Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Sep 1985, p. 14

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Page 6 NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Thursday, September 5,19B5 CLASSIFIED t RATES/INFORMATION PRIVATE PARTY CLASSIFIED RATES, DEADLINES INFORMATION (AdiHIonil Rates AvaitaMe for a Help Wanted Advertising) check your ad Hit FIRST Insertion dot*. In the event of on error or omission, Mis paper will bo rosponslbls lor ONLY the first incorrect insertion The newspaper shod bo liable tor only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Payment in advance must be mads for these ads: • Business Opportunities • Sitters Available • Dial A Servtce (Business Services) •. Employment Wanted • Garage Sales • Moving Sales • Out of Northwest Hswipspori Circulation Area • Political * Houses. Apt. to Share • Sublease; Re-rent; etc. • AM Wanted to Buy Classifications • All Wanted to Rent Classifications. tx 3 UNES--5 DAYS 2S INSERTIONS IN THE FOLLOWING NEWSPAPERS: $9 ' THE CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD CARY-GROVE CLARION "THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER THE DAILY SENTINEL Tf^E CARDUNAL FREJ: PRESS . • PLEASE NOTE: THIS MAY BE CANCELLED, HOWEVER, DUE TO THIS SPE CIAL LOW RATE. NO REFUND OR ADJUSTMENT CAN BE MADE TO THE ORIGI NAL BILLING UPON CANCELLATION. DEADLINES LINE ADS . Deadline for placing or cancelling an ad . FOR MONDAY NEWSPAPER -12 NOONON FRIDAY ALL OTHER PUBLICATION DAYS 5 PM TWO DAYS PRIOR • " DISPLAY ADS 3:30 PM TWO DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION v THE CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD CARY-GROVE CLARION THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER THE DAILY SENTINEL THE CARDUNAL FREE PRESS SENTINEL/SATURDAY EXTRA 12 NOON TUESDAY CITIZEN/TRI-COUNTY SHOPPERS PM FRIDAY ^Dur helpful, courteous staff is at your service: Monday thru Friday 8 am to 5 pm TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL: r- 1-8GO/ADS-WORK CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS FINANCIAL EMPLOYMENT MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS REAL ESTATE RECREATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE -1-10 12-15 17-22 25-45 50-60 65-73 80-85 88-97 ft nORTHWEST PREFIX DIRECTORY This is a partial listing of those prefixes served by Northwest Newspapers. 4 815 AREA CODE 3378-Woodstock 475 -Spring Grove 344 -McHenry 38S McHenry 455 -Crystal Lake 459 Crystal Lake 568 - Marengo 648 -Hebron 653 -Wonder Lake 478 --Richmond 728 -Wonder Lake/ -Ringwood 784 -Genoa 895 -Sycamore ; 923 -Union 943 -Harvard - 312 AREA CODE 311-2-Barrington 449 -Huntley 426, - Dundee/ 683 -Hampshire -Carpentersville 495 -Elgin 428 -Dundee/ 497 -Elgin -Carpentersville 740 - Round Lake 551 -Dundee 741-2-Eigin 639 -Cary 888 -Elgin 658 -LITH-Algonquin 931 -Elgin ANNOUNCEMENTS UgalNoUcM OanMrtatUU Card of Thank* .... LaatS Found Inatntctlon Car Paola Traval and Tranaportalton Cra^Opanlnta 03 ^ Card of Thanks THANKSTO STJUDE for favor received. J.B. THANKS TO ST. JUOE for Favors Granted. Published as promised. C.C.W. I WANT TO Experss my slncerest, thanks to all members Of-4fte Jaycees who came to my au>(||en I had to move. They pffdwygA had me moved in no TRnearNUI. Many Thanks Once again to all. Jo Ellen Hartman. 04 Notices NOTICE PLEASE CHECK * YOUR ADS We would like to check each ad as It appears in the paper, but time does not permit. Please notify us if you ' find an error in your classified ad, or if your ad failed .to appear. If notify ut by 5pm the firfe day it was schedul­ ed to appear^ we'll make a correction as soon as deadline permits. We can only be responsi­ ble for the first day of an ad's run. Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. ' Sorry, but if the error continues after the first day of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot be responsible. Office Hours: Monday through Friday, Sam • 5pm. PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? IMMEDIATE TEST RESULTS! ALL SERVICES "FREE!" 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233' BRIDAL GOWN SALE Special Selection of discon­ tinued gowns, $50 each. 815/338-IOJ. 05 Lost & Found FOUND KEYS with an unusual key ring. On Lily Lake Rd. 8/28 at 5:30. Call to identify; 115/344 0922. LOST FEMALE CAT, S/22/S5, near Jr. High in Cary, gray tiger W/ orange. Call 312/439- 87M alter 4 pm. LOST female Springer Spaniel, 1/31/85, in Wonder Lake, 815/385 9349., or 385-9354. LOST 1/21, female Filkle Ter rler, 5/6 lbs., blk. brown & silver, 115/455-4353. 04 Personals IF YOU are single, divorced, or widowed, get our listings of local people waiting to meet you. Sincere people call, 312/742-7545, or write, "Listings", Box 62-L, South Elgin, 1160177. FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free & confidential help line, day or nlght.815/338-8080 SCULPTURED NAILS: 2 years experience. $25. a set; •15/455-1048. PREGNANT NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office Open 9-11 am And From 7-9 pm Monday - Thursday ••815/385 2999* • TRAPPINGS-UNLIMITED Christmas commissions now being accepted for portraits of your loved ones or pets In oil or pastels. Karen Lee Pepping • 815/385 10/4 • CHEMICAL A Maintenance Business. McHenry Co. area. Well established, Req. 25-30 hrs./wk. Above average In­ come. Investment $13,000 secured by stock equip, a van. Send resume to Mr. Gehrke, 4818 S. 76th St., Greenfield, „Wlsc. 53220 or call 1-800-545-4141 Ext. 250. 07 Instructions PIANO LESSONS, McHenry area. Experienced teacher with BA degree In music; member ISTMA A MTNA. Call 815/344-1786. PIANO LESSONS Beginner students. Flexible scheduling, plus evenings. 312/419-0412. y • PIANO INSTRUCTIONS! Ex­ perienced teacher. Teaches all ages. 312/428-8912. CERAMIC CLASS opening, Tuesday mornings, McHenry area. Piease call 815/675-1111. FINANCIAL Builncu Opportunity la Investments Financial Sanrkat Personal and t 12 Business Opportunities OWNER/OPERATORS SEMI DUMPS Prepare for next Winter now (Trailers Available) BULK TRANSPORT INC. - 312/298-8636 LAUNDROMAf^Wlift I Harvard. No money down qualified buyer. After 6 call 312/742 1935. .« 312/ ENGI Ired..,. ce. Jim, years ex 815/455-5286 or 81 Crafts/Ceramics/Hobbles JC net. Terms. N.W. Sub. CIBB) 312/742-6130 JSR EPAIR BUSINESS Can relocate, some travel nec. $30Kdn„ net. $45K. Established '72 CIBB 312/742-6130 JSR WHOLESALER Cut flowers, S170K net. S375K price. Can locate anywhere midwest. CIBB 312/742-6130 JSR AUTO/Truck Repair Fox Valley. Est. 26 yrs. $30 K Down/ CIBB 312/742-6130 JSR LIQUOR STORE Fox Rvr. twn,in Kane Co. $30K dn., 3,000 sq. ft. CIBB 312/742-6130 JJR DENTAL LAB $MK net, $230K pr. Terms. N.W. Sub. Partners want out CIBB 312/742-6130 JJR HOME BUSINESS Plastic reflnlshing Est. 35yrs.$35Kdn„ $60K total price. CIBB 312/742-4130 JJR FAST FOOD BUSINESS" S.E. McHenry County on major highway w/ modern living quarters. Perfect Ma & Pa operation. Can run 8-12 mo. per year. Good owner financing, $140,000. KAPLAN COMMERCIAL 815/455-5582 800/527-5054 Ext. 4104 LauderetteW/apt. McHenry Co. New equip, trms M.Johnson, broker 312/742-6130 JSR RESTAURANT/Banquets $2,000,000 Gross. Far W. Sub. CIBB 312/742-6130 CARRY OUT FOOD BUSINESS GOURMET TO GO Prepared on premises gourmet type hot meals, hot sand­ wiches, fruit salads, etc. • Wholesale and retail. $34,500 Call and ask for Don McCarthy. Wauwetosa Realty of Janesvllle, Wise. 600/756-3651 or 608/752-3555. 14 Financial Services JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT Willing to do bookkeeping in my home. Experience with CR & CD Journals, General Ledger, payroll, P a L, & Balance Sheet statements. Very reasonable rates! Send in- luiries to Box AVK, C/O Nor west Newspapers, Po Box 250, Crystal Lake, 1160014. qu th EMPLOYMENT Bayrioymant Aaanctca Empfeymtnt Wanted Household Help Wanted Sitters Available Sitters Naeded Help Wanted II Employment^ Wanted PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE CLAUDIA 815/459-3392 HANDY MAN SERVICE Quality work at lowest prices! 815/678-4452 WILL DO CLEANING, laundry, days, 9-3. 312/639-3991. Electrical* Plumbing Carpentery • Dry wall Painting • Roof Repair Small Home Repair CALL BOB • 815/459,4400 • HOUSE CLEANING 5 yrs. ex­ perience, excellent ref., 815/653-5257 EXPERIENCED reliable house cleaning. Homes or of­ fices. References. Reasonable. Call Lynda- 815/455-5250. HOUSE CLEANING: agency experienced cleaning lady. Openings avail. Refs supplied. 815/344-1607 HOME REPAIRS REMODELING KITCHEN*BATHS BASEMENT ALL TRADES ijtf,ANT & TODDLER Clothes, luality sewn from patterns, •all 815/338-5813. QUALITY CARPET cleaning that's affordable. Steanr method. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. HOUSE CLEANING! Ex­ perienced, Professional Quali­ ty. Competetive Ratesl Refs. available. Openings early Sept., 815/459-6338 after 5. CAROLSWALLPAPERING, ret., neat, after5p.m.,815/568-6131. ' BEAUTIFUL Sculptured Nails, $1.50 per nail. Introductory of- fer; new product. 815/459-6957. C&A Homesittlng Service Bonded & Insured • 815/459-4161 • CLEANING LADY WITH 7 yrs. 6xp., ref., affordable rates, 312/653-9208, after 3 p.m. WILL DO CLEANING, Woodstock area only, have references. After 5 pm, 815/338 3659. WILL 00 MISC. office work, light typing, envelope stuffing, in my own home. 815/455-4596. WILL CLEAN YOUR HOUSE. Avail. Tues. a Thurs., ask for Brltt, 815/385-2922. WILL CLEAN YOUR HOUSE. Avail, fues. a Thurs., ask for Brltt, 815/385-2922. MR.MAINTENANCE Renovate, Remodel, Repair for voOr home care. 10% discount for Senior Citizens. Call Walt, 815/338-4969. If you can break it we can fix it. 815/385-6357 WE DO HOUSECLEANING. Exp., reasonable rates. Johnsburg, McHenry, Bull Valley area. 815/385-8418. 19 Household Help Wanted BABYSITTER/housekeeper for 7 month old girl, in Nor- thbrook. English speaking, non smoker, ref. req. Live in- or come a go. 5 days a wk., week ends off. App. $130 wk., 312/272 MATURE or Retired couple for house a pet sitting, period of 8 days. References required. Send replies to Box AVJ, C/O Northwest Newspapers, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, II60014. Meal Preparation Shopping Light Housekeeping Laundry Personal Care Truly Caring Services, Inc. offers: HOME CARE FOR ELDERLY or HANDICAPPED 4 hrs. to 24 hrs. - 7 days a week ALSOAVAILABLE: Nursing Care Registered Nurses Lie. Practical Nurses Home Qirt Assistance NANNY for our 2 children, in­ terested applicants will want to consider live-in plus small salary. Call evenings, 815/455- 6021. ^ 24 Hr. Anawalim let vices >11 H> I4M Private duty in hospitals or nursing homes. Rm. 207,100W. Washington St., Marengo, IL. Licensed a Bonded Employment Agency 19 Household Help Wanted LIVE-IN, or 4 or 5 days a week. Experienced lady to assist an M.S. person. English speaking. Light housekeeping in beautiful country home. No children. Able to drive preferrable, but not necessary. Excellent separate living quarters. Must be neat a trustworthy. Salary negotiable. Send resume to Box AVL, C/O Northwest Newspapers, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, 1160014. MOTHERS HELPER Five year old and one year old. Needs live in sitter. Weekends and most evenings off. Paid holidays, vacation. Private room/bath. Good salary for right person. LoVely family neighborhood on Chicago's North Shore. Call collect 312/940-1839, after 7pm. 20 Sitters Available CHRISTIAN MOTHER will babysit your 2-7 yr. old children, M-F, in my Cary home. Prefer full time youngsters. Call 312/639-3899. DAY CARE in my Lake In The Hills home. Exp", with ref., 312/658-6863. FAMILY AND home environ­ ment day care. Licensed with state, activities indoors and out. Meals and snacks, West Dundee/Highland school ar^ Reasonable and flexible rates;. 312/426-6947- PRE SCHOOL teacher now mom will care for your child weekdays. Call 815/344-4771. 21 Sitters Needed RELIABLE Sitter needed in my Cary home for a 2 year old. Ideal hours. Call 312/639-0035, after 4:30. EXPECTING MOM needs assistance w/2 yr. old and light housekeeping in her Elgin area ie, 2 to 3 days a week, must Babysitter needed for full-time Mondays a Thursdays for 10 mo. old a 5 yr. old. in my Algon­ quin home. 312/658-6607 BABYSITTER WANTED, In my home. 7am-5pm, references required. Call 312/658-4167, after 5. NEEDED IMEDIATELY, in my Crystal Lake home, reliable sitter, flexible hours, elderly person preferred. 815/|SS-7458. BABYSITTER needed. Golfview Elementry School area. 312/426-7382, after 5:30. 22 Help Wanted OWNER/OPERATORS SEMI DUMPS Prepare for next Winter now (Trailers Available) BULK TRANSPORT INC. 312/298-8636 OWNER OPERATORS SEMI DUMPS (Trailers Available) BULK TRANSPORT, INC. 312/298 8636 SALESCLERK PART TIME CADIEUX'S BAKERY .126 W. Main St. Barrington Apply in person at our Barr­ ington or Crystal Lake stores. SELL AVON in Wonder Lake, Spring Grove or Richmond areas, Part or Full-time. Earn up to 50%. Call 815/344-2951. CARPENTERSVILLE JANITOR Needed for large apartment complex. $4.00 per to start. Full benefits. Applications accepted Mon. Fri., 9 to 12 at Fox View Apartments, 3 Oxford Rd. Apt. 14. 312/428-7771 WAITRESS Tues.Fri. 10:30-5 Apply In Person A Little Pizza Heaven 135 Washington St. Woodstock, il FREE LANCE ARTIST Needed in Richmond, II. to ex­ ecute finished renderings with technical pens. Send resume a > reproductions of work to BOX A V B, Northwest Newspapers, P.O. Box250, Crystal Lake, II 60014. HAIRDRESSER WANTED Full time. Guaranteed salary a commission. Liberal benefits. Vacation, store discount. Call Pam: 312/426-9100 Ext. 283 NURSERY SCHOOL* Monday-Friday 8:45 to 11:15. 2 or 3 day sessions. Ages 2-5 years (in diapers ok) CHILD CARE 15 months-10 years. Kindergarten A after school pick up, Oundee & Carpentersville Schools. THE LEARNING TREE 60 Willow Lane West Dundee 312/426-3760 22 Help Wanted HELPWANTED ARBOR LANES has openings for the Fall Bowling Seasons for the following positions: •Bartenders •Snack Bar Personnel •Waitressess*Concourse Apply ARBOR LANES Highway 62, Algonquin, II 312/658-9200 BREAKFAST & LUNCH COOKS BUS BOYS WAITRESS Full-Time Will-Train Apply In person only. REESESRESTAURANT 205 S. Main St. Algonquin BRJXK&P0RT MACHINIST 3-1- Years Milling Machine Experience Excellent Wages a Benefits Apply At GK INDEXABLE 6204 Factory Road Crystal Lake 815/459-2330 EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER Part Time-Must Be Able To Work Some Sundays CALLSONJAORLYNNE • 815/459-0405 • KMART DESIGNER SALON * DIE MAKER Precision Carbide Progressive Dies-5 plus years experience. WaucondaTool $21 W.Chicago St. 312/658-4588 CERTIFIED" NURSING ASISTANTS FULL & PART TIME All Three Shitts Apply In Person CRYSTAL PINES HEALTH CARE CENTER 335 N. Illinois St. Crystal Lake' PIZZA MAKER (Part Time) BARTENDER NIGHT WAITRESS •312/639-7800* . PAINTER/ WALLPAPERER MUST Be Experience & Provide References Must Be Neat& DoQUALITY Work •815/455-0190* SELL AVON! Earn money for Christmas. Special $5.00 star­ ting fee for limited time. Ter­ ritories available. Call Nancy, 312/426-3206. NOWHIRING DAY COOK (Part Time) WAITRESS (Weekend - Evening) Apply In Person CRYSTAL LAKE PtZZA HUT 284 Virginia St. Crystal Lake HOME HEALTH AIDES. Must be certified. Experience in community health preferred. Easter Seal Society for McHenry County. 815/338-1707. 22 Help Wanted ALUMINUM SIDERS Applications are being ac­ cepted for aluminum crews. Due to our company move, we haVe lost 2 crews & have 2 open­ ings to be filled. Must have references. Need utmost in quality. Long term benefits; in­ surance. Will be kept busy through cold months. Excellent pay with weekly pay out tor completed jobs, call Scott: - 312/658-9063 MANAGER MOBILE HOME PARK GENOA, ILLINOIS Mature couple or Individual - Compensation Beautiful apartment. Send letter of qualifications and phone number to F„ V. M., Box 97, Genoa, IL. 60135. WORKING WORLD NEEDS YOU! Secretaries, word processors, typists, CRT, general office. New to area? Listed with us before? Call now. 815/455-4490 GENERAL FACTORY Packing a Machinists, etc. WORKING WORLD 815/455-4490 * • TOOL & DIE MAKERS* Experienced with high preci­ sion, close tolerance pro­ gressive dies. Excellent work­ ing conditions, good company benefits. Contact: BR^NK TOOL & DIE COMPANY PO Box 312 Lake Geneva, Wi. 53147 •414/248-8876* • TOOL & DIE MAKERS* Experienced with high preci­ sion, close tolerance pro­ gressive dies. Excellent work­ ing conditions, good company benefits. Contact: BRUNKTOOL & IE COMPANY PO Box 312 Lafce Geneva, Wi. 53147 •414/248-8876* QUESTIONS &ANSWERS A national market research company located in Spring Hill Mall is hiring. 2 shifts are available, also weekends. If in­ terested, come in and fill out an application. Located off Center Garden Area. NORTHWEST SECURITY SERVICE Needs security guards for Foil- Time & Part-Time weekends a holidays. Please apply at the Security Desk, 201 Jandus Rd., Cary, II. , OPTOMETRIC ASSISTANT (PartTime) Needed for Saturday, Sunday, Monday in Woodstock office. Experience helpful but will train the right person. For more information call 815/338- 0107 weekdays between 10 am a 3 pm. PLUMBER Journeyman Only Illinois State License necessary. Non-Union Shop. Call between 8 a 5. 312/658-7000 MOLD DESIGNER Moid design house has open­ ings for experienced mold designers. Top pay with over­ time a all benefits including C.A.D. training. R.K.Mold Design 312/888-2422 GENERAL OFFICE CRT a Word Processing ex­ perience desireable. Call Marlene for appointment: 312/658-8561 MEDICAL Billing firm specializing in emergency medicine seeks per­ son experienced In CPT a ICD 9 coding. Accuracy, dedication, a attention to detail is a must. Send resume to: Mr. Chaisson, PO Box 98, Barrington, 1160010. For more information call 1- 800 368-3678. wscfloseceaeecoc us: wwwtwwwa CONGRATULATIONS Happ & Jack From Duffy's 22 Help Wanted INSULATION INSTALLER Minimum 1 Year Experience 312/658-4800 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Small manufacturing company in Barrington seeks detail oriented person with excellent oral a written communication skills. Must type a learn Word Processing. Excellent career opportunity for ambitious in­ dividual. Call: 312/382-5556 SECRETARY (Full Time) For McHenry law office. Must have Excellent typing a gram­ mar. Send resume to Box A V I, Northwest Newspapers, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, II60014. WAITRESS (Expeienced) Apply In Person TAREYDALE RESTAURANT Rt. 176 & 31' Crystal Lake •COOK •DIBJARY HEIPER •DISHWASHER Full & PartTime Competitive Wages For More Information Apply In Person CRYSTAL PINES HEALTHCARE ^ 335 North Illinois St. Crystal Lake HAPPY 16th JOEL LOVE, MOM, DAD, WAYNE 22 Help Wanted HAIRSTYLIST SHAMPOO PERSON PARTTIME Must have at least 1 year salon experience a work some even­ ing hours. Apply in person at: Mister's ' Coiftures 3701 W. Elm St. McHenry, or call 815/385-7550 for appointment for interview. Q.A.&C. PERSONNEL We have a few openings for good people with a quality assurance a inspection background. Must have metrology, blueprint a SPC background! Must have deter­ mination to learn a take in­ creasing responsibility in a challenging environment. C^ll: 312/7420 864 HANDYMAN Minimum 2 years Experience .Apply In Person FRITZSCHE INDUSTRIAL PARK 484 Wegner Rd. McHenry, IL t CERTIFIED NURSESAIDES (Full & Part-Time) Days8»PM's FAIR OAKS ' NURSING HOME 471W. Terra Cotta Crystal Lake, IL 815/455-0550 KITCHEN/MAINTENANCE Part time, some heavy lifting. Ideal for high school student. 312/639-7244. 22 Help Wanted COCKTAIL WAITRESSES (PartTime) $3/hr. + tips BARTENDERS (Fulltime) 312/428-7610 NURSESAIDES Certified Nurses Aides Needed for Nursing Home Staff Relief. T^op Pay. COMMUNITY NURSING, INC. 312/888-4550 RESUMES Job Placement Diane's Business Service 815/455 6665 STOCK MAINTENANCE PERSON Part-time. Flexible hours available for college student. THETHOUGHTFULNESS SHOP Crystal Point Mall GARDEN CENTER SALES POSITION Looking for person with Hor ticulture background. Some weekends a evenings. Barn Nursery 8109 S. Rt. 31 Cary, II 312/658-3883 VENDING ATTENDANT Needed In Barrington area. Full time: 8 am-4 pm, Monday through Friday. Pleasant working conditions. If in­ terested, call •312/584-5050* RETAIL NOAH'S ARK PETCENTER Has several permanent part time positions available. Morn- 4 fw*" ' VTr> Dally Sentinel ing a afternoon shirts. Apply in person at Crystal Point Mall location. E.O.E.,M/F. Routes Available call 338-2650 McHenry Logan St., Ponca St. & Crestwood Dr. ape&, $10.00 profflt/20 paper Harvard E. Brown St., Lincoln SI, & Jetferson St. area x $13.00 profit/25 papers Wonder Lake MacArthur Dr., Patton Dr. & Summerville Ave area. $19.00 profit/37 papers Huntley Church St., East Main St. & Mill St. area $15.00 proflt/28 papert McHenry -- High St.", Anne St. & Timothy Ln. area $10.00 prof it/17 papert Wonder Lake Northwood Dr., Wooded Shore Dr. & Eastwood Dr. area $15.00 proflt/28 papert Harvard W. McKinley St., W. Rossevelt St. &W. Blaine St. area $22.00 profit/43 papert Harvard Brink St., Marengo Rd. & Admiral Dn area $22.00 profit/42 papert Wonder Lake Algonquin Dr., Mohawk Dr. & Oak St. area $20.00 profit/38 papert Wonder Lake Bayview Dr., West Shore Dr. & Wonder Lake Dr. area 20 papers McHenry Myang Ave., Old Oak Dr. & Sterling Dr. area $10.00 profit/17 papert Union Main St., Sunview Dr. & Elm St. area $27 profit/51 papert Wonder Lake Woody Tr., Acorn Path & W. Sunset Dr. area $23.00 profit/44 papert Harvard KlamanSf., University St. & Church St. area « $24.00 profit/45 papers nORTHWEST \

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