Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1985, p. 11

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McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Friday, August 1, IMS Pffljil Community A goodbye tribute to our Earl He was a businessman, a city officer and a civic leader. And today he remains one of the most knowledgeable authorities on McHenry history, a counselor from his keen perception and experi­ ence, and everyone's friend. Marking his golden anniversary as a writer for the McHenry Plaindealer, Earl (So I Hear) Walsh put the last of his inimitable Irish humor in this week's column, closing a digHngiiinhurt career that had its start Aug. 5 of 1935. It was a career that brought thousands of readers to his column and kept the best of the communi- f •» » v j wm ay * fecial people like So I Hear earn that distinction because of some uncommon quality. SHEPHERD of the HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH 404N6reenSt ^ ^ m r . L i j - -nM< ROfBT If. oCnniKHi Phone: 385-7786 or 3854030 Sunday Worship 8:30,9:45 Sunday School 9:45 ojn. Diy Sdwn kmkHbk WONDER LAKE BIBLE CHURCH Phoaa: 728-0422 or 728-1678 7501 Horn Dr., Wondar laha, IN. • Maria E. CouUin, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Warship Service 10:45 a.nt Bible Fellowship 6 p.m. Preyer Haw - Nad. 7:30 p.m. BON EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Mioaouri Synod) 4206 W. Ehn St (Rt 120) Rev. Harmenn F. Greof 38541859 or 385-1816 Sunday Worship 7:45 810:30 Nursery Services* 10:30 Education far Etamity, Sunday School ChMrao 8 Youth 9:00 a.m. McHENRY COUNTY FRIENDS MEETING. (QUAKERS) Worship 1H Sunday at 10a.m. Pioneer Farm, 4614 N. Pionaar Rd. McH Warship 3rd Sunday at 10 a.m. 1530 Kishwauhaa Valley Rd.. Woodstock Worship 2nd, 4th 8 5th Sundays Worship Study Group in Hamaa Sunday School at 10 a.m. Cat) 815-385-8512 tar Mrtonnatton CHRISTIAN SaENCE SOaETY Lincoln Rd. 8 Eastwood Uhe Suudiy Snwict I Sunday School 10:30 Wad. 8 p.m. Reeding Room Tuas. 8 Thurs. 2-4 111-12 Moon ALLIANCE BIBLE CHURCH 3815 W. Bui Vaboy Rd. Sunday Schaal 9:00 a.m. Mornint Warship 10:15 a.m Evening Warship 7:00 pi*. Chair Practice 6:00 p.m. and Prayer 7:30 p.m. FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2107 W.Uncaln Road (Acroas fram outdoor thaatar) Warship 8:30 810:45 ChUdran 8 Adult Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Bib* Study Wode. 9:30 a.m. Paslar Dr. Eric J. Snyder Phona 385-5388 ar 385-8460 MvfBRfy SB^V^CBS AUBMR^QB Home of the Joyful Noise Christian ftaachaal ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH IOHNSBURG Dm, joIm c. Hold ran, Piitpi Ractory Phona: 385-1477 Sat Eve. Mass 5:30 p.m. faalHMa Cm fltillaatlm run ma «tn. vwMfnivn Sua. Maaaaa7,9 811a.m. Moo.-Sat 8:00 a.m. THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF ALL SAINTS 312-517-7727 (Office) Rav. Ro«ar OUet Worship 2S 85m0:45 am. Sunday Schaal 9:15 a.m. VILLAGE CHURCH OF WONDER LAKE 4918 L Waadar Laha id. WondBrUka, liMi PINM: 72S-1091 Pester-Dennis Shaw Sunday Worship Him, Bihia Study 10 a.m. Htdtmdai Prayar and Bihia Study 7 p.m. MARATHANA ASSEMBLY OF GOD (Churisnattc/Paatocaotal) 'uW CourtS* 3 JWmT Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Mamiai Worship 10:45 a.m. Evaaiag Worship 6:00 pm. - Wad. Family Nito 7:00 p.m. Thun. Youth 7:00 p.m. ST. FRANCIS POLISH NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH - Flandars Read East of Ringwood Road Sunday Waaaas 2nd 8 4th Sunday etaach maath 2 p.m. Maaaaa Eaary Saturday-5 p.m McHENRY EVANGELICAL FREECHURCH 3031 Lincoln Rdad 344-1111 Church Pastor Ray IRwar 1-663-9675 Sunday Sanica 10:30 Sunday Boa Sanica 6:00 p.m. Sunday Schaal 9:15-10:15 UMTY CHURCH OF CRYSTAL LAKE ICMat Or. 455-2479 * II* Brim Combs, MwiistDf Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. PrayarPaaai 10:15 am Sunday Schaal (3:10) 11:80 a.m. Y.0AJ. 8 UnNaaaa (1111) U:1S am (Nutaary Services 9:30*11:00 a.m.) Gnaiai Ctoaaas Tlua?:0018:08 as long as the author of So 1 Hear carries a welcome sign on his door at 1506 Green Street, we have confidence that even in retirement we can 16an on his generous, sharing nature. We will still Call upon his vast reservoir of McHenry history to keep it alive in our own mind. And now, as he bows out of a long career as graciously as he lived it, we bestow on him a title we have long felt he richly deserved - Mr. McHenry. usin' & anderin BY KAF For Earl; it was his ability, and desire, to boost the other fellow. In a world where it's easier to make your own marie by knocking down the competition, hv-nade it a point to build. We were among an untold number who sometimes felt we were undeserving of the confidence be placed in us for no better reason than that he cared for others. And boosting didn't stop with people. In what was one of many endeavors outside his business life, he spent 32 years advancing the public library of our city from a humble beginning. . World War II fund drives, the Red Cross, Boy Scout campaigns, the Pony League - these were only a few of the efforts to which he devoted time so unstintingly. Even the city's school system owes much to his efforts. In the mid-1920s, when forward looking citizens saw the need for a new high school, Earl, then a student, Joined his mother in speaking - at public gatherings for a goal they felt could not be denied. Out of their concern for the future of education in McHenry, East Campus came into being. The Plaindealer has undergone many changes in the last two years to keep pace with changing times. In retaining the writing talent of So I Hear the publishers nave recognized the sometimes magical value of blending old and new offerings for the diversified tastes of different ages and interests. Earl's following went beyond both age and interests to include all. Throughout these SO years the So I Hear column has consistently enjoyed wide appeal. This was so because of an enviable mix of a keen humor, memory and love for people. As Earl leaves the Plaindealer it may wll be one of the single greatest losses in its 110 year history. For us personally his departure leaves a void not soon to be filled. Through the years we were at the helm of the news desk, we found ourself often seeking information and advice from this friend who seemed to have been born a leader and advisor. This is not to say that all of our times together were without trials. In the newspaper business you make choices and when the printed word reaches the street you live with it. Sometimes you agonize over a decision made in haste. It was at these times that So I Hear, in his innate good judgment, provided understanding and encouragement. Like the thousands of readers who became his friends, we will miss the chatty columns which reminded us that McHenry, amidst the growth and change, has retained enough of its homespun flavor that we remain happy to call it our hometown. This is a hometown he shares with those of us who cling to the best of yesterday, combine it with the best of today, and look toward tomorrow. Classic auto show planned for Volo Campus Crossroads FIVE GRADUATE Five McHenry area students were among more than 1,900 wip gradu­ ated recently at Marquette Univer­ sity in Milwaukee, Wis. From McHenry are: -Lisa A. Adams, who graduated cum' laude with a bachelor of sci­ ence degree in business. -Ingeborg A. Dschida graduated from the college of engineering with a bachelor of science degree in me­ chanical engineering. -Kay A. Schuler was awarded a bachelor of science degree in speech. -Joseph P. Sullvan Jr. received a bachelor of science degree in business. -Alan G. Zinke graduated with a doctor of dental surgery degree from the school of dentistry. SIUC HONORS Richard J. Bierman and Danielle M. Johnson, both of McHenry; Mitch J. Wegner of Spring Grove; and Brady M. Anderson of Wonder Lake have been named to the dean's list at Southern Illinois University, Car- bondale. OBTAINS LICENSE Erika.' Meissner Fons, daughter of Erich and Mary Meissner, of McHenry, recently completed a l icensure psychology program at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater. She received a Master's degree in psychology in 1984 . The Tenth Annual Old Volo An­ tique and Classic Auto Show and Festival will be held Aug. 18 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the 01 Volo Village, tin route 120, one-half mile west of route 12 in Volo. More than 100 dazzling antique, classic, replica and sports cars will be on display outdoors on the coun­ try acres. Twenty-six tropheys will be awarded to the winners in the show in a variety of categories. There will be people's choice awards and participant awards. There also will be special awards for the oldest car in the show and ladies choice. Dash plaques will be given to all entrants. Awards will be presented at 3:30 p.m. A special attraction at this year's show will be some 50 to 75 Delorean autos, courtesy of the Northern Illi­ nois and Wisconsin Regional Chap­ ter of the National DeLorean Own­ ers Association. President Don Legner advises that this will be the chapter's monthly meeting and all DeLorean car owners are welcome to participate. For more informa­ tion call Don Legner at 385-2626. Don Jenkins and The Steamboat 6 Dixie band will play on the porch of the Sports Car Store. Event day admission is $3.25 for adults and $1.75 for children four to 12 years old. Packing is free and plentiful. On all other non-show days, there is no fee to Old Volo Village attractions other than a small fee for the auto museum only. Old Volo is open everyday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.Seniors are charged $2.75. No admission is charged for children under four years old. may call Greg Adams at the Ol Verio Auto Museum 385-3644. Daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 'AT CHAPEL I WE FEATURE: •laapii*ltl Laaage *S«Mliy Bra*oli •Saadoy Dinaar*(M«in| Raap*t8Haia MfCaaraa AMkMi At Ov u -«• - ii feiLf nmvvf iwnv rwifi CHAPEL HILL COUNTRY CLUB ^2500N. CHAPEL HILL RD„ .McHENRY; HOW OLD IS YOUR CURRENT FAMILY PORTRAIT? 2nd ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL In appreciation of your making the last 2 years a success, we're offering unbelievably low prices in August "COME OUT CLEEN" wSr**29 I M U • NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE IT UPDATED - AUG. SPECIAL. PHOTOGRAPHY BY NIES app 3814W.MAINST. McHENRY 385-0093 •v/0WT FREE UNDER WASH ( value ) MON. TUES. WED. ONLY (offer valid thru Aug. 31,1985) SUPECLEEN CAR WASH Mi Mi West Highway 120, McHenry • 344-0040 (across from Burger King) oJoin Us In Worship)) s im TUC rui toru nc Cr IN THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE J ' : - . v*-: IBM I .-x^ MARANATHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1309 N. COURT ST. , 344-0557 * . Lawrence Thompson, Pastor MOUNT HOPE UNITED METHODIST 1015 W. Broadway Pistohoo Highlands Church Phone: 312-497-3805 Lm6i HinwiaPifcoiti, Pntor Parsonage (312)497-3024 Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD 4010 Washraad Dr., Waadar Laha 815453-9980 Jania A. Lor*, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Moraine Worship 11 a m. Sunday Erening Worship 8:30 p.m Friday Bible Study 7 p.ra. Wad. BMa Study 6:30 p.m. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3706 St Paul's 8 Graan 3854390 Ran. Marian Mai lay Ractor Sunday Services, Nursary Provided 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Christian Educatiaa 10:00 a.m Family Eucharist Wad. 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist HelyDoys as Announced NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 3506 E. Wondar laha Rd., 0ok 157 Wondar Lake, IHinotf Phone 653-3832 Sunday Worship 8:00 8 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9 00 a. m. furilitiM »--:L.kU\ vnuratry ttciiiufs avbmdiqj George R.Justen Funeral Home 3519 E. ELM STREET McHENRY 385-2400 Glaviano's Interiors 414 S. ROUTE 31 McHENRY 385-3764 Brake Part* Co. P.O. BOX 11 McHENRY 385-7000 Ace Hardware 3729 W. ELM STREET McHENRY 385-3660 McHenry Truck Une, Inc. P.O. BOX 575 McHENRY 3854712 TMe epace available to advertisers for pennies an Issue. « McHenry Savings Bank 1209 N.GREEN STREET McHENRY 385 3000 First National Bank of McHenry 3814 W.RTE. 120 McHENRY 385-5400 McHenry Plalndealir-Horald 3812 W. ELM STREET McHENRY 3854170 McHenry State Bank 3510 E. ELM STREET McHENRY 385-1040 Rotor M. Juston Funeral Homo 3807 W. ELM STREET McHENRY 385-0063 This space available to advertisers for ... pennies an Issue. McHenry Paint, Glass A Wallpaper 3411W. ELM STREET McHENRY 385-7353 Mitchell Sales, Inc. BUICK-OLDS 903 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY 395 7200 This space available to advertisers for pennies an Isauo. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 3500 W. Washington 385-0025 Rev. EdmifiW Pott, Pastor Sal Eta (Sunday OMpbon Fulfilled) 5:00 p.m. SuHdty 7:15,8:30.9:45,118 12:15 UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 258Sunnyside.Lakamora Church Phoaa: 385-2770 Rav. Nolan HiMobrand Pastor's Phana: 526-1960 Sunday 9:45 a.m 8 6:30 pm. Wadnaaday 7:30 p.m. BiMa Study Fri. 7:30 p.m. " BiMa Study Wad. 7:30 p.m Friday 7:30 p.m. Youth Sanica RINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Ringwaod, Illinois Paator Gordon Smith Rat 648-2848 Church 6534956 Worship 9:00 a.m Sunday Schoat 9:30 a.m. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3717 W. Main Straat Church Phana: 3854931 J. Michaai Millar Parsonna Phona: 385-1352 Sunday Sarvica 9:30 a.m. Church School 10:45 a.m. CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC CHURCH 5006 W. Waadar Laha Rood Waadar Laha, IL Sun. Mam 8,10 a.m. 8 Neon Sal Evening Maaa 5 p.m. FutfHIs Sunday Obligation THE CHURCH OF ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION 140) «. RidUMUd IM.. McHwy, IB.. MMU4 Dm. Jmm Naak, ImL Mart Mm. Stonily Ryznv Rn. C. ANrtd OMad Sat Gmmi Ma* $ p.*. (FyiMb S«od ̂OMatftn) SMdai Mmm t:30,1:00.130, t:4S. 10:«5, 11:00(12 MM* CHAIN O'LAKES EVANGELCIAL COVENANT CHURCH 4815 N. WHmotReed Church Phono: 497:3000 Rev. Mario* Shoop Worship Caiebrabon 10 a. m (child car tor ielants-M 5) WaaMy Youth/Mult AcMtiea RRST BAPTIST CHURCH 509 Front SL 385-0083 Thames R. Robsrson, Pastor MIb Study * Sunday SfhtHrt 9:30 am. Warship Sanica 10:45 a.m and 7:00 p.m. Wad. Prayer Sanica 6:30 p.m. CHURCH OF GOD OF McHENRY (Pentecostal) 3813 John St. McHenry, 18. Sunday School 10:00 a m Morning Worship 10:50 a.m. Sunday Evening 6:00 p m. Kevin Grisaom, Pastor Phoaa: 344-2032 or 344-3950 JEHOVAH'S WITNESS KINGDOM HALL L Solan Rd., 1 mi. w. ol Spring Grove, 18. FREE BIBLE COURSES Sun. 9 a.m 8 9:50 a.m • Tues. 7:30 p.m Thua 7:30 p.m. 8 8:20 p.m

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