I LO^jcH Pagi^WORTHWES^ERALD N$tctiow B Friday, September 4,1W5 Advice" Judge bans teen from Grateful Dead concerts By Abigai l Van Buren Tomcat ahd feline's affair calls for fixing DEAR ABBY: My son /fnoved to another state and left his young tomcat with me for ap proximately one year. He forbade me to have his cat neutered for fear it would alter it£ per sonality. A cat-loving neighbor, who doesn't own a cat, feeds all the strays in the neighborhood, including one wild female who keeps having one batch of kittens after another. The Humane Society has tried unsuc cessfully to trap this wild female. Meanwhile male cats, come from near and far to breed with this Wild female. This neighbor has/volunteered to pay to have my son's cat neutered, but I resent having my^ cat singled out for neutering. I say as long as this cat lover feeds tfyat wild stray, she'll stay, right? What should I db? CAT CRAZY IN MURRAY, KY. DEAR CAT CRAZY: As long as your son's cat stays with you, it's your responsibility to keep him locked up. And if you can't do that, he should be neutered. Contrary to your son's fears, neutering will not alter the cat's per sonality. Because stray (wild) animals that forage for food frequently fall victim to diseases (rabies, for example!, putting children and pets at risk, your Humane Society should try harder to catch the wild female and put an end to her reproducing all over the neighborhood. And unless you keep your Romeq from the , neighborhood Juliet, you are compounding a "feliney.\ (Sorry). • » • DEAR ABBY: 1 am a 15-year-old sophomore girl in high school. It seems the older guys are attracted to me. Not real old--19,20,21 and 22. Right now this guy who is 20 likes me. I am not jnvolved with him, he just likes me. v My friends say he's jailbait. Exactly what is "jailbait," Abby? I was going with a guy who is 19. Was he Jailbait, too? NEEDSHELP IN DALLAS DEAR NEEDS: The terjn "jailbait" is ap plied to girls under the age of consent with whom sexual intercourse is unlawful and con stitutes statutory rape. Underage girls^iot guys-are "jailbait." DEAR ABBY: I've been dating "Doug" off and on for four years. During a time when we were "off," he had a little vacatidh romance with a California girl he met in Aspen. Til call her Sheila. Then he started dating me again. Sheila kept writing and calling him, assum ing there was a future for them, but he assured me that he loved me, so we continued seeing each other. Five months ago Sheila came to visit him. He felt that since she made the trip, he owed her a few evenings alone. He hoped I'd understand his situation. Well, I didn't understand. He refused to introduce us, which upset me ter ribly. We broke up for about a month, then resumed our relationship more in love than ever. He even started talking marriage. Now I learn that Sheila is pregnant, and she told Doug that the baby is his. There's a ques tion in his mind because she had been dating another guy at the same time. She is now five months along, but nothing can be certain until aftfcr the baby is born and blood tests are taken. Doug says he loves me and doesn't want this mess to come between us. He says that even if the baby is his, he won't marry her, and wants nothing to do with the child. All he wants is me. What should I do? I really love him. IN DEEP IN DENVER DEAR IN: I think he's shown his colors; and there's more yellow than true blue. A man who has sex with a woman, whether he "loves" her or not, should take responsibility for his ac tions. If he's man enough to make a baby, he should be man enough to shoulder the financial (if not the emotional) responsibilities of fatherhood. I'd lose this loser. (Every teen-ager should knpw the truth about drugs, sex and how to be happy. For Abby's booklet, send your name and address clearly printed with a check or money order for $2.50 and a long, stamped (39 cents) self- addressed envelope to: Dear Abby, Teen Booklet, P.O. Box 3f923, Hollywood, Calif. 90038) HOUSTON (UPI) - A teenager found guilty of drug possession has been barred from attending Grateful Dead concerts for five years by a judge who says* most people who attend the rock group's shows are on drugs. Judge Woody Densen Wednesday placed Sean Foley, 17, McLean, Va., on five years probation and fined him $500 after the youth pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance. Police say Foley became violent at a Grateful Dead concert after taking LSD. \ Densen also banned the teenager from Grateful Dead concerts for the duration of his probation. Foley would face up to 20 years in [prison for violating terms of probatic Rid home of unwanted tenants with care By Carla Bennett "Animals cannot help themselves. They can only hope that some day man will soften his heart and ha ve pity on their suffering." Rev. G .B. Vivian-Evans Raccoons in your chimney? Squirrels in your attic? Wood- chucks in your crawl space? No problem. Hang a mechanic's trouble light in the area and place a radio near by, tuned to a talk or rock show. Animals like their home to be dark and peaceful, and several days of the light and radio treatment is usually enough to convince them to move out. Above all, if animals have taken refuge in your chimney (and rac coons love chimneys) don't panic and do as one couple did. Hearing the mews of nestling raccoons in their chimeny, they built a fire in the firepjace, meaning to drive them out?Tfeebabies were direct ly on the flue'tovering and soon were shrieking witWain. The cou ple quickly put out the fire and called a conservation officer. Four teacup-sized raccoons, the pads of their delicate feet charred and pet the animal. Between strokes, get your shot. Crop as desired. « I'M ASHAMED! I gave Yara, J Earthlings and bodies scorched in places, were retrieved and taken to a veterinarian who treated them successfully. If you have to evict someone, it would be a nice gesture if you let them stay until their young are. somewhat grown. Do you feel, as I do, that we owe our fellow earthl ings a helping hand whenever possible, as civilization en croaches more each day upon their lands? Oh, yes, don't forget to cap that, chimney with hardware cloth after making sure that mom and 'allsmall fry are out. FOR A GREAT PET PIC TURE, drape the pet's owner in black velvet (or white, if the pet is dark) and have him or her hold my nine-year-oljl shepherd malamute, her first doggy toy last Christmas and she loves It, still! It's a rubber "football" squeaky toy, six-inches long. She carries it and plays with it inside and sometimes even takes it outdoors, always rememering to bring it back in with her. I also bought her a squeaky "hot dog", but she much prefers the football. I used to think the array of il toys in pet stores was to - ' -sentimental folks to >- open their wallets -- sort of on a par with painted doggie nails, strictly an outlet for the pampered pet's owner and of no appeal to the dog. Then I met a shepherd named Captain. Captain has a cardboard box filled with about 30 toys -- rubber, stuffed, squeaky -- from balls to teddy bears -- and he, knows they're his, every one of them. I tried taking different ones, one at a time, from his box. Each time he bothered me, sniffing and pawing my arm, until I returned the toy to the box or put it on the floor, whereupon he returned it to the box. I think I'll buy Yara another toy today. THE KINDNESS CONNEC TION. A bear hug and moose kiss to the truck driver seen removing a dead baby bird from the road to a grassy parkway. He had noted the parent birds frantically swooping on and off the road amid heavy traffic, trying to help the youngster, who had just been kill- edbyacaj;. . ©EFGoodrich Lifesaver Economy Radial Goodrich 6T4 P155/80R13 S37.00 P165/80R13 $39.00 P17S/80R13 S40.00 PI85/80R13 $41.00 P185/75R14 S43.00 PI9S/7SR14 $46.00 P20S/7SR14 $48.00 P2IS/7SR14 $S0.00 P20S/7SR1S $51.00 P2IS/7SR15 $52.00 P22S/7SR1S $55.00 P23S/7SR15 $58.00 Prim Good Until September 31st BIG SAVINGS! 15SSR12 6T200 $32.28 14SSR13 8T200 $26.29 P15S/80R13 LWooivor AHSoaoon $32.20 P165/80R13 UftMvor AN Soaton $33.88 185/70SR13 6T200 $31.22 P18S/80R13 UfatavarAHStaton $36.68 175SR14 6T200 $40.67 185SR14 GT200 $33.81 P235/60B15 BoltodTA $45.65 Limited Quantities OPEN SATURDAY 8:00 ant to 3:00 pm 5955 VIRGINIA Rb CRYSTAL LAKE Rick & Lou s SERVICE CENTER 815/459-4117 HOURS: Mon. F r i . 7 -6 Sa tu rday 8 -3 \J4 GSL A W 1 PLAY EDITION ADDITION Dentists take on teen-age tobacco use By Kathy Nixon Scrlpps Howard News Service s Pediatric dentists report they are seeing children and teen-agers with health problems caused by chewing tobacco and snuff, known as "smokeless tobacco" products. Although it is not a major problem yet, the dentists said they're con cerned over the growing evidence of \ use of snuff and chewing tobacco / among their young patients. , Dr. Richard Seib said he feels the popularity of such tobacco products among children is a "terrible thing and it is growing. I personally have seen tissue damage, which is an early sign of cancer potential in chil dren as young as 13 and 14." Snuff is a powered tobacco held between cheek and lower gum. ^hewing tobacco is leaf tobacco sold in several forms. Dr. David Miller cited the case of a 15-year-old patient as an example of how quickly the products can lead to health problems. He said the youth showed no evidence of tobacco use during a regular visit, but on a visit about a month later use was obvious. Miller said the boy had developed a "pre-cancerous condition," a gray white spongy wrinkled area in the fold (the area between lower gum and cheek) of his mouth. "With active use of these tobacco products," Miller said, "it doesn't take long for these types of areas to develop." Miller said he thinks smokeless tobacco is a fad and he expects to see more evidence of its use by next summer. "I warned my patient against its use, but it (the warning) didn't seem to bother him," he said. "Children seem to think since they're young and healthy they are also immortal." Dt. John Wittgen said he has twei^ high school patients who "leave no doubt in my mind" they are using tobacco products. Both have red ir ritated spots on their gums and stains on their teeth, he said. These dentists are all in Indiana, but studies show the problem is nationwide. A study by the National Cancer Institute in 1984 found that the use of smokeless tobacco is not as harm less as once thought. Long-term snuff users face four times the risk of contracting oral and throat can cer as do non-users, the study found, and also have 50 times the risk of getting cancer of the gum and cheek. FURNACE SALE MODEL 397H SAVE UP TO 40% ON YOUR FUEL BILL WITH *.UI|il.l̂ Financing Available thru N.I. Gas USE GAS FREE FOR A MONTH HEATING Replace your present furnace with aAUjJJilA ENERGY SAVING GAS FURNACE. • Factory Rebate - will pay highest monthly Gas Bill • $50 Savings Bond • (398)97.7% & (397)83% efficient • Electric ignition • Built-in Damper • 20 year Warranty ••i m* HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING r 570 C Rock Rd East Dundee 428-6660 Leadine the Way in Hi-Efficient equipment GRAND PRIZE! A Fabulous trip for 2 8 Days/7 Nites in HAWAII PLUS EIGHT $100 WEEKLY PRIZES! EDITION ADDITION SWEEPSTAKES QUESTIONS: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 1. How many U.S> Representatives are there in the House? 2. What was the first McHenry County newspaper? 3. In what year was Elgin Community College founded? 4. What famous ski club makes its home in Fox River Grove? 5. What area city did Christopher Walkup help layout in 1840? 5 / ENTER WEEKLY! CONTEST RVUS Every publishing day Monday through Saturday, during the mppths of September and October, five questions will be published in an Edition Addition Sweepstakes Ad. Each Saturday the full week's questions will appear with all the answers printed in random order on an official Edition Addition Sweepstakes Entry Form. Entry forms are also available at all Northwest Herald offices. Answer all the questions and send them to Sweepstakes, Northwest Newspapers, P.O. Box 2S0, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014, or drop them off at your locaj Northwest Hejald office, The Crystal Lake Herald, 7803 Pyott Rd., Crystal Lake; Carclunai Free Press, 250 Williams Rd., Carpentersvillle; Daily Sentinel, 109 So. 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