NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Wednesday, September 4, IMS Pag* 3 Food Snacks • One tablespoon whipped cream cheese mixed with one teaspoon strawberry preserves, spread on whole grab bread, spinkled with wheat germ. • Fruit compote of fresh strawber ries, peaches, and bananas th or ange juice. • Cut green peppers filled with tuna salad. • Dip made from dry soup mix mixed with sour cream, served with raw vegetables. • Hot popcorn tossed with parme- san cheese. • Dried fruit or granola added to yogurt. • Oatmeal cookies and orange sections. • Frozen juice pops. • Crumbled muffin in a bowl, topped with milk, cream, or yogurt, ^served in a~oowl. »; • Stewed apples and an oatmeal * muffin. • Apple and string cheese. • Chunks of colby cheese and green grapes. • Apple butter spread on an oat meal cookie, served with a glass of cold milk. • Cinnamon toast, (l teaspoon sug ar mixed with a dash of cinnamon.) >' • Cream cheese on pumpernickel ' bage, dill pickl, carrot sticks. ' • Fruit and cheese kabobs. ' • Apple butter on triangles of toasted raisin bread. • Fresh fruit lightly tossed with plain, lemon, or vanilla yogurt. • Celery sticks stuffed with cream chese or Cheddar cheese, topped with shredded carrots or chopped nuts, raisins, bacon, or olives. • Split bran muffin spread with applesauce and served sandwich- style. • Apple or pear, halved and cored, filled with cheddar cheese spread and placed together again. SIMPLE RECIPES firmly Homemade is always better than store-bought, especially when your kids know you made somethings just for them, with love. While store- - bought treats seem to hold a magi- : cal appeal for children, you can cre- t ate your own kitchen magic with these simple recipes. And they beat v the prices of store-bought treats, too. v - Who can resist the aroma of fresh- > baked muffins? Greet your children Rafter-school with these terrific muf- %#ns. They're good for brunch, too. Oatmeal Muffins 1 cup unbleached wW PP 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda : 1/2 teaspoon salt * 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon > l cup quick-cooking oats C 1/2 cup brown sugar packed 1 cup buttermilk 1 egg, beaten 1/4 c. cooking oil Combine flour, baking powder, baking sOda, salt, and cinnamon. Combine oats, brown sugar and but termilk in bowl; let stand 10 min utes. Add egg and oil; mix well. Add dry ingredients, stirring just enough to moisten. Spoon batter into greased 2-1/2" muffin-pan cups, two- thirds full. Bake 375 oven 25 minutes or until done. (12 muffins) This next recipe is a good way to use up the ends of all those cereal boxes lining your shelf. Keep on hand for a crnchy, low-salt treat.. Cereal Mix 2T. margarine 1-1/4 cups unsalted roasted peanuts 2-1/2 cups assorted unsweetened, ready-to-eat cereals 1 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon onion powder 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon chili powder Preheat oven to 250. Melt marga rine in large baking pan. Remove pan from oven, stir in nuts and cere als, and mix well. Sprinkle with sea sonings and stir well. Bake uncovered in oven 20-30 min utes or until light-colored cereals begin to brown. Stir every 10 minutes. gerve warm or cooled. Store cooled cereal snack in tightly closed containers. If snacks need recrisp- lng, reheat in 250 degree oven for a few minutes. Teens will like this one, and yot can serve it at your next party, too. **- It's also good stuffed in pita pockets, topped with shredded cheese, let tuce, and tomatoes. Chili Bean Dip 1-3/4 cups cooked kidney beans IT. vinegar 3/4 teaspoon chili powder 1/8 teaspoon ground cumin 2 T. onion, very finely chopped I Raw vegetable dippers Drain beans and reserve liquid for another use (like soup). Place drained beans, vinegar, chili powder, and cmin in bowl. Blend or mash until smooth. Stir in onion. Serve with raw vegetables, such as green pepper strips, carrots, green beans, celery^ broccoli, or cherry tomatoes. Pizza is a family favorite. Make these ahead of time and have on hand in trie freezer for unexpected treats. Snack Pizza 12-ounce can flaky refrigerator biscuits 1/3 cup tomato sauce 1 teaspoon oregano 1/2 small onion, chopped 1/2 cup shredded or thinly sliced mozzarella Preheat oven to 400. Pat each bis cuit into 4-inch circle on" greased cookie sheet. Mix sauce ana oregano and spoon sauce on each biscuit round. Sprinkle onions and cheese over tomato sauce; Bake about 15 minutes or until crust is lightly browned. Refrigerate or freeze extra pizzas. Reheat at 350 degrees 5-10 minutes if refrigerated, and 10-15 if frozen. Commercial jello is high in sugar. --(Continued from page JB) This low-sugar recipe is a refreshing after-school treat. / 1T. unflavored gelatin 2 cups unsweetened fruit juice (do not use fresh or frozen pineapple juice; it will not gel) j 1 cup sliced fruit, such as peaches, pears, apples, bananas, berries, etc. Mix together 1/4 cup juice and gelatin in a bowl. Measure another 1/4 cup juice, boil it, then add hot juice to the above mixture and stir until gelatin is dissolved. : Add remaining juice and stir. Chill, in refrigerator until it begins to set. Then add the sliced fruit and return to refrigerator until firm. A new twist to tuna appears in this next recipe. Serve as an open-faced sandwich on a whole-grain breast or serve in a lettuce-lined bowl. Tuna-Apple Salad 6-1/2 or 7-ounce can tuna, water- packed 1 unpeeled diced apple f 1 stalk celery, chopped 2 T. mayonnaise IT. lemon juice Lettuce as desired. Rinse and drain tuna. Mix tuna with other ingredients, except letttce. Use immediately or chill un til firm. DRINKS To quench after-school thirsts, keep on hand a variety of fruit juices (as opposed to fruit drinks or bever ages). Kids enjoy the variety of juices in boxes and small cans as well as drinking from their own cups or thermoses. - > To cut down on the high, natural (Sugar content of fruit juices, dilute with water. If you do it gradually, the kids will never know the differ ence, and you'll save money, too. SNACKS- Page 12B fallreR^ NOW READY OPEN TUL,THUR., SAT. & SUN. 8:00-3:00 » and ft mi. North on Cued Gripes Pirfiet Fw WiM, • -'mi ft FOR PRI-PICKED ORDERS OR MORE INFORMATION 815/338-0287 THE 3IICUD COTFAYE AND boutique LTD. • BRIDAL GOWNS •BRIDESMAIDS • MOTHERSOF THE •TUXEfcORENTAL WEDDING •ACCESSORIES INVITATIONS .LINGERIE PROM DRESSES • AFTfeR 5 DRESSES Hours: Mon. 8, Thurs. 12 8:30 Tues.-Wed. Fri. 10 6 Sat. 10 4 Prides Please Call For ; Appointment „ 409 N FRONT STREET (RT. *1 SOUTH) McHENRY (815)385 5588 'Youf Special Occasion Experts" CLASSIC ECONOMY BY LIFE STRIDE x» .'Aajit r.'M » ' ' • •>' ' . '"£>"• r V-'V; "'• . , ' ••• *' j/%' •• > -,r • • .* * '.i| u> v . .,4 . • s ' . A; v I : <4> y Life Stride invests new appeal into the classics, and you can enjoy the dividends. The shoes you want most for business dress are here at a price that won't put you out of business. 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