ALCO Sale Prices Effective thru Sunday, Aug. 18, 1985 Except Those Stores Closed Sunday Refunds Cheerfully Given! We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities. DISCOUNT STORE BACK TO SCHOOL WRANGLER® JEANS! *JR. BOYS' 4RETG.ORSLIM 7-97 *B0YS' REG. 1SLIM, l 0.97 "HUSKIES' 8 T018 11.97 ^STUDENTS' 25 TO 30W.... 12.97 14.44 LADIES'3 TO is 15.88 1Q88 I W REG. MEN'S WRANGLER® KNIT SHIRTS. Poly ester/Cotton Quintura. J REG. 27.93 For Sizes S-M-L-XL. MEN'S WRANGLER® NO- FAULT® JEAN JACKET. All Wtangler Cotton Denim. Sizes 36 to 46. 1.ASEW WRANGLER® DENIM JEANS. Heavyweight Cotton or Polyester/Cotton denims that have the popular western brand of comfort and quality. Long-lasting durability! •Wrangler® No-Fault® Denim Jeans 788 # REG. 10.93