Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1985, p. 22

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Pgfl̂ ^_ ĵO^THWEST^HERALD Srtlon B Friday, August 2,1965 Entertainment FROM INDIA'S IC SITES, through at Indian* Stat* and Memorials, abama St. In Indl- Ind. Call 317/232- C o n c e r t s FRANKIE VALLI AND THE FOUR SEASONS, Aug. 2 at • p.m. at tha Holiday Star Thaatar, Mar- rlvllle, Ind. S13.M. Tlcka- tron or call 312/734-72M. MUTABARUKA. Aug. 2 at 8 p.m. at tha Vic Tha- atar, 3145 N. Sheffield, Chi­ cago. M. Tlckatron. HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS, Aug. 3 at Alplna Valley Music Thaatar In East Troy, Wisconsin. Tlckatron. MELBA MOORE, Aug. 3 at 8 and 11:30 p.m. at tha Vic Thaatar, 3145 N. Shef­ field In Chicago. $13. Tlckatron. CHAKA KHAN. Aug. 3, at 8 p.m. at Holiday Star Theater. Marrlvllle Ind. $15.95. Tlcketron or call 312/734-7266. DIRE STRAITS, Aug. 3 at Poplar Creek Music The­ ater, 4777 W. Hlgglns Rd., Hoffman Estates. $15/810. TlcketMaster. BEACH BOYS Aug. 4 at 1 p.m. and evening at Poplar Creek Music Theater, 4777 W. Hlgglns Rd., Hoffman Estates. $15/510 TkketMaster. CHAKA KHAN, Aug. 4 at the Riverside Theater, 116 W. Wisconsin Ave., Mil­ waukee. Tlcketron. STEVE LAWRENCE AND EDIE GORME, Aug. 4 at Rockford's Metro- Centre. $16 or call 815/968- 5222. JOHN CAFFERTY AND THE BEAVER BROWN BAND, Aug. 5 at the River­ side Theater, 116 W. Wis­ consin Ave., Milwaukee. Tlcketron. JOHN WAITE, Aug. 6 at Poplar Creek Musk The­ ater, 4777 W. Hlgglns Rd., Hoffman Estates. $15/$10. TlcketMaster. NIGHT RANGER, VAN ZANT, Aug. 6 at 8 p.m. at Holiday Star Theater, Mar­ rlvllle, Ind. $16.f5. Tlcka­ tron or call 312/734-7266. TITO PUENTE, Aug. 7 at 8 p.m. at the Vic The­ ater, 3145 N., Sheffield In Chicago. $12. Tlcketron. GEORGE THORO- GOOD, JOHNNY WIN­ TER, Aug. 8 at the Poplar Creek Music Theater, 4777 W. Hlgglns Rd., Hoffman Estates. 815/S10. TlcketMaster. STEVE LAWRENCE AND EDIE GORME, Aug 8 through 10 at the Riverside Theater, 116 W. Wisconsin Ave. , Mi lwaukee. Tlcketron. AMY GRANT, RU*S TAFF, Aug. 9 at the Poplar Creek Music Theater, 4777 W. Hlgglns Rd., Hoffman Estates. $15/$10. TlcketMaster. B.B. KING, BO DIDD- LEY, Aug. 9 at 7:30, 11 p.m. at the Vic Theater, 3145 N. Sheffield. Chicago. $15. Tlcketron. NEIL YOUNG, WAY- LON JENNINGS, Aug. 9 at 7 p.m. at the Wisconsin State Fair In Milwaukee. Tickets $9, $8, $7 at Tlckatron. . PERRY COMO, Aug. 9 at Rockford's MetroCentre. $16. Call 815/968-5222. GEORGE THORO- GOOD, Aug. 9 at the Alpine Valley Music Theater, Troy Wis. Tlcketron. JEFFREY OSBORNE, WHITNEY HOUSTON, Aug. 9, 10 at 8 p.m. at Holi­ day Star Theater, Merrl- ville, Ind. Tlcketron or call 312/734-7266. B.B. KING, BETTY CARTER, Aug. 10 at 7:30, 11 p.m. at the Vic Theater. 3145 N. Sheffield, Chlcego. $15. Tlcketron OAK RIDGE BOYS/EX­ ILE, Aug. 10 at Poplar Creek Music Theater. 4777 W. Hlgglns Rd.. Hoffman Estates. $15/$10. TlcketMaster. MELBA MOORE AND FREDDIE JACKSON, Aug. 11 at the Riverside Theater, 116 W. Wisconsin Ave. , Mi lwaukee. Tlcketron. POWER STATION, Aug. 11 at Alpine Valley Music Theater, East Troy, Wis. Tlcketron. LAURA BRANIGAN. Aug. 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the Holiday Star Theater. Mer- rlvllle, Ind. $15.95. Tlcke­ tron or call 312/734-7266. POWER STATION, Aug. 12 at Poplar Creek Music Theater, 4777 W. Hlgglns Rd., Hoffman Estates. $16/811. TickeMaster. JOHN WAITE, Aug. 14, at 8 p.m at the Holiday Star Theater Merrivllle, Ind. 814.95. Tlcketron or call 312/734-7266. TEMPTATIONS/FOUR TOPS, Aug. 14 at Poplar Creek Music Theater, 4777 W. Hlgglns Rd., Hoffman Estates. 815/$10. TlcketMaster. NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND, Aug. 15 at the Para­ mount Arts Center In Auro­ ra, 23 E. Galena Blvd. Ticket info call 312/896- 6666. NEW EDITION, Aug. 16 at 6. 9:30 p.m. at Holiday Star Theater, Merrivllle, Ind. Tlcketron or call 312/734-7266. LEE GREENWOOD- /GARY MORRIS, Aug. 16 at Poplar Creek Music The­ ater, 4777 W. Hlgglns Rd., Hoffman Estates. $15/$10. TlcketMaster DEEP PURPLE, Aug. 17 at The Alpine Valley Music Theater, East Troy, Wis. Tlcketron. THE EVERLY BROTH­ ERS, Aug. 17 at the Holi­ day Star Theater, Merri­ vllle. Ind. at 8 p.m. 816.95. Tlcketron or call 312/734- 7266. GEORGE BENSON, Aug. 17 at Poplar Creek Music Theater, 4777 W. Hlgglns Rd. Hoffman, Es- t a t a s . 8 1 5 / 8 1 0 . TlcketMaster. MOTLEY CRUE, Aug. 18, at the Alpine Valley Mu­ sic Theater, East Troy, Wis. Tlcketron. DON WILLIAMS, THE JUDDS, Aug. 18 at 4 and 7:30 p.m. at the Holiday Star Theater, Merrivllle, Ind. $13.95. Tlcketron or call 312/734-7266. GEORGE BENSON. Aug. 23 at 7:30, 10 p.m. at the Holiday Star Theater, Merrivllle, Ind. $17.95. Tlcketron or call 312/734- 7266. BOB FOSSE'S DANCIN', Aug. 24, 25 at the Holiday Star Theater, Merrivllle, Ind. $18.95. Tlcketron or call 312/734-7266. DIO, Aug. 25, at the Al­ pine Valley Music Theater, East Troy, Wis. Tlcketron. T h e a t e r ANY WEDNESDAY, Aug. 2.X9.10 at 8:30 p.m.; Aug. 4. 2:30 p.m. at the PML Theater, Antioch, II. Dinner/Theater reserva­ tions 312/3373 or 395-9400. Ticket reservat ions, . 312/395-3055. ARSENIC AND OLD LACE, July 19. 20. 26, 27; Aug. 2 and 3 at 8 p.m. In lower level Hem mens Au­ ditorium, Elgin. $6.50/54.50 students and seniors. Tick­ ets at Elgin City Hall or call 312/931-5125. SWEET CHARITY, July 26, 27, Aug. 2 and 3 et 8 p.m. in Hem mens Auditori­ um, Elgin. $5/$4 students and seniors. Tickets at Bergners in Spring Hill Mall or Gromer's in Elgin. Call 312/695-6500 ext. 228. SHOW BOAT. Aug. 9. 10, 16 and 17 in Hemmens Au­ ditorium, Elgin. Tickets at Bergners In Spring Hill Mall or Gromers in Elgin. Call 312/695-6500. PAINTING CHURCHES, July 31 to Sept. l at the Woodstock Opera House In Woodstock. Previews July 27 to 30, $5.50, $7; Regular performances $11, $14. Call 815/338-5300. Group discounts. PYGMALION. July 21. 25. 27. 31.; Aug. 2. 6. 11 at 8 p.m. at Northwestern's Theater and Interpretation Center, 1979 Sheridan Rd. Evanston. Tickets call 312/491-7282. THE VISIT. July 19. 23, 28; Aug 1. 3. 7, 9, at 8 p.m. at Northwestern's Theater and Interpretation Center, 1979 Sheridan Rd. Evans- ton. Tickets call 312/491- 7282. MAN OF LA MANCHA, July 20, 24, 26, 30; Aug. 4, 8, 10 at 8 p.m. at Northwest­ ern's Theater and Interpre­ tation Center, 1979 Sheri­ dan Rd. Evanston. Tickets call 312/491-7282. THE MASQUE OF BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, Aug. 4 and 11 at 2 p.m.; Aug. 10 at 10 a.m. at Northwestern's Ethel Bar­ ber Theater, Northwestern University, Evanston. Tickets call 312/491-7282. AN EVENING WITH DONALD BARTHELME, July 19, 20, 25, 26, 27; Aug. 1, 2, 3 at 8 p.m. at North- western's Theater and In­ terpretation Center, 1979 Sheridan Rd. Evanston. Tickets call 312/491-7282. THE GLASS MOUN­ TAIN, Aug. 9 and 19 at 7:30 p.m., and Aug. 10 and Aug. 17 at 1:30 p.m. at the Johnsburg High School Au­ ditorium, 2002 W. Ring- wood Rd. McHenry. $1.50 adults, $1 children under 12 and seniors. A CHORUS LINE, through Oct. 6 at Marriott's Lincolnshire Theater, Lin­ colnshire. $l3/$24. Call 312/634-0200. CATS, Monday-Saturday at the Shubert Theater, C h i c a . * $40/$35/$30/$25/$t l7v50. Tlcketron or <fell-"ff808-233- 3123. FORBIDDEN BROAD­ WAY, nightly at the Caba­ ret Continental, the Hotel Continental in Chicago. Call 312-321-0350. PUMP BOYS AND DI­ NETTES, Tuesday-Sunday at the Apollo Theater Cen­ ter, Chicago. $18.50/821.50. Call 312/935-6100. SUPERSTARS '85, Wednesday-Sunday at Drury Lane South, Ever­ green Park. $7.75/56.50. Call 312/770-4000 or 442- D a n c e CHANGING TIMES TAP DANCE COMPANY, Sept. 7-21 at the Goodman The- JUDITH SVALANDER Home in Woodstock. Call ater, 200 S. Columbus Dr., DANCE THEATER AN- Monica Van Fleet at Chicago. $14-$23. Call 312- NUAL FUNDRAISER, 815/455-2055, or Mary Bran 443-3800. Sept. 22 at the Becker nan at 312/381-8744 for Carload coupon days at Wisconsin State Fair Once again Carload Coupon Days at the Wisconsin State Fair will offer the best deal of the sum­ mer. The 1985 Fair, Aug. 1-11, will feature three days of special sav­ ings for all who carpool it to the fairgrounds! Monday, Aug. 5 will be Illinois Carload Day, Tuesday, Aug. 6 is Milwaukee Area Carload Day and Wednesday, Aug. 7 is set for Wisconsin Carload Day. Here's how you can save: Pick up a carload coupon at any of the merchants listed below, gather up the gang before 3 p.m. and pay just $7 (including park­ ing1) to get your Fair shre of fun for the entire carload. Even with only two riders there is a savings of $2. Carload coupons are available at all Kohl's II stores, Roundy's member stores, Shop Rites, Pick 'n Saves, Security Savings and Loan locations, Dairy Queens and Southern Wisconsin Farm and Fleet stores. Illinois carload coupons can be picked up at Dominick's food stores and Roun­ dy's member stores. You can add to your savings by using the Murphy Brothers Mid­ way discount tickets included with the carload coupons, each ticket can be used in the place of one paid ride ticket from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on any Carload Coupon Day. She's a show stopper By day, she works many hours at McDonald's to save money for her upcoming freshman -year at Northwestern University. But for the past two weekends, she's been knocking em dead at night with her energetic lead performance as "Sweet Charity" at Elgin's Hemmens Auditorium. She's McHenry resident Robin Irwin, 18, and like her predecessors Gwen Verdon and Shirley MacLaine, she's giving all she's got to a role that requires her to sing, dance, and be onstage for almost the entire length of this 1960s musical. "It's physically exhausting," Irwin said of her role during a phone interview this week. "I wanted to go out and party aftef last Friday's show, but I ended up going home to bed. "I get so immersed in my role, I didn't even realize they had given me a standing ovation after both of last weekend's performances," she added. Many who have seen "Charity" have expressed surprise at Irwin's talent considering her age, but she also gives credit to her fellow Elgin Summer Theater'cast members and director Robert Mott for making the show such an entertaining success. "It's not just me, she said. "They like the whole show, and because Neil Simon (who wrote the book) is a very funny man. "I love the audience appreciation" she added. "I know it sounds cliche, but it really takes two to Tango." Although her Irwin and her Charity character are both dancers, the similarity ends there. While Charity seems doomed to spends long time it the Fandango Ballroom, Irwin plans to study theater at Northwest- ehi, and hopes to eventually teach that craft to others. "Move to perform, but I'd also love to teach," Irwin said. "It's not that 1 don't have what they call the 'guts' to make it, but because I'd like to bring to others what I have or will experience." After saying that, Irwin stops herself and chuckles. "Gosh, I sound just like a Miss America contestant!" "Sweet Charity" will conclude this weekend, with 8 p.m. perfor­ mances both tonight and Saturday. Tickets are $5, $4 for students with I D. and seniors age 62 and over. Tickets can be purchased in advance at Elgin City Hall and Gromer's in Elgin and at Bergner's at Spring Hill Mall in Dundee. For more information, call the Hemmens office at 312/695-6500, ext. 228 WOODSTOCK THEATRE I ' K I V K V - MOD OVER SILVERADO ,P* 13) • • • VaEbert First Run Prlc«s MATINEES: *1" All SEATS ADULTS!*}** CHILDREN 11 ft UNDER:*?* F & Mon.-Thurs. 7:00 & 9:15 Sat. & Sun. 1,7 & 9:15 M A I N S T R E E T - J u s t O f f T h e S o u a r e 8 1 5 - 3 3 8 8 5 5 5 First Run Movie Fright Night (r) MATINEES *1" ADULTS *2" CHILDREN *2** F & Mon.-Thurs. 2,7:10 & 9:10 Sat & Sun. 1:10,3:10, 7:10 & 9:10 P K I N C K S S DAILY MATINEES Master's of ths Universe SECRET OF THE SWORD (NR) Fri. & Mon.-Thur. 2:00 - Sat. & Sun. 3:15 *1°° AM Seats mora details. VoluntMrs •laonMdad. C l a s s i c a l CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PERFORMS BRAHMS, Aug. 3 at »:30 p.m. at Ravlnla. Laka Cook Road In Highland Park. S20/S19/S16/S5 lawn at park box off lea or downtown box offlca, 22 W. Monroa. Chicago. CHORAL SPECTACU­ LAR, Aug. 4 at 7:30 p.m. at Ravlnla, Laka Cook Road In Highland Park. $20/*1l/*5 lawn at park box off lea or downtown box of- f lea, 22 W. Monroa, Chicago. YOUNG ARTIST RECIT­ AL, Aug. 5, • p.m. at Ra­ vlnla,. Laka Cook Road In Highland Park. $14 at park box offlca in Highland Park or downtown box offlca, 22 W. Monroa, Chicago. A RUSSIAN EVENING- /CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Aug. • at •:30 $11/116/15 lawn. At park box offlca In Highland Park or downtown box, 22 W. Monroa, Chicago. BEETHOVEN/TCHAI­ KOVSKY, Chicago Sym­ phony Orchestra, Aug. 10 at Ravlnla, Laka Cook Road In Highland Park. $20/$1$/$H/$5 lawn. Park box offlca In Highland Park or downtown box offlca at 22 W. Monroa, Chicago. CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Sept. 26, 21 at $ p.m.; Sept. 27 at 2 p.m. at Orchestra Hall, 220 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. $11.90 - $30 at Orchestra Hall box offlca, 'or call 312/435 4666. SUMMER MOVIE SE­ RIES at Hemmens Audito­ rium In Elgin, 1 p.m. each Wednesday. Concessions available. Call 312/6*5-6500, ext. 237. reading and dancing. More Info call 015/330-4212. SOUND OF MUSIC, all roles. Children cast call Aug. it, l tb 5 p.m., adult 7 to 9:30 p.m.; Aug. if. Adult cast call 7 to *:30 p.m.; Aug. 20, 7 to 9:30 p.m. All auditions at the pavld C. Cook Publishing Co. cafete­ ria, North Grove and Slada Aves. In Elgin. Exhib i ts SEEING INDIAN IN CHICAGO, to Sept. 1 at the Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton St., Chicago. Call 312/943-9090. DINOSAURS, Field Mu­ seum of Natural History, Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. 312/922-9410. CHINESE EXHIBITS, Field Museum of Natrual History, Roosevelt Rood and Lake Shore Drive, Chi­ cago. 312/922-9410. 70th INDIANA ARTISTS SHOW, through Aug.. 10 at Indianapolis Museum of Art, 1200 W. 38th St. In Indi­ anapolis, Ind. call 317/923- 1331. MYSTERIES OF SPACE AND TIME sky show through Sept. 4 at Adler Planetarium, 1300 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. $2JO, $1.50. Call 312-322- 0300. TREASURES AND TRIVIA FROM INDIA'S HISTORIC SITES, through Oct. 14 at Indiana State Museum and Memorials. 202 N. Alabama St. In Indi­ anapolis, Ind. Call 317/232- 1437. HUMPBACK WHALES: THE WANDERING GI­ ANTS, through Sept. 2 at the Shodd Aquarium, 1200 S. Laka Shore Dr., Chica­ go. $2/$l. For info on other programs call 312/939-2430. F e s t i v a l s NATIVE AMERICAN FESTIVAL DAYS, Aug. 3 and 4 at the Angel Mounds Historic Site, 0215 Pollack Ave In Evansvllle, Ind. Call 317/232-1637. LAMBS FEST, Aug. 2 to 4 at tha Lambs Farm, lo­ cated at 1-94 and Rt. 176, two miles eat of Llberty- vllle. Event Includes con­ cert, clowns, and food. Call 312/362-6774. WALWORTH CORN BRAT FEST, Aug. 3 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. In Wal­ worth Village Square. In­ cludes live entertainment, pony cart rides, clowns. SYCAMORE STEAM SHOW AND THRESHING BEE, Aug. 0 to 11 at the Taylor Marshall Farm In Sycamore, 1V4 miles north Of Rte. 64 on Rte. 23, 2 miles east on Plank Road. Features dally parade, sou­ venirs. Adults, $2, Children undsr 12 free. Call 312/223- 5310. 12TH ANNUAL FIESTA DEL SOL, Aug. t to 11 In Chicago. The festival will toke place along Blue Is­ land Avenue from 10th to 22nd St. MENDOTA SWEET CORN FESTIVAL, Aug. 9 to 11 In downtown Mandate, II. Call 015/539-6507. 23RD ANNUAL LAKE GENEVA JAYCEES VE­ NETIAN FESTIVAL, Awo. 14 to 10 at Flat Iron Park 1ft Lake Geneva, Wis. PARTNERS COOKOUT, Chapter 1109 Crystal Lake. 6:30 p.m. Aug. 2 at Veter­ ans Acres In Crystal Lake. Call Bonnie. 015/459 2260 tor details ARSENIC AND OLD LACE OUTING af Elgin's Hemmens Auditorium Aug. 3 at 7 p.m. Tickets $6. Con­ tact Pat at 312/000-1107 to arrange meeting. PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS PLANNING MEETING, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 5 In W. Dundee. Coma with ideas. Call 311/426-3404. GOLF OUTING, Aug. 6 at 5:30 p.m. Call Chuck, 312/742-4036 to find out location. MIDWEEK BREAK AT ELGIN'S ARCHIVES, Aug. 7 at 5 p.m. Contact Pat at 312/000-1107 for more Information. SINGLES VISIT VITO BUFFALO, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 0 at Algonquin's Riverfront Park . Cal l Mari lyn, 312/420*4262 for place to SINGLE PROFESSION­ ALS SOCIETY ICE­ CREAM SOCIAL/TRI­ VIAL PURSUIT PARTY, 7 p.m. Aug. 9 at Glen Ellyn Holiday Inn, Roosevelt and F Inlay Roads. Call 312/462- 1073 tor more Information. Non-members welcome. STOCK CAR . RACES, Aug. 10 at Sycamore Speedway. Meet at Hoover- Burnidge parking lot at 6:30 p.m. Call Bill 312/209- 3449. SINGLE PARENT BOOTH at McHenry Fiesta Days, July 31 to Aug.4. In­ formation, freobles. Call Ellery af015/330-9397. BIKING TRIP, Aug. 11 at 2 p.m. Call Norm at 312/420-5362, or 312/000-0506 for location. ELGIN SINGLES MEET ST. CHARLES SINGLES. Aug. 12 at 0:30 p.m. at Pheasant Run. Must be St. Charles member or 45-day A u d i t i o n s SOUND OF MUSIC, all roles. Boys and girls, age 5 to 17, l p.m. Aug. 4 at Con­ gregational-Universal 1st Church, 221 Dean St. Wood­ stock. Adult auditions at same location Aug. 12 and Aug 14 from 7 to 10 p.m. Auditions require, singing S i n g l e s TALISMAN, Aug. 2 at 7 p.m. tor dinner and danc­ ing. St. Charles group will also attend. ELGIN SINGLES PLAN­ NING MEETING, 7 p.m. Aug. 1 at Flora's. Call 312/695-9470. PARENTS WITHOUT GOLF OUTING, Aug! 13 at 5:30 pjn. Call Chuck 312/742-4036 for location. SHOWBOAT OUTING, after Aug. 17 performance et Hemmens Auditorium. Call Flora at 312/695-4970 for details. PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS NEWCOM­ ER'S MEETING, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 14 at Anna's In Crys­ tal Lake. Cal l Anna, 015/459-1614. K M S t u f f SANTA'S VILLAGE MAGIC SHOW, every Fri­ day at 6:30 through Aug. 30 at the Spring Hill Mall Gar- dan&fo.lii West Dundee. PAWNER EARTH LtiOGE, OHgbing af the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Mon-Frl at 1; Sat. at 11,11:45 a.m.; 1, 1:45 p.m. Sun. open house 1 to 3 p.m. No tickets PLACE FOR WONDER, ongoing at the Field Muse­ um of Natural History, Chi­ cago. Mon-Frl, 1 to 3 p.m.; Sat-Sun 10 a.m. to noon, and 1 to 3 p.m. arbor rr^n? qolf Hwy. 62 (Next to Arbor Lanes) Algonquin FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL DATE NIGHT Guys your date plays golf for 1/2 price on Friday Night after 6:00 p.m. 50 0FF On a round of golf at Arbor Mini Golf. Expires 8-18-85 Not good with other promotions. FIRST INSTITUTE OF TRAVEL PROFESSIONAL TRAVEL INDUSTRY TRAINING CLASSES START AUG. 12TH • 15-week course •Day & evening classes •Over 170 hours of in-depth training •Hands on computer facilities Approved by the Illinois stale Board ot Educa­ tion Owned and operated by one of the Pre­ mier Retail Travel Agencies in Illinois 31E. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake* IL 60014 (815)459-3500 August 3-4 A WILD WEEKEND OF WOOLLY WEST SKILLS & THRILLS WHO WEST WEEKEND A whole weekend of woolly west-thrills! GunfightS:*, . with cowboy stuntmen, stagecoach rides, pony rides, barbecue treats. Kids' games. Also: "Ho-Down" music; husband call­ ing contest: old-time Fijm Festival; beverage refreshments. Meet "Tin Pan" and kids can enter "Name the Burro" Contest. 815/923-2214 SEVEN ACRES ANTIQUE VILLAGE h &. MUSEUM Located Union, Route and Union Rd, mllaa NW ED IT...RENT III l-LOADER FEATURES; * hydrostatic Drive •45 Net horsepower •4880 lbs Breakout force hand Coqtrol Levers Self Leveling Loader WEEKLY A DAILY RATES AVAILABLE! CRYSTAL LAKE RTE 31 MchENRY 455-3232 385-3232 Out on the town #

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