Page 4 McHENRY PLAINPEALER Section A Toe*day, August 20,1965 Community District sponsors outdoor ed programs Zone appeal The McHenry County Conserva tion District has announced two out door educational programs for the end of August. Both programs high light the natural and cultural heri tage of McHenry County and are open to people of all ages. On Sat., Aug. 24 from 2 to 4 p.m., volunteers and staff members of the Conservation District will help pre sent Queen Anne Prairie Day at the Queen Anne Prairie - Eckert Ceme tery. Through volunteers Alcie and Leta Clark, two long departed prai rie settlers will narrate the past ways of the native Illinois prairie. The natural history of the tall grass prairie will be discussed. Rare prairie plants that grow in few other places in northern Illinois will be pointed out and interpreted as well. The Clark sisters' research and role playing brings to life as time that is almost invisible and now forgotten. The second public program by the Conservation District in August will be at 7 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 30 at Glacial Parte. Volunteer Bill Howenstine will lead what has become known as a Kames Walk, starting at the main parking lot for Glacial Park and hiking to the top of the kammes, or the camelback hills as they are lo cally known. The Kames walk in cludes about two miles of walking. August 30 is a full moon night and the Kames Walk is scheduled to allow participants to arrive at the top of the kames about the time that the sun sets in the west and the moon rises in tbe east. Possible topics of discussion for the Kames Walk include glacial history, astron omy, and the natural history of the Glacial Park today. The walk from the kames back to the parking lot should provide some interesting sounds from the wildlife which are accustomed to having the hundreds of Glacial Park acres to themselves this time of day. A petition has been filed for hear ing before the McHenry County Zon ing Board of Appeals to amend the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance from light industry to general business. The petitioners, State Bank of Woodstock, Trust No. 3401, and George Athans and Leonidas Ath- ans are requesting the amendment. The property is located in Nunda Township, about 1.2 miles south of Bull Valley Road, on Rte. 31. It consists of about .62 acres r CLIP & SAVE Prize winner irry i y sho Jason Hogan, son of Harry and Georgia Hogan, 6596 Barnard Mill lis 4-H Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb after it was judged at the McHenry County Fair July Z\. Jason, 12, and a seventh-grade student at Johnsburg Junior High, has been a member of the 4-H Greenwood Gremlins about five years. In April he assumed the care, feeding and handling of the lamb that was born March 11. Community calendar AUG?!ST20™,~™--~",~~™ C of C-Retail Core Comm. Mtg. 7:30 p.m.-Chamber Office. WOTM-Business Mtg. 8 p.m. AUGUST 22 Aules of the Road Course-9 a.m.-Noon-McH. City Hall-Info. Jim Jansen 385-7475. AUGUST 23-24 Rummage Sale 9 a.m.-4 p.m.-St. Peter's Church Hall-Main St., Spring Grove-Sponsor Christian Mother's Soc.-Refreshments served. AUGUST 24 Johnsb. Res. Sq. Benefit Dance-9 p.m.-l a.m.-Johnsb. Comm. Club. McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m.-Public Welcome. AUGUST 25 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Meat Shoot & Games 10 a.m.- Public Welcome. AUGUST 26 McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Mtg. 7 p.m.-East Campus. UMW Mission Team-Exec. Comm. Mtg. 9 a.m.-First United Methodist Church Parlor. McH. Woman's Club-Bd. Mtg. 9:30 a.m.-McH. Public Library. St. Pat's Ladies' Guild-Bd. Mtg. 1 p.m.-Parish Center. AUGUST 27 > McH. Garden Club-Mtg. 1 p.m.-McH. Public Library. Polish Leg. of Amer. Vets Post 188-Reg. Mtg. 7:30 p.m.-1304 Park St., McH. AUGUST 28 v Mary Martha Cirde-Faith Presb. Ch.-Mtg. 1 p.m. AUGUST 29 Rules of the Road Course-9 a.m.-Noon-McH. City Hall-Info. Jim Jansen 385-7475. AUGUST 31 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m .-Public Welcome. ROFESSIONAL & SERVICE- : DIRECTORY JACK WALSH, AGENT EARL R. WALSH, BROKER INSURANCE* BONDS Fire, Auto, Farm, Life Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES 5018 W. Elm St., McHenry, 385-3300 DENNIS CONWAY AUTO, LIFE, FIRE State FAM las. CO. 3319 W. Elm Street, McHenry, III. 385-7111 JAMES M.McINTEE, LAWYER AVAILABLE TO PRACTICE IN: Personnel Injury/Trials, Business Corporations Wills Probate, Divorce, Real Estate Workmen's Compensation 3436 W. Elm Street. McHenry, III. For appointment phone - 385-2440 FmEqiipaal GEORGE P. FREUND, INC. Case-New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry Bus. 385-0420 STEVEN J. CUDA ATTORNEY AT LAW 101 Van Buren Street Woodstock (815)385-7332 (815)338 1334 HOME OFFICE AVAILABLE TO PRACTICE IN: Personal Injury, Corporations/Partnerships Trials, Zoning, Wills Probate, Divorce Real Estate and Criminal Law DR. LEONARD BOTTARI 1303 Richmond Rd., McHenry Eyes Examined-Contact lenses Glasses Fitted Mon., lues., Thurs., Fri., 4-6 p.m. Tues. Thurs, Fri., 7-9 p.m. Sat, 9:30-3 p.m. Phone 385-4151 or 385 2262 McHENRY DENTAL CENTER DR.CJ.LUDFORD DR. KEVIN WEGRZYN OPEN 3 EVENINGS A WEEK UNTIL 8:30 P.M. t SAT. 385 1360 N, 0,(laughing gas) & Valium (I.V. Sedation) Available f? R E U I RADIAL TIRES ALL CARS EUROPA MOTORS, INC. 2318 Rte. 120, McHenry 815-385-0700 CARPET CLEANING PRE-FALL SPECIAL! OFFER EXPIRES SEPT. 30,1985 ^ DEEP JET $^9 5 EXTRACTION (STEAM) 35.00 Value PER ROOM IMIN.2) OTHER SERVICES AVAILABLE: • Power Scrubbing • Scotch Guarding (For Traffic, Heavy Soil Areas with A Soap Residue) • Complete Hardf loor Care FURNITURE SPECIALS • CHAIR *12" • LOVESEAT $14" • SOFA '19®5 CUSHIONS EXTRA 815-344-2299 JIM'S WHITE GLOVE SERVICE LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED (McHENRY COUNTY) • CUP&SAVEI Legal Notices % If You Fail To Receive Your McHenry Plaindealer Before 7:00 a.m. • Please Call Our Circulation Dept. Before 10:00 a.m. at 385*0178. We'll Bring One Right Out To You! Plaindealer Circulation Dept. 385-0178 PUBLIC NOTICE VILLAGE OF HOLIDAY HILLS, ILLINOIS COMBINED STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENTS, AND CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY • ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES YEAR ENDED APRIL 30, IMS GENERAL FUND Patricia Hughes, Salary-President $300.00 Rosemary Holtz, Salary-Clerk 600.00 Patricia Roth, Salary-Treasurer 50.00 Terry Micklevltz, Salary-Treasurer 300.00 Helen Boettcher, Salary-Treasurer 250.00 David Caldwell, Salary-TruKet^rrs. u 140.00 Donald Petersen, Salary-TruWw . 110.00 Ronald Wegener, Salary-Trustee 130.00 Ireta Jtmmie, Salary-Trustee 110.00 David Jacobsen, Salary-Trustee ... . N,. 100.00 RussCashmore, Salary-Trustee 110.00 McHenry County Municipal Assoc., Dues-Meetings 236.55 Illinois Municipal League, Dues-Meetings 96.00 Illinois Clerk's Assoc., Dues-Manual 25.00 Illinois Bell, Village Phones j 1062.20 Community Service Corp., Village Hall-Water 58.79 Commonwealth Edison, Street Lights... 445.58 Richard Short, Legal Service-Village 825.00 Madeline Warren-Mohr, Village Hall-Pymt 5000.00 Madeline Warren-Mohr, Village Hall-Interest 1750.00 The Office Shoppe, Office Supplies 63.06 McHenry Printing, Copies 409.61 Clerk-Treasurer, Petty Cash-Postage, Etc 124.54 Carl Woerner, Furnace Repair 131.00 Bill Holtz, Show Shovel-Etc 40.00 Skokie Valley Asphalt, Grading 608.00 James Munson, Gradlng-Stone-Spreading 787.25 Rocky Road Pit, Grading-Gravel 1512.23 McHenry State Bank, New Checks-Stop Pymt 27.55 Post Master General, Postage i... 48.00 Ronald Gawitz, Reimbursed-Bldg. Permit 30.08 Gene Holms, Relmbursed-Bldg. Permit 65.85 McHenry Plaindealer, Subscription 19.00 Craig Caldwell, Police-Petty Cash 225.63 Craig Communications, Repair-Police Equip 107.60 McHenry Firestone, Police-Tires 184.28 Badger Uniform, Police-Uniform 291.40 James Downing, Repair-Answ. Machine 146.19 Craig Caldwell, Salary-Police Chief 1500.00 James Downing, Salary-Police 929.10 Robert Flnkbeiner, Salary-Police 729.30 John Pawlik, Salary-Police 261.45 Tom Kinney, Salary-Police .. 263.25 John Vrlec, Salary-Police ; 235.50 Custom Gun Repair, Ammunition 199.50 Village of Island Lake, Police-Gas 8> Oil 796.78 Sunnyside Co., Repair-Police Car 236.19 County Lake Radio Dep., Radar Check 33.00 Denny Auto 8< Truck, Mis.-Police Repairs 19.61 I .R.S., Late Pymt.-lnt 27.94 P.F. Pettlbone & Co., Police Printing 80.82 McHenry Plaindealer, Publication-Annual Report 144.00 Robert Fry, Entrance Sign 50.00 McHenry Plaindealer, Federal Sharing Fund 22.80 'N.R.A.. 50.00 $22,099.63 MOTOR FUELTAX Skokie Valley Asphalt, Seal Coating $13,854.68 ROAD USE FUND Performance Paving, Grading $400.00 Duggin Trucking, Hawling-Grading-Snow Plowing Rolling-Labor-Cold Patch 3488.52 Curran, Cold Patch 326.60 Leininger Mid St. Paving, Cold Patch „ 375.00 J.W. Hinner, Barricade .89.84 Rocky Road Pit, Gravel 1143.85 James Munson, Gravel-Grading 290.15 McHenry Sand 8i Gravel, Gravel 394.55 Robert Peltonen, Reimbursed-Overpd.-Vehlcle Stk 3.00 Regency Enterprise Inc., Printing-Vehicle Stickers. 376.99 $6888.50 LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND Hanson, LaFever & Assoc., Liability Insurance $2509.00 Frank Low insurance, Bonding 43.00 $2552.00 REVENUE SHARING FUND Griswold Lake Preservation Association $200.00 AUDIT FUND Dam, Snell & Travelrne, 1984 Audit $1025.00 General Special Totals Revenue - CASH RECEIPTS Taxes:- Property taxes $8,993 $6,637 $15,630 Intergovernmental: State income tax 20,209 20,209 State motor fuel tax 12,541 12,541 Federal entitlements 4,353 4,353 Liscenses and permits: Vehicle Stickers 3,232 3,232 Building permits 399 399 Fines: Traffic fines 1,603 1,603 Miscellaneous: Franchise taxes 1,840 1,840 Interest 1,509 1,036 2,545 Other 282 37 319 Total cash receipts 33,232 29,439 62,671 DISBURSEMENT General government 7,312 2,448 9,760 Streets and road 3,354 20,745 24,099 Police 6,160 6,160 Debt service 6,750 6,750 Total disbursements 23,576 23,193 46,769 Excess (deficiency) of cash receipts over disbursements 9,656 6,246 15,902 TRANSFER IN (OUT) (4593 ) 4593 FUND BALANCE April 30,1984 16,135 21,708 37,843 FUND BALANCES-April 30,1985 $21,198 32,547 53,745 I, Helen Boettcher, Treasurer of the Village of Holiday Hills, McHenry County, Illinois, certify the foregoing statements are a true and accurate record of monetary funds of the village of Holiday Hills. Helen Boettcher, Treasurer Subscribed and Sworn before me this 17th day of August, 1985. Rosemary Holtz, Village Clerk Helen BoeHcher, Village Treasurer (Published in McHenry Plaindealer, August 20,1985) . 3772 --• PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF FILING AND DATE FOR HEARING ON PETITION TO DISSOLVE THE JOHNSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY Residents of the territory described below are notified that on Aug. 16,1985, a Petition was filed in the Circuit Court of The Nine teenth Judicial District, McHenry County, Illinois In Case No. 85MC-4 requesting a referendum to dissolve THE JOHNSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY at the next November General Election. The Petition was assigned to Judge Michael Sullivan and the date set for Hearing Is August 30,1985 at 1:30 p.m. in the Courthouse at 2200 N. Seminary Road, Woodstock, Illinois, and all of the persons residing in the said District according to the legal description thereof attached to the Petition shall have a reasonable opportunity to be heard pursuant to the Statute made and provided. THE JOHNSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY district is described as follows: All that part of McHenry Township described as follows: In Township 45 North Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian. The following portions: All of Section 5; All of Section 6; All of Section 7; That portion of Section 8 lying sferiy s and the Northwesterly bank of the Fox River; That portion Northwesterly of the Northwesterly Northwesterly of the Northwesterly shore of Plstakee Lake and the North wes of Section 18 lyli bank of the Fox River; the North half of Section 19; the North half of the South half of Section 19. In Township 45 North Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, the following portions: All of Section 1, All of Section J; All of Section 3; All of Section 4; Ail of Section 9; All of Section 10; All of Section 11; All of Section 12; All of Section 13; All of Section 14; All of Section 15; All of Section 16; That portion of the northeast quarter of Section 24 lying Easterly of the East Bank of the Fox River; the East half of Section 17; the East half of the West half of Section 17; the East half of Section 8; the East half of the West half of Sec tion 8; the East half of Section 5; the Northwest quarter of Section 5; that portion of the Southwest Quarter of Section 5 lying North of Barnard Mill Road. This Notice is given pursuant to III. Rev. Stats. Chapt. 46, 28-2. Ernie Schoitz 5617 Woodland Ave. McHenry, IL 60050 Gary Adams 2017 W. Sunnyside Beach McHenry, IL 60050 RICHARD J. SHORT, LTD. Attorney at Law 3411 N. Countryside Dr. McHenry, IL 60050 815-385-7180 (Published In McHenry Plaindealer Aug. 20,1985) PUBLIC NOTICE SHERIFF'S SALE By Virtue of Judgment Order 81D35 Issued out of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Lake County and State of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained against Scott W. Uhwat In favor of Carol Ann Uhwat out of the lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the said Scott W. Uhwat I have levied on the following property, to-wit: Lot 40 in Nottingham Woods, being a Subdivision of part of the South half of Section 26, Township 46 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded October 15, 1969, as Document No. 515938 in McHenry County, Illinois, (Excepting therefrom the West 140 ieet thereof), In McHenry Co nty, Illinois, pring Grove, Commonly known as: Chelmsford Drive, Sprli Illinois. THEREFORE, according to said command I shall expose for sale, at Public Auction, all the right, title and Interest of the above named Scott W. Uhwat in and to the above described property, on Monday the 16th day of September, 1985, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. at the McHenry County Courthouse In Woodstock, Illinois, on the Front Steps. Front Entrance Hallway (West Entrance). Dated at Woodstock, I llinois, this 15th day of August 1985. (SEAL) /s/H.Nulle Sheriff of McHenry County, I llinois (Published In McHenry Plaindealer Aug. 20,27, Sept. 3,1985) 3773 PUBLIC NOTICE ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice Is hereby given that on August 15, 1985, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of tne persons owning, conducting and transacting the b u s i n e s s k n o w n a s I N N O V A T I V E D I E 8 i ENGINEERING located at 5012 Sandburg Dr., McHenry, IL 60050. Dated August 15,1985 (SEAL) (s) Rosemary Azzaro County Clerk (Published in McHenry Plaindealer Aug. 20, 27, Sept. 3, 1985. 3774 - ffii'ccra •M J FLASH I The best savings around can be found in the classifieds.