NORTHWEST HERALD SoctlonC Friday. September 6, IMS Pagt 5 Wheels tate , ployees will receive a instead of an wage, and pay will be tied to >erformance. There i be no time clocks in plant, but job secu- r provisions are only jmewhat less compre- [hensive than in Detroit. Says GM's Hall, 5're investing a hell lot in this thing. I maybe we're in- ig our future." Exactly how a $3.5 million automobile plant >ith 6,000 employees id a $200 million pay- could wind up in >ring Hill -- a pictur- sque town with two raffic lights and a pop- lation of 1,200 some 500 les south Detroit still the minds of )ring Hill residents. 'I just don't know low General Motors iven found Spring said Randy Loch- idge, a sixth-genera- ' )n farmer whose fam- ly owns more than 400 icres near the proposed "aturn plant site. "It's even on some maps, can't figure it. I guess on all the maps DW." Spring Hill is Cinder- la to Its larger neigh- )rs -- Columbia and •'ranklln -- that rou- ly paid it little at- ltion over the years. Basically a farming community, Spring Hill sould be Anytotfn, U.S.A. with its tree- lined streets, tidy frame rases and easy-going ice. Two police offi- srs keep the peace, id many folks have trouble recalling the last time a crime was committed. \ It is rich in Civil War history and President Barnes Polk's home still stands down the road in Columbia, the town own as "Mule Capital jf the World." Hunting and fishing in laury County -- the lo cals pronounce it "Mur ray" - llllimi I >r«""" -(Continued from Page SC) the world to live." Jenkins, who along with wife, Barbara, purchased and restored an old farmhouse in Spring Hill, says it' nice the value of his' land is skyrocketing but, "That's not why It moved here." "One thing that might Hayhes Haven planta tion, an 1,800-acre farm that is the centerpiece of the land where GM plans to build the Sat urn plant. GM execu tives promised the man sion and another antebellum home near by would be spared and restored. 0 Saturn has dominated be bad," says Teresa the talk at Spring Hill's Holt, who works at a )m quail "15 4>ass. | Perhaps the best- ;known Spring Hill land mark is the Southern- ;f.tyle mansion on only two restaurants, where townfolk gather to chew the fat, and the entire towh is caught up in a flurry of activity. "Welcome Saturn" signs sit outside Spring Hill businesses. "Saturn Has Landed" T-shirts and baseball caps be came the rage, and "For Sale" signs sprung up all over town. Land speculators and real estate agents swarmed Spring Hill, looking for a fast buck or an honest dollar. Douglas Pratt, of Mc- Arthur-Sanders Realty Co., in Franklin, said prime property in Spring Hill that sold for $1,000 an acre six months ago now fetches $10,000 &n acre. "I feel like land prices are going to level off before long," Pratt said. "But right now, the sky's the limit." The whole thing has stunned residents, who seem genuinely excited by Saturn. Unemploy ment in Maury County has: been high -- it soared above 20 percent several years ago -- and still hovers near 9 percent. "The GM people have been extremely nice," said Toby Smith, who works at Early's Honey Stand. "I think this is going to be very good for the town." A few still haven't overcome the shock. "It's really ironic," said author Peter Jen kins, who wrote "Walk Across America" and 'The Walk West" be- Ja Spring several years ago. "I walked across Amer ica, visited foreign lands, and -- for a lot of reasons -- chose Spring Hill as the best place in shop in Spring Hill, "is that a lot of people moved here to live in the country. Five years from now, this isn't go ing to be country any more." GM officials vow to have as little impact as possible on Spring Hill and its surrounding countryside. "Spring Hill is a love ly part of the world, and we're not going to rape STATE -- Page 9C 1 9 8 5 yiA C UP1 photo Morris Hayes stands in front of years ago, and is now interested the General Motors plant in De* in returing south as GM hires troit where he works. He came Aflto workers for its new Saturn to Detroit from Kentucky 18 plant in Tennessee. "THE ORIGINAL MONSTER TRUCK™ See the Leqendary BI6F00T in ACTION! 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