Page 6-Head for the Hill, Aug. 7,1985 J O I N T H E C O N S P I R A C Y WHO SAYS DENIM HAS TO BE BLUE? TURN UP THE COLOR! Turn on to garment dyed denim Bright colored denim sportswear with clean shapes in tune with today Combine to create a look all your own Spring Hill Mall •428-1440B FASHION CON GIVE THE QUALITY OF CROSS" PENS FROM SLL PF:N AND PENCIL SETS FROM $22 CROSS Nothing but the Best SPECIAL OFFER we'll engrave a full name FREE when you present this ad. Cross pens and sets are the perfect gift. Each comes with a lifetime mechanical guarantee. Ch<K>se 10 or 14 karat gold filled. Offer good only with purchase of a Cross pen or set. Cross-- nothing but the best. n We Make Gift Giving Easy Over 400 Stores Nationwide 8/7/85 OFFER EXPIRES 9/7/S5 Things Remembered SPRING HILL MALL The Gap knows denim. the 9Qp Gap denim is available in jeans and jackets for him and her. GET FIT WITH THE BEST. COME TO THE STRIPES. COIIVERSE QCKttf America s Most Complete Athletic Footwear Store5*1 SPRING HILL MALL *AjiOi credit cdf 3s dcceptea