Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Aug 1985, p. 3

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McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Wednesday, August 14,1985 Page 3 Community Knight of Month named Each month the Knights of the Altar of St. John the Baptist Chuch, Johnsburg choose one from its ranks to be the Knight of the Month. The knight of the Month for July is Mike Ullrich, son of Roselle and Chester Ullrich. A sixth grader at St. John the Baptist Catholic School, Mike received his gift for outstand­ ing service at the altar and willing­ ness to always serve. The Knights of the Altar is a par­ ish organization which offers the boys an opportunity for spiritual Defenders oppose county airport The Board of Directors of the Mc- Henry County Defenders voted unanimously to oppose the proposed regional airport in McHenry Coun­ ty, as a special meeting Monday. Citing their support for a rural, agricultural county with open space and attractive small towns and cit­ ies, Defender board members stat­ ed their belief that the airport rec­ ommended by the consultant, Ralph Burke Associates, would change the unique agricultural character of the county. A spokesman for the Defenders pointed out that the proposed air­ port, serving all or part of five counties in Illinois and Wisconsin, would destroy the environmental quality which county residents now enjoy. Defenders feel that noise and air pollution, loss of prime agricul­ tural land, and congestion brought about by rapid growth and industri- MIKE ULLRICH growth, learning more about their faith as well as entering into fellowship. Community Calendar al development would be the even­ tual results of this airport. Defenders feel the proposed air­ port, covering about a square mile in area, would represent a signifi- cent loss of agricultural land and a major longterm drain on public fi­ nances. Under the guise of econom­ ic development, an airport of this magnitude would bring about envi­ ronmental destruction, a Defenders spokesman said. The group claims the study gave little attention to the economic costs and benefits of such an airport, De­ fender board members expressed the view that only a small minority of the county would benefit, while the majority would suffer from the degradation of the environment. Board members declined to con­ sider the relative merits of the four sites recommended to the county Airport Advisory Committee. Any such airport, the board feels, would be incompatible with the small town and rural values held by county residents. Gity Council agenda The McHenry City Council will be discussing a number of items in addition to the regular agenda at the regular council meetftig Wednes­ day night. Among the agenda items are: -Passing a resolution for Dorothy Uttich, who is retiring as librarian at the McHenry Public Library. -Discussion concerning mosquito abatement with Jeff'Mertes, of Protection Unlimited. -Tentative passage of an industrial revenue bond resolution for .Cunat Brothers, Inc. -Review of the audit conducted by the firm of Yapelli, Ketchmark. -Discussion of traffic signals at Route 31 and Bull Valley Road, parking lot improvements at Court Street and Knox Park and extension of a water main on Front Street. -An executive session to discuss matters of personnel. The meeting starts at 8 p.m. in city council chambers, 1111 N. Green St., McHenry. Reckless homicide charges on hold until witness questioned AUGUST 14 C of C Ann. Play Day-Golf Outing McH. Country Club-Tee Times Start 6 a.m.-Dinner 7 p.m.-Tickets-call 385-4300. AUGUST 15 Catholic Daughters-Mtg. 1:30 p.m.-Liberty Hall. AUGUST 16 NAIM-St. Margaret Chap.-Mtg. 7 p.m.-White Elephant Sale-Montini School Oak Rm. AUGUST16-17 Johnsb. PTO Play-The Glass Mountain-Fri. 7:30 p.m.-Sat. 1:30 p.m.- Tckts. at Door. AUGUST 17 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m.-Public Welcome. AUGUST 18 Family Fun Day-2618 Walnut, Wonder Lk.-Noon-6 p.m.-Sponsor, Wonder View iPtprovement Assn.-Public Invited. AUGUST 19 THEOS-Meet 5 p.m.-Dinner, Busy Bee Rest.-Evening of Fun & Fellowship. AUGUST 20 '• • C of C-Retail Core Comm. Mtg. 7:30 p.m.-Chamber Office. WOTM-Business Mtg. 8 p.m. AUGUST 24 Johnsb. Res. Sq. Benefit Dance-9 p.m.-l a.m.-Johnsb. Comm. Club. McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m.-Public Welcome. AUGUST 25 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Meat Shoot & Games 10 a.m.- Public Welcome. • AUGUST 26 McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Mtg. 7 p.m.-East Campus. By Alex Rodriguez Herald News Service McHenry County authorities are waiting to talk to a victim of pedes­ trian/motorist accident that oc­ curred three weeks ago in which a McHenry man died, before deciding whether to file a possible reckless homicide charge against the motorist. Daniel Clark, 21, of McHenry died July 22 from injuries he suffered when he and two other people were hit by a car on Lincoln Road east of McHenry; One of the other victims was 19-year-old Kim Baran, Clark's fiance, and the other was 20-year- old Tim Barry, Clark's best friend. Baran, who lives in Crystal Lake, sustained minor injuries in the acci­ dent. Barry meanwhile suffered a broken neck, broken leg and broken arm. The driver of the car, 24-year- old Jacqueline Staley of McHenry, was charged with DUI, leaving the scene of an accident, and failure to give information. Staley pleaded not guilty to all three charges at a preliminary hearing Aug. 8. Her case has been continued to Sept. 6. According to McHenry County Deputy Dave Shepherd, Barry's I physician has asked Shepherd to hold off on asking Barry questions until he is in better physical condi­ tion. Barry's statements will be the key factor in whether additional charges will be filed against Staley, said Assistant State's Attorney Steve McArdle. However, Kim and her father Chuck Baran are beginning to won­ der whether any additional charges will be filed at all. "That's a distinct possibility," said Mr. Baran. "I can't see w! she wasn't charged immediately. Daniel (Clark) was drunk and he hit three 3 year olds 1 don't know if the wheels of justice would be turning the other way." But while Kim says she gets an­ grier about it everyday, she knows there is not much she can do aside from waiting. And even though three weeks have passed by, she still has a hard time coping with her fiance's death.' "I still have sleepless nights. It's hard because it's been three weeks now and my life is so completely different." Shepherd said he expects a deci­ sion from the state's attorney's of­ fice within the next two weeks. Pioneer gets Lions' gift The Pioneer Center received sup­ port from the McHenry Lions Club in several ways recently. It began with a check for $25 which Curt Bremer, president, per­ sonally delivered. At his invitation, Roberta Wiltse, director of develop­ ment, spoke at a Lions Club meet­ ing and described current programs Young (continued from page 1) Now my average is 141." Lillian said she has always led an active life. Her hobbies, when a young girl, were carpentry and baseball. She still enjoys a good game of baseball - but from the sidelines now, of course. A devout Cub fan, she admitted to, on occassion, staying up past 1 a.m. to see a late game. When asked the secret of her youthful appearance and good health she said she has no secret. However, Lillian said it's not un­ usual for members of her family to live past 100. Something new... LIFETIME CONTINUATION COVERAGE ON YOUR AUTO INSURANCE! Avdilablc from one of America's finest insurance companies! Age 50 & up. enjoy the security of lifetime renewal regardless of age, accidents you have or claims you file. Call BIN Johnson at 385*3000 Obituaries Sophie M. Dyck Sophie M. Dyck, 79,7812 Oakwood Dr., Wonder Lake, died Tuesday, Aug. 13,1985, in Beloit Convalescent Home, Beloit, Wis. She was born July 4, 1906, in Chicago, to Joseph and Mary (Malinowski) Trybula. A resident of Wonder Lake the past 20 years, formerly of Chicago, Mrs Dyck had been a bank teller for Western Savings & Loan of Chica­ go; was a member of Royal Neigh­ bors; former member of St. Ed­ wards Catholic Church; past president of St. Constance Mothers Club, Chicago; member of Christ the King Catholic Church, Wonder Lake and the Ladies Sodality. Surviving are her husband John, whom she married in Chicago June 25,1927; a daughter Mrs. Leo (Dolo­ res) Wines of Wonder Lake; four grandchildren; one great-grand­ child; a sister Helen Nocek of Northlake, 111. and a brother Ed­ ward Trybula of Ferguson, Mo. She was preceded in death by one sister, three brothers and her parents. Visitation will be held after 3:30 p.m. Wednesday in the George R. Justen & Son Funeral Home. A fu­ neral Mass will be conducted at 10 a.m. Thursday in Christ the King church. Funeral arrangements were made by Justen's Wonder Lake Funeral Home. Stacy Santi Stacy Santi died at birth Sunday, Aug. 11, 1985, in Condell Memorial Hospital, Libeityville, HI. She is the daughter of Michael and Theresa (Seno) Santi. Surviving in addition to her par­ ents, are a sister Nicole Santi at home; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Seno of Twin with a perspective of the services funding sources. Bremer again personally deliv­ ered a check on behalf of the Lions Club; this time, in the amount of $500. Meanwhile, Rich Mercure, Li­ ons member, was busily selling tickets to further assist Pioneer Center's fundraising efforts. Finally, when the call went out for help on Auction Night, Lions volun­ teers appeared and worked as the auctioneers' right hand men. For Your Information "" Dear friends, In the absence of prearrangement, the next of kin alone has the right to choose the funeral director and to decide the funeral ar­ rangements. No one should attempt to Influence or usurp this right of choice. Advice should be given only when asked, as the selection of a funeral director Is a very personal matter. RespectfuNy, PETER M.J LISTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME Lakes, Wis. and paternal grandpar­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Victor Santi of McHenry. Graveside services for the family were held at 4 p.m. Tuesday in St. Patrick's Churchyard Cemetery, with .Father Edmund Petit officiat­ ing. Arrangements were handled by the George R. Justen & Son Funeral Home. Gustav Schrahz Gustav Schranz, 86, 1142 Syca­ more Rd., Pell Lake, Wis., dfed Sunday, Aug. 11, 1985 in Northern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry; He was born April 5, 1899, in Aus­ tria, the son of Samuel and Eliza­ beth (Ulreich) Schranz. Mr. Schranz came to the US in 1923; worked as an inventory clerk for the A&P Co. Produce Warehouse until 1940 when he purchased and operated his own restaurant in Chi- •cago until 1947; and was employed by Reed Candy Co. as a mainte­ nance worker until the late 1960's. He was a member of the Burgen- lander Society apd financial secre­ tary eight years. Surviving are his wife Karoline (Furst); a daughter, Mrs. John (Caroline) Mayer of Dallas, Tex.; a son John (Theresa) of Chicago; sev­ en grandchildren and eight great­ grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, and seven brothers and sisters. Visitation will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday in the George R. Justen & Son Funeral Home, where services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Friday by the Rev. Roger Schneider of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. Interment will be in Irving Park Cemetery. As of August 1st... McHenry Animal Hospital . Announces New Hours: Monday and Thursday 9 am • 5 pm, 7 pm - 9 pm Tuesday and Friday 9 am • 6 pm Wednesday 9 am-12, Saturday 9 am- 2 pm JAMES E. HOOPER, DVM 306 Front, Rt. 31 North, McHenry 385-0031 GRAND OPENING AUGUST 12™ Perm or Body wave Adutt Style Cuts Child's Style Cuts Rtfi. $19.85 >24.95 *5.00 no.oo *4.00 *6.00 All style services complete with shampoo, conditioning rinse, precision cut and professional finishing. NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED HELEN: CURTIS Hours: Mon.f Wed. & Fri. 9-6 Tu. & Th. 9-8 Sat. 9-5 Sun. 11-4 cFaiitastic 0Sanjs NEXT TO JEWEL/OSCO IN McHENRY (RT. 120) Each Salon Independently Owned and Operated (815)344-2226 'the original Family Haircutters- iigskF • TAP • ACROBATIC » BALLET »JAZZ • BALANCE BEAM * VAULTING MARRA Y DANCE & GYMNASTIC STUDIO REGISTRATION^^. FOR FALL REGISTRATION > THURS.*FRI.«SAT. AUGUST 15*16*17 UINQI*. - HS-OOti COUNTY ' McHtNRY COUNTY | NSUBANCI INSURANCE) AOINCY 1209 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY. H.MOSO a subsidiary of McHonry Savings Bank aneditionof the northwest herald (USPS 335-200) Founded 1875 3812 West Elm Street. McHenry. Illinois 60050 Telephone: 815 385 0170. Circulation: 815 385-0178. Office Hours: 8 a m 5pm Monday through Friday Published Monday through Friday except New Year's Day. Memorial Day. Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day by Northwest Newspapers. Robert A. Shaw Editor and Publisher. Thomas C. Miller Associate Publisher; DonaM J. Lyons. Bureau Mint­ ing Editor Subscription rates in McHenry County: By carrier 50 cents a week, t year by mail. $19 00 (Where carrier service not available only) Subacription rate outside McHenry County: 1 year, by mail J27 00 r Northwest Newspapers. Illinois Press Association. American Newpaper Publishers Association; Audit Bureau of Circulation Second class postage paid at Crystal Lake. Ill 60014 Poatmatter: Send address changes to the Crystal Lake Herald 7803 Pyott Road. P.O Bo* 250 7 A.M. NO PAPER YET? SORRY! CALL S1S-38S-017B FOR DELIVERY ADULT TAP & JAZZ CLASSES BEGINl •TUESDAY | SEPT. 3RD! CALL OUR STUDIO TO REGISTER 385-6077 •BEGINNING INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED CLASSES FOR BOYS & GIRLS. •SPECIAL PRESCHOOL CLASSES FOR TINY TOTS. • TAP & TUMBLING CLASSES FOR BOYS. ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL FAMILY RATE FOR MORE THAN 2 STUDENTS •BALANCE BEAM •VAULTING •UNEVEN PARALLELS •FLOOR EXERCISE GYMNASTIC CLASSES COMBINATION DANCE CLASSES • TAP • BALLET • ACROBATIC •JAZZ , MAR RAY DANCE & GYMNASTIC STUDIO I 3923 W. MAIN STREET « McHENRY, IL 60050 J •BALLET • BALANCE BEAM • UNEVENS »FLOOR EXERCISE ' BALLET

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