Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1985, p. 14

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Fag* S NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Monday, August 24, IMS CLASSIFIED RATES/INFORMATION PRIVATE PARTY CLASSIFIED RATES. DEADLINES INFORMATION (Additional Rates Available for a Help Wanted Advertising) Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or omission, the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The niwipaptr shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Payment In advance must be made for these ads: • Business Opportunities • Sitters Available • Dial A-Service (Business Services) • Employment Wanted • Garage Sales • Moving Sales • Out of Northwest Newspapers Circulation Area • Political * Houses. Apt. to Share • Sublease; Re-rent; etc. • All Wanted to Buy Classifications • All Wanted to Rent Classifications. $ 9 3 L1NES--5 DAYS 25 INSERTIONS IN THE FOLLOWING NEWSPAPERS: THE CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD CARY-GROVE CLARION THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER THE DAILY SENTINEL THE CARDUNAL FREE PRESS * PLEASE NOTE: THIS MAY BE CANCELLED, HOWEVER. DUE TO THIS SPE CIAL LOW RATE, NO REFUND OR ADJUSTMENT CAN BE MADE TO THE ORIGI NAL BILLING UPON CANCELLATION. DEADUNES LINE ADS Deadline for placing or cancelling an ad: FOR MONDAY NEWSPAPER-12 NOON ON FRIDAY ALL OTHER PUBLICATION DAYS-5 PM TWO DAYS PRIOR DISPLAY ADS 3:30 PM TWO DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION THE CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD CARY-GROVE CLARION THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER THE DAILY SENTINEL THE CARDUNAL FREE PRESS SENTINEL/SATURDAY EXTRA 12 NOON TUESDAY CITIZEN/TRI-COUNTY SHOPPER 5 PM FRIDAY Our helpful, courteous staff is at your service: Monday thru Friday 8 am to 5 pm TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL: I-8OO/ADS-WORK CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS FINANCIAL EMPLOYMENT MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS REAL ESTATE RECREATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE MO 12-15 17-22 25-45 50-60 65-73 80-85 88-97 nORTHWEST uMY This Is a partial listing of those prefixes served by Northwest Newspapers. 815 AREA COOE 337 8-Woodstock 344 -McHenry 38S -McHenry 455 -Crystal Lake 459 -Crystal Lake 568 -Marengo 648 -Hebron 653 -Wonder Lake 675 - Spring Grove 678 -Richmond 728 -Wonder Lake/ -Rlngwood 784 -Genoa 895 -Sycamore 923 -Union 943 -Harvard 312 AREA CODE 381-2-Barrington 669 -Huntley 426 -Dundee/ 683 -Hampshire -Carpentersville 695 -Elgin 428 -Dundee/ M -Elgin -Carpentersville 740 -Round Lake 551 -Dundee 741-2-Elgin 639 Cary 888 -Elgin 658 -LITH-Algonquln 931 -Elgin ANNOUNCEMENTS LagalNoUcaa 0 Card o( Hunks Not tew Lort* Found Personal! Instruction Car Pools Travel and Transportation Grand Opcnlngi 03 Card of Thanks THANKS to all my children, relatives S friends who made my 90th birthday such a happy occassion. Barbra Freund £? is K, 2? F> i & NOVENA TO ST.JUDE MAY THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved throu­ ghout the world, now and forever. OH, SACRED HEART of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude worker of Miracles, prey for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. SAY THIS PRAYER nine times a day. By the eighth day your prayer will be answered. It has never been know to fail. Publication must be printed. THANK YOU ST. J U D E F O R F A V O R S GRANTED- H.B. The family of Elmer Reese wishes to thank Dr. Pluto, Or. Simp­ son and the Nurses at the Woodstock Memo­ rial Hospital for their kindness and assis­ tance during his ill­ ness. To all friends and relatives who shared their sympathy with his family in their bereavement. A special note of t h a n k s t o R e v . Halmer, Rev. Ahl- strand and the Ladies of the Grace Lutheran Church that served the lunch. 04 Notlcas 04 Notlcas BOWLERSWANTED: Fri. night mixed league Singles, Couples, WholeTeams Welcome Palace Bowl After 6 p.m.: Buck, 815/385-2148 Eileen, 815/344-3692 05 Loaf & Found FOUND: small kitten. Orange 8i white male w/stripes near Ramble 8i Home. McHenry. 815/385-6315 LOST PUPPY, 8 wk. old female Black Lab. Vicinity Bull Valley. REWARD!! 815/385- 3223, or 815/338-8778. LOST BLK. & WHT. old cat, raggedy ears, male, lost in Sleppy Hollow, 312/428-8357. LOST! Long Haired black cat. Small white patch on chest. REWARD! 815/459-1079. haired cat. Answers to Blue. Female about 2 years old. If found call Gerl at 815/337-0380 or 338-2500 ext. 257 CAT found: large grown female. Owner Identify. 312/426-2472 06 Personals PREGNANT 'NEED HELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office Open 9-11 am And From 7-9 pm Monday • Thursday ••815/385-2999* • 07 Instructions LOST: FAVORITE Cab Patch Preemle, by Sunyhlll School, C'vllle, REWARD. 312/697-0899 06 Personals IF YOU are single, divorced, or widowed, get our listings of local people waiting to meet you. Sincere people call, 312/742-7545, or wr i te , "Listings", Box 62-L, South Elgin, 1160177. PLEASE CHECK YOURADS We would like to check each ad as it appears in the paper, but time does not permit. Please notify us if you find an error in your classified ad, or if your ad failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the f i r s t d a y i t w a s scheduled to appear, we'll make a correction as soon as deadline permits. W e c a n o n l y b e responsible for the first day of an ad's run. Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of the ad w h e r e t h e e r r o r occurred. Sorry, but if the error continues after the first day of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot be responsible. Office Hours: (V)onday through Fridiy^ 8am - 5pm. PREGNANT? NEED HELP? IMMEDIATE TEST RESULTS! ALL SERVICES "FREE!" 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 LOOKING FOR A PLACE To hold your rummage sale? McHenry store fronts available by the day. Start at S10 per day. 815/385-8885. FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free 8i confidential help line, day or nlght.81S/338-8080 SCULPTURED NAILS: 2 years experience. S25. 815/4"" SCHOGCTCfMING! What better do back to school shopping than to do It In your own home wi th a Poltermann Fashion T-Shlrt Party! We have hostess specials too! Give Nancy call for more details, 312/428-5410. r MAY THE sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St Jude, worker of miracles pray, for us. St. Jude, helper of me hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times per day, by the eighth day your prayer will be answered. Published and promised. THANK YOU GOD, Dear Lord Jesus, Dear Holly Spirit, Dear Virgin Mary, Dear St. Jude, for prayers answered. Please continue to hear me. D.M.P. HAPPY18TH BIRTHDAY, LISLE T J. DUDE IF YOU SEE JERRY ON MONDAY. WISH HIMAHAPPY48TH LOVEJOYCE PIANO LESSONS, By experienced teachers. Two masters degree In music, member ISTMA,«. MTNA. Pat Marks, 815/455-5837. PRIVATE TUTORING A successful alternative Grades 4-8, Full/part time with Mrs. Otterbacher. 815/648-2333. PIANO LESSONS Beginner students. Flexible scheduling, plus evenings. 312/439-0412. NUTRITIAN CONSULTATIONS GAIN CONTROL A 10 week class for weight control Is being offered on Wednesday 8i Friday mornings at First United Methodist Church, Crystal Lake. Such topics as "Controlling Hunger, Nutrient Needs at Different Life Stages, Restaurant & Social Eating". Computerized evaluation of current eating habits will be provided. You will learn how to Incorporate aerobic exercise Into your life. For regis t rat ion, ca l l : Karen Hare, R.D., 815/455-2465 Car Pools RIDE from McHenry Shores to Lakemoor. Mon.-Frl., 5:30 to 6:00 am; 815/385-8640. Meal Preparation Shopping I rtHow:.keeping U. idry f̂ .̂ Ortal wore Truly Caring Services, Inc. offers: HOME CARE FOR ELDERLY or HANDICAPPED 4 hrs. to 24 hrs. - 7 day. a week ALSO AVAILABLE: Nursing Care _ Registered Nurses Lie Practical Nurses Home Care Assistance 24 Hr. Anawering Service* S15-568-54H Private duty in hospitals or nursing homes. Rm. 207,100 W. Washington St., Marengo, IL. Licensed & Bonded Employment Agency HAPPY BIIWAV MOM & DAD 10VE, AU. OF US EMPLOYMENT Employment A(melet Employment Wanted.. Household Help Wanted Sitter* Available SHlert Needed Help Wanted n IS Employ mant Wantad WILL STEAM Clean 8. deodorize carpets. Living room, S25. Additional rooms, S10. each. 6 years experlence; 815/943-4793. R8iR PAINTING INTERIOR Si EXTERIOR •FREE ESTIMATES 815/653-4699 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning that's affordable. Steam method. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. STANC. JOZEFIAK Decorating Painting & Papering 815/923-4333 PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE CLAUDIA 815/459-3392 GIVE YOUR house that professionally kept look. Call the Dustbuster for all your home c leaning needs. Reasonable rates. 815/385-8499 or 815/385-0981. SMALL ENGINES repaired. Over 15 years experience. Jim, 815/455-5286 or 815/459-1946. WILL DO CLEANING IN WOODSTOCK 815/338-3659 after 5 pm 19 Housahold Halp Wantad MOTHER SEEKING Responsible mature woman to fill family household position consisting of childcare for 3 year old and light house keeping duties. Own trans, essential. Three day work week with $100 weekly salary. Send responses to Box AUT C/O Northwest Newspapers, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, 1160014 HOUSE CLEANER to work 2 to 3 hours daily, Monday through Friday, $4 per hour. Dundee area. After 6 pm- 312/428-7930. RELIABLE CLEANING Lady w/ good references, 2 X per mo., Tues. or Thurs. morning, Cary area. Call 312/639-0030. RELIABLE PERSON to cook for elderly couple. Lunch 8< dinner Fridays Si Saturdays. Cary area. 312/639-0888. MATURE WOMAN to be companion for eldery capable woman In Elgin. Live In, ref. required. 312/464-5515, leave message. I will do Ironing In my home. 815/675-2519 20 Slttars Aval labia DIANA'S DAY CARE, licensed, fenced in yard, nutritious meals, Ig. activity room. Full time only, 2 yrs. i up. S45 per week first child; S25 each additional. 815/459-3648. CHRISTIAN MOTHER will babysit your 2-7 yr. old children, M-F, In my Cary home. Prefer fu l l t ime youngsters. Call 312/639-3899. EXCELLENT Day Care in my Cary/ Spring Green home. Full or part time days. For more Info., call 312/639-1754. WILL BABYSIT weekdays In my McHenry home. 815/385-8423 KTZ TO CLEAN? Call Two + /658-3179 or 815/45* FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 12 Stocks, Bonds and Invest menu 13 Financial Services 14 Personal and Business Loans IS Business 12 Opportunities OWNER/OPERATORS SEMI DUMPS Prepare for next Winter now (Trailers Available) BULK TRANSPORT INC. 312/298-8636 CHEMICAL 8i Maintenance Business. McHenry Co. area. Well established, Req. 25-30 hrs. /wk. Above average income. Investment $13,000 secured by stock equip. 8i van. Send resume to Mr. Gehrke, 4818 S. 76th St., Greenfield, Wise. 53220 or call 1-800-545-4141 Ext. 250. UNIQUE Restaurant/Lounge available. Includes 6 acres w/ living quarters. Excellent high visibility/ high traflc location, country atmosphere. Confidential Sale The Commercial Connection 815/385-2050 McHENRYCOUNTY BUSINESSES FOR SALE •HOT DOG BUSINESS* McHenry area, owner financing at 10% with $20,000 down. Priced at $30,000 • BEAUTY SALON• Crystal Lake area, estab. 6 years, $72,000 gross, $20,000 down, $28,500 •TAVERN* W/LIVING QUARTERS Excellent terms, high traffic location, owner retiring. Selling Your Business? Call Us Today! KAPLAN COMMERCIAL *815/455-5582' Use Classified Pages GUESS WHO HIT THE BIG "50" LOVING MOM, 14 yrs. exp. has opening for full time. Mon. to rflw 312/658-3084. HOUSE CLEANING! Experienced, Professional Quality. Competetlve Ratesl Refs. available. Openings early Sept.. 815/459-6338. BEAUTIFUL sculptured nails, $1.50 per nail. Introductory offer, new product. 815/459- 6957. PAINTING or Handyman, Int., or ext., experienced, reliable. Call Steve, 312/658-4203. J8 iK CLEANING SERVICE We clean homes, restaurants, of f ices, & much more! Reliable, Insured, Reasonable. Call 815/728-1558 C&M house cleaning service. Experienced, reliable, cleaning team, references., 815/459-7810. WILL DO Small Carpentry Jobs 8i Repair. Call anytime- 815/338-0835. HOUSECLEANING Lady. Willing to please, If can. Exp., Ref. Call after 5,815/385-9317 WILL DO CLEANING- Homes or of f ices. References. Reasonable. Cal l Lynda- 815/455-5250. EXPERIENCED CLEANING lady has one day per week open. Reasonable rates, exc. refs. Call 815/455-1282, before 9 a.m. HANDYMAN SERVICE Quality work at lowest prices! 815/678-4452 WILLDOCLEANING, laundry, days, 9-3. 312/639-3991. PAINTING, Carpentry Estimates, 815/344-4354 or 815/385-3533 Electrical • Plumbing Carpentery • Drywall Painting • Roof Repair Small Home Repair CALL BOB • 815/459-4400 • mm CHILD CARE in my Woodstock home. 815/338-5943. BABYSITTING In my Carpentersv i l le home. Golfview School area. Call after 5; 312/428-4436. 20 Slttars Available EXPERIENCED. I have room for kindergarteners or pre­ schoolers, good location to take bustoWesfwood. 815/338-6569 LOVING MOTHER educated In child development will babysit I. Will also get child your child. also get off bus in Harrison school 728-0244 district. 815/7 CHILD CARE: Reasonable & Reliable. Full or part time. Cary. 312/639-0593. WILL BABYSIT In my home. Johnsburg school district. 815/385-6948 CHILD CARE in my home. Tues.-Fri. In W. School area, 815/455-4596. CHILD CARE In my Fox River Grove home. Full time. Days only. 312/639-9355. CHRISTIAN MOTHER will babysit any age. Algonquln- Neubert area. 312/658-7 LOVING MOTHER of one will babysit your Infant in my McHenry home full time. Call 815/385-0439 HOMESTYLE MONTESSORI Licensed day care, 3 to 6 year olds, limited full 8i part time openings. Call 815/455-4817. LOVING MOTHER wi l l babysit in my Woodstock home 815/337-0656 WILL do babysittino In my home full i Woodstock time. Reasonable rates 815/338-5965 "KT 21 3:30pm. Call 815/385-3185 PROFESSIONAL SALES POSITION WE OFFER •SAURY • NEWCAR •COMPLETE TRAINING • INSURANCE •PAID VACATION • FACTORY INCENTIVES • MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY • SECURITY We will recruit several people for executive sales careers selling automobiles in the McHenry County and Lake County areas. Please call for appoint­ ment. Ask for Lenny or Jay. GARY LANG CHEVROLET 908 N. Front St., McHenry (Rte. 31) 815/385-2100 Experienced or Inexperienced encouraged to apply. SCULPTURED NAILS, 2 years exp., $25/set, by Vlcki 815/455-1048 19 Household Halp Wantad BABYSITTER/housekeeper for 7 month old girl, in Northbrook. English speaking, non smoker, ref. req. Live in or come 8i go. 5 days a wk., week ends off. App. (130 wk., 312/272- 5688. L IVE --IN housekeeper wanted. 815/338-6674. After 2:30 HAPPY 16th JENNA LOVE, MOM, DAD, SHELL, MCK, GRAMS HOMEY RADIO DISPATCHER The city of McHenry is taking applications for a Radio Dispatcher. Duties include answering emer­ gency & non emergency phone calls, dispatching police, fire & rescue calls, typing police reports, & general dispatching duties. Experience pre­ ferred. Applicant should have knowledge of the McHenry area, have average typing skills, & be able to work all shifts. Applications are available at The City of McHenry Police Department 1111 N. Green St., McHenry, II. Applications must be returned no later than August 29,1985, by 4:30 p.m. 21 Sitters Naadad RELIABLE SITTER needed in my home near McHenry Dam for 1 and 2 year old, part time days, f lex, hours. Refs required. 815/344-4275, after 6 pm SITTER needed 4 days a week, 5 hours a day. 815/455-3420. HIGH SCHOOL or older to care for 8 yr. old in my Spring St. home after school. 312/639-0582 after 5:30 p.m. MATURE LOVING person needed to babysit In our home for 2 children. Must provide refs i transportation and have >. Call 815/338-6938 SITTER NEEDED for Kindergartner. Must be within Prairie Grove School area. Call anytime; 815/459-2553. SITTER NEEDED, mature women, 2 days a week, My Sleepy Hollow home, good pay, 2 girls 4 8i 9.312/426-8280 22 Halp Wantad OWNER/OPERATORS SEMI DUMPS Prepare for next Winter now (Trailers Available) BULK TRANSPORT INC. 312/298-8636 OWNER OPERATORS SEMI DUMPS (Trailers Available) BULK TRANSPORT, INC. 312/298-8636 22 Halp Wantad AVON IS BETTER Than Ever! Venture Into the world of success! Call 815/338-6349. RESUMES Job Placement Diane's Business Service 815/455-6665 SALESCLERK PART TIME CADIEUX'S BAKERY 126 W. Main St. Barrington Apply In person at our Barrington or Crystal Lake stores. MANAGER MOBILE HOME PARK GENOA, ILLINOIS Ideal for retired couple or i n d i v i d u a l w i t h a supplementary income. Will furnish a beautiful apartment to live-In on site. Snould be capable of doing handy work, park maintenance & deal with residents as needed. Send letter listing your capabilities and phone number to F. V. M., Box 97, Genoa, IL 60135. PIZZA MAKER Must have experience. t Full or Part time. Rosatl's Pizza 312/658^868 JANITORIAL SERVICE needs experienced people for full time floor work (nights) in retail stores In the McHenry area. Call 312/629-0400 between 9am8i4pm. 22 Help Wantad MANAGER Must have experience in the pizza business. Apply in person or call: Rosati's Pizza 5 Hanson Rd. Algonquin 312/658-6868 INSPECTOR Good Math Aptitude. Ability to use Calipers 8i Micrometers a plus. Will Train. Apply in person to: ILLINOIS COIL SPRING 1415 N. Industrial Dr. McHenry, II SELL AVON In Wonder Lake, Spring Grove or Richmond areas, Part or Full-time. Earn up to 50%. Call 815/344-2951. ATTENTION! FUN JOB PART-TIME FREE $300. kit showing toys 8. gifts. No Investment, collecting or delivering. Call 312/742-3776, or 312/426-2082, or 312/426-3409. MAINTENANCE PERSON Heavy machine repairability. Machine Shop background, 5 years exper ience. Ful l benefits. Apply In person. ILLINOISCOIL SPRING CO. 1415 N. industrial Dr. McHenry Slttars Naadad BABYSITTER, MATURE to care for 1 child in my home only. Full time, exp., refs, reasonabiy good salary. 312/426-8151 RELIABLE Sitter needed In my Crystal Lake home. From 3 pm to 7 pm, Mon. -Thurs., Good pay! 815/459-3536, after 5 pm. ITU RE ADULT wanted for Itting Moa-Jfrl (9-2) in klgon înliDme. 2 small chHdren. Exc. pay. 312/658-3018 RESPONSIBLE 8. caring babysitter needed in my McHenry home for 2Va & lVa yr. olds. Mon.-Frl. from 7am- started Tues., August 6 In He >UGH THEM. You may _ i to know, or maybe by MATCHMATES, you will be inspired to write your own ad and get to know someone new! What kind of people write to or respond to MATCHMATE ads? Ac­ cording to newspaper industry studies, they're simply ordinary men and women, unattached by chance or choice, who suffer from a lack of time or opportunity to meet eligible others for friendships, datipg or "relationships." Across the country, more and more "people seeking people" are taking advantage of the convenience of simple reading their newspaper's clas­ sified section. HELP WANTED We are looking for an ambitious, detail oriented person to work in the "traffic" area of our Unified Composing Room. Du­ ties are centered around the flow of dis­ play advertising material from arrival to final publication. Experience on a com­ puter is highly desirable. This is a full time position with flexibility of hours. We offer a full benefit package. Apply at: Crystal Lake Herald 7803 Pyott Rd. Crystal Lake, III. 60014 A SAMPLE: Widowed female age 52, would like to meet gentleman looking for companionship. Interested in traveling, ideal reply would be from retiree or someone with flexible enough schedule to tra­ vel. Extremely shy woman, age 33, already beling to singles club, but looking for one to one rela­ tionship. Young female, late 20's look­ ing for a down to earth, good person, who is not interested in going to single bars and playing all the "What's your sign?" type games. "MATCHMATE PERSONALS will run every Tuesday & must be paid for in advance with the following guidelines: MD required 2-No names S-No phone or address in ad 4-No sexual overtones 5-Use common sense If you have any questions regarding your "MATCHMATE PERSONAL" call: 1-800-ADS-W0RK There is little to risk-NO names, addresses or phone numbers, will be allowed to ap­ pear in the MATCHMATES PERSONALS. People wishing to meet you write to your PRI­ VATE blind box number that you are assigned and is printed in your ad. Your name and address can only be re­ leased by YOU when you are ready to respond to a reply. (ALL CORRESPONDENCE WILL BE HANDLED WITH STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY.) SAMPLE: Middle aged man wants to meet nice lady with the same in­ terests as his. Music, cozy din­ ners, and quiet evenings. Professional man, age 35 would like to meet an attractive career woman who enjoys mo­ vies, concerts, quiet walks and Chinese food. Shy lady of 30 who loves cook­ ing and classical music, would like to meet a man who dislikes singles bars as much as she does. Northwest Newspapers are presenting this new classi­ fied service to our ADULT readers (18 yrs. & older) who wish to contact other adults with similar inter­ ests. THE PUBLISHER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO EDIT OR REJECT ADS NOT CONFORMING TO OUR COMPANY STAN- DARDS OF GOOD TASTE ORTHWE8T flEWSPAPERS U

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