Page* McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Wwdn--day, July31. lm Life today Births i's Club-Weingat Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m ••'"T ̂ .flfXO"*?! 3BW **<??'"k**1 Introducing the highest perfonning, most een*" II venient solid-state dish- washer you can find. The KitchenAid KDSS-21 V Selectra. And now through August i 31st, when you purchase a KitchenAid' Selectra, you'll get a $60 Instant In- a 5 stallation Allowance. And you'll never have to hand rinse your dishes I again. Model KDSS-21 . Exclusive Triple Filtration and "hard" food disposer combine with Sure-Temp Water Heating and Sure-Scrub Multi- Level Washing for a wash system so effective, your dishes go straight from the table to the dishwasher. NEW Quick Wash Cycle provides a l= QUICK short washing cycle without drying. -•* WASH Perfect f°r glasses, stemware and dessert dishes when entertaining. REPORT OF CONDITION Consolidating domestic and foreign subsidiaries of The First National Bank of McHenry in the state of Illinois, at the close of business on June 29, 1985, published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12, United States Code, Section 161. Charter Number 15765 Comptroller of the Currency Twelfth District. Statement of Resources and Liabilities , ASSETS Thousands of dollars Cash and balances due from depository institutions Noninterest-bearing balances and currency and coin 3,113 Interest-bearing balances 2,500 Securities ( ... 23,249 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell in domestic offices of the bank and of its Edge and Agreement subsidiaries, and in IBFs 300 Loans and lease financing receivables: Loans and leases, net of unearned income 12,416 LESS: Allowance for loan and lease losses 1471 Loans and leases, net of unearned income, allowance, and reserve 12,269 Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) ... 535 Other assets.. 882 Total assets 42,848 LIABILITIES Deposits: In domestic offices 39,446 Noninterest-bearing 6,442 Interest-bearing 33,004 Other liabilities ., 354 Total liabilities 39,800 EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock ...670 Surplus . i ... 885 Undivided profits and capital reserves 1,493 Total equity capital 3,048 • Total liabilities, limited-life preferred stock, and equity capital. ! 42,848 • I, Neida D. Rechisky, Vice President/Cashier of the above-named bank do her eby declare that this Report of Condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Neida D. Rechisky July 26,1985 We, the undersigned directors, attest to the correctness of this statements re sources and liabilities. We declare that it has been examined by us, and to the best of our knowledge and belief has been prepared in confonnaiicewitktfte Mm M. Sllnespring William J. Busse Ronald L. Graves Published in the McHenry Plaindealer, July 31,1985 No. M6563 N£W Plate Warm Cycle warms dish- ware to help keep food hot. Addsra spe cial touch to those special occasions. FRIDAY, AUGUST 9 • 9 PM to 1 AM NO COVER • CAW BAR • MO RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Triple Protection Warranty gives you 1-year full war ranty on complete dishwasher; 5-year limited warranty on l/2 HP Gold Seal Reversing Motor; and 10-year limited warranty on TnDura' Porcelain-on-Steel Tank and Inner Door. PLUS A 5-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY ON SOLID- STATE CONTROLS i i i SUNDAY BRUNCH 10:30 AJA.-1:30P.M. • *7.95 (S£LECTEDCOCKTAÎ NDBEVER«5^NCUJDEDI_ • »UVE MUSIC- DANNY GARNER AND THE VAGABONDS PLAYING FRIDAY 8 P.M. TO 12:30 1J inWILAUNM CHARLIE JACOBSON AT THE ORGAN SNM!YHMTHAfMENDSIn"!IMETOSTARTllVUr FOR RESERVATIONS & INFORMATION CALL 815478-2671 » MILE N. ROUTE 173 ON US. ROUTE 12 11106 U.S. 12 NORTH,RICHMOND IL 60071 MEMBER: McHENRY RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION For the way its made: