'In the past, we've gotten more publicity ! largest fireworks factory explosion or JIM DANGAP!,psmobiI I {\QYQM Capital Investments in Tennessee '4 TON**#**!' •y> rtWwway iNK*UK) ;i»i CMtnWCapritiMii Be**** ......rvrvirtvct WHEELS rriday, September 6,1985 Section C Little Detroit' >ar plants put Tennesse Into orbit 1 Wffl liihmann feature writer SPRING HILL, Tenn. -- A new industrial revo- ition is quietly stirring in the humble serenity of Tennessee, where grassy hills roll across that is acquiring the unlikely nickname ittle Detroit." Once known for hillbilly music, teenage brides | and smooth whiskey, Tennessee is emerging as a located industrial heavyweight -- reeling in ?est industrial catches of the decade, st, the Nissan truck plant in I960, and, now, 15 billion state-of-the-art General Motors t Saturn factory. |> "In Tennessee politics, we have a saying, 'Get- the talk right,'" said two-term Republican i. Lamar Alexander. 'To my way of thinking, talk about Tennessee outside the state wasn't it eight or 10 years ago. I think we've done a the ^biggest bank failure or the youngest teenage wife marrying the oldest husband possible," Alexan- I der, 45, said during an interview in his capitol ^ Office in Nashville. "But all of that is quite * different from General Motors picking Tennessee the best place to put its Saturn plant just five after Nissan picked Tennessee as the best lace to put the largest Japanese investment in i United States. "Every state can give you a good chamber of lerce speech about why it's the best place, it all we have to Say is, 'Look where the world's company made America's biggest invest ment after the biggest study anybody can re- r.' That's a verdict, not a claim." Capital Investments for manufacturing growth 1964 topped the $1.3 billion mark and more 122,000 jobs were created by new and expand- ; businesses. federal Express, Holiday Inns, Hospital Corp. America and Nissan are only a few of the 100 that have corporate headquarters in the ite. American Airlines has announced plans for major air hub at Nashville, and Tennessee iped to 10th place this year on the respected tander Grant & Co. study, evaluating states Offering the best manufacturing climates in lerica. Hottest of all is lush Middle Tennessee -- the Nashville area -- where Nissan set up its pickup and small car plant in Smyrna and where iturn landed in Spring Hill in July after months : courting by hundreds of towns across the iation and an exhaustive search by GM. Coy 4 jr plant nearby. <$oy6trofficials say only that they are looking for a site for a TENNESSEE M «*** .V in txt tuK* (500 million assembly plant and will not make a formal announcement until November, but pub lished reports indicate Toyota has narrowed its choices to Lebanon, Tenn. -- just east of Nash ville -- and Kansas City, Kan. "The general feeling here is we've got a better shot now at Toyota than we did because of the Saturn thing," said Tony Spiva, professor of economics at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. "There's bouBftit* be a ripple effect. It's possible in another couple of years we could end up as a major automotive state." There are those who would say that time al ready has come. Middle Tennessee's rise has been fueled by a number of major factors, from convenience of location to a lack of strong unions: --Nashville, for instance, is within a day's drive of 76 percent of the U.S. population and is served by three interstate highways. Memphis sits 200 miles away with the nation's second largest inland port on the Mississippi River, and the new Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway con nects the Gulf of Mexico with the Tennessee River, which runs west of Nashville. --Tennessee is eager to tell manufacturers that its 5.9 percent union membership is lower than the national average, although the United Auto it Saturn employees. average. STATE-Page 3C LE AS E AN 0LDSM0BILE FOR LESS • or... choose T0R0NADO 3R0UGHHAM from 375.00 mo. FIRENZA 4 Dr. , f rom 205.85 mo. --. CALAIS COUPEIrom 213,75 mo. iosed End tease Air Condit ioned Plus Factoiy Equipment Ful l Ri fundable Deposi t And Fir -sf • Month s Rent Due On Del iver ice Jot tnnctit f m APR FINANCING ON SELECTED 1985* 0LDSM0BILES IN-STOCK! STOCK# YEAR MAKE/MODEL PRICE STOCK! YEAR MAKE/MODEL 10154 1M4 OMiaehle Cattail Cm 10120 ..1103 lakk, Rivera C#e....^ 10733 1003 Nimi,2Dr *•020 low.... maimwiCh U4oo '4008 '4000 2995 CM ..*0000 _ OMwoMiCitlmSdni *7499 1001S 1070.. BviekUOabri Cm *1999 22 J OWmuNUOOIUCM *10,000 10020 1070 ME300VII... *7000 J22 }J03 OMiniMtCattail Cm *7999 10090 1070......... OMiaiiMaCattaiCM *4000 }W50 1003 OMiaioMeTereMrfo *10,095 10009 1070 PeatlacCraaLeNaai *2999 }2K !2! OMtawMeCatlaiiSeiia *7499 10999 1979 OMtaeMe Delta 9efca *2999 S5I- }2J ^JlS!lR,C0|"" •"47WI 11171 -1070.... ....JMfWtpaMT *1405 J0J00 1002 OMtiRoWk 99 R«|. Sedaa MHl 10244 1070 FerilTDWagee *1405 JJJg }2J ......CfcwiWPIekHip >9005 10021 1070 Ckarlma Travel Tra9w *7999 J00I9 1002 Chevreltft Cavaler Sedan 4405 10725.... 1077 Bakk llviara Cm *2499 22 }2! iatekl»|alSe4ai , 3995 10901 1077 OMiaeMe Cattail SeJaa *1995 22 21 Chevnlet Corvette *13,999 10974 1977 OMmeMe Delta Cm W9 2J! 12! .....FHLTOCm *3495 10999 1979 0UiMMe99Re|Ma» *999 J0713 1990 Chevnlet CttatteaCpe *1999 10073 1079 tatlacOrartPrli *999 10772 -1090 ToyotaCedcaCpe... *4495 10070.... 1075.. 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