Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1985, p. 4

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Page 4 McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Monday,August26,1*5 Community ' wmm Out tfQ fm com* fort? is Dad sick became tie M can't muster ;• • • 'Wyik" And, will Junior skip Softball c for ftidmpto reason ttut cm before the tvwaWiteg Ids sho*k the comfort of dr pry would go, be opted for* I conditioning is more to his Hiring? As the hours * "" The temperature Is inching to* heheard ward 90 and promises to go higher*. Sons flvtffld ̂ Maybe it isn't worth the < . more than "tfte low" and some- other tents were i |gjiy|v||| - m£' -V îih ;:Mkiii: '•'IhA .;VlU9w|C©» • W Www v* lla. vwm 0m1* : WPS. away with a little procrastinting at tacit tents. a ̂ jue uke this feitt w® lcno^v swjĵ ̂ f̂̂ hieĵ naort̂ D î cajs^e ^usd ^^as die M Cderfn BY KAF one WHO can't. reward |m AM** iMiit w Vi w WWWI tSf #%f* wfi WfW) W Irt̂ T ̂iw r̂ ::Wfk ® *®oi» w noo iv» tow ways to beat the heat, but hi almost always skips lunch at ha wotita an heat ^^RPR' '1HWP *(F|Hj thmi ifj. faffi'iiftyftyfr buildings to reach 96 degrees and !S ..' i that is **SSttW vnsi wtti'fc ml er questioner. His •NniK smilea* upward and answered, "For | | good cool bath mi#»t help but wiprl scarce. Natives walk miles and then return with only one bucit* ft ^>Hr4 of com^^py $$$$ -A ttytiL ;it: " WavCT* WUD vBiy iv per of the land worked to feed a 1? mUUon, it Is no Is the gMm ;PP: /vooui aw cauaren receive rotM wheat and wttir daSSy tro®J,S. the ttiNl In the aflfc 400 million tons Inflation, he reminds, is the big- |jfe< I , V. , ' > , i > t ., ^ • •' of goods, many items are beyond the buying power el almost . With ft smile, ̂ Assure* that Alfrtcjtfi nt&lf? tfS8S oC i& problem than the economy, al- who " I K . I . . , , . . . . ft VlrtlMl . ;•• :•:V :̂:: Imtmv.y, frt h ia> A • :• marxea vy a New AV program set The McHenry Public Library an­ nounced that it now has access to the "Audio Recording Collection" of the Suburban Audio-Visual Service (SAVS) including standard LPs, au­ dio cassettes and compact discs. This collection has been made avail­ able through a federally-funded pro­ ject, Sound Recording Plus, which has more than 10,500 albums. This collection contains items which are not readily available to the average library patron: lan­ guage courses, classical music, op­ eras, instructional materials, folk music and sound effects. Also through this program, a collection Doctor named to bank bd tt:.; :i$e m : it $9ttf of 500 compact discs - the latest advancement in audio technology - is being assembled. The Sound Re­ cording Plus project will try to sat­ isfy requests for audio recordings not found in the catalog or in our library's collection. All of the materials may be bor­ rowed by placing an order through the McHenry Public Library, the only restriction being that the per­ son ordering must have a McHenry Public Library Card. A copy of SAVS Sound Recording Plus audio catalog and details on ordering are available at the Mc­ Henry Public Library. f\ TERRY SELKE Terry Selke has been named to the Board of Directors of First Mid­ west Bank, Lakehurst. Selke, in practice since 1973, is an orthodon­ tist with offices in McHenry, Grays- lake and Waukegan He earned DDS, MS and specialty degrees from University of Illinois. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics, president of Lake County Dental Society and is active in professional associations. He was associate professor of orthodontics for eight years at Uni­ versity of Illinois, where he guest, lectures. Selke is also co-founder of "Dialogue in Dentistry," an organi­ zation which educates purchsers and users of dental services. Selke has two children, Kirk and Kristen. GED classes will start soon at Johnsburg High Johnsburg High School will be the site Monday and Wednesday eve­ nings this fall for a GED I class taught by Linda Gough and spon­ sored by McHenry County College. Individuals interested in prepar­ ing to pass the high school equiva­ lency examinations are invited to sign up for the seven and one-half week class which starts Sept. 4. Those successfully completing the GED examinations will be eligible to participate in McHenry County College's annual GED Graduation Ceremony next spring. Last May, 87 people took part in the ceremony. Tuition and study materials for General Educational Development classes are free to the. student. The only fee assessed the student is a $3 registration charge. It is easy to register; just call Ed Eisner at the college, 455-3700, ex­ tension 252. One also has the option of registering in person at McHenry County College, Route 14 and Lucas Road, during regular office hours; or register at Johnsburg High School, 2002 Ringwood Road, the first night of class. GED II is scheduled to follow GED 1 in the same location. Those needing extra time to prepare for the examinations are welcome to sign up again. Area 4-Hers place well The members of Lincoln Clover- leaf 4-H Club exhibited their pro­ jects at the McHenry County 4-H Fair in Woodstock this month and the following is a list of their ratings: Theresa Smith, Computers and Child Care, A; Electricity, A and first alternate to the state fair. Rachel Wolter, Clothing II, Home Furnishings and Child Care, A. Becky Wolter, Home Furnishings, Sewing, Crochet, and Photography, A merit and first alternate to the state fair. Annette Freels, Dairy Foods, B. Tracy Kendall, Fun With Chil­ dren, A merit. Amy Schaefer, Clothing, A merit; Home Improvements, A. Kelly Schaefer, Clothing, A mer­ it; Stitchery, A. Peter Thennes, Poultry, A and C; Photography, A; Computers, C; Mi­ crowave, B; Conservation, A. The club is planning a fun activity during the month of September and will be in charge of recycling day Sept. 21 at West Campus. Story hours for kids Upcoming Storyhours for Pre­ schoolers, ages three to five, not yet in kindergarten, will be starting again at the Johnsburg District Li­ brary, 2404 Johnsburg Road. The library is offering two ses­ sions per week starting Monday, Sept. 9 and Thursday, Sept. 12, last­ ing for eight weeks. There is a limit of 20 children per session and they start at 10 a.m. both days. This will be a good opportunity for children to meet new friends and to enjoy books. Registration is re­ quired. Call 344-0077, or come to the library and register in person dur­ ing the week of Sept. 3 to 7. Library hours are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Tuesday and Friday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. information. Call for further CHECK THE CLASSIFKOS Js If You Fail To Receive Your McHenry Plaindealer Before 7:00 a.m. • Please Call Our Circulation Dept. Before 10:00 a.m. at 385-0178. We'll Bring One Right Out To You! Plaindealer Circulation Dept. 385-0178 Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE Takt notice that petition wet filed In Springfield, III. at the prisoner review board for a petition for commendation of sentence for Carroll Fair of SheridiRflll. Dated Aug. 21,19U (Published In McHenry Plaindealer Aug. 36,1985) L72M PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CI RCUIT COURT OF THE WTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRYCOUNTY No.asFaoe PEGGY OHRWALL and HAROLD OHRWALL, Plaintiffs . RONALD E.RUKUJZO and " CELIA PEGGY MICHALCZYK, Defendants PUBLICATION NOTICE NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, defendants, that this case has been commenced in this court against you and other defendants, asking to terminate your parental rights as to CELIA PEGGY MICHALCZYK, and permit her adoption by PEGGY and HAROLD OHRWALL, and for other relief. UNLESS YOU file your answer or otherwise file your appearance In Mils case in the office of the court, McHenry County Court House, 2300 N. Seminary Ave,, Room 301, Woodstock, Illinois, onor before September 30, 1MS/A JUDGMENT OR DECREE BY DEFAULT MAY BE TAKEN ̂ GAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF ASKED IN THE COMPLAINT! Witness, Aug. 30,19 (SEAL) , , /s/ Vernon W. Kays, Jr. (Clerk of the Circuit Court) By: (s) JunlceUnverzagt (Deputy) TARADASH & TARADASH Attorney for Plaintiffs 4213 W. Elm Street McHenry, IL 600S0 •15-305-8063 (Published In McHenry Plaindealer Aug. 36, Sept. 3 & 9,1985) 3577 PUBLIC NOTICE THE BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES OF THE JOHNSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. 05-0-1 COMBINED ANNUAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR LIBRARY PURPOSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR IfOO-IWt WHEREAS, a tentative combined annual budget and appropriation ordinance has been prepared and made available for public Inspection at least thirty (30) days prior to the adoption thereof, and a public hearing on said budget and appropriation has been held prior to final action thereon, and notice of said hearing was published at least ten (10) days prior to said hearing in a iwwspaptr published within thi district# N«rTHEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Library Trustees of the Johnsburg Public Library District, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. The following budget containing an estimate of all receipts of said library district, and of the expenditures therefrom, be and the same hereby Is adopted as the budget for said district for the fiscal year beginning July 1,1985 and ending June 30, 1986 and the said sums are hereby appropriated as necessary to defray expenses and liabilities of this library district, for the ob|ects and purposes indicated, for said fiscal year: General Fund Cash income expected during the year: 60 percent of 1904 property taxes 40 percent of 1905 property taxes Non-resident Fees Fines Photocopy charges Unexpended carryover from 1905 budget Total expected Income Expected Cash Expenditures: Library Materials and Books Personnel Expenses Salaries Employee Benefits Operation Expenses Rent Telephone Utilities Building Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Leased Equipment Travel and Education Publicity Postaoe Office Supplies Capital Outlay Contractual Services Contingency Miscellaneous Loan Repayment Total General! S 52,800.00 40,000.00 2,000.00 300.00 700.00 .500.00 4,600.00 $108,900.00 S 10,000.00 37,000.00 1475.00 7,200.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 1,950.00 3,000.00 500.00 15,000.00 $108,900.00 $100,725.00 8,175.00 $108,900.00 $2,575.00 $0.00 $1,200.00 I Fund Expenditures Total Special Fund Expenditures (1) Total Budget Cash Expenditures (1) Funds are detailed In the following copy. SPECIAL FUND ACCOUNTS Liability Insurance Fund Expected cash receipts during year: 60 percent of 1904 tax levy $1,300.00 40 percent of 1985 tax levy 1,275.00 Total Receipts 2,575.00 Total cash available Expected cash expenditures during year: Liability Insurance $1450.00 Unemployment Insurance 1,225.00 Total expenditures 2,575.00 Estimated year end cash balance Audit Fund Expected cash receipts during year: 60 percent of 1984 tax levy $ 650.00 40 percent of 1985 tax levy 550.00 Total receipts 1,200.00 Total Cash Available Expected cash expenditures during year: Audit $1400 00 Total expenditures 1,200.00 Estimated year end cash balance Retirement Fund Expected cash receipts during year 60 percent of 1904 tax levy 40 percent of 1905 tax levy Total receipts 1,700.00 Total cash available Expected cash expenditures during year: Retirement $1,700.00 Total expenditures 1,700.00 Estimated year end cash balance Social Security Fund Expected cash receipts during year: 60 percent of 1904 tax levy $1400.00 40percentof 1905 tax levy 1,400.00 Total Receipts 3,700.00 Total cash available Expected cash expenditures during year: Social Security $3,700.00 Total expenditures 3,700.00 Estimated year end cash balance Total special fund accounts expenditures Section 3. There Is hereby appropriated from the taxes to be levied for the fiscal year and other sources of income the sum of One Hundred Eight Thousand Nine Hundred and no/100 Dollars $ 960.00 740.00 $0.00 $1,700.00 $0.00 $2,700.00 $0.00 $8,175.00 ($108,900.00) the same to be divided among the several objects and purposes as hereinabove specified for said district purposes for the aforesaid fiscal year. Section 1 All unexpended balances of proceeds received annually from public library taxes and Other sources shall be carried over into the next fiscal year as cash orFhand. Section 4. A copy of this ordinance in tentative form has been available for public inspection at the library for at least thirty (30) days, and notice of said hearing has been given by posting for at least thirty (30) da' in this district In ring has been given by posting f (30) days and by publication in a newspaper pubil let in substantially the following form: THE BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES OF THE JOHNSBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on the proposed Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the fiscal year 1905-1906 at the following time and place: August 20,1985 at 7:00 p.m., at the Johnsburg High School, ' Ringwood Rd., McHenry, Illinois. The said ordinance In tentative form shall be available for public Inspection for at least thirty (30) DATEcHfMs'SutylMW dw'nfl hours. Secretary (s) Judith W. Robel Section 1 In accordance with III. Rev. Stat., Chap. 120, Sec. 064, at the time of review and approval of the tentative budget and appropratlon ordinance, the board made a tentative determination that the amounts of money estimated to be necessary to be raised by taxation for the fiscal year was One Hundred Thousand Eight Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($100,800.00) and at the time of approval of the final appropriations, this determination Is hereby established as One Hundred Thousand Eight Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($100,800.00) and this determination Is made not less than seven (7) days prior to the scheduled adoption of the aggregate levy ordinance in accordance with law. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after passage, approval, posting, and publication, according to law, and any ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and should any part of this ordinance be ad udged invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall affect only that part of this act specifically covered thereby, and shall not affect any other provisions or parts of this act, which shall be severable therefrom. PASSED by the Board of Library Trustees of the Johnsburg Public Library District, McHenry County, I lllnois on the 30th dey of August, 1905 AYES: 4-• Janzen, Munson, Kennebeck, Robel, J NAYS: 0 ABSENT: 3 - Kuclk, Johnson, Robel, E. ABSTAINING: 0 APPROVED: (s) Herbert E. Janzen SEAL ATTEST: (»)Judith W. Robel Illinois SiOftify (Published In McHenry Plaindealer Aug. 26,1985) 3578 President, the Board of Library Trustees of the Johnsburg Public Library District, McHenry County,

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