McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Friday August 9,1985 Page 3 Community Ringwood: Rainy day can't deter our baseball diamond players Our baseball sleuth came home with a wet tale Sunday after the tournament in McHenry at Knox Park. Our local Rusty Nail tied for first place with ToBar from Elgin. The 32 teams vied for each place, playing in beautiful weather Satur day and then, Sunday, as the day progressed, so did the rain. But the rain didn't dampen the enthusiasm of the ball players as they kept playing until the field be came too soggy. Our team wishes to extend appreciation to everybody for coming out and supporting the tournament. VISITORS Jack and Bemice Pearson and daughter Liz flew into Gait Airpot Friday, July 26, for a birthday party for Jack's mother, Arline Pearson. They spent the weekend with Arline and Clarence and Jim and then flew home Sunday. Jack flew his own plane into Gait. AUCTION The Auction committee met at the beginning of this week to further plans for the auction to be held at the Ringwood church Sept. 14. Let ters are going out to members and friends of the church with a full Doris Low 653-9262 explanation of this project to help defray the costs on the property fund. It will also be in conjunction with the 130th-year celebration of the church. Anyone wishing to make dona tions or help in any way may con tact the writer of this column or V Patch, 385-2464; Marge Evans, 653 3294; Sue Reese, 385-5002 or Althea Walkington, 728-0222. SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday school begins in Green wood and Ringwood churches Sun day, Sept. 8. Let's have an old fash ioned Rally Day with all the children back to begin the new year. Mark your calendar now for your child to start with all the others. WIS. VACATION Patti Christopher has just re turned from her Wisconsin vaca tion. She spent a few days with her sister Diane, and Gary Linstad and family at Black Creek. They all spent a day with the girls' grand parents, the Christophers, in Marin ette County. Patti also enjoyed a day at the famous EAA air show in Oshkosh. It was a beautiful sight to see. BUSY THREE 4-H The Busy Three 4-H Club will meet at the Malo home Monday. Aug. 12, at 7:30 p.m. At this time, they will compile a complete list of the Fair winners for their club records. BIRTHDAYS "Happy Birthday" to Ray Low, Aug. 9; and to Candy Fossum, Pat Mough and Russ McPherson, Aug. 10. Aug. 11 is that special day for Risko's celebrate 50 years together Mr. and Mrs. John (Julia) Risko, 7510 North Dr., Wonder Lake, were guests of honor at a celebration in commemoration of their 50th wed ding anniversary. A dinner was hosted by their children, Arline Bahrke (Chester) of Wonder Lake and John Risko, Jr. (Jane) of Cot tage Grove, Ore. The festivities took place at Cha pel Hill Country Club and 117 friends and relatives attended. Four of the Risko's five grandchil dren were present; Gary (Diane) and Greg Bahrke; Lori Lanz (Brent); and Terry Risko. Unable to attend was grandson John Joseph Risko, serving in the US Army, sta tioned in Germany. The celebrants were married July 22,1935 in Chicago. They moved to Wonder Lake about 15 years ago and Mr. Risko was employed as a custodian, retiring 10 years ago. He is a member of the McHenry Moose lodge. ' JOHN & JULIA RISKO Terri tCristy) Anderson. Michelle Kreutzer, Sara Schilling and Ken Nichols. Frank Cerny. Beth Ferrara and Jim Huinker "will celebrate their special day Aug. 12. Aug. 13 finds Charles Sowers add ing another candle to his cake, as Alan Olson will do Aug. 14. Aug. 15 is that special day for Debbie (Betts) Bork, Linda Adams and Drew Penrod. Aug. 16 is that special day for Helen Hunt. We wish all of you many more to come. ANNIVERSARIES "Happy Anniversary" to Harry and Georgia Hogan. Aug. 12--18 'Glass Mountain' to open With opening night only moments away, the cast of "The Glass Moun tain" waits in eager anticipation. Each member has dedicated long hours to perfecting his or her per formance so that this play can be a wonderful experience for all those who see it. Performances begin this weekend on Friday, Aug. 9, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 10, at 1:30 p.m. There will also be two perfor mances the following weekend at the same times. "The Glass Mountain" will be performed in the auditorium of Johnsburg High School, 2002 W. Ringwood Road, McHenry. Tickets are $1.50 for adults and $1 for seniors and children under 12. All proceeds of the ticket sales are for the benefit of the Johnsburg PTO. facility in Johnsburg We are pleased to announce yet another step forward in our effort to bring time-saving convenience, and pleasant banking conditions to you, our customers. Our newest facility in Johnsburg is now in full operation and ready to serve you. The new Johnsburg facility is conveniently located on Wilmot Road at the intersection of Church & Wilmot. LOBBY HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Friday 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. & 4:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 12 noon. DRIVE-IN HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs. 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Friday 8:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Saturday 8:00 A.M. to 12 noon. Hct«rsd ifrave tr--i left te fight are Uwda Vaa Every. Tew Wer mi Mni NiIm , TiBir twpinrii nr, wt»e iHi pwc-- y--r tf mmiHbm itthtnw Hlwrtig Uftj. L Metered above Is Tom MMer, Te •iiit Mn* i HwW ivnn9Bw§ TBcmyi -fc k I Uu m ^ - a nCunw NQTI l« unH VHI KTwfi IVMF Ml Hif Atcomitt Hipmintithfi it McHtnf y ttiti BaaLta MAIM (AllMkllM dwr i nfw ivTnwur§ rvctwiy* McHENRY STATE BANK years, kids? Clayton and Virginia Bruce observe Aug 16 with Paul and Althea Walkington. We wish all couples many more years of wedded bliss. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Aug. ll--Worship Service 9 a.m. - Ringwood Chuch. Aug. 12--Busy Three 4-H Meeting. 7:30 p.m.-Home of Pat Malo Aug. 12-Food Co-op Pickup--5:30 p.m.-Home of Pat Malo. McHenry. Aug. 22--Sewing Cirele-10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.- Home of Blanche Howe. Sept. 14-Auction at Ringwood Church-Noon. GOD BLESS In a continuing tradition of progress McHenry State Bank opens its newest 0 f ? mi EstaMblNd IMS 385-1040 GLASSES MADE WHILE YOU WAIT! (SINGLE VISION PLASTICONLY) OVER 1,000 FIRST QUALITY METAL OR PLASTIC FRAMES $20 KIDS FRAMES METAL OR $1 coo PLASTIC FREE FRAMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS WITHLENSE PURCHASE EMERGENCY FRAME REPAIRor REPLACEMENT (815)385-9240 DAILY 8:30-5:30 SAT.8:30-2WED.8:30-1 McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY. ILL ACROSS fROM THl FOX HOLE 815 385 924C McHenry Plaindealer (USPS 335-200) Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 815-385-0170 Circulation 385-0178 McHENRY, Illinois60050 Published Daily Except Saturday, Sunday & Holidays Second Class Postage PA ID at McHenry, Illinois by SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP POSTMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050 Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice of change of address to the McHenry Plaindealer, 38)2 W Elm St., McHenry, III. 60050. A deduc tlon of one month from the expiration Of a subscription will be made where a change of address is provided through the Post Office department. Thomas C. 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