax, title BEST DEALS ON WHEELS 1M3 PONTIAC 6000 SEDAN Automatic, sir conditioning. $699S 1902 MAZDA OLC Automatic, sunroof. $3498 1982 DATSUN 280ZX Mops. 5 speed, air conditioning. $9898 '71 AUDI : new eng . new tires, needs body work, $750. 312/439- 5544 before 5 p.m. or 439-4703 alter 5 p.m. -S3 RENAULT Fuego. white, leather Interior. Loaded! $10,500 or best offer; 1)5/455- 437). or 312/451-1034. '75 CHEVY CAPRICE Conver­ tible: Good condition. Loadedi $3300. Or best. 115/459-9535, alter 5:10 pm. '12 ESCORT, <• e. rear vtip«r, s< root. :rulse. i'XOC mi., S J, 115/728-1344. "CURY TOPAZ, auto., pv . extended warranty, |4,7a. >15/455-1352. NEEO A good used car? Call Ray at Relchert < •15/459-4000. 1982 TOYOTA STARLET $4198 1982 DATSUN 200 SX Stereo. 5 speed $4798 1979MERCEDES BENZ300D Looriedmcl. ngsunroot $9898 1980COUPE DEVILLE Loaded. $6198 1978OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 2-door. air conditioning. $3698 1978 BUICK REGAL COUPE $1995 1977 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 2 door S199S 1980 DODGE OMNI Automatic, air $3195 1983 BONNEVILLE BROUGHAM S' loaded $8298 Chevy/ Bulck. '79 COHVETTE. very good cond.. loaded giass tops. $10,900. McHenry II J44-1874. '77 TRANS A7 M.vk. op. 54.421 mites, car. J5/ .. >8/55. '77 OLDS M, --"C, ps/pb, exc. cond. 9000 miles on rebuilt enfcna. $1750. Coll 312/439 7151 af* --«rr -nek ends anytime. '71 . .^'^NADA, new tires C mfttFv. rebuilt eng. 4 i.arb.. int. > t^.tfly <jnod a'c. iim/fm stereo, r».-vch cntki- |ob shocks & powet btuerirt<) pump Asking $7.450.312/451 5/33 PONTIAC bm E V E R Y C A R D R A S T I C A L L Y R E D U C E D O V E R 1 0 0 C A R 5 M U S T G O ' '85 CROWN VICTORIA 4 DR '84 FORD LTD STATION WAGON '84 VW RABBIT 4 DR '84 FORD MUSTANG GT '84 FORD BR0N0II '84 FORD E250 CARGO VAN '84 FORD BRONCO '83 FORD ESCORT 2 DR '83 CHEVY MONTE CARLO '82MERCURY COUGAR '82 FORD MUSTANG GT '82 FORD GRANADA 4 DR '82 FORD ESCORT 2 DR 82 CROWN VICTORIA STATION WAGON 82 FORD E350 SUPER VAN '81 BUICK SKYLARK '31 BUICK CENTURY 4 DR '81 FORD E350 SUPER VAN •81 OLDS CUTLASS STATION WAGON ... '81 FORD E150 CLUB WAGON '81 FORD F150 PICKUP .:. '80 FORD LTD STATION WAGON ......... '80 FORD FAIRMONT '79 HONDA ACCORD 79 FORD PINTO 79 FORD LTD 79 INTERNATIONAL SCOUTS 77 FORD LTD4DR '83 FORD LTD STATION WAGON $8788 '83 CHEVY CIO PICKUP $4995 '83 FORD ESCORT4DR $3298 *82 FORD THUNOERBIRD $8998 '82 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 4 DR $8888 '82 HONDA PRELUDE.... $5998 '82 PLYMOUTH HORIZON 2 DR $2998 '81 fORD GRANADA $2288 '81 BUICK ELECTRA4DR. $4888 '81 CHEVY CHEVETTE $1898 '81 HONDA ACCORD... $4198 '81 FORD THUNOERBIRD $4688 '81 CHEVY CM PICKUP $4898 '80 PINTO STATION WAGON $1898 '80 MAZOA 626 2 DR $3298 '80 FORD MUSTANG 3 DR $3995 '80 PLYMOUTH VOLARE; $2895 79 AMC CONCORD -. $1795 ,79 FORD FAIRMONT FUTURA $2395 78 FORD MUSTANG $1995 '84FORD ESCORT2 DR $3995 84 FORD F150 PICKUP $7995 '84 MERCURY COUGAR XR7 $8488 '84 CHEVY CAMARO Z28 $9888 '84 FORD BRONCO II $8498 '83 FORD ESCORT2DR.... $2998 '83 MERCURY LYNX 2 DR $3898 '83 CROWN VICTORIA STATION WAGON $7898 '83CHEVY CHEVETTE 2 DR.... $2998 to CHEVY S10 PICKUP 4x4 $8495 '82 FORD BRONCO 4X4 $9595 '82 BUICK REGAL 2 DR $8895 '82 MAZDA PICKUP $3495 '81 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX.. $5795 '81 BUICK REGAL 2 DR $5495 '81 FORD ESCORT STATION WAGON $2495 F X T E N D F D L O W R A T E F I N A N C I N G O N T H E S P O T T O Q U A L I F I E D B U Y E R S ' '81 FORD FAIRMONT FUTURA $2988 '81 CHEVY CAPRICE 4 DR $4898 '81 MERCURY LYNX STATION WAGON.......... $2488 '81 DATSUN PICKUP $3388 '80 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 4 DR $2498 '80 DODGE DIPLOMAT STATION WAGON $2488 '80 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME$8388 'WORD THUNOERBIRD..:... $2788 '79OLDS DELTA 88 4DR ."...$2$8$ 79PLYMOUTH HORIZONTC3 $2488 1112 nt Street CORNEfOOF RT. 31 3.21 MCHENRY (815)385-6000 DAILY 8-8,8-6, Sat. 8-5 09 i | if rta i J ^atr- ---- 3 J ^atr- ---- * J ^atr- ---- . i J ^atr- ---- 1 t

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