Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1985, p. 18

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Pag« 4 NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Saturday, August31,1985 Regional Supermarket Shopper Dear Martin: I would like to send for a manufacturer's refund offer that asks for a weight label from a package of hamburger. I have checked the meat counters at my four local supermarkets, and the packages are all labeled "Ground Beef." Do you think the manufacturer would accept this in­ stead of the hamburger label? Anna Marie Eberts, Canton, Ohio Dear Anna Marie: Free hamburg­ er offers are fairly common and have been used to sell a lot of ketch­ up. The manufacturers who make these offers know that meat label­ ing varies from area to area. In some markets we find ground beef, in others ground chuck. Only a mi­ nority of the stores use the "ham­ burger" label. Don't worry. All of these labels are acceptable. Dear Martin: Two of my sons recently discovered coupons, and you would think they had found bur­ ied treasure! My sixth-grader, Phil­ lip, found a 50-cent coupon in the newspaper for Pringles potato chips, which happened to be on sale for 99 cents. He also found a 35-cent coupon for Orange Crush soda. The local grocery store always doubles coupons, so he came home with both items. He was very proud of himself for spending his allowance so wisely. My youngest son, Tony, age 4, has also caught on. His "find" was a 50- cent' coupon for Quaker granola bars, which were on sale for $1.25. He couldn't believe his luck in get­ ting a whole box of the granola bars for just 25 cents. Now, when the food-day newspa­ per arrives at our house, both of the boys wait until I am finished with it; then they go through it carefully, page by page. Of course, they are looking for the coupons, but they are also becoming real newspaper readers! Lyn Magdaleno, Alexandria, La. Dear Lyn: When my children were younger, I challenged them to correctly add up the value of the coupons in the newspaper. It was a good mathematical exercise for them, and their prize was the cou­ pon product of their choice. Dear Martin: I am a coupon clip­ per, and I have noticed that coupons say: "Cash Value 1/20 cent." Does Jhis mean I can cash in the coupons I can't use? Mae Siders, Holly, Mich. tB.%ragg*'*'••'••"r ib, Dear Mae: Some states require that a}l coupons have a cash value, and mat is why such a value ap­ pears on all coupons. The only pur­ pose for this "value" is a legal one. When you start figuring out how much postage it would take to send in 500 coupons to receive 25 cents back, you quickly realize that it isn't worth the effort. CLIP 'N' FILE REFUNDS (Week of Aug. 25) Breakfast Products, Cereals, Baby Products (File No. 1) Clip out this file and keep it with similar cash-off coupons - beverage refund offers with beverage cou­ pons, for example, Start collecting the needed proofs of purchase while looking for the required forms at the supermarket, in newspapers and magazines, and when trading with friends. Offers may not be available in all areas of the country. Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. GERBER Flatware Offer. Re­ ceive the "in-between" feeding set for toddlers: Spork and Pusher crafted in stainless by Oneida, stamped with a Gerber Kid face and personalized with your child's first name. Send the required refund form, six Chunky Food labels and a $2.50 check or money order for the Spork and Pusher; or send three Chunky Food labels and a $1.50 check or money order for the Spork; or send three Chunky Food labels and a $1.50 check or money order for the Pusher. Expires Oct. 31 1985 HUGGIES-POLAROID Camera Offer. Receive a free Polaroid "Spirit" Camera or Polaroid Spirit 600 with built-in electronic flash. Send the required refund form and 36 proof-of-purchase points (conve­ nience packs are worth three points, regular packs are worth one point) for the free Polaroid "Spirit" Cam­ era, along with $1 for postage and handling; or send 36 proof-of-pur- chase points, along with a $10 check or money order for the Polaroid Spirit 600 Camera with built-in flash. Expires Nov. 4,1985. « -JOHNSON'S Baby Cornstarch $1 Refund Offer. Send required re­ fund form and the proof-of-purchase label from the bottom of the 14- ounce container of Johnson's Baby Cornstarch. Expires Oct. 31,1985 QUAKER OATS Fresh Fruit $1 Refund Offer. Send the required re­ fund form and three Universal Product Codes/Purchase Seals from any combination of Quaker Puffed Wheat, Puffed Rice or Corn Bran Cereal, along with a dated cash-register receipt in which a pur­ chase of at least $1 worth of fresh fruit is circled. Expires Oct. 31, 1965 WHEATIES Mary Lou Retton Poster Offer. Receive a free auto­ graphed Mary Lou Retton poster. Send the required refund form and three qualifying Wheaties Universal Product Code symbols. The qualify­ ing Universal Product Code has a number of four or more in the righthand corner. Expires Nov. 30, 1985 or while supplies last. Here's a refund form to write for: A $1.59 refund. FLEX MOUSSE $1.59 Refund Offer, P.O. Box 1996, Young America, MN 55394. This of­ fer expires Oct. 15, 1985, but re­ quests for the form must be re­ ceived by Sept. 15, 1985. Send the required refund form and on a 3-by- 5 piece of paper print your name, address, city, state and ZIP code. While waiting for the form, save the original dated cash-register receipt and a proof of purchase (the "R" disc from the overcap) from one Flex Body Building Styling Mousse (any 5 ounces of Control Formula: regular, extra or perm). Dairy Products, Oils, Margarine, Diet Products (File No. 2) KRAFT Mayonnaise and Vegeta­ ble $1 Refund Offer. Send the re­ quired refund form and any combi­ nation, of four back labels (with Untooml Product Codes) from 32-. ounce or larger-size jars of Kraft Real-Mayonnaise orKraft Light Re­ duced Calorie Mayonnaise, along with a cash-register receipt with any fresh-vegetable purchase price circled. Expires Oct. 31,1985. KRAFT Dips Produce Offer. Re­ ceive a $1 coupon good toward your choice of produce. Send the re­ quired refund form and four Univer­ sal Product Code symbols from Kraft Premium Dips, any variety. Expires Oct. 31,1985. PROGRESSO Quality Foods Of­ fer. Receive two 50-cent coupons good for the purchase of Progresso Olive Oil and Wine Vinegar. Send the required refund form and the Universal Product Code symbols from one bottle of Progresso Olive Oil and one bottle of Progresso Wine Vinegar. This offer has no expira­ tion date. REDDI-WIP Refund Offer. Receive two 50-cent coupons good toward future purchases of Reddi-wip. Send the required refund form and two lock tabs from any size Reddi-wip, along with the cash-register re­ ceipts) with the purchase prices circled. Expires Oct. 31,1985. SEARS Portait Studios Offer. Re­ ceive a free 8-by-l0 full-color photo­ graphic portrait. Bring the required certificate and one proof-of pur­ chase from any size of Blue Bonnet Spread (the cash-register receipt with the purchase price circled and the Blue Bonnet Spread Universal Product Code number written on the back\ Expires Oct. 31,1985. ^^osati's Management A f t A l n n n n n i n Algonquin 658-6868 For a "Guaranteed Hot Delivery" Open Sunday 3 pm to Midnight Mon-Thurs. 4 pm to Midnight Fri-Sat-3pm-lam • Ask for our Daily Special • 25 locations in Chicagoland $3°° OFF ANY LARGE PIZZA Pickup only I I s2MOFF ANY URGE PIZZA Pickup only I Coupon good for Mon.-Tues. Wed. Only j Coupon good for {Algonquin Rosati's only 658*6868 I Algonquin Rosati's only TOFF Plus 2 quarto RC On Any Large Pizz* Pickup only {Coupon good for FREE DELIVERY RC Plus 1 quart Coupon good for |_A owtrs m I* _ -6868 RMti^onlv^ j By Martin Sloane Wesson 100 Percent Sunflower Seed Oil Refund Offer. Receive two 50-cent coupons good on your next purchases of Wesson 100 Percent Sunflower Seed Oil. Seod the re­ quired refund form and the cash- register repeipt(s) with the pur­ chase price(s) of two 32-ounce or two 48-ounce Wesson 100 Percent Sunflower Seed Oil circled, and on a 3-by-5 sheet of paper print the Uni­ versal Product Code number found on the back of the bottles. Expires Oct. 31,1985. Here's a refund form to write for: A $1 refund. SUMMER SKIN CARE, P.O. Box 4027, Jefferson City, MO 65102. This offer expires Oct. 31, 1985. Send the required re­ fund form and your name, address, phone number and ZIP code, hand­ printed. While waiting for the form, save the code number from the bot­ tom of a Vaseline Intensive Care Hand and Body Lotion bottle, along with a dated cash- register tape with the purchase price circled. Copyright, 1985 United Feature Syndicate Roses nab spotlight at 15th annual show The Fox River Valley Rose Soci­ ety will conduct its 15th Annual Rose Show on Sunday, Sept. 8, in the central garden area of Spring Hill Mall in West Dundee. Local amateur and hobbyist rose growers from Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana will be exhibiting their privately-grown outdoor roses in competition for various honors and awards. Competition classes for all types of rose specimens -- ranging from miniature roses, hybrid teas, gran- diflores, climbers and ramblers -- are available fur entry. Another di­ vision of the rose show is for ar­ rangements utilizing miniature or larger type roses. Area rose growers who are not members of a local rose society or the American Rose Society may join the competition and exhibit in the "Hi-Neighbor" rose specimen groups, which include all rose types "Hi-Neighbor" entry information may be obtained from the manage­ ment office located in the garden cafe of Spring Hill Mall. Exhibitor assistance will be available on the day of the show for those entrants that have not exhibited their roses in competition previously. Entry tags and specimen bases will be supplied by the rose society for ex­ hibition use at the show. All entries will be accepted on4he day of the show between 6:30-9:30 a.m. Judging of entries will com­ mence at 9:45 a.m. until completion by nationally-accredited rose and arrangement judges. The rose show will be open for viewing in Spring Hill Mall's central garden area from noon to 4:30 p.m., when the awards presentation will take place. Local rose society mem­ bers and consulting rosarians will be present to answer questions. Scout project to teach children self-reliance • ' School bus: has rights | on highway With the beginning of the 1985-86 school year, the McHenry County Sheriff's Police Safety Education Division would like to make the public aware of one of the problems with regards to passing of stopped school buses loading or unloading children. > The driver of a vehicle upo{£ a highway meeting or overtaking, from either direction, any SCMOI bus which has stopped on the high­ way for the purpose of receivingjjor discharging pupils shall stop thejte- hicle before reaching the school t£is when there is in operation on tjie bus the visual signals red in color as specified in Sections 12-803 and 12- 805. J The driver shall not proceed initil the school bus resumes motion, «or the driver of the vehicle is signaled by the bus driver to proceed, or fie visual signals are no longer actuated. Divorces The Blackhawk Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America will be introducing its "Prepared for To­ day" project in September to help children be more self reliant. "Pre­ pared for Today" is for all children ages 6-11, girls and non-members, as well as scouts. An easy-to-read booklet is includ­ ed as part of the project. The book­ let calls for the child and an adult to discuss common situations that face children who must spend time in the home or neighborhood alone. The booklet helps the child learn to cope with various situations and problems. Children who complete the work­ book receive colorful "I'm Pre­ pared for Today" T-shirt iron-ons. "Prepared for Today" is being made available to Boy Scout troops and Cub Scout packs, along with schools, churches, parent-teacher organizations, companies and other community organizations. Booklets and awards are avail­ able by writing the Blackhawk Area, Council, Bqy Scouts of America, Box 4085, Rockford, II., 61110, along with $2 to cover postage and handling. Judgments for dissolution of mar­ riage were recently granted in 19th Judicial Circuit Court to: Darlene Okesson and DennisM. Okesson; Selina F. Hagberg and Patrick A. Hagberg; Cheryl L. Ber­ ry and Leonard A. Berry. ; Roxanne James and Robert James; Alan Stolldorf and Jeannine J. Stolldorf; Noreen A. Nadler $nd Robert Nadler. FALL RED RASPBERRIES NOW REAI OPEN TUL, THUR., SAT. A SUN. 8:00-3:00 East ol Woodstock on Rt North on Queen Anne Rd Concord Grapes Available Sept. 10th rv FOR PRE-PICKED ORDERS OR MORE INFORMATION 815/338-0287 5 There is no place like home... HEALTHTRENDS, LTD COMES HOME TO YOU... Our health care team includes: • Registered Nurses • Physical Therapists • Speech Therapists • Occuptional Therapists • Home Health Aides. Home Health Care Is Reimbursed Directly By MEDICARE • INSURANCE • PRIVATE PAY Gall for information Julie Mass, BSN, Director 815/338-5050 Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 11U f 5 > i i O t> J . What's the difference between a 15-year and a 25-year fixed-rate mortgage? YES... $46,808.38 in Your pocket! The chart in this ad shows you how surprisingly little difference there is between a 15-year payment period and a conventional 25-year payout -- just $76.34 per month. Another plus you'll enjoy at Home Federal is the additional savings you receive with No Application Fee and only a 2V? points service fee (others charge 3 points). Home Federal's present rate is 11.4% with a yield of 11.86% APR and assumes a $50,000 mortgage amor­ tized over 15 years and a 20% down payment (other loans are also available for a 10% down payment). 11.4% FIXED MORTGAGE MONTHLY PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID FULLTERM j $50,000 15-year • $580.92 $104,565.62-1 $50,000 25-year $504.58 ... $151,374.00 : Difference You pay just $76.34 extra per month You save ' $46,808.38 ; in total! \ If you're looking for the better fixed- rate mortgage that also offers out­ standing savings, check with Home Federal soon. It's money in your pocket. Home Federal Sawngs IesEe! of Elgin (OuAk JOusmc LENDER 16 North Spring Street, Elgin, Illinois 60120 • Telephone (312) 742-3800 • 9 Branch Offices* j

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